76 resultados para machine development
In the initial stage of this work, two potentiometric methods were used to determine the salt (sodium chloride) content in bread and dough samples from several cities in the north of Portugal. A reference method (potentiometric precipitation titration) and a newly developed ion-selective chloride electrode (ISE) were applied. Both methods determine the sodium chloride content through the quantification of chloride. To evaluate the accuracy of the ISE, bread and respective dough samples were analyzed by both methods. Statistical analysis (0.05 significance level) indicated that the results of these methods did not differ significantly. Therefore the ISE is an adequate alternative for the determination of chloride in the analyzed samples. To compare the results of these chloride-based methods with a sodium-based method, sodium was quantified in the same samples by a reference method (atomic absorption spectrometry). Significant differences between the results were verified. In several cases the sodium chloride content exceeded the legal limit when the chloride-based methods were used, but when the sodium-based method was applied this was not the case. This could lead to the erroneous application of fines and therefore the authorities should supply additional information regarding the analytical procedure for this particular control.
Introduction: A major focus of data mining process - especially machine learning researches - is to automatically learn to recognize complex patterns and help to take the adequate decisions strictly based on the acquired data. Since imaging techniques like MPI – Myocardial Perfusion Imaging on Nuclear Cardiology, can implicate a huge part of the daily workflow and generate gigabytes of data, there could be advantages on Computerized Analysis of data over Human Analysis: shorter time, homogeneity and consistency, automatic recording of analysis results, relatively inexpensive, etc.Objectives: The aim of this study relates with the evaluation of the efficacy of this methodology on the evaluation of MPI Stress studies and the process of decision taking concerning the continuation – or not – of the evaluation of each patient. It has been pursued has an objective to automatically classify a patient test in one of three groups: “Positive”, “Negative” and “Indeterminate”. “Positive” would directly follow to the Rest test part of the exam, the “Negative” would be directly exempted from continuation and only the “Indeterminate” group would deserve the clinician analysis, so allowing economy of clinician’s effort, increasing workflow fluidity at the technologist’s level and probably sparing time to patients. Methods: WEKA v3.6.2 open source software was used to make a comparative analysis of three WEKA algorithms (“OneR”, “J48” and “Naïve Bayes”) - on a retrospective study using the comparison with correspondent clinical results as reference, signed by nuclear cardiologist experts - on “SPECT Heart Dataset”, available on University of California – Irvine, at the Machine Learning Repository. For evaluation purposes, criteria as “Precision”, “Incorrectly Classified Instances” and “Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) Areas” were considered. Results: The interpretation of the data suggests that the Naïve Bayes algorithm has the best performance among the three previously selected algorithms. Conclusions: It is believed - and apparently supported by the findings - that machine learning algorithms could significantly assist, at an intermediary level, on the analysis of scintigraphic data obtained on MPI, namely after Stress acquisition, so eventually increasing efficiency of the entire system and potentially easing both roles of Technologists and Nuclear Cardiologists. In the actual continuation of this study, it is planned to use more patient information and significantly increase the population under study, in order to allow improving system accuracy.
Mestrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. Área de Especialização em Sistemas Autónomos
A realização desta Tese/Dissertação tem como objectivo o estudo e implementação piloto de um Sistema de Supervisão e Aquisição de dados (SCADA) na Swedwood Portugal, na qual exerço as funções de Engenheiro de Processo nas linhas de montagem de mobiliário. Foi efectuado um estudo das necessidades da empresa relativamente às melhorias dos processos das linhas de montagem, com o intuito de melhorar a montagem do semi-produto, a nível de qualidade das matérias-primas, operação e desempenho de equipamentos. Chegou-se à conclusão que existe uma grande necessidade de controlar a qualidade das matérias-primas utilizadas na construção do semi-produto em tempo real, de modo a que seja possível diminuir a complexidade na recolha atempada de amostras por parte dos elementos de operação e diminuir o atraso da entrega de resultados das amostras por parte do laboratório. A colagem é um elemento crítico na montagem do semi-produto, devido às variações de viscosidade da cola, consequência das variações climatéricas a que foi sujeita, desde a saída do fornecedor até à sua utilização nas linhas de montagem. Para tal concebeu-se uma solução para dar uma resposta mais rápida no controlo de qualidade da cola à base de acetato de polivinil (PVAC), ou seja, a implementação piloto de um sistema SCADA na sala de colas, de modo a que haja um controlo a nível de temperatura e humidade, controlo de viscosidade em tempo real e controlo do nível da cola na cuba, fazendo com que haja só uma supervisão por parte dos elementos de operação. Optou-se por um conjunto de hardware e software da SIMATIC desenvolvido pela Siemens, para elaboração da programação e desenvolvimento da Interface Homem Máquina (HMI).
A constante evolução da tecnologia obriga a que o mundo empresarial tenha que alocar esforços para se manter actualizado. Os equipamentos tecnológicos que se encontram actualmente na vanguarda da tecnologia são os dispositivos móveis, que cada vez mais nos rodeiam e acompanham com o intuito de nos facilitar a execução de tarefas rotineiras. O ramo de construção e obras públicas em particular é um sector que obriga a que os seus trabalhadores estejam constantemente em movimento, e que muito têm a ganhar com a utilização de ferramentas de trabalho em equipamentos móveis. Neste projecto pretendeu-se identificar qual o sistema operativo para dispositivos móveis que melhor se enquadra com as necessidades empresariais, assim como quais os mecanismos de comunicação inter-máquinas que melhor se enquadram com o cenário em estudo. Foi então desenvolvida uma plataforma para dispositivos móveis que permite agilizar a execução de processos que normalmente são morosos ou que obrigam à utilização do computador em locais menos próprios, nomeadamente o ambiente de obra. A solução proposta e implementada envolve uma aplicação modular quer permita a fácil inserção e remoção de módulos. Foram também realizados os estudos e implementações de quatro módulos, designadamente: auto-afectação, conferência documental, fornecedores e presenças em obra. Concluído este projecto, ficam reunidas as condições para o fácil desenvolvimento de novos módulos, visando inovação e optimização dos processos de trabalho da empresa.
— In the new learning environments, built width digital technologies, the need to promote quality of education resources, commonly known as Learning Objects, which can support formal and informal distance learning, emerge as one of the biggest challenge that educational institutions will have to face. Due to the fact that is expensive, the reuse and sharing became very important issue. This article presents a Learning Object Repository which aims to store, to disseminate and maintain accessible Learning Objects.
A square-wave voltammetric (SWV) method and a flow injection analysis system with amperometric detection were developed for the determination of tramadol hydrochloride. The SWV method enables the determination of tramadol over the concentration range of 15-75 µM with a detection limit of 2.2 µM. Tramadol could be determined in concentrations between 9 and 50 µM at a sampling rate of 90 h-1, with a detection limit of 1.7 µM using the flow injection system. The electrochemical methods developed were successfully applied to the determination of tramadol in pharmaceutical dosage forms, without any pre-treatment of the samples. Recovery trials were performed to assess the accuracy of the results; the values were between 97 and 102% for both methods.
A method for the determination of some pesticide residues in must and wine samples was developed using solid-phase microextraction (SPME) and gas chromatography – electron capture detection (GC/ECD). The procedure only needs dilution as sample pre-treatment and is therefore simple, fast and solvent-free. Eight fungicides (vinclozolin, procymidone, iprodione, penconazole, fenarimol, folpet, nuarimol and hexaconazole), one insecticide (chlorpyriphos) and two acaricides (bromopropylate and tetradifon) can be quantified. Good linearity was observed for all the compounds in the range 5–100 µg/L. The reproducibility of the measurements was found acceptable (with RSD’s below 20%). Detection limits of 11 µg/L, on average, are sufficiently below the proposed maximum residue limits (MRL’s) for these compounds in wine. The analytical method was applied to the determination of these compounds in Portuguese must and wine samples from the Demarcated Region of Alentejo, where any residues could be detected.
On the basis of its electrochemical behaviour a new flow-injection analysis (FIA) method with amperometric detection has been developed for quantification of the herbicide bentazone (BTZ) in estuarine waters. Standard solutions and samples (200 µL) were injected into a water carrier stream and both pH and ionic strength were automatically adjusted inside the manifold. Optimization of critical FIA conditions indicated that the best analytical results were obtained at an oxidation potential of 1.10 V, pH 4.5, and an overall flow-rate of 2.4 mL min–1. Analysis of real samples was performed by means of calibration curves over the concentration range 2.5x10–6 to 5.0x10–5 mol L–1, and results were compared with those obtained by use of an independent method (HPLC). The accuracy of the amperometric determinations was ascertained; errors relative to the comparison method were below 4% and sampling rates were approximately 100 samples h–1. The repeatability of the proposed method was calculated by assessing the relative standard deviation (%) of ten consecutive determinations of one sample; the value obtained was 2.1%.
A new procedure for determining eleven organochlorine pesticides in soils using microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) and headspace solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) is described. The studied pesticides consisted of mirex, α- and γ-chlordane, p,p’-DDT, heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide isomer A, γ-hexachlorocyclohexane, dieldrin, endrin, aldrine and hexachlorobenzene. The HS-SPME was optimized for the most important parameters such as extraction time, sample volume and temperature. The present analytical procedure requires a reduced volume of organic solvents and avoids the need for extract clean-up steps. For optimized conditions the limits of detection for the method ranged from 0.02 to 3.6 ng/g, intermediate precision ranged from 14 to 36% (as CV%), and the recovery from 8 up to 51%. The proposed methodology can be used in the rapid screening of soil for the presence of the selected pesticides, and was applied to landfill soil samples.
Paracetamol is among the most worldwide consumed pharmaceuticals. Although its occurrence in the environment is well documented, data about the presence of its metabolites and transformation products is very scarce. The present work describes the development of an analytical method for the simultaneous determination of paracetamol, its principal metabolite (paracetamol-glucuronide) and its main transformation product (p-aminophenol) based on solid phase extraction (SPE) and high performance liquid chromatography coupled to diode array detection (HPLC-DAD). The method was applied to analysis of river waters, showing to be suitable to be used in routine analysis. Different SPE sorbents were compared and the use of two Oasis WAX cartridges in tandem proved to be the most adequate approach for sample clean up and pre-concentration. Under optimized conditions, limits of detection in the range 40–67 ng/L were obtained, as well as mean recoveries between 60 and 110% with relative standard deviations (RSD) below 6%. Finally, the developed SPE-HPLC/DAD method was successfully applied to the analysis of the selected compounds in samples from seven rivers located in the north of Portugal. Nevertheless all the compounds were detected, it was the first time that paracetamol-glucuronide was found in river water at concentrations up to 3.57 μg/L.
In the last few years, the number of systems and devices that use voice based interaction has grown significantly. For a continued use of these systems, the interface must be reliable and pleasant in order to provide an optimal user experience. However there are currently very few studies that try to evaluate how pleasant is a voice from a perceptual point of view when the final application is a speech based interface. In this paper we present an objective definition for voice pleasantness based on the composition of a representative feature subset and a new automatic voice pleasantness classification and intensity estimation system. Our study is based on a database composed by European Portuguese female voices but the methodology can be extended to male voices or to other languages. In the objective performance evaluation the system achieved a 9.1% error rate for voice pleasantness classification and a 15.7% error rate for voice pleasantness intensity estimation.
Phenolic acids are ubiquitous antioxidants accounting for approximately one third of the phenolic compounds in our diet. Their importance was supported by epidemiological studies that suggest an inverse relationship between dietary intake of phenolic antioxidants and the occurrence of diseases, such as cancer and neurodegenerative disorders. However, until now, most of natural antioxidants have limited therapeutic success a fact that could be related with their limited distribution throughout the body and with the inherent difficulties to attain the target sites. The development of phenolic antioxidants based on a hybrid concept and structurally based on natural hydroxybenzoic (gallic acid) and hydroxycinnamic (caffeic acid) scaffolds seems to be a suitable solution to surpass the mentioned drawbacks. Galloylecinnamic hybrids were synthesized and their antioxidant activity as well as partition coefficients and redox potentials evaluated. The structureepropertyeactivity relationship (SPAR) study revealed the existence of a correlation between the redox potentials and antioxidant activity. The galloylecinnamic acid hybrid stands out as the best antioxidant supplementing the effect of a blend of gallic acid plus caffeic acid endorsing the hypothesis that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. In addition, some hybrid compounds possess an appropriate lipophilicity allowing their application as chain-breaking antioxidant in biomembranes or other type of lipidic systems. Their predicted ADME properties are also in accordance with the general requirements for drug-like compounds. Accordingly, these phenolic hybrids can be seen as potential antioxidants for tackling the oxidative status linked to the neurodegenerative, inflammatory or cancer processes.
Embedded real-time applications increasingly present high computation requirements, which need to be completed within specific deadlines, but that present highly variable patterns, depending on the set of data available in a determined instant. The current trend to provide parallel processing in the embedded domain allows providing higher processing power; however, it does not address the variability in the processing pattern. Dimensioning each device for its worst-case scenario implies lower average utilization, and increased available, but unusable, processing in the overall system. A solution for this problem is to extend the parallel execution of the applications, allowing networked nodes to distribute the workload, on peak situations, to neighbour nodes. In this context, this report proposes a framework to develop parallel and distributed real-time embedded applications, transparently using OpenMP and Message Passing Interface (MPI), within a programming model based on OpenMP. The technical report also devises an integrated timing model, which enables the structured reasoning on the timing behaviour of these hybrid architectures.