28 resultados para Dna Variation
Dissertation to obtain a Master degree in Biotechnology
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Física
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Sistemas de Bioengenharia
Trabalho de Projecto realizado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Comunicação – Cinema e Televisão
Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Systems Biology
Dissertation for a degree in Doctor in Sustainable Chemistry
Em 2008, foram estimados no mundo, cerca de 12.7 milhões de novos casos de cancro e 7,6 milhões de mortes por cancro, sendo que 56% dos casos e 64% das mortes ocorreram nos países em desenvolvimento. Estes números indicam que é necessário se encontrar novos meios de combater este flagelo. Uma das possibilidades é encontrar moléculas intercalantes do ácido desoxirribonucleico (DNA) que se degradem na presença de radiação ou partículas carregadas de baixa energia que criem condições de induzir lesões no DNA, inibidoras da replicação e que portanto contribuam para a não proliferação de células cancerígenas. Assim, nesta dissertação analisou-se a influência do agente intercalante 2,2'-Bipyridyl do DNA em presença de radiação UV, 254 nm, na degradação do DNA. Os danos criados no DNA foram analisados pelas técnicas de espectroscopia de ultravioleta-visível e de infravermelho. Os resultados obtidos permitiram inferir que a cinética de degradação do DNA é mais eficiente na presença do composto 2,2'-Bipyridyl e que o ataque pelos produtos da decomposição do 2,2'-Bipyridyl é feito a todas as bases, embora com constantes características diferentes, sendo a ataque à guanina com uma constante de tempo maior. Estes resultados permitem concluir que este composto pode ser um possível candidato a indutor de lesões no DNA.
Due to the importance and wide applications of the DNA analysis, there is a need to make genetic analysis more available and more affordable. As such, the aim of this PhD thesis is to optimize a colorimetric DNA biosensor based on gold nanoprobes developed in CEMOP by reducing its price and the needed volume of solution without compromising the device sensitivity and reliability, towards the point of care use. Firstly, the price of the biosensor was decreased by replacing the silicon photodetector by a low cost, solution processed TiO2 photodetector. To further reduce the photodetector price, a novel fabrication method was developed: a cost-effective inkjet printing technology that enabled to increase TiO2 surface area. Secondly, the DNA biosensor was optimized by means of microfluidics that offer advantages of miniaturization, much lower sample/reagents consumption, enhanced system performance and functionality by integrating different components. In the developed microfluidic platform, the optical path length was extended by detecting along the channel and the light was transmitted by optical fibres enabling to guide the light very close to the analysed solution. Microfluidic chip of high aspect ratio (~13), smooth and nearly vertical sidewalls was fabricated in PDMS using a SU-8 mould for patterning. The platform coupled to the gold nanoprobe assay enabled detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis using 3 8l on DNA solution, i.e. 20 times less than in the previous state-of-the-art. Subsequently, the bio-microfluidic platform was optimized in terms of cost, electrical signal processing and sensitivity to colour variation, yielding 160% improvement of colorimetric AuNPs analysis. Planar microlenses were incorporated to converge light into the sample and then to the output fibre core increasing 6 times the signal-to-losses ratio. The optimized platform enabled detection of single nucleotide polymorphism related with obesity risk (FTO) using target DNA concentration below the limit of detection of the conventionally used microplate reader (i.e. 15 ng/μl) with 10 times lower solution volume (3 μl). The combination of the unique optical properties of gold nanoprobes with microfluidic platform resulted in sensitive and accurate sensor for single nucleotide polymorphism detection operating using small volumes of solutions and without the need for substrate functionalization or sophisticated instrumentation. Simultaneously, to enable on chip reagents mixing, a PDMS micromixer was developed and optimized for the highest efficiency, low pressure drop and short mixing length. The optimized device shows 80% of mixing efficiency at Re = 0.1 in 2.5 mm long mixer with the pressure drop of 6 Pa, satisfying requirements for the application in the microfluidic platform for DNA analysis.
Parte do trabalho efetuado durante este projeto de dissertação foi publicado na revista Chemico-Biological Interactions. E apresentado no “50th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology 7th - 10th September 2014 Edinburgh International Conference Centre, Edinburgh, Scotland” em forma de poster.
The main objective of this thesis was the development of a gold nanoparticle-based methodology for detection of DNA adducts as biomarkers, to try and overcome existing drawbacks in currently employed techniques. For this objective to be achieved, the experimental work was divided in three components: sample preparation, method of detection and development of a model for exposure to acrylamide. Different techniques were employed and combined for de-complexation and purification of DNA samples (including ultrasonic energy, nuclease digestion and chromatography), resulting in a complete protocol for sample treatment, prior to detection. The detection of alkylated nucleotides using gold nanoparticles was performed by two distinct methodologies: mass spectrometry and colorimetric detection. In mass spectrometry, gold nanoparticles were employed for laser desorption/ionisation instead of the organic matrix. Identification of nucleotides was possible by fingerprint, however no specific mass signals were denoted when using gold nanoparticles to analyse biological samples. An alternate method using the colorimetric properties of gold nanoparticles was employed for detection. This method inspired in the non-cross-linking assay allowed the identification of glycidamide-guanine adducts and DNA adducts generated in vitro. For the development of a model of exposure, two different aquatic organisms were studies: a goldfish and a mussel. Organisms were exposed to waterborne acrylamide, after which mortality was recorded and effect concentrations were estimated. In goldfish, both genotoxicity and metabolic alterations were assessed and revealed dose-effect relationships of acrylamide. Histopathological alterations were verified primarily in pancreatic cells, but also in hepatocytes. Mussels showed higher effect concentrations than goldfish. Biomarkers of oxidative stress, biotransformation and neurotoxicity were analysed after prolonged exposure, showing mild oxidative stress in mussel cells, and induction of enzymes involved in detoxification of oxygen radicals. A qualitative histopathological screening revealed gonadotoxicity in female mussels, which may present some risk to population equilibrium.
Grapevine (Vitis vinifera) is one of most agro-economically important fruit crops worldwide, with a special relevance in Portugal where over 300 varieties are used for wine production. Due to global warming, temperature stress is currently a serious issue affecting crop production especially in temperate climates. Mobile genetic elements such as retrotransposons have been shown to be involved in environmental stress induced genetic and epigenetic modifications. In this study, sequences related to Grapevine Retrotransposon 1 (Gret1) were utilized to determine heat induced genomic and transcriptomic modifications in Touriga Nacional, a traditional Portuguese grapevine variety. For this purpose, growing canes were treated to 42 oC for four hours and leaf genomic DNA and RNA was utilized for various techniques to observe possible genomic alterations and variation in transcription levels of coding and non-coding sequences between non-treated plants and treated plants immediately after heat stress (HS-0 h) or after a 24 hour recovery period (HS-24 h). Heat stress was found to induce a significant decrease in Gret1 related sequences in HS-24 h leaves, indicating an effect of heat stress on genomic structure. In order to identify putative heat induced DNA modifications, genome wide approaches such as Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism were utilized. This resulted in the identification of a polymorphic DNA fragment in HS-0 h and HS-24 h leaves whose sequence mapped to a genomic region flanking a house keeping gene (NADH) that is represented in multiple copies in the Vitis vinifera genome. Heat stress was also found to affect the transcript levels of various non-coding and gene coding sequences. Accordingly, quantitative real time PCR results established that Gret1 related sequences are up regulated immediately after heat stress whereas the level of transcript of genes involved in identification and repair of double strand breaks are significantly down regulated in HS-0 h plants. Taken together, the results of this work demonstrated heat stress affects both genomic integrity and transcription levels.
Emigration has been a very present word in Portugal. Due to the effects of the Economic Crisis and the Memorandum of Understanding policies, we have witnessed a significant yearly migration outflow of people searching for better conditions. This study aims to measure the factors affecting this flow as well as how much the probability of emigrating has evolved during the years bridging 2006 to 2012. I shall consider the decision of emigrating as Discrete Choice Random Utility maximization use a conditional Logit framework to model the probability choice for 31 OECD countries of destination. Moreover I will ascertain the compensating variation required such that the probability of choice in 2012 is adjusted back to 2007 values, keeping all other variables constant. I replicate this exercise using the unemployment rate instead of income. The most likely country of destination is Luxembourg throughout the years analyzed and the values obtained for the CV is of circa 1.700€ in terms of Income per capita and -11% in terms of the unemployment rate adjustment.
Até ao final dos anos 40, o DNA não era reconhecido como portador da informação genética. Era uma molécula demasiado simples, difícil de isolar e incompatível com os métodos de análise da química orgânica e da biologia. Quando alguns cientistas começam a acreditar na importância do DNA, percebem que são incapazes, tecnicamente, de determinar a sua estrutura. É nesse espírito que James Watson vai para a Europa e, na primavera de 1951, ao assistir à conferência de Maurice Wilkins, da King’s College, onde vê uma fotografia do padrão de difração de raios X, percebe que será esta a técnica chave para a determinação da estrutura do DNA e, subsequentemente, dos segredos da vida. É este o início de uma das possíveis narrativas sobre uma das principais descobertas científicas do séc. XX que muitas vezes se reduz a: “A dupla hélice do DNA foi descoberta em 1953 por Watson e Crick”. Esta dissertação propõe-se a demonstrar que, apesar de em termos estritos, se tratar de uma afirmação verdadeira, não é suficiente para garantir uma experiência pedagógica significativa, nem fazer jus ao que é o funcionamento da ciência, com todas as implicações humanas, contextuais, éticas, consequências e impacto.