54 resultados para Limited Liability Companies Act
This study aims to analyse the relationship between safety climate and the level of risk acceptance, as well as its relationship with workplace safety performance. The sample includes 14 companies and 403 workers. The safety climate assessment was performed by the application of a Safety Climate in Wood Industries questionnaire and safety performance was assessed with a checklist. Judgements about risk acceptance were measured through questionnaires together with four other variables: trust, risk perception, benefit perception and emotion. Safety climate was found to be correlated with workgroup safety performance, and it also plays an important role in workers’ risk acceptance levels. Risk acceptance tends to be lower when safety climate scores of workgroups are high, and subsequently, their safety performance is better. These findings seem to be relevant, as they provide Occupational, Safety and Health practitioners with a better understanding of workers’ risk acceptance levels and of the differences among workgroups.
Despite the abundant literature in knowledge management, few empirical studies have explored knowledge management in connection with international assignees. This phenomenon has a special relevance in the Portuguese context, since (a) there are no empirical studies concerning this issue that involves international Portuguese companies; (b) the national business reality is incipient as far as internationalisation is concerned, and; (c) the organisational and national culture presents characteristics that are distinctive from the most highly studied contexts (e.g., Asia, USA, Scandinavian countries, Spain, France, The Netherlands, Germany, England and Russia). We examine the role of expatriates in transfer and knowledge sharing within the Portuguese companies with operations abroad. We focus specifically on expatriates’ role on knowledge sharing connected to international Portuguese companies and our findings take into account organizational representatives’ and expatriates’ perspectives. Using a comparative case study approach, we examine how three main dimensions influence the role of expatriates in knowledge sharing among headquarters and their subsidiaries (types of international assignment, reasons for using expatriation and international assignment characteristics). Data were collected using semi‐structured interviews to 30 Portuguese repatriates and 14 organizational representatives from seven Portuguese companies. The findings suggest that the reasons that lead Portuguese companies to expatriating employees are connected to: (1) business expansion needs; (2) control of international operations and; (3) transfer and knowledge sharing. Our study also shows that Portuguese companies use international assignments in order to positively respond to the increasingly decaying domestic market in the economic areas in which they operate. Evidence also reveals that expatriation is seen as a strategy to fulfill main organizational objectives through their expatriates (e.g., business internationalization, improvement of the coordination and control level of the units/subsidiaries abroad, replication of aspects of the home base, development and incorporation of new organizational techniques and processes). We also conclude that Portuguese companies have developed an International Human Resources Management strategy, based on an ethnocentric approach, typically associated with companies in early stages of internationalization, i.e., the authority and decision making are centered in the home base. Expatriates have a central role in transmitting culture and technical knowledge from company’s headquarters to the company’s branches. Based on the findings, the article will discuss in detail the main theoretical and managerial implications. Suggestions for further research will also be presented.
Os mercados eletrónicos são sistemas de informação (SI) utilizados por várias entidades organizacionais distintas dentro de um ou vários níveis em termos das cadeias de valor económico (Journal Electronic Markets, 2012). Segundo (Bakos, 1998) têm um papel central na economia, facilitando a troca de informações, produtos, serviços e pagamentos. Durante o processo, é criado valor económico para o comprador, fornecedor, intermediários do mercado e para a sociedade em geral. O comércio eletrónico é o ato de realizar um qualquer tipo de negócio através de uma via eletrónica e é constituído por modelos diversificados onde se destacam o Business to Business (B2B) e o Business to Consumer (B2C). O modelo B2B possui uma quota de 90 % de todo o comércio, sendo esse sucesso intrinsecamente relacionado em grande parte às vantagens que as suas plataformas oferecem às empresas que inseridas nelas (Anacom, 2004). O âmbito principal deste trabalho é o estudo dos B2B, tendo sido para tal definidos os seguintes objetivos: Realizar a identificação do estado atual bem como a evolução dos mercados B2B em Portugal; Caraterização das funcionalidades das plataformas que atuam no tecido nacional e por fim fazer a criação de um conjunto de orientações de apoio a empresas que desejam fazer a inserção nestes mercados. Para serem alcançados os objetivos propostos na dissertação, foram inquiridas várias organizações ao mesmo tempo que foi realizada uma pesquisa de temas e artigos relacionados com os mercados eletrónicos e plataformas B2B, recorrendo a sites como a B-On.pt, e utilizando o motor de busca Google. Este relatório apresenta a seguinte estrutura: No capítulo 1 é apresentada a introdução teórica das matérias apresentadas nos capítulos seguintes; O capítulo 2 é centrado no comércio eletrónico, definições mais comuns e são demonstrados os modelos mais preponderantes do comércio eletrónico; No capítulo 3 são expostas todas as vertentes do modelo B2B, as principais plataformas B2B a atuar no tecido nacional, as suas funcionalidades e modo de operação bem como uma apresentação das principais plataformas a nível mundial; No capítulo 4 são apresentados um conjunto de tópicos de auxílio a empresas que desejem fazer a sua inserção neste tipo de mercados; Por último são descritas as principais conclusões retiradas na realização da dissertação. Em suma, este trabalho reúne um conjunto de dados e orientações úteis, decorrentes do estudo realizado de auxílio a empresas a aderirem aos mercados eletrónicos, visto ser uma abordagem promissora para as organizações.
O relatório inserido na Unidade Curricular de DIPRE do Mestrado em Engenharia Civil do ISEP e desenvolvido no âmbito do estágio curricular realizado na COGEDIR, Gestão de Projetos SA, tem como objetivo caraterizar o mercado nacional da construção civil, os procedimentos da orçamentação, analisando os seus processos no âmbito dos concursos públicos em Portugal. Deste modo, o relatório inicia-se com o fundamento da importância da orçamentação na construção civil e a caraterização do mercado da construção no momento atual de crise e as dificuldades dos empreiteiros em obter empreitadas. Em seguida foi realizado um levantamento ao estudo da arte sobre os temas de custos e orçamentos, e ainda uma abordagem as ferramentas de orçamentação. Depois de analisada toda a metodologia de orçamentação, são caraterizados os processos das empresas do grupo para o ato de orçamentação. Nessa linha foi ainda realizado um estudo de vários procedimentos de concurso já finalizados para servir como base de sustentação para uma mudança estratégica a implementar nas empresas. Neste estudo ficou bem patente a tendência dos valores das propostas apresentadas pelos vários concorrentes, nos diferentes procedimentos. Com base nestes elementos é feita uma avaliação simplificada dos valores que os empreiteiros possivelmente apresentam para os diferentes tipos de concursos. Dessa análise foi possível definir a estratégia a implementar pelas empresas. Definida a estratégia a seguir pelas empresas, são alvo de estudo de caso dois procedimentos de realidades distintas. Um relativo ao processo de concurso de uma empreitada de construção e o outro a um concurso de prestação de serviços. Neste capítulo, são abordadas situações reais de processos de concurso, desde a consulta do procedimento, estudo das condicionantes, composição de custos, elaboração da documentação e entrega das propostas.
This paper examines the relationship between the level of satisfaction towards Human Resources Management practices among repatriates and the decision to remain on the home company after expatriation. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews of 28 Portuguese repatriates who remain and 16 organisational representatives from eight companies located in Portugal. The results show that (1) compensation system during the international assignment; (2) permanent support during the international assignment and; (3) recognition upon the return of the work and effort of expatriates during the international assignment are the most important HRM practices for promoting satisfaction among repatriates. Moreover, it is at repatriation phase that repatriates show higher dissatisfaction with HRM support. These findings will be discussed in detail and implications and suggestions for future research will be proposed as well.
This study explores (1) the reasons that lead Portuguese companies to use expatriates and (2) the motivations that led the repatriates to accepting an international assignment. Semistructured interviews were carried out on 44 individuals (14 responsible for organizational management of the expatriates and 30 repatriates), in seven international companies based in Portugal, and analysis of the thematic content was conducted for data processing. Results suggest that the reasons that lead Portuguese companies to expatriating employees are connected to business needs and the control of international operations, while individual motivations are linked to personal and professional ambition, the will to serve the company and organizational pressure. We concluded that Portuguese companies, like most European companies, seem to develop a strategy of International Human Resources Management (IHRM) according to an ethnocentric approach, characteristic to companies in early stages of internationalization. Similarly, the main motivations of Portuguese repatriates are identical to those of other expatriates, though the will to serve the company seems to be more valued by Portuguese repatriates than by expatriates from other countries.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentado ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Auditoria sob orientação de Adalmiro Álvaro Malheiro de Castro Andrade Pereira
In recent years, vehicular cloud computing (VCC) has emerged as a new technology which is being used in wide range of applications in the area of multimedia-based healthcare applications. In VCC, vehicles act as the intelligent machines which can be used to collect and transfer the healthcare data to the local, or global sites for storage, and computation purposes, as vehicles are having comparatively limited storage and computation power for handling the multimedia files. However, due to the dynamic changes in topology, and lack of centralized monitoring points, this information can be altered, or misused. These security breaches can result in disastrous consequences such as-loss of life or financial frauds. Therefore, to address these issues, a learning automata-assisted distributive intrusion detection system is designed based on clustering. Although there exist a number of applications where the proposed scheme can be applied but, we have taken multimedia-based healthcare application for illustration of the proposed scheme. In the proposed scheme, learning automata (LA) are assumed to be stationed on the vehicles which take clustering decisions intelligently and select one of the members of the group as a cluster-head. The cluster-heads then assist in efficient storage and dissemination of information through a cloud-based infrastructure. To secure the proposed scheme from malicious activities, standard cryptographic technique is used in which the auotmaton learns from the environment and takes adaptive decisions for identification of any malicious activity in the network. A reward and penalty is given by the stochastic environment where an automaton performs its actions so that it updates its action probability vector after getting the reinforcement signal from the environment. The proposed scheme was evaluated using extensive simulations on ns-2 with SUMO. The results obtained indicate that the proposed scheme yields an improvement of 10 % in detection rate of malicious nodes when compared with the existing schemes.
Many-core platforms are an emerging technology in the real-time embedded domain. These devices offer various options for power savings, cost reductions and contribute to the overall system flexibility, however, issues such as unpredictability, scalability and analysis pessimism are serious challenges to their integration into the aforementioned area. The focus of this work is on many-core platforms using a limited migrative model (LMM). LMM is an approach based on the fundamental concepts of the multi-kernel paradigm, which is a promising step towards scalable and predictable many-cores. In this work, we formulate the problem of real-time application mapping on a many-core platform using LMM, and propose a three-stage method to solve it. An extended version of the existing analysis is used to assure that derived mappings (i) guarantee the fulfilment of timing constraints posed on worst-case communication delays of individual applications, and (ii) provide an environment to perform load balancing for e.g. energy/thermal management, fault tolerance and/or performance reasons.
This paper explores the relationship between the expatriates’ knowledge acquisition (KA) and their career development after an international assignment (IA). The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of expatriates in KA and transfer within International Portuguese multinational corporations. Furthermore, with this empirical study we try to analyse how the knowledge that is acquired and transferred translates into a basis for career development after the IA. This phenomenon has a special relevance in the Portuguese context, because this country is known a growing process of globalization in recent years. Furthermore, (a) there are no empirical studies concerning knowledge transfer and career development of repatriates from Portuguese companies; (b) little is known about the repatriates’ contributions to their home company after IA. This paper is one of the first to focus specifically on the repatriates’ role in KA and transfer from the host company to their Portuguese home company. A qualitative research methodology is used, specifically through an exploratory case study approach, which examines how knowledge management (KM) acquisition or transferring during IA are important for the repatriates’ career development in the Portuguese home company. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews to 42 Portuguese international assignees and 18 organizational representatives from nine Portuguese companies. Preliminary results show that KA and transfer made by Portuguese expatriates contributes directly to their career development. Moreover, evidence reveals that not all repatriates were promoted after their IA; rather some repatriates were even demoted after their IA. Furthermore, the results obtained suggest that the type of knowledge which acquired or transferred plays a central role in the career development after repatriation. According to these results, the paper discusses the major theoretical and practical implications. Suggestions for future research are also presented.
This article deals with a real-life waste collection routing problem. To efficiently plan waste collection, large municipalities may be partitioned into convenient sectors and only then can routing problems be solved in each sector. Three diverse situations are described, resulting in three different new models. In the first situation, there is a single point of waste disposal from where the vehicles depart and to where they return. The vehicle fleet comprises three types of collection vehicles. In the second, the garage does not match any of the points of disposal. The vehicle is unique and the points of disposal (landfills or transfer stations) may have limitations in terms of the number of visits per day. In the third situation, disposal points are multiple (they do not coincide with the garage), they are limited in the number of visits, and the fleet is composed of two types of vehicles. Computational results based not only on instances adapted from the literature but also on real cases are presented and analyzed. In particular, the results also show the effectiveness of combining sectorization and routing to solve waste collection problems.
Innovation is recognized by academics and practitioners as an essential competitive enabler for any company to survive, to remain competitive and to grow. Investments in tasks of R&D have not always brought the expected results. But that doesn't mean that the outcomes would not be useful to other companies of the same business area or even from another area. Thus, there is much knowledge already available in the market that can be helpful to some and profitable to others. So, the ideas and expertise can be found outside a company's boundaries and also exported from within. Information, knowledge, experience, wisdom is already available in the millions of the human beings of this planet, the challenge is to use them through a network to produce new ideas and tips that can be useful to a company with less costs. This was the reason for the emergence of the area of crowdsourcing innovation. Crowdsourcing innovation is a way of using the Web 2.0 tools to generate new ideas through the heterogeneous knowledge available in the global network of individuals highly qualified and with easy access to information and technology. So, a crowdsourcing innovation broker is an organization that mediates the communication and relationship between the seekers - companies that aspire to solve some problem or to take advantage of any business opportunity - with a crowd that is prone to give ideas based on their knowledge, experience and wisdom. This paper makes a literature review on models of open innovation, crowdsourcing innovation, and technology and knowledge intermediaries, and discusses this new phenomenon as a way to leverage the innovation capacity of enterprises. Finally, the paper outlines a research design agendafor explaining crowdsourcing innovation brokering phenomenon, exploiting its players, main functions, value creation process, and knowledge creation in order to define a knowledge metamodel of such intermediaries.
Crowdsourcing is evolving into powerful outsourcing options for organizations by providing access to the intellectual capital within a vast knowledge community. Innovation brokering services have emerged to facilitate crowdsourcing projects by connecting up companies with potential solution providers within the wider ‘crowd’. Most existing innovation brokering services are primarily aimed at larger organizations, however, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) offer considerable potential for crowdsourcing activity since they are typically the innovation and employment engines in society; they are typically more nimble and responsive to the business environment than the larger companies. SMEs have very different challenges and needs to larger organizations since they have fewer resources, a more limited knowledge and skill base, and immature management practices. Consequently, innovation brokering for SMEs require considerably more support than for larger organizations. This paper identifies the crowdsourcing innovation brokerage facilities needed by SMEs, and presents an architecture that encourages knowledge sharing, development of community, support in mixing and matching capabilities, and management of stakeholders’ risks. Innovation brokering is emerging as a novel business model that is challenging concepts of the traditional value chain and organizational boundaries.
Open innovation is a hot topic in innovation management. Its basic premise is open up the innovation process. The innovation process, in general sense, may be seen as the process of designing, developing and commercializing a novel product or service to improve the value added of a company. The development of Web 2.0 tools facilitates this kind of contributions, opening space to the emergence of crowdsourcing innovation initiatives. Crowdsourcing is a form of outsourcing not directed to other companies but to the crowd by means of an open call mostly through an Internet platform. Innovation intermediaries, in general sense, are organizations that work to enable innovation, that just act as brokers or agents between two or more parties. Usually, they are also engaged in other activities like inter-organizational networking and technology development and related activities. A crowdsourcing innovation intermediary is an organization that mediates the communication and relationship between the seekers – companies that aspire to solve some problem or to take advantage of any business opportunity – with a crowd that is prone to give ideas based on their knowledge, experience and wisdom. This paper identifies and analyses the functions to be performed by an intermediary of crowdsourcing innovation through grounded theory analyses from literature. The resulting model is presented and explained. The resulting model summarizes eight main functions that can be performed by a crowdsourcing process, namely, diagnoses, mediation, linking knowledge, community, evaluation, project management, intellectual property governance and marketing and support. These functions are associated with a learning cycle process which covers all the crowdsourcing activities that can be realized by the broker.
As células foto voltaicas orgânicas ou células de Gräetzel (depois do seu descobridor) são aparelhos para a colecta de energia solar que utilizam um semicondutor inorgânico e uma molécula orgânica. Dita molécula orgânica é capaz de excitar-se na presença de radiação electromagnética e ceder esta energia através da doação de electrões a este semicondutor. Embora estas estruturas e o seu processo de fabrico sejam relativamente pouco onerosas, o aproveitamento da energia solar é ainda muito baixo. Para além desta deficiência, os corantes sintéticos sofrem de “bleaching” ou então são reduzidos ou oxidados facilmente quando não conseguem transferir a energia que foi absorvida ou quando é difícil voltar ao estado original por dificuldades no completamento de circulação de electrões. Neste trabalho pretende-se então estudar o comportamento de moléculas e misturas complexas de moléculas com capacidade para serem excitadas pela luz solar. Como a dita xcitação promove a transferência de um electrão, este processo será seguido pela técnica de Voltametria cíclica. Como substâncias absorventes de luz utilizaremos compostos naturais (principalmente flavonóides) puros, ou então na forma de complexos naturais extraídos de algumas plantas. Estas misturas de corantes serão extractos aquosos (infusões) de casca de laranja e limão assim como extractos de folhas de cerejeira, com o objectivo de proporcionar lternativas aos flavonóides utilizados neste estudo. A caracterização voltamétrica desta célula é feita em diferentes formas de iluminação. Sobre a célula assim formada faz-se incidir rimeiro luz de lâmpadas fluorescentes, depois luz ultra violeta e por fim sem qualquer tipo de luz incidente. Na base do fabrico da variante mais clássica destas células está o semicondutor óxido de itânio (TiO2), por ser uma substância muito comum e barata e com propriedades semicondutoras notáveis. Uma forma comum de melhorar a eficiência deste material é introduzir dopantes com o intuito de melhorar a eficiência do processo de transferência electrónica. Um segundo objectivo deste trabalho é o estudo de sistemas semicondutor/molécula foto activa. Semicondutores como ZnO, TiO2 e TiO2 dopado serão então estudados. O gels de TiO2 ou o TiO2 dopado serão depositados sobre lâminas de vidro comum, nas quais foi anteriormente depositado uma película de alumínio que serve de condutor (eléctrodo egativo). Uma outra variante será a utilização de óxido de zinco, um semicondutor de baixo custo que por sua vez vai ser depositado em lâminas de alumínio comercial. A nossa célula foto electroquímica será então formada por moléculas de corante, uma lâmina e um semicondutor (que funcionará como eléctrodo de trabalho), com ou sem electrólito/catalizador (solução de iodo/iodeto), e eléctrodos de referência de Ag/AgCl, e outro auxiliar de grafite. Um outro objectivo é fazer um pequeno estudo sobre influencia do catalisador I2/etilenodiamina no comportamento electroquímico da célula, de forma a poder utilizar o solvente (etilenodiamina) com menor volatilidade do que a água, que é empregada no par I2/I3.m A importância deste facto prende-se com a limitada vida destas células quando o electrólito/solvente é evaporado pelas altas temperaturas da radiação incidente.