21 resultados para Marc, Ausiàs, ca. 1397-1459 -- Crítica textual
em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
Grounded on Raymond Williams‘s definition of knowable community as a cultural tool to analyse literary texts, the essay reads the texts D.H.Lawrence wrote while travelling in the Mediterranean (Twilight in Italy, Sea and Sardinia and Etruscan Places) as knowable communities, bringing to the discussion the wide importance of literature not only as an object for aesthetic or textual readings, but also as a signifying practice which tells stories of culture. Departing from some considerations regarding the historical development of the relationship between literature and culture, the essay analyses the ways D. H. Lawrence constructed maps of meaning, where the readers, in a dynamic relation with the texts, apprehend experiences, structures and feelings; putting into perspective Williams‘s theory of culture as a whole way of life, it also analyses the ways the author communicates and organizes these experiences, creating a space of communication and operating at different levels of reality: on the one hand, the reality of the whole way of Italian life, and, on the other hand, the reality of the reader who aspires to make sense and to create an interpretative context where all the information is put, and, also, the reality of the writer in the poetic act of writing. To read these travel writings as knowable communities is to understand them as a form that invents a community with no other existence but that of the literary text. The cultural construction we find in these texts is the result of the selection, and interpretation done by D.H.Lawrence, as well as the product of the author‘s enunciative positions, and of his epistemological and ontological filigrees of existence, structured by the conditions of possibility. In the rearticulation of the text, of the writer and of the reader, in a dynamic and shared process of discursive alliances, we understand that Lawrence tells stories of the Mediterranean through his literary art.
Orientadora: Mestre Maria Helena Guimarães
Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade para a obtenção do Grau deMestre em Auditoria Orientada por Alcina Augusta de Sena Portugal Dias
Jornadas de Contabilidade e Fiscalidade promovidas pelo Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto, em Abril de 2009
Este trabalho revê e discute de forma crítica a literatura sobre as motivações dos voluntários para doarem o seu tempo às ONG’s. Quanto melhor uma organização conhecer os voluntários, mais essa organização poderá ir de encontro às necessidades e expectativas desses mesmos indivíduos. Por isso, compreender as motivações que podem levar um indivíduo a doar o seu tempo a uma determinada organização e a manter-se nessa mesma organização é matéria relevante na gestão das ONG’s. Primeiro, o artigo mostra e compara os diferentes tipos de motivações associadas ao trabalho voluntário. Depois, apresenta-se uma tipologia que agrupa os determinantes das motivações dos voluntários em cinco grupos: o altruísmo, a socialização, o interesse pessoal, a carreira profissional e a aprendizagem e, por fim, a comunidade. Por fim, efectua-se uma análise que aponta três lacunas na literatura das motivações dos voluntários que justificam investigação adicional: (i) a omissão de diferenças entre as motivações relacionadas com a “Atracção” versus a “Retenção” dos voluntários; (ii) a focalização das investigações no contexto norte-americano e australiano; e (iii) a ausência de análises comparativas que relacionem as motivações por tipos de ONG’s.
In Invisible Cities (1972), Italo Calvino contrasts a rigid outline structure with a flexible textual content. The tension comprised by the numerical structure proposed in the table of contents stands out against the set of polissemic texts which make up the subject matter of the book. The opposition between form and content point to a fruitful dichotomy in the conception of the novel linked to the theories of the open and closed work. This essay will investigate the structural construction of Invisible Cities by looking at its table of contents, seeking to discuss some models of formalistic representation proposed by the criticism and the specific contribution they may, or may not, provide. The objective is to analyse the pertinence of such theories in the light of historical and cultural approaches. Aiming to uncover possible meanings which arise from the debate, this essay will question to what extent structural complexities can be considered literary if they are not ultimately related to the culture in which a text is found.
Flavoured versus natural waters: macromineral (Ca, Mg, K, Na) and micromineral (Fe, Cu, Zn) contents
Macro (Ca, Mg, K, Na) and micromineral (Fe, Zn, Cu) composition of 39 waters was analysed. Determinations were made by atomic flame spectrophotometry for macrominerals and electrothermic atomisation in graphite furnace for microminerals. Mineral contents of still or sparkling natural waters (without flavours) changed from brand to brand. Mann–Whitney test was used to search for significant differences between flavoured and natural waters. For that, the concentration of each mineral was compared to the presence of flavours, preservatives, acidifying agents, fruit juice and/or sweeteners, according to the labelled composition. The statistical study demonstrated that flavoured waters generally have increased contents of K, Na, Fe and Cu. The added preservatives also led to significant differences in the mineral composition. Acidifying agents and fruit juice can also be correlated to the increase of Mg, K, Na, Fe and Cu. Sweeteners do not provide any significant difference in Ca, Mg, Fe and Zn contents.
Neste trabalho, analisamos um dos elementos da chamada e-democracia: o e-governo que desempenha um peso crescente nos discursos e nas justificaões de modernização do governo e na reformulação da noção de cidadania. O e-governo é geralmente considerado como uma extensão da e-democracia, outro conceito ambíguo, e ambos merecem uma análise sociológica apurada, é o nosso intuito dar um contributo ainda que modesto neste sentido. Depois de uma breve discussão das noções de democracia, e-democracia, Estado e cidadania e das opções metodológicas, na primeira parte, passaremos, na secção seguinte a uma primeira análise crítica da noção de e-governo, sobretudo no que toca a um elemento central: a distinção entre cidadania e serviço público transferível pura e simplesmente para o mercado ou, ainda, em moldes flexíveis e híbridos mas essencialmente através do mercado. Baseamos esta distinção numa investigação sobre dois projectos que tratam da questão da e-democracia e dos serviços públicos (e do e-governo) em que se destacam os problemas da cidadania e da crise do sistema político representativo. O problema do e-governo, tal como do e-learning, é de negligenciar aspectos cruciais do funcionamento das democracias. Facilitar ou agilizar a prestação de serviços online, não basta para resolver os problemas da participação nas nossas democracias. O e-governo não pode ser confundido com uma mera prestação de serviço, seja ele público ou privado. Ele se insere num contexto sociopolítico mais vasto e que engloba os cidadãos. Esta é uma das nossas principais conclusões. O e-governo aparece cada vez mais como um mito e se assemelha a uma miragem que promete “montes e maravilhas” enquanto os problemas fundamentais não são tocados senão à margem.
Improving the IEEE 802.15.4 Slotted CSMA/CA MAC for time-critical events in wireless sensor networks
In beacon-enabled mode, IEEE 802.15.4 is ruled by the slotted CSMA/CA Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol. The standard slotted CSMA/CA mechanism does not provide any means of differentiated services to improve the quality of service for timecritical events (such as alarms, time slot reservation, PAN management messages etc.). In this paper, we present and discuss practical service differentiation mechanisms to improve the performance of slotted CSMA/CA for time-critical events, with only minor add-ons to the protocol. The contribution of our proposal is more practical than theoretical since our initial requirement is to leave the original algorithm of the slotted CSMA/CA unchanged, but rather tuning its parameters adequately according to the criticality of the messages. We present a simulation study based on an accurate model of the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC protocol, to evaluate the differentiated service strategies. Four scenarios with different settings of the slotted CSMA/CA parameters are defined. Each scenario is evaluated for FIFO and Priority Queuing. The impact of the hiddennode problem is also analyzed, and a solution to mitigate it is proposed.
In this paper, we analyze the performance limits of the slotted CSMA/CA mechanism of IEEE 802.15.4 in the beacon-enabled mode for broadcast transmissions in WSNs. The motivation for evaluating the beacon-enabled mode is due to its flexibility for WSN applications as compared to the non-beacon enabled mode. Our analysis is based on an accurate simulation model of the slotted CSMA/CA mechanism on top of a realistic physical layer, with respect to the IEEE 802.15.4 standard specification. The performance of the slotted CSMA/CA is evaluated and analyzed for different network settings to understand the impact of the protocol attributes (superframe order, beacon order and backoff exponent) on the network performance, namely in terms of throughput (S), average delay (D) and probability of success (Ps). We introduce the concept of utility (U) as a combination of two or more metrics, to determine the best offered load range for an optimal behavior of the network. We show that the optimal network performance using slotted CSMA/CA occurs in the range of 35% to 60% with respect to an utility function proportional to the network throughput (S) divided by the average delay (D).
The IEEE 802.15.4 has been adopted as a communication protocol standard for Low-Rate Wireless Private Area Networks (LRWPANs). While it appears as a promising candidate solution for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), its adequacy must be carefully evaluated. In this paper, we analyze the performance limits of the slotted CSMA/CA medium access control (MAC) mechanism in the beacon-enabled mode for broadcast transmissions in WSNs. The motivation for evaluating the beacon-enabled mode is due to its flexibility and potential for WSN applications as compared to the non-beacon enabled mode. Our analysis is based on an accurate simulation model of the slotted CSMA/CA mechanism on top of a realistic physical layer, with respect to the IEEE 802.15.4 standard specification. The performance of the slotted CSMA/CA is evaluated and analyzed for different network settings to understand the impact of the protocol attributes (superframe order, beacon order and backoff exponent), the number of nodes and the data frame size on the network performance, namely in terms of throughput (S), average delay (D) and probability of success (Ps). We also analytically evaluate the impact of the slotted CSMA/CA overheads on the saturation throughput. We introduce the concept of utility (U) as a combination of two or more metrics, to determine the best offered load range for an optimal behavior of the network. We show that the optimal network performance using slotted CSMA/CA occurs in the range of 35% to 60% with respect to an utility function proportional to the network throughput (S) divided by the average delay (D).
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Música - Interpretação Artística
Prémio para o Melhor Artigo da Revista “Qualidade” da APQ-Associação Portuguesa para a Qualidade, 9ª Edição – 2013, “Zulema Lopes Pereira”.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças, sob orientação de Doutora Deolinda Meira e Doutora Nina Aguiar