79 resultados para post-project audit
The post-surgical period is often critical for infection acquisition. The combination of patient injury and environmental exposure through breached skin add risk to pre-existing conditions such as drug or depressed immunity. Several factors such as the period of hospital staying after surgery, base disease, age, immune system condition, hygiene policies, careless prophylactic drug administration and physical conditions of the healthcare centre may contribute to the acquisition of a nosocomial infection. A purulent wound can become complicated whenever antimicrobial therapy becomes compromised. In this pilot study, we analysed Enterobacteriaceae strains, the most significant gram-negative rods that may occur in post-surgical skin and soft tissue infections (SSTI) presenting reduced β-lactam susceptibility and those presenting extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBL). There is little information in our country regarding the relationship between β-lactam susceptibility, ESBL and development of resistant strains of microorganisms in SSTI. Our main results indicate Escherichia coli and Klebsiella spp. are among the most frequent enterobacteria (46% and 30% respectively) with ESBL production in 72% of Enterobacteriaceae isolates from SSTI. Moreover, coinfection occurred extensively, mainly with Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (18% and 13%, respectively). These results suggest future research to explore if and how these associations are involved in the development of antibiotic resistance.
Dissertação de Mestrado Apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Auditoria, sob orientação de Doutora Alcina Portugal Dias
Este documento apresenta o desenvolvimento de um sistema que visa relacionar e interligar as tecnologias móveis, automação industrial e SAP às necessidades da Gopaca, uma empresa de produção de derivados de cartão. A empresa Gopaca demonstrou interesse e necessidade em melhorar os seus processos internos de maneira a aumentar produtividade, diminuir desperdícios e implementar uma filosofia de Lean Manufacturing. Para que isso fosse possível foram implementados novos processos em SAP de modo a automatizar todo o processo pré-produtivo, pós produtivo e expedicional, bem como implementado um sistema de Warehouse Management inovador a nível mundial no que a empresas de produção de cartão diz respeito. Sendo expectável que após a conclusão do projecto os resultados fossem inegáveis em termos de aplicação da metodologia Lean Manufacturing. Foram efectuadas melhorias na forma como a entrada de mercadoria e produção é feita em SAP, passando de completamente manual para completamente automática, até à forma como a expedição será feita, apenas necessitando de um operador com uma pistola de leitura de códigos de barra para despoletar o processo completo até ao momento de impressão da guia de transporte. Todo este processo é inovador no que diz respeito à sua implementação em SAP com o foco no desejo do cliente, não existindo ainda, nenhum produto (modulo SAP) no mercado que permita a execução automática dos processos indicados. Todos os processos se tornaram simples e intuitivos e na maior parte dos casos sem qualquer necessidade de interacção com o utilizador, reduzindo o tempo anteriormente despendido nesta operações, podendo este ser aplicado nas áreas onde é realmente necessário.
O Project Finance é uma forma de financiamento de projetos inovadora, muito utilizada nos Estados Unidos e na Europa e que se aplica essencialmente a projetos de grande escala devido às características subjacentes. Este tema é relevante devido às condições financeiras, sociais e políticas que estamos a viver. As empresas enfrentam muitas adversidades para manter o seu negócio em bom funcionamento, procurando obter vantagens competitivas, mas isso torna-se difícil quando estas não possuem meios financeiros e de gestão para sustentar os investimentos. E é aqui que o Project Finance tem um papel importante, pois é um tipo de financiamento que pode facilitar a execução de projetos em qualquer lugar do mundo, mais particularmente nos países em desenvolvimento em que as empresas enfrentam dificuldades em obter recursos financeiros.
In this paper we consider a differentiated Stackelberg model, when the leader firm engages in an R&D process that gives an endogenous cost-reducing innovation. The aim is to study the licensing of the cost-reduction by a two-part tariff. By using comparative static analysis, we conclude that the degree of the differentiation of the goods plays an important role in the results. We also do a direct comparison between our model and Cournot duopoly model.
The application of information technologies (specially the Internet, Web 2.0 and social tools) make informal learning more visible. This kind of learning is not linked to an institution or a period of time, but it is important enough to be taken into account. On the one hand, learners should be able to communicate to the institutions they are related to, what skills they possess, whether they were achieved in a formal or informal way. On the other hand the companies and educational institutions need to have a deeper knowledge about the competencies of their staff. The TRAILER project provides a methodology supported by a technological framework to facilitate communication about informal learning between businesses, employees and learners. The paper presents the project and some of the work carried out, an exploratory analysis about how informal learning is considered and the technological framework proposed. Whilst challenges remain in terms of establishing the meaningfulness of technological engagement for employees and businesses, the continuing transformation of the social, technological and educational environment is likely to lead to greater emphasis for the effective exploitation of informal learning.
We study the effects of product differentiation in a Stackelberg model with demand uncertainty for the first mover. We do an ex-ante and ex-post analysis of the profits of the leader and of the follower firms in terms of product differentiation and of the demand uncertainty. We show that even with small uncertainty about the demand, the follower firm can achieve greater profits than the leader, if their products are sufficiently differentiated. We also compute the probability of the second firm having higher profit than the leading firm, subsequently showing the advantages and disadvantages of being either the leader or the follower firm.
The study assessed the effect of velocity of arm movement on the generation of APAs in the contralateral and ipsilateral muscles of individuals with stroke in the sitting position. In the sitting position, 10 healthy and 8 post-stroke subjects reached for an object placed at the scapular plane and mid-sternum height at self-selected and fast velocities. Electromyography was recorded from the anterior deltoid (AD), upper (UT) and lower trapezius (LT), and latissimus dorsi (LD). Kinematic analysis was used to assess peak velocity and trunk displacement. Post-stroke subjects presented a delay of APAs on both sides of the body compared to healthy subjects. Differences were found between the timing of APAs on the ipsilateral and contralateral LD and LT in both movement speeds and in the ipsilateral UT during movement of the non-affected arm at a self-selected velocity. A delay in the contralateral LD in the reaching movement with the non-affected arm at fast velocity was also observed. Trunk displacement was greater in post-stroke subjects. In the sitting position, APAs were delayed in both fast and self-selected movements on both sides in post-stroke subjects, which also presented a higher trunk displacement.
The development of new products or processes involves the creation, re-creation and integration of conceptual models from the related scientific and technical domains. Particularly, in the context of collaborative networks of organisations (CNO) (e.g. a multi-partner, international project) such developments can be seriously hindered by conceptual misunderstandings and misalignments, resulting from participants with different backgrounds or organisational cultures, for example. The research described in this article addresses this problem by proposing a method and the tools to support the collaborative development of shared conceptualisations in the context of a collaborative network of organisations. The theoretical model is based on a socio-semantic perspective, while the method is inspired by the conceptual integration theory from the cognitive semantics field. The modelling environment is built upon a semantic wiki platform. The majority of the article is devoted to developing an informal ontology in the context of a European R&D project, studied using action research. The case study results validated the logical structure of the method and showed the utility of the method.
The overall goal of the REMPLI project is to design and implement a communication infrastructure for distributed data acquisition and remote control operations using the power grid as the communication medium. The primary target application is remote meter reading with high time resolution, where the meters can be energy, heat, gas, or water meters. The users of the system (e.g. utility companies) will benefit from the REMPLI system by gaining more detailed information about how energy is consumed by the end-users. In this context, the power-line communication (PLC) is deployed to cover the distance between utility company’s Private Network and the end user. This document specifies a protocol for real-time PLC, in the framework of the REMPLI project. It mainly comprises the Network Layer and Data Link Layer. The protocol was designed having into consideration the specific aspects of the network: different network typologies (star, tree, ring, multiple paths), dynamic changes in network topology (due to network maintenance, hazards, etc.), communication lines strongly affected by noise.
Este trabalho tem como objetivo intervir na área de Recursos Humanos na Entidade Acolhedora do Projeto. Foi neste contexto que identificamos o Centro Social e Paroquial de S. Martinho de Brufe para a sua realização. O diagnóstico realizado permitiu identificar como potencialidade de intervenção o Sistema de Gestão de Recursos Humanos. Considerando as exigências definidas pelo Modelo de Avaliação da Qualidade das Respostas Sociais (MAQRS) procedeu-se ao diagnóstico da organização acolhedora do projeto. Seguiu-se a configuração exata da potencialidade identificada, o planeamento estratégico e operacional da estratégia. A fase seguinte envolveu a implementação do projeto. Terminamos com a avaliação e apresentação das respetivas medidas necessárias para concretizar da finalidade a que nos propusemos. Os resultados da avaliação permitem concluir que o planeamento e a implementação do projeto foram eficientes e eficazes, uma vez que a auditoria final mostrou a inexistência de não conformidades no projeto de intervenção. Sendo finalidade do projeto garantir que o Centro Social e Paroquial de S. Martinho de Brufe cumpre todos os requisitos do Critério 2 – Pessoas, do Modelo de Avaliação da Qualidade das Respostas Sociais (MAQRS), do Instituto da Segurança Social para submeter com êxito o processo de certificação, em julho de 2014, o documento que se segue contém todos os procedimentos necessários para garantir êxito na sua concretização. O centro Social e Paroquial de S. Martinho de Brufe dispõe dos próximos seis meses (de janeiro a junho de 2014) para apresentar evidências da formalização, sendo esta também condição necessária que antecede a submissão do processo de certificação.
Interactive products are appealing objects in a technology-driven society and the offer in the market is wide and varied. Most of the existing interactive products only provide either light or sound experiences. Therefore, the goal of this project was to develop a product aimed for children combining both features. This project was developed by a team of four thirdyear students with different engineering backgrounds and nationalities during the European Project Semester at ISEP (EPS@ISEP) in 2012. This paper presents the process that led to the development of an interactive sound table that combines nine identical interaction blocks, a control block and a sound block. Each interaction block works independently and is composed of four light emitting diodes (LED) and one infrared (IR) sensor. The control is performed by an Arduino microcontroller and the sound block includes a music shield and a pair of loud speakers. A number of tests were carried out to assess whether the controller, IR sensors, LED, music shield and speakers work together properly and if the ensemble was a viable interactive light and sound device for children.
Waste oil recycling companies play a very important role in our society. Competition among companies is tough and process optimization is essential for survival. By equipping oil containers with a level monitoring system that periodically reports the level and alerts when it reaches the preset threshold, the oil recycling companies are able to streamline the oil collection process and, thus, reduce the operation costs while maintaining the quality of service. This paper describes the development of this level monitoring system by a team of four students from different engineering backgrounds and nationalities. The team conducted a study of the state of the art, draw marketing and sustainable development plans and, finally, designed and implemented a prototype that continuously measures the container content level and sends an alert message as soon as it reaches the preset capacity.
A construction project is a group of discernible tasks or activities that are conduct-ed in a coordinated effort to accomplish one or more objectives. Construction projects re-quire varying levels of cost, time and other resources. To plan and schedule a construction project, activities must be defined sufficiently. The level of detail determines the number of activities contained within the project plan and schedule. So, finding feasible schedules which efficiently use scarce resources is a challenging task within project management. In this context, the well-known Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (RCPSP) has been studied during the last decades. In the RCPSP the activities of a project have to be scheduled such that the makespan of the project is minimized. So, the technological precedence constraints have to be observed as well as limitations of the renewable resources required to accomplish the activities. Once started, an activity may not be interrupted. This problem has been extended to a more realistic model, the multi-mode resource con-strained project scheduling problem (MRCPSP), where each activity can be performed in one out of several modes. Each mode of an activity represents an alternative way of combining different levels of resource requirements with a related duration. Each renewable resource has a limited availability for the entire project such as manpower and machines. This paper presents a hybrid genetic algorithm for the multi-mode resource-constrained pro-ject scheduling problem, in which multiple execution modes are available for each of the ac-tivities of the project. The objective function is the minimization of the construction project completion time. To solve the problem, is applied a two-level genetic algorithm, which makes use of two separate levels and extend the parameterized schedule generation scheme. It is evaluated the quality of the schedules and presents detailed comparative computational re-sults for the MRCPSP, which reveal that this approach is a competitive algorithm.
This paper presents a genetic algorithm for the resource constrained multi-project scheduling problem. The chromosome representation of the problem is based on random keys. The schedules are constructed using a heuristic that builds parameterized active schedules based on priorities, delay times, and release dates defined by the genetic algorithm. The approach is tested on a set of randomly generated problems. The computational results validate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.