30 resultados para Welded joints

em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal


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Joining of components with structural adhesives is currently one of the most widespread techniques for advanced structures (e.g., aerospace or aeronautical). Adhesive bonding does not involve drilling operations and it distributes the load over a larger area than mechanical joints. However, peak stresses tend to develop near the overlap edges because of differential straining of the adherends and load asymmetry. As a result, premature failures can be expected, especially for brittle adhesives. Moreover, bonded joints are very sensitive to the surface treatment of the material, service temperature, humidity and ageing. To surpass these limitations, the combination of adhesive bonding with spot-welding is a choice to be considered, adding a few advantages like superior static strength and stiffness, higher peeling and fatigue strength and easier fabrication, as fixtures during the adhesive curing are not needed. The experimental and numerical study presented here evaluates hybrid spot-welded/bonded single-lap joints in comparison with the purely spot-welded and bonded equivalents. A parametric study on the overlap length (LO) allowed achieving different strength advantages, up to 58% compared to spot-welded joints and 24% over bonded joints. The Finite Element Method (FEM) and Cohesive Zone Models (CZM) for damage growth were also tested in Abaqus® to evaluate this technique for strength prediction, showing accurate estimations for all kinds of joints.


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Qualquer estrutura hoje em dia deve ser resistente, robusta e leve, o que aumentou o interesse industrial e investigação nas ligações adesivas, nomeadamente pela melhoria das propriedades de resistência e fratura dos materiais. Com esta técnica de união, o projeto de estruturas pode ser orientado para estruturas mais leves, não só em relação à economia direta de peso relativamente às juntas aparafusas ou soldadas, mas também por causa da flexibilidade para ligar materiais diferentes. Em qualquer área da indústria, a aplicação em larga escala de uma determinada técnica de ligação supõe que estão disponíveis ferramentas confiáveis para o projeto e previsão da rotura. Neste âmbito, Modelos de Dano Coesivo (MDC) são uma ferramenta essencial, embora seja necessário estimar as leis MDC do adesivo à tração e corte para entrada nos modelos numéricos. Este trabalho avalia o valor da tenacidade ao corte (GIIC) de juntas coladas para três adesivos com ductilidade distinta. O trabalho experimental consiste na caracterização à fratura ao corte da ligação adesiva por métodos convencionais e pelo Integral-J. Além disso, pelo integral-J, é possível definir a forma exata da lei coesiva. Para o integral-J, é utilizado um método de correlação de imagem digital anteriormente desenvolvido para a avaliação do deslocamento ao corte do adesivo na extremidade da fenda (δs) durante o ensaio, acoplado a uma sub-rotina em Matlab® para a extração automática de δs. É também apresentado um trabalho numérico para avaliar a adequabilidade de leis coesivas triangulares aproximadas em reproduzir as curvas força-deslocamento (P-δ) experimentais dos ensaios ENF. Também se apresenta uma análise de sensibilidade para compreender a influência dos parâmetros coesivos nas previsões numéricas. Como resultado deste trabalho, foram estimadas experimentalmente as leis coesivas de cada adesivo pelo método direto, e numericamente validadas, para posterior previsão de resistência em juntas adesivas. Em conjunto com a caraterização à tração destes adesivos, é possível a previsão da rotura em modo-misto.


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A necessidade de utilizar métodos de ligação que melhor satisfaçam as necessidades de projeto tem causado a crescente utilização das juntas adesivas, em detrimento dos métodos tradicionais tais como a soldadura, ligações aparafusadas e rebitadas. A sua utilização em diversas aplicações industriais justifica-se pela redução de peso, redução de concentrações de tensões, isolamento acústico e melhor resistência à corrosão. Contudo, também apresentam desvantagens, como a necessidade de preparação das juntas, a fraca resistência a esforços de arrancamento e a complexidade da previsão da sua resistência. As juntas híbridas são obtidas por combinação de uma técnica tradicional com uma ligação adesiva. As juntas híbridas adesivas-soldadas obtêm-se através da combinação da ligação adesiva com a ligação soldada, sendo a soldadura de resistência por pontos a técnica de soldadura mais usada no fabrico deste tipo de juntas. A sinergia entre ligação adesiva e soldadura por pontos oferece vantagens competitivas em relação às ligações adesivas, tais como superior resistência e rigidez, e maior resistência ao arrancamento e à fadiga. No presente trabalho é apresentado um estudo experimental e numérico de juntas T-peel soldadas, adesivas e híbridas (adesivas-soldadas) solicitadas ao arrancamento. Considerouse o adesivo frágil Araldite® AV138 e os adesivos dúcteis Araldite® 2015 e Sikaforce® 7752 e aderentes de aço (C45E). Foi realizada uma análise dos valores experimentais e efetuada uma comparação destes valores com os resultados obtidos pelo Método de Elementos Finitos (MEF) no software ABAQUS®, que incluiu uma análise de tensões na camada de adesivo e previsão do comportamento das juntas por MDC. Observou-se que, dos três adesivos em estudo, o adesivo Sikaforce® 7752 é o que apresenta o melhor desempenho na ligação de juntas T-peel. A boa concordância entre os resultados experimentais e numéricos permitiu validar a utilização de MDC para previsão da resistência de juntas T-peel adesivas e híbridas. Assim, o presente trabalho representa uma base para posterior aplicação no projeto deste tipo de ligação, com as vantagens decorrentes na redução do tempo de projeto e maior facilidade de otimização.


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Adhesive bonding has become more efficient in the last few decades due to the adhesives developments, granting higher strength and ductility. On the other hand, natural fibre composites have recently gained interest due to the low cost and density. It is therefore essential to predict the fracture behavior of joints between these materials, to assess the feasibility of joining or repairing with adhesives. In this work, the tensile fracture toughness (Gc n) of adhesive joints between natural fibre composites is studied, by bonding with a ductile adhesive and co-curing. Conventional methods to obtain Gc n are used for the co-cured specimens, while for the adhesive within the bonded joint, the J-integral is considered. For the J-integral calculation, an optical measurement method is developed for the evaluation of the crack tip opening and adherends rotation at the crack tip during the test, supported by a Matlab sub-routine for the automated extraction of these quantities. As output of this work, an optical method that allows an easier and quicker extraction of the parameters to obtain Gc n than the available methods is proposed (by the J-integral technique), and the fracture behaviour in tension of bonded and co-cured joints in jute-reinforced natural fibre composites is also provided for the subsequent strength prediction. Additionally, for the adhesively- bonded joints, the tensile cohesive law of the adhesive is derived by the direct method.


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Adhesively-bonded joints are extensively used in several fields of engineering. Cohesive Zone Models (CZM) have been used for the strength prediction of adhesive joints, as an add-in to Finite Element (FE) analyses that allows simulation of damage growth, by consideration of energetic principles. A useful feature of CZM is that different shapes can be developed for the cohesive laws, depending on the nature of the material or interface to be simulated, allowing an accurate strength prediction. This work studies the influence of the CZM shape (triangular, exponential or trapezoidal) used to model a thin adhesive layer in single-lap adhesive joints, for an estimation of its influence on the strength prediction under different material conditions. By performing this study, guidelines are provided on the possibility to use a CZM shape that may not be the most suited for a particular adhesive, but that may be more straightforward to use/implement and have less convergence problems (e.g. triangular shaped CZM), thus attaining the solution faster. The overall results showed that joints bonded with ductile adhesives are highly influenced by the CZM shape, and that the trapezoidal shape fits best the experimental data. Moreover, the smaller is the overlap length (LO), the greater is the influence of the CZM shape. On the other hand, the influence of the CZM shape can be neglected when using brittle adhesives, without compromising too much the accuracy of the strength predictions.


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A simple procedure to measure the cohesive laws of bonded joints under mode I loading using the double cantilever beam test is proposed. The method only requires recording the applied load–displacement data and measuring the crack opening displacement at its tip in the course of the experimental test. The strain energy release rate is obtained by a procedure involving the Timoshenko beam theory, the specimen’s compliance and the crack equivalent concept. Following the proposed approach the influence of the fracture process zone is taken into account which is fundamental for an accurate estimation of the failure process details. The cohesive law is obtained by differentiation of the strain energy release rate as a function of the crack opening displacement. The model was validated numerically considering three representative cohesive laws. Numerical simulations using finite element analysis including cohesive zone modeling were performed. The good agreement between the inputted and resulting laws for all the cases considered validates the model. An experimental confirmation was also performed by comparing the numerical and experimental load–displacement curves. The numerical load–displacement curves were obtained by adjusting typical cohesive laws to the ones measured experimentally following the proposed approach and using finite element analysis including cohesive zone modeling. Once again, good agreement was obtained in the comparisons thus demonstrating the good performance of the proposed methodology.


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Adhesive bonding of components has become more efficient in recent years due to the developments in adhesive technology, which has resulted in higher peel and shear strengths, and also in allowable ductility up to failure. As a result, fastening and riveting methods are being progressively replaced by adhesive bonding, allowing a big step towards stronger and lighter unions. However, single-lap bonded joints still generate substantial peel and shear stress concentrations at the overlap edges that can be harmful to the structure, especially when using brittle adhesives that do not allow plasticization in these regions. In this work, a numerical and experimental study is performed to evaluate the feasibility of bending the adherends at the ends of the overlap for the strength improvement of single-lap aluminium joints bonded with a brittle and a ductile adhesive. Different combinations of joint eccentricity were tested, including absence of eccentricity, allowing the optimization of the joint. A Finite Element stress and failure analysis in ABAQUS® was also carried out to provide a better understanding of the bent configuration. Results showed a major advantage of using the proposed modification for the brittle adhesive, but the joints with the ductile adhesive were not much affected by the bending technique.


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The structural integrity of multi-component structures is usually determined by the strength and durability of their unions. Adhesive bonding is often chosen over welding, riveting and bolting, due to the reduction of stress concentrations, reduced weight penalty and easy manufacturing, amongst other issues. In the past decades, the Finite Element Method (FEM) has been used for the simulation and strength prediction of bonded structures, by strength of materials or fracture mechanics-based criteria. Cohesive-zone models (CZMs) have already proved to be an effective tool in modelling damage growth, surpassing a few limitations of the aforementioned techniques. Despite this fact, they still suffer from the restriction of damage growth only at predefined growth paths. The eXtended Finite Element Method (XFEM) is a recent improvement of the FEM, developed to allow the growth of discontinuities within bulk solids along an arbitrary path, by enriching degrees of freedom with special displacement functions, thus overcoming the main restriction of CZMs. These two techniques were tested to simulate adhesively bonded single- and double-lap joints. The comparative evaluation of the two methods showed their capabilities and/or limitations for this specific purpose.


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Bonded unions are gaining importance in many fields of manufacturing owing to a significant number of advantages to the traditional fastening, riveting, bolting and welding techniques. Between the available bonding configurations, the single-lap joint is the most commonly used and studied by the scientific community due to its simplicity, although it endures significant bending due to the non-collinear load path, which negatively affects its load bearing capabilities. The use of material or geometric changes in single-lap joints is widely documented in the literature to reduce this handicap, acting by reduction of peel and shear peak stresses at the damage initiation sites in structures or alterations of the failure mechanism emerging from local modifications. In this work, the effect of hole drilling at the overlap on the strength of single-lap joints was analyzed experimentally with two main purposes: (1) to check whether or not the anchorage effect of the adhesive within the holes is more preponderant than the stress concentrations near the holes, arising from the sharp edges, and modification of the joints straining behaviour (strength improvement or reduction, respectively) and (2) picturing a real scenario on which the components to be bonded are modified by some external factor (e.g. retrofitting of decaying/old-fashioned fastened unions). Tests were made with two adhesives (a brittle and a ductile one) varying the adherend thickness and the number, layout and diameter of the holes. Experimental testing showed that the joints strength never increases from the un-modified condition, showing a varying degree of weakening, depending on the selected adhesive and hole drilling configuration.


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In this study, the tensile strength of single-lap joints (SLJs) between similar and dissimilar adherends bonded with an acrylic adhesive was evaluated experimentally and numerically. The adherend materials included polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), carbon-epoxy (CFRP), and glass-polyester (GFRP) composites. The following adherend combinations were tested: PE/PE, PE/PP, PE/CFRP, PE/GFRP, PP/PP, CFRP/CFRP, and GFRP/GFRP. One of the objectives of this work was to assess the influence of the adherends stiffness on the strength of the joints since it significantly affects the peel stresses magnitude in the adhesive layer. The experimental results were also used to validate a new mixed-mode cohesive damage model developed to simulate the adhesive layer. Thus, the experimental results were compared with numerical simulations performed in ABAQUS®, including a developed mixed-mode (I+II) cohesive damage model, based on the indirect use of fracture mechanics and implemented within interface finite elements. The cohesive laws present a trapezoidal shape with an increasing stress plateau, to reproduce the behaviour of the ductile adhesive used. A good agreement was found between the experimental and numerical results.


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An experimental and numerical investigation into the shear strength behaviour of adhesive single lap joints (SLJs) was carried out in order to understand the effect of temperature on the joint strength. The adherend material used for the experimental tests was an aluminium alloy in the form of thin sheets, and the adhesive used was a high-strength high temperature epoxy. Tensile tests as a function of temperature were performed and numerical predictions based on the use of a bilinear cohesive damage model were obtained. It is shown that at temperatures below Tg, the lap shear strength of SLJs increased, while at temperatures above Tg, a drastic drop in the lap shear strength was observed. Comparison between the experimental and numerical maximum loads representing the strength of the joints shows a reasonably good agreement.


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Nos dias de hoje, a ligação adesiva de estruturas complexas que não poderiam ou não seriam tão fáceis de ser fabricadas numa só peça é cada vez mais usual. As juntas adesivas têm vindo a substituir muitos outros métodos de ligação, como por exemplo ligações aparafusadas, rebitas ou soldadas, devido às vantagens de facilidade na sua fabricação, resistência superior e capacidade de unir materiais diferentes. Por esta razão as juntas adesivas têm vindo a ser aplicadas cada vez mais em várias industrias como aeroespacial, aeronáutica, automóvel, naval e calçado. O tipo de adesivo a usar em determinada aplicação é principalmente escolhido consoante as suas características mecânicas e o tipo de resposta pretendida às solicitações impostas. Como exemplo de adesivo resistente e frágil existe o Araldite® AV138. Por outro lado, o adesivo Araldite® 2015 é menos resistente, mas apresenta maior ductilidade e flexibilidade. Além dos adesivos Araldite® comerciais, existem adesivos de poliuretano que combinam características de elevada resistência com características de grande ductilidade e flexibilidade, como por exemplo o Sikaforce® 7752. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo estudar experimentalmente e numericamente, através de modelos de dano coesivo (MDC), o comportamento de diferentes configurações de junta em T quando sujeitas a solicitações de arrancamento. Consideram-se os adesivos anteriormente mencionados para testar as juntas sob diferentes tipos de adesivos. A junta em T é constituída por 2 aderentes em L de alumínio e um aderente base também em alumínio, unidos por uma camada de adesivo. Experimentalmente é feito um estudo da resistência da junta com a variação da espessura dos aderentes em L (tP2). Com a análise numérica são estudadas as distribuições de tensões, evolução do dano, modos de rotura e resistência. Além disso, realizou-se um estudo numérico da existência ou não de adesivo de preenchimento na zona da curvatura dos aderentes em L nas tensões e na resistência da junta. Mostrouse que a variação da geometria nos aderentes em L, a presença de adesivo de preenchimento e o tipo de adesivo têm uma influência direta na resistência de junta. Os ensaios experimentais validaram os resultados numéricos e permitiram concluir que os MDC são uma técnica precisa para o estudo das geometrias das juntas em T.


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Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Auditoria Orientada pelo Dr. José da Silva Fernandes


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Introdução: O controlo postural (CP), intimamente ligado aos limites de estabilidade, é fundamental nas atividades da vida diária e encontra-se comprometido após Acidente Vascular Encefálico (AVE). Objectivo: Descrever as alterações nos limites de estabilidade, na posição ortostática, em utentes com AVE, face à aplicação de um programa de intervenção baseado num processo de raciocínio clínico. Métodos: Estudo de série de casos, de três indivíduos com alterações do CP do tronco e/ou das grandes articulações, decorrentes de AVE, mas capazes de assumir e manter a posição ortostática. Para avaliar os limites de estabilidade foram utilizados a plataforma de pressões Emed (coordenadas do centro de pressão, COPx e COPy) e o MultidirectionalReachTest (MDRT). Foram também aplicadas, a Fugl-Meyer Assessmentof Sensoriomotor Recovery After Stroke (FMA) e a Berg Balance Scale (BBS). Os instrumentos de avaliação foram aplicados antes e após a intervenção (M0 e M1), de 8 semanas, baseada nos princípios do conceito de Bobath. Resultados: Os valores dos testes de alcance no MDRT aumentaram em todos os utentes. Os limites e os deslocamentos médio-lateral (COPx) e, ântero-posterior (COPy) dos valores do CPr aumentaram, entre M0 e M1. No que se refere à FMA e a BBS, verificou-se que todos apresentaram um aumento dos scores. Conclusão: Os utentes modificaram os seus limites de estabilidade no sentido do aumento, assim como, da função motora e do equilíbrio. Deste modo, a intervenção de acordo com os princípios do conceito de Bobath aparenta introduzir os estímulos necessários à reorganização funcional do sistema nervoso central lesado.


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Component joining is typically performed by welding, fastening, or adhesive-bonding. For bonded aerospace applications, adhesives must withstand high-temperatures (200°C or above, depending on the application), which implies their mechanical characterization under identical conditions. The extended finite element method (XFEM) is an enhancement of the finite element method (FEM) that can be used for the strength prediction of bonded structures. This work proposes and validates damage laws for a thin layer of an epoxy adhesive at room temperature (RT), 100, 150, and 200°C using the XFEM. The fracture toughness (G Ic ) and maximum load ( ); in pure tensile loading were defined by testing double-cantilever beam (DCB) and bulk tensile specimens, respectively, which permitted building the damage laws for each temperature. The bulk test results revealed that decreased gradually with the temperature. On the other hand, the value of G Ic of the adhesive, extracted from the DCB data, was shown to be relatively insensitive to temperature up to the glass transition temperature (T g ), while above T g (at 200°C) a great reduction took place. The output of the DCB numerical simulations for the various temperatures showed a good agreement with the experimental results, which validated the obtained data for strength prediction of bonded joints in tension. By the obtained results, the XFEM proved to be an alternative for the accurate strength prediction of bonded structures.