11 resultados para Entreprise multinational
em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
Despite a massive expansion of education in Portugal, since the 1970’s, educational attainment of the adult population in the country remains low. The numbers of working-age people in some form of continuing education are among the lowest, according to the OECD and EU-27 statistics. Technological Schools(TS), initially created in the 1990’s, under the umbrella of the Ministry of Economy in partnership with industry and industrial associations, aimed to prepare qualified staff for industries and services in the country, particularly in the engineering sector, through the provision of post secondary non-university programmes of studies, the CET (Technological Specialization Courses). Successful CET students are awarded a DET(Diploma of Technological Specialization), which corresponds to Vocational Qualification level IV of the EU, according to the latest alteration (2005) of the Education Systems Act (introduced in 1986). In this, CET’s are also clearly defined as one of the routes for access to Higher Education (HE), in Portugal. The PRILHE (Promoting Reflective and Independent Learning in Higher Education) multinational project, funded by the European Socrates Grundtvig Programme, aimed to identify the learning processes which enable adult students in higher education to become autonomous reflective learners and search best practices to support these learning processes. During this research, both quantitative and qualitative methods were used to determine how students organise their studies and develop their learning skills. The Portuguese partner in the project’ consortium used a two case studies approach, one with students of Higher Education Institutions and other with students of TS. This paper only applies to students of TS, as these have a predominant bias towards engineering. Results show that student motivation and professional teaching support contribute equally to the development of an autonomous and reflective approach to learning in adult students; this is essential for success in a knowledge economy, where lifelong learning is the key to continuous employment.
Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Politécnico do Porto para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Gestão das Organizações, Ramo de Gestão de Empresas Orientador: Professor Doutor Orlando Manuel Martins Marques de Lima Rua
Diderot est davantage un humaniste et un non-conformiste qui se préoccupe beaucoup de la stabilité et du confort de l‘existence humaine. Il croit que l‘homme est né pour vivre en société et qu‘il doit être heureux. Toute cette philosophie ressort de ses oeuvres dont l‘objectif est celui d‘aider les hommes à atteindre le bonheur: il s‘agit donc d‘une littérature engagée. La verve satirique de Diderot est le fil directeur d‘une oeuvre variée et diverse qui risque de décourager le lecteur paresseux. L‘élément satirique rassemble les articles de L‟Encyclopédie, les Salons et les oeuvres fictives de Diderot, comme par exemple, Le Neveu de Rameau, Jacques le Fataliste et son Maître et La Religieuse. Bien que L‟Encyclopédie soit une entreprise scientifique, Diderot cache, dans plusieurs articles, pour tromper la censure, des attaques virulentes contre la morale, la religion et ses institutions. Il critique aussi les superstitions et les croyances don‘t s‘entourent les religions. Dans les Salons, Diderot rédige des appréciations sur les tableaux de quelques peintres, parus dans plusieurs expositions. Mais Diderot ne les décrit pas en tant que technicien, il s‘en sert pour faire une parodie de ces peintures, utilisant très souvent un langage grossier et un style gaillard. La satire est le lien entre la non-fiction et la fiction. Dans ses oeuvres romanesques on trouve la satire sociale et littéraire : Diderot y met en question le genre romanesque traditionnel, par conséquent Le Neveu de Rameau, Jacques le Fataliste et son Maître et La Religieuse se caractérisent par un décousu apparent et désordonné – c‘est la forme amusante dont Diderot se sert pour révéler aux lecteurs que les romans traditionnels les trompent. La forme désorganisée sert aussi à montrer le manque de liberté dont l‘homme jouit – l‘homme n‘est qu‘un guignol manipulé par le destin. En effet, en « déconstruisant » le roman, Diderot oblige le lecteur à réfléchir sur la condition humaine et l‘illusion romanesque de telle façon que le lecteur ne sait plus ce qui est faux et ce qui est vrai, surtout dans le cas de La Religieuse.
Worldwide competitiveness poses enormous challenges on managers, demanding a continuous quest to increase rationality in the use of resources. As a management philosophy, Lean Manufacturing focuses on the elimination of activities that do not create any type of value and therefore are considered waste. For companies to successfully implement the Lean Manufacturing philosophy it is crucial that the human resources of the organization have the necessary training, for which proper tools are required. At the same time, higher education institutions need innovative tools to increase the attractiveness of engineering curricula and develop a higher level of knowledge among students, improving their employability. This paper describes how Lean Learning Academy, an international collaboration project between five EU universities and five companies, from SME to Multinational/Global companies, developed and applied an innovative training programme for Engineers on Lean Manufacturing, a successful alternative to the traditional teaching methods in engineering courses.
The goal of this paper is to discuss the benefits and challenges of yielding an inter-continental network of remote laboratories supported and used by both European and Latin American Institutions of Higher Education. Since remote experimentation, understood as the ability to carry out real-world experiments through a simple Web browser, is already a proven solution for the educational community as a supplement to on-site practical lab work (and in some cases, namely for distance learning courses, a replacement to that work), the purpose is not to discuss its technical, pedagogical, or economical strengths, but rather to raise and try to answer some questions about the underlying benefits and challenges of establishing a peer-to-peer network of remote labs. Ultimately, we regard such a network as a constructive mechanism to help students gain the working and social skills often valued by multinational/global companies, while also providing awareness of local cultural aspects.
Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Empreendedorismo e Internacionalização Orientador: Professor Doutor José de Freitas Santos
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentado ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Empreendedorismo e Internacionalização. Os orientadores: Prof. Doutor José de Freitas Santos Profª. Doutora Maria Clara Dias Pinto Ribeiro
The industrial activity is inevitably associated with a certain degradation of the environmental quality, because is not possible to guarantee that a manufacturing process can be totally innocuous. The eco-efficiency concept is globally accepted as a philosophy of entreprise management, that encourages the companies to become more competitive, innovative and environmentally responsible by promoting the link between its companies objectives for excellence and its objectives of environmental excellence issues. This link imposes the creation of an organizational methodology where the performance of the company is concordant with the sustainable development. The main propose of this project is to apply the concept of eco-efficiency to the particular case of the metallurgical and metal workshop industries through the development of the particular indicators needed and to produce a manual of procedures for implementation of the accurate solution.
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças, sob orientação de: Amélia Ferreira da Silva José António Fernandes Lopes Oliveira Vale
Master Thesis Presented at Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto for obtaining the Master’s degree in Digital Marketing under the supervision of Professor José de Freitas Santos
O aumento verificado nos últimos anos em fusões e aquisições (F&A) resulta da opção dos gestores para fazer face ao aumento da pressão competitiva e ou à necessidade de crescimento rápido. A literatura sobre os efeitos dos processos de F&A é diversificada e as conclusões são contraditórias. Neste trabalho pretendemos verificar se o processo de F&A se traduz na criação de valor para o acionista da empresa adquirente. Como métrica de avaliação utilizamos o método de análise dos fluxos de caixa atualizados ou o Discounted Cash-Flow (DCF). Para o efeito efetuamos um estudo de caso que vai incidir sobre uma empresa seguradora portuguesa – A Lusitania Companhia de Seguros, S.A. – que recentemente adquiriu, por fusão por incorporação, a Real Seguros, S.A. Efetuamos uma análise de natureza quantitativa através dos dados do relatório e contas e encontramos evidência de que o desempenho diminuiu após a transação.