31 resultados para HEALTH HAZARDS

em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal


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Scientific evidence has shown an association between organochlorine compounds (OCC) exposure and human health hazards. Concerning this, OCC detection in human adipose samples has to be considered a public health priority. This study evaluated the efficacy of various solid-phase extraction (SPE) and cleanup methods for OCC determination in human adipose tissue. Octadecylsilyl endcapped (C18-E), benzenesulfonic acid modified silica cation exchanger (SA), poly (styrene-divinylbenzene (EN) and EN/RP18 SPE sorbents were evaluated. The relative sample cleanup provided by these SPE columns was evaluated using gas chromatography with electron capture detection (GC–ECD). The C18-E columns with strong homogenization were found to provide the most effective cleanup, removing the greatest amount of interfering substance, and simultaneously ensuring good analyte recoveries higher than 70%. Recoveries>70% with standard deviations (SD)<15% were obtained for all compounds under the selected conditions. Method detection limits were in the 0.003–0.009 mg/kg range. The positive samples were confirmed by gas chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS). The highest percentage found of the OCC in real samples corresponded to HCB, o,p′-DDT and methoxychlor, which were detected in 80 and 95% of samples analyzed respectively. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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There has been a growing interest in research on performance measurement and management practices, which seems to reflect researchers’ response to calls for the need to increase the relevance of management accounting research. However, despite the development of the new public management literature, studies involving public sector organizations are relatively small compared to those involving business organizations and extremely limited when it comes to public primary health care organizations. Yet, the economic significance of public health care organizations in the economy of developed countries and the criticisms these organizations regularly face from the public suggests there is a need for research. This is particularly true in the case of research that may lead to improvement in performance measurement and management practices and ultimately to improvements in the way health care organizations use their limited resources in the provision of services to the communities. This study reports on a field study involving three public primary health care organisations. The evidence obtained from interviews and archival data suggests a performance management practices in these institutions lacked consistency and coherence, potentially leading to decreased performance. Hierarchical controls seemed to be very weak and accountability limited, leading to a lack of direction, low motivation and, in some circumstances to insufficient managerial abilities and skills. Also, the performance management systems revealed a number of weaknesses, which suggests that there are various opportunities for improvement in performance in the studied organisations.


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O estudo que ora se apresenta avalia a percepção de risco por parte dos profissionais de educação em jardins-de-infância do concelho da Maia. A avaliação da percepção foi realizada através de inquérito por questionário. No questionário são abordados temas como a formação que os inquiridos obtiveram, a tipologia dos acidentes ocorridos com as crianças, as condições estruturais do jardim-de-infância, os recreios, materiais e equipamentos, riscos eléctricos e organização de emergência. O grupo referente à segurança, higiene e saúde nos jardins-de-infância, que se encontra no questionário, foi estruturado com base na legislação e documentação de referência. A amostra recolhida diz respeito a 8 jardins-de-infância, tendo sido respondido por 34 educadoras de infância e 34 auxiliares de acção educativa. Constituíram objectivos deste estudo, verificar a percepção de risco por parte das educadoras de infância e das auxiliares de acção educativa; verificar diferenças de percepção de risco entre as educadoras de infância e as auxiliares de acção educativa sobre os diferentes temas; analisar a influência da formação recebida, idade, experiência profissional e categoria profissional na percepção do risco; Identificar qual o tema em que a amostra demonstra menos domínio. Após a análise dos resultados verificou-se que percepção das educadoras de infância e auxiliares de acção educativa era elevada, não se verificando diferenças significativamente entre as duas categorias profissionais, nem entre quem teve formação com não teve.


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Na presente dissertação pretendemos averiguar da pertinência prática do actual modelo de protecção de dados clínicos, ou seja, se nele está devidamente consagrada a autonomia e a individualidade do utente; pretendemos ainda perceber a tendência evolutiva do sistema português de protecção de dados clínicos, nomeadamente a sua capacidade de inovação e adaptação aos sistemas internacionais, respeitando o nosso ordenamento jurídico. Concretamente, pretendemos perceber de que forma esta informação estará protegida, bem como até onde os utentes estarão consciencializados dos perigos que enfrentam. Embora este seja um problema mundial, o facto é que a Gestão do Sistema de Protecção de Dados Pessoais e Clínicos suscita polémica e interpretações diferentes, dada a sensibilidade ética do tema, a integridade humana. Além deste facto, estamos perante uma problemática que irá sempre envolver vários interesses e consequentemente um confronto de posições. Este trabalho procura ilustrar de que forma se lida com a gestão de dados pessoais no nosso país, de que modo se harmonizam os diferentes interesses e perspectivas, que prioridades se encontram na orientação governamental nesta matéria, quais as penalizações para os eventuais incumpridores e qual o futuro possível dos dados pessoais em saúde, tendo como objectivo comum uma eficácia e sustentabilidade dos mecanismos utilizados. Vamos encontrar interesses divergentes, compromissos permissivos ou restritivos de tratamento de dados, tendências que suportam interesses privados e públicos que se vão concretizar em escolhas eficientes de gestão de dados. Esta diversidade de comportamentos vai ser objecto de estudo e análise neste trabalho, procurando aferir das vantagens e desvantagens de um sistema de informação em saúde: universal com a população coberta, e integrado a fim de compartilhar informações de todos os pacientes, de todas as unidades de prestação de cuidados de saúde.


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A emergência de multiresistência apresentada por microrganismos é um dos grandes desafios que enfrentam actualmente os profissionais de Saúde e a população em geral. Os factores que contribuem para o desenvolvimento de resistência a antibióticos na comunidade podem ser categorizados como comportamentais ou ambientais/políticas. O objectivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a situação actual na visão dos Pais de alunos do pré-escolar e 1º ciclo. De modo a avaliar as necessidades de intervenção e as actividades a serem desenvolvidas, um instrumento para estudar os hábitos e comportamentos adoptados na utilização de antibióticos, foi adaptado, validado e aplicado numa amostra piloto.


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Clinical education is recognized as being crucial for the training of health professionals. This subject is debated amongst teachers, students and professionals. Besides the clinical and research skills, we look for other competencies such as oratory, creative thinking or leadership. We present the results of a study with 4th graders. It’s a exploratory study; the main purpose was to evaluate the outcomes of a unit of clinical education prepared according a new set of competencies and methodologies. The competencies were seen as valuable. Organization, leading or supporting a colleague, rethinking a program to serve client and family are equally important.


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Background: The Erasmus program is a subprogram of the Lifelong Learning program, exclusive for Higher Education that promotes (among other initiatives), the mobility of students(studies, training or internships). The mobility of students of higher education seeks to improve the quality and development of future professionals, providing a multidisciplinary and multicultural experience. Setting: Academic Pharmacy/Pharmacy Technicians Methods: We conducted a descriptive and transversal study on the implementation of the mobility program and analyze the results, which involved applying a survey to students. Results: Since 2009/2010, the Pharmacy Degree at ESTSP has established 7 SMs protocols resulting in an average mobility of 5 students IN and 7 Students OUT. We have also endeavoured in SMp Protocols for extracurricular training with an average of 3 students OUT. The application process is normally open during the year before the mobility period. For most of the students involved, this was a first time opportunity to be in a foreign country and more than 70% choose the mobility program because it is seen as a possibility to improve their curriculum, for personal development or even to pursue employment opportunities abroad. The mobility for teachers is also encouraged. Conclusions: The exchange of experiences and training, acquired during cooperation activities should be an element of continuous dynamics and institutional affirmation. Initiatives such as the ERASMUS Program contribute to the educational and scientific enrichment, and promote international competitiveness among Higher Education Institutions.


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Knowledge is central to the modern economy and society. Indeed, the knowledge society has transformed the concept of knowledge and is more and more aware of the need to overcome the lack of knowledge when has to make options or address its problems and dilemmas. One’s knowledge is less based on exact facts and more on hypotheses, perceptions or indications. Even when we use new computational artefacts and novel methodologies for problem solving, like the use of Group Decision Support Systems (GDSSs), the question of incomplete information is in most of the situations marginalized. On the other hand, common sense tells us that when a decision is made it is impossible to have a perception of all the information involved and the nature of its intrinsic quality. Therefore, something has to be made in terms of the information available and the process of its evaluation. It is under this framework that a Multi-valued Extended Logic Programming language will be used for knowledge representation and reasoning, leading to a model that embodies the Quality-of-Information (QoI) and its quantification, along the several stages of the decision-making process. In this way, it is possible to provide a measure of the value of the QoI that supports the decision itself. This model will be here presented in the context of a GDSS for VirtualECare, a system aimed at sustaining online healthcare services.


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The concentrations of 18 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were determined in three commercially valuable fish species (sardine, Sardina pilchardus; chub mackerel, Scomber japonicus; and horse mackerel, Trachurus trachurus) from the Atlantic Ocean. Specimens were collected seasonally during 2007–2009. Only low molecular weight PAHs were detected, namely, naphthalene, acenaphthene, fluorene and phenanthrene. Chub mackerel (1.80–19.90 microg/kg ww) revealed to be significantly more contaminated than horse mackerel (2.73–10.0 microg/kg ww) and sardine (2.29–14.18 microg/kg ww). Inter-specific and inter-season comparisons of PAHs bioaccumulation were statistically assessed. The more relevant statistical correlations were observed between PAH amounts and total fat content (significant positive relationships, p < 0.05), and season (sardine displayed higher amounts in autumn–winter while the mackerel species showed globally the inverse behavior). The health risks by consumption of these species were assessed and shown to present no threat to public health concerning PAH intakes.


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Purpose: To describe and compare the content of instruments that assess environmental factors using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). Methods: A systematic search of PubMed, CINAHL and PEDro databases was conducted using a pre-determined search strategy. The identified instruments were screened independently by two investigators, and meaningful concepts were linked to the most precise ICF category according to published linking rules. Results: Six instruments were included, containing 526 meaningful concepts. Instruments had between 20% and 98% of items linked to categories in Chapter 1. The highest percentage of items from one instrument linked to categories in Chapters 2–5 varied between 9% and 50%. The presence or absence of environmental factors in a specific context is assessed in 3 instruments, while the other 3 assess the intensity of the impact of environmental factors. Discussion: Instruments differ in their content, type of assessment, and have several items linked to the same ICF category. Most instruments primarily assess products and technology (Chapter 1), highlighting the need to deepen the discussion on the theory that supports the measurement of environmental factors. This discussion should be thorough and lead to the development of methodologies and new tools that capture the underlying concepts of the ICF.


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O trabalho que é de seguida apresentado foi desenvolvido durante o estágio efectuado no Instituto de Desenvolvimento e Inovação Tecnológica (IDIT), tendo em vista a realização de um projecto de fim de Mestrado em Engenharia Química no ramo de Tecnologias de Protecção Ambiental. O projecto teve como principal objectivo a elaboração de um diagnóstico de Segurança, Higiene e Saúde no Trabalho tendo por base as medições de factores de riscos, efectuadas numa empresa pertencente ao sector da alimentação, e o seu respectivo enquadramento legal. A realização deste trabalho consistiu na avaliação de factores físicos e químicos presentes em todas as actividades industriais, que podem constituir riscos para a higiene, saúde e segurança dos trabalhadores. Os factores considerados neste estudo foram: o ruído, a iluminância, as vibrações, o ambiente térmico e os contaminantes químicos. Ao longo do trabalho são apresentados os resultados obtidos nas avaliações efectuadas e a sua análise, que permitiu o conhecimento das condições de trabalho, para as diversas actividades desempenhadas na empresa, revelando as não concordâncias dos factores estudados. Segundo os resultados obtidos conclui-se que a empresa apresenta condições de Higiene, Saúde e Segurança bastantes satisfatórias, apresentando apenas algumas não conformidades, particularmente nos níveis de pressão sonora. No entanto, estas não conformidades podem ser contornadas com a aplicação de medidas correctivas previstas no enquadramento legal que abrange cada factor avaliado. A escassez de tempo não permitiu a elaboração de um diagnóstico de HST completo, uma vez que, uma análise de risco completa necessita de um estudo mais aprofundado na área e uma prática considerável, que não foi possível adquirir até então.


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Three commonly consumed and commercially valuable fish species (sardine, chub and horse mackerel) were collected from the Northeast and Eastern Central Atlantic Ocean in Portuguese waters during one year. Mercury, cadmium, lead and arsenic amounts were determined in muscles using graphite furnace and cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry. Maximum mean levels of mercury (0.1715 ± 0.0857 mg/kg, ww) and arsenic (1.139 ± 0.350 mg/kg, ww) were detected in horse mackerel. The higher mean amounts of cadmium (0.0084 ± 0.0036 mg/kg, ww) and lead (0.0379 ± 0.0303 mg/kg, ww) were determined in chub mackerel and in sardine, respectively. Intra- and inter-specific variability of metals bioaccumulation was statistically assessed and species and length revealed to be the major influencing biometric factors, in particular for mercury and arsenic. Muscles present metal concentrations below the tolerable limits considered by European Commission Regulation and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations/World Health Organization (FAO/WHO). However, estimation of non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic health risks by the target hazard quotient and target carcinogenic risk, established by the US Environmental Protection Agency, suggests that these species must be eaten in moderation due to possible hazard and carcinogenic risks derived from arsenic (in all analyzed species) and mercury ingestion (in horse and chub mackerel species).


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As polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) have a negative impact on human health due to their mutagenic and/or carcinogenic properties, the objective of this work was to study the influence of tobacco smoke on levels and phase distribution of PAHs and to evaluate the associated health risks. The air samples were collected at two homes; 18 PAHs (the 16 PAHs considered by U.S. EPA as priority pollutants, dibenzo[a,l]pyrene and benzo[j]fluoranthene) were determined in gas phase and associated with thoracic (PM10) and respirable (PM2.5) particles. At home influenced by tobacco smoke the total concentrations of 18 PAHs in air ranged from 28.3 to 106 ngm 3 (mean of 66.7 25.4 ngm 3),∑PAHs being 95% higher than at the non-smoking one where the values ranged from 17.9 to 62.0 ngm 3 (mean of 34.5 16.5 ngm 3). On average 74% and 78% of ∑PAHs were present in gas phase at the smoking and non-smoking homes, respectively, demonstrating that adequate assessment of PAHs in air requires evaluation of PAHs in both gas and particulate phases. When influenced by tobacco smoke the health risks values were 3.5e3.6 times higher due to the exposure of PM10. The values of lifetime lung cancer risks were 4.1 10 3 and 1.7 10 3 for the smoking and nonsmoking homes, considerably exceeding the health-based guideline level at both homes also due to the contribution of outdoor traffic emissions. The results showed that evaluation of benzo[a]pyrene alone would probably underestimate the carcinogenic potential of the studied PAH mixtures; in total ten carcinogenic PAHs represented 36% and 32% of the gaseous ∑PAHs and in particulate phase they accounted for 75% and 71% of ∑PAHs at the smoking and non-smoking homes, respectively.


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Air pollution represents a serious risk not only to environment and human health, but also to historical heritage. In this study, air pollution of the Oporto Metropolitan Area and its main impacts were characterized. The results showed that levels of CO, PM10 and SO2 have been continuously decreasing in the respective metropolitan area while levels of NOx and NO2 have not changed significantly. Traffic emissions were the main source of the determined polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs; 16 PAHs considered by U.S. EPA as priority pollutants, dibenzo[a,l]pyrene and benzo[j]fluoranthene) in air of the respective metropolitan area. The mean concentration of 18 PAHs in air was 69.9±39.7 ng m−3 with 3–4 rings PAHs accounting for 75% of the total ΣPAHs. The health risk analysis of PAHs in air showed that the estimated values of lifetime lung cancer risks considerably exceeded the health-based guideline level. Analytical results also confirm that historical monuments in urban areas act as passive repositories for air pollutants present in the surrounding atmosphere. FTIR and EDX analyses showed that gypsum was the most important constituent of black crusts of the characterized historical monument Monastery of Serra do Pilar classified as “UNESCO World Cultural Heritage”. In black crusts, 4–6 rings compounds accounted approximately for 85% of ΣPAHs. The diagnostic ratios confirmed that traffic emissions were the major source of PAHs in black crusts; PAH composition profiles were very similar for crusts and PM10 and PM2.5.