23 resultados para Òperes -- Llibrets

em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal


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This article describes the main research results in a new methodology, in which the stages and strategies of the technology integration process are identified and described. A set of principles and recommendations are therefore presented. The MIPO model described in this paper is a result of the effort made regarding the understanding of the main success features of good practices, in the web environment, integrated in the information systems/information technology context. The initial model has been created, based on experiences and literature review. After that, it was tested in the information and technology system units at higher school and also adapted as a result of four cycles of an actionresearch work combined with a case study research. The information, concepts and procedures presented here give support to teachers and instructors, instructional designers and planning teams – anyone who wants to develop effective b‐learning instructions.


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Th The purpose of this article is to share the implementation of workgroup activities: a game of learning supported by web technology; Effective educational strategies that encourage a dynamic combination of being flexible, individualized and personalized must be the aim of every school; The blended-learning plays an important role; In this article we describe an online collaborative game which uses an inside and outside collaboration in order to promote the motivation and effective learning; Pedagogical strategies, that use technologies appropriately, in higher education, can promote active learning, centered on students and thus valuing their personal experiences and participation;


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Orientada por Doutora Paula Peres


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Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Politécnico do Porto para obtenção de Grau de Mestre em Gestão das Organizações, Ramo Gestão de Empresas Orientada por: Professora Doutora Paula Peres


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Na sua origem o Projecto de Apoio OnLine do ISCAP (PAOL) tinha como principal fonte impulsionadora a necessidade emergente de desenvolver soluções sustentadas de integração das tecnologias como apoio às aulas presenciais ministradas na instituição. Este elemento impulsionador ainda hoje se mantém como uma das principais alavancas, agora alargada transversalmente nas áreas de conhecimento da instituição e na inclusão das competências didáctico-pedagógicas. Com o desenvolvimento do projecto, ganharam importância crescente as fontes próprias de criação de conhecimento e de soluções técnicas, capazes de responder aos anseios da comunidade escolar. Este artigo pretende enquadrar e explicitar, através da mostra de casos práticos e de uma análise dos resultados de uso da plataforma Moodle, o percurso seguido pelo projecto, a estratégia adoptada e as acções implementadas. Abstract Initially ISCAP’s Online Support Project (PAOL), was instigated by the emergent necessity to develop sustainable solutions in order to integrate technologies as a means to support the institution’s traditional in-class lessons. This propulsive element, still valid today as one of the main levers, has now transversally extended into the various knowledge areas within the institution and the inclusion of pedagogic-didactical competences. With the development of the project, the institution’s own sources of knowledge creation and technical solutions capable of answering the needs of the institutions’ community became ever more crucial. This article seeks to frame and explain, by showing practical cases and the analysis of the results as to the use of the learning platform Moodle, the path taken by the project, the strategy adopted and the actions implemented.


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Esta dissertação propõe o desenvolvimento de um sistema capaz de adquirir e monitorizar num computador o sinal do electrocardiograma (ECG) e de detectar o pico R do complexo QRS do referido sinal. Numa primeira fase foi efectuado um estudo do sistema cardiovascular, de forma a compreender a actividade eléctrica do coração e dos diversos sinais que constituem o ECG. Foi efectuado um estudo sobre o sinal ECG, tendo sido estudadas as suas características, bem como técnicas e componentes básicos de aquisição e condicionamento do sinal, sendo também analisados diversos sistemas que efectuam a aquisição de ECG. Numa segunda fase foram estudadas as Field Programmable Analog Array (FPAA), analisando o estado da arte desta tecnologia, bem como os dispositivos disponíveis comercialmente. Após esta análise foram seleccionados os dispositivos FPAA, bem como o restante hardware e software necessários para a realização desta Tese. Foi desenvolvido um sistema de condicionamento de sinal ECG, e de detecção de pico R do complexo QRS, apenas com componentes analógicos discretos tendo sido analisados os resultados obtidos antes de se avançar para a fase seguinte. Após a realização do sistema com componentes discretos, foi implementado um sistema em que grande parte do condicionamento do sinal ECG é efectuado por duas placas de desenvolvimento FPAA, de forma a diminuir a quantidade de componentes e a obter um sinal com melhor resolução. Os resultados obtidos foram analisados e comparados com o sistema desenvolvido. Para monitorizar o sinal ECG e o pico R num computador, foi desenvolvido um sistema em que os sinais são convertidos pelo conversor A/D de um microcontrolador, e enviados por comunicação série para um computador, sendo os valores obtidos visualizados numa aplicação em ambiente MATLAB.


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Proceedings of EULEARN09 - Intenational Conference and New Learning Technologies, Barcelona, Spain, 6-8 July


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This chapter aims to demonstrate how PAOL - Unit for Innovation in Education, a project from ISCAP - School of Accounting and Administration of Oporto ....


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Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), an antioxidant with several pharmacological and biological activities, was encapsulated in carbohydrate particles to preserve its antioxidant properties and improve its bioavailability. Gum arabic–maltodextrin particles loaded with EGCG (EGCG/P) were successfully produced by homogenization and spray-drying, with an EGCG loading efficiency of 96 ± 3%. Spray-dried particles are spherical or corrugated and polydisperse with diameters less than 20 m. The particles in aqueous suspension revealed two main populations, with mean average diameters of 40 nm and 400 nm. Attenuated total reflection-infrared spectroscopy (ATR-IR) confirmed that EGCG was incorporated in the carbohydrate matrix by intermolecular interactions, maintaining its chemical integrity. Atomic force microscopy imaging proved the particle spherical shape and size. The present study demonstrates that the carbohydrate matrix is able to preserve EGCG antioxidant properties, as proof of concept to be used as polymeric drug carrier.


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Cet article décrit la méthodologie qui a été employé dans le développement d’un cours de post graduation et qui a eu pour base les critères de qualité dans les dimensions de l’institution, la technologie, le design des media, la pédagogie et l’évaluation. En parallèle, nous avons aussi analyse quelques résultat provenant d’un questionnaire que les étudiants ont répondu et où ils ont identifié les critères de succès. Nous concluons avec quelques suggestions pratiques pour ces qui aimerions proposer des cours em b-learning.


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O ensino a distância evoluiu muito desde o tempo em que o formando recebia os materiais por correspondência. Já nessa altura os formandos trabalhavam ao seu ritmo e concluíam a formação de acordo com o seu trabalho e agenda pessoal. Hoje, apesar dos cursos por correspondência ainda existirem, estão rapidamente a ser substituídos pela formação a distância. E este sucesso da educação a distância tem levado ao surgimento de ofertas diferentes e novos modelos de negócio. Existem diversas soluções de organização dos cursos a distância. O formato depende essencialmente dos objectivos do curso. A escolha do tipo de solução para a oferta a distância depende, também, dos objectivos e experiência da instituição. Nesta comunicação propomo-nos apresentar o caso do ISCAP, a evolução da oferta formativa a distância nesta escola, os tipos de oferta actuais e algumas preocupações para o futuro. Pretende-se, ainda levantar algumas questões que necessitam de estudo e resposta, apontando caminhos para investigação futura.


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TICEduca. III Congresso Internacional TIC e Educação. 14 a 16 Novembro, Lisboa


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Measuring the quality of a b-learning environment is critical to determine the success of a b-learning course. There are a lot of materials related to the quality process, namely different approaches and perspectives but none of them is specific of the product of a b-learning context. In this paper we identify the indicators that should be analyzed in order to determine the quality of a b-learning course, since its success reflect not only the student’s perception, but also what should be taken into account. B-Learning environments are relatively new and combine educational characteristics with technological elements that support the learning process and the training delivery. Our main objective is to know what a high quality b-learning environment is in students’’ perception and what are the main quality dimensions of these courses, in the perspective of the products and services offered. After a literature review concerning the quality process and in particular the b-learning quality field, a structure that provides the main elements that should be evaluated by students when we are measuring the quality and the success of b-learning product/services was created. The structure obtained was applied to a case study of the Polytechnic Institute of Oporto. Results presented will help institutions to deliver services with more quality and improve their long-term competitiveness.


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Measuring the quality of a b-learning environment is critical to determine the success of a b-learning course. Several initiatives have been recently conducted on benchmarking and quality in e-learning. Despite these efforts in defining and examining quality issues concerning online courses, a defining instrument to evaluate quality is one of the key challenges for blended learning, since it incorporates both traditional and online instruction methods. For this paper, six frameworks for quality assessment of technological enhanced learning were examined and compared regarding similarities and differences. These frameworks aim at the same global objective: the quality of e-learning environment/products. They present different perspectives but also many common issues. Some of them are more specific and related to the course and other are more global and related to institutional aspects. In this work we collected and arrange all the quality criteria identified in order to get a more complete framework and determine if it fits our b-learning environment. We also included elements related to our own b-learning research and experience, acquired during more than 10 years of experience. As a result we have create a new quality reference with a set of dimensions and criteria that should be taken into account when you are analyzing, designing, developing, implementing and evaluating a b-learning environment. Besides these perspectives on what to do when you are developing a b-learning environment we have also included pedagogical issues in order to give directions on how to do it to reach the success of the learning. The information, concepts and procedures here presented give support to teachers and instructors, which intend to validate the quality of their blended learning courses.


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Vários estudos se têm realizado com a finalidade perceber a integração das TIC em contextos educativos e as respostas dos professores às novas tecnologias. Todavia, actualmente começa a haver necessidade de repensar as práticas pedagógicas que geram processos metodológicos de mudança ou se persistem práticas pedagógicas tradicionais e, ainda, quem as realiza, em que contextos e que preocupações têm estes professores. Este texto tem como propósito apresentar concepções dos professores sobre o que é uma boa prática e referir algumas experiências realizadas pelos professores em sala de aula.