9 resultados para Informational

em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal


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Understanding the determinants of international performance, and in particular, export performance is key for the success of international companies. Research in this area focuses mainly on how resources and capabilities allow companies to gain competitive advantage and superior performance in external markets. Building on the Resource-Based View (RBV) and the Dynamic Capabilities Approach (DCA), this study aims at analysing the effect of intangible resources and capabilities on export performance. Specifically, this study focuses on the proposition that entrepreneurial orientation potentiates the attraction of intangible resources, namely relational and informational resources. Moreover, we propose that these resources impact export performance both directly and indirectly through dynamic capabilities.


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Following targeted advertising and product placement, TV and online media needs more personalised methods of engaging viewers by integrating advertising and informational messages into playout content, whether real-time broadcast or on-demand. Future advertising solutions need adaptivity to individuals or on-line groups to respond to the commercial requirements of clients and agencies.


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Personalised video can be achieved by inserting objects into a video play-out according to the viewer's profile. Content which has been authored and produced for general broadcast can take on additional commercial service features when personalised either for individual viewers or for groups of viewers participating in entertainment, training, gaming or informational activities. Although several scenarios and use-cases can be envisaged, we are focussed on the application of personalised product placement. Targeted advertising and product placement are currently garnering intense interest in the commercial networked media industries. Personalisation of product placement is a relevant and timely service for next generation online marketing and advertising and for many other revenue generating interactive services. This paper discusses the acquisition and insertion of media objects into a TV video play-out stream where the objects are determined by the profile of the viewer. The technology is based on MPEG-4 standards using object based video and MPEG-7 for metadata. No proprietary technology or protocol is proposed. To trade the objects into the video play-out, a Software-as-a-Service brokerage platform based on intelligent agent technology is adopted. Agencies, libraries and service providers are represented in a commercial negotiation to facilitate the contractual selection and usage of objects to be inserted into the video play-out.


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Relatrio de Estgio apresentado ao Instituto Politcnico do Porto para obteno do Grau de Mestre em Logstica Orientadores do Instituto: Professor Doutor Lus Barreto e Mestre Jonas Lima Orientador da empresa: Engenheiro Vtor Carvalho


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Neste artigo, apresentamos um estudo de caso centrado na anlise do comportamento informacional de uma amostra dos alunos frequentadores da rede municipal de bibliotecas escolares do concelho de Vila de Conde. Procurmos conhecer as competncias dos discentes para utilizarem as coleces e os recursos tecnolgicos disponveis no espao da biblioteca escolar, em particular as formas de pesquisa de informao ou de localizao e de uso dos documentos em livre acesso. Neste contexto, enfatiza-se o papel central da Cincia da Informao e dos seus profissionais na biblioteca escolar, em especial na transmisso de competncias de literacia da informao.


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O mbito deste trabalho o da preveno e mitigao do risco de uma carteira de crdito de um Banco de retalho, com uma quota significativa no mercado Portugus. A antecipao de potencial incumprimento crtica para a atuao atempada do Banco junto dos clientes. Pretendeu-se analisar o poder preditivo de uma base de informao exgena (a Central) que inclui as responsabilidades creditcias dos clientes do Banco no Sistema Financeiro Portugus. As principais fases deste trabalho consistiram na anlise e estruturao da informao da Central, de modo a integr-la com a do Banco, compreenso das condicionantes desta informao, nomeadamente o desfasamento temporal, e finalmente, no desenvolvimento de um modelo de scoring, compatvel com os sistemas e tecnologias do Banco, e de modo a alavancar o processo existente.


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A Declarao de Bolonha (1999) obrigou a mudanas vrias, reconfigurando os modelos formativos no espao europeu do ensino superior, at 2010. A partir de 2006, em Portugal, com a criao e adequao dos cursos superiores existentes ao modelo de Bolonha, verificou-se uma generalizada reduo da durao mdia dos diferentes ciclos de estudo e a definio de competncias gerais e especficas para os cursos e estudantes. Reflecte-se sobre a importncia da literacia da informao, conceito evolutivo e abrangente, que se pode traduzir, sumariamente, em saber quando e porqu se tem uma necessidade informacional, onde encontrar a informao, como avali-la, us-la e comunic-la de forma tica, incluindo as competncias tecnolgicas, definio que se inscreve na interdisciplinar Cincia da Informao e no comportamento informacional. Destaca-se a vantagem de uma formao para a literacia da informao no ensino superior, a qual contribuir, certamente, para dotar os estudantes das referidas competncias e melhor-las. Defende-se a necessidade de uma desejvel inter-aco entre mltiplos agentes educativos, com destaque para a trilogia estudantes, bibliotecrios e professores, sendo os primeiros encarados como protagonistas activos das suas aprendizagens e devendo ser dotados de competncias de literacia da informao, factor determinante para o seu sucesso. Quanto ao Bibliotecrio, dotado de novas competncias, entre as quais as tecnolgicas, deve ser um facilitador do processo de formao para a literacia - preferencialmente integrada num projecto pedaggico e no currculo - articulando a sua aco educativa com estudantes e docentes. Corroborando a extenso educativa das Bibliotecas e aliando-a ao uso inevitvel das novas tecnologias da informao e comunicao, sublinha-se o papel das Bibliotecas Digitais, que podem corresponder eficientemente aos anseios dos utilizadores no acesso a uma informao de qualidade, de forma cmoda, rpida, a baixo custo, com personalizao dos servios online, com inter-aco e socializao, atravs de ferramentas de edio colaborativa, tpicas da Web 2.0.


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We investigate whether the positive relation between accounting accruals and information asymmetry documented for U.S. stock markets also holds for European markets, considered as a whole and at the country level. This research is relevant because this relation is likely to be affected by differences in accounting standards used by companies for financial reporting, in the traditional use of the banking system or capital markets for firm financing, in legal systems and cultural environment. We find that in European stock markets discretionary accruals are positively related with the Corwin and Schultz high-low spread estimator used as a proxy for information asymmetry. Our results suggest that the earnings management component of accruals outweighs the informational component, but the significance of the relation varies across countries. Further, such association tends to be stronger for firms with the highest levels of positive discretionary accruals. Consistent with the evidence provided by the authors, our results also suggest that the high-low spread estimator is more efficient than the closing bid-ask spread when analysing the impact of information quality on information asymmetry.


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In recent years there have been several proposals for alternative pedagogical practices. Most of these proposals are based in the, so called, active learning, in opposition to the common passive learning, which is centered on transmission of information inside classrooms as well as recognized as teacher-centered procedure. In an active learning pedagogical structure, students have a more participative role in the overall learning/teaching process, being encouraged to face new learning challenges like, for instance, solving problems and developing projects, in an autonomous approach trying to make them, consequently, able to build their own knowledge. The flipped or inverted classroom is one of these active learning pedagogical methodologies that emphasizes a learner-centered instruction. According to this approach, the first contact that students have with the content on a particular curriculum subject is not transmitted by the lecturer in the classroom, this teaching strategy requires students to assess and analyze the specific subject before attending to class, therefore the informational component from the lecture is the homework, and class time is dedicated to exercises and assignments, always with support from the instructor, who acts as a facilitator, helping students when needed and offering supplementary explanation as required. The main objective of this paper is to discuss and explore how the use of different types of instructional videos and online activities may be implemented in the flipped classroom procedure (as means of incorporating new content and teaching new competencies) and to describe students perceptions of this approach within a course in a Higher Education Institution (HEI), presenting some positive and negative features of this pedagogical practice.