71 resultados para Work Integrated Learning
Metaheuristics performance is highly dependent of the respective parameters which need to be tuned. Parameter tuning may allow a larger flexibility and robustness but requires a careful initialization. The process of defining which parameters setting should be used is not obvious. The values for parameters depend mainly on the problem, the instance to be solved, the search time available to spend in solving the problem, and the required quality of solution. This paper presents a learning module proposal for an autonomous parameterization of Metaheuristics, integrated on a Multi-Agent System for the resolution of Dynamic Scheduling problems. The proposed learning module is inspired on Autonomic Computing Self-Optimization concept, defining that systems must continuously and proactively improve their performance. For the learning implementation it is used Case-based Reasoning, which uses previous similar data to solve new cases. In the use of Case-based Reasoning it is assumed that similar cases have similar solutions. After a literature review on topics used, both AutoDynAgents system and Self-Optimization module are described. Finally, a computational study is presented where the proposed module is evaluated, obtained results are compared with previous ones, some conclusions are reached, and some future work is referred. It is expected that this proposal can be a great contribution for the self-parameterization of Metaheuristics and for the resolution of scheduling problems on dynamic environments.
Electricity markets are complex environments, involving a large number of different entities, playing in a dynamic scene to obtain the best advantages and profits. MASCEM is a multi-agent electricity market simu-lator to model market players and simulate their operation in the market. Market players are entities with specific characteristics and objectives, making their decisions and interacting with other players. MASCEM pro-vides several dynamic strategies for agents behaviour. This paper presents a method that aims to provide market players strategic bidding capabilities, allowing them to obtain the higher possible gains out of the market. This method uses an auxiliary forecasting tool, e.g. an Artificial Neural Net-work, to predict the electricity market prices, and analyses its forecasting error patterns. Through the recognition of such patterns occurrence, the method predicts the expected error for the next forecast, and uses it to adapt the actual forecast. The goal is to approximate the forecast to the real value, reducing the forecasting error.
A ESTSP-IPP implementou em 2008-2009 um novo modelo pedaggico, o PBL, em trs licenciaturas. Este modelo tem sido considerado capaz de promover a aquisio de conhecimentos mas tambm o desenvolvimento de competncias transversais valorizadas no mercado de trabalho; orienta-se em torno de problemas significativos da realidade profissional, trabalhados segundo a metodologia dos sete passos, destacando-se a aprendizagem atravs de pesquisa individual e trabalho de grupo; e visa ainda desenvolver processos cognitivos e metacognitivos como levantar hipteses, comparar, analisar, interpretar e avaliar. Neste artigo, caracterizamos brevemente o modelo e respectivas implicaes, justificando o interesse em investigar as repercusses da sua implementao.
The objective of this paper is to review and discuss the literature about volunteers motivations to donate their time to NGOs (Non Governmental Organisations). According to Parboteeah, Cullenb & Lim (2004) management research has not paid much attention to voluntarism, however, voluntarism is a substantial part of productive work for many societies. Wilson & Pimm (1996) show that in Great Britain about 39% of the adult population has been involved in some volunteer activity for some period of time. In the U.S.A. these values reach 50% (Wilson & Pimm, 1996). Considering the benefits that voluntarism can bring to an organisation, we understand that more attention must be devoted to this phenomenon. The more an organisation knows volunteers, the better this organisation will be able to meet the needs and expectations of these individuals. We present a literature review that illustrates and compares the different motivations associated with volunteer work. The paper includes a bibliographical databases search in specialised journals. The search used the key words motivations and voluntarism (in the heading and text body) and covered all numbers between 2000 and 2007. We identify the existence of repeated motivations (Holmberg & Sderlung, 2005; Prouteau & Wolff, 2008; Soupourmas & Ironmonger, 2001; Yavas & Riecken, 1997), which allow the establishment of a typology of volunteers motivations, based on four categories: altruism, social needs, self-esteem, learning and self-development. Finally we identify three main gaps in the literature that justify further research. First, research focusing on the differences between motivations related to volunteers "Attraction" versus "Retention" in NGOs is nil. Second, the great majority of the studies rely on north American (USA and Canada) and Australian context, which demands for further research in European countries. Third, the majority of NGOs researched are related to sport, art or the environment, and it would be interesting to explore the relationship between motivation and NGO type. These questions may obtain interesting answers for NGO management, in particular with regard to volunteer attraction and retention.
Motivations and management factors of volunteer work in nonprofit organisations: a literature review
The objective of this paper is to review and discuss the literature about volunteers motivations to donate their time to NPOs and the management factors that can influence volunteer work. Firstly, the paper illustrates and compares the different types of motivation followed by a presentation of a typology that organises the volunteers motivations into four types: (i) altruism, (ii) belonging, (iii) ego and social recognition and (iv) development and learning. Secondly we discuss the key management factors in volunteering: recruitment, training and rewarding. Finally, we present four gaps in the literature that justify the scope for further research: (i) omission of differences between motivations related to volunteers "Attraction" versus "Retention"; (ii) focus of the research on the USA, UK and Australia context; (iii) absence of comparative analyses that relate motivations by NPO types and (iv) comprehension of how management factors (recruitment, training and rewarding) influence volunteers satisfaction and retention.
Pesticides are among the most widely used chemicals in the world. Because of the widespread use of agricultural chemicals in food production, people are exposed to low levels of pesticide residues through their diets. Scientists do not yet have a total understanding of the health effects of these pesticide residues. This work aims to determine differences in terms of pesticide residue content in Portuguese strawberries grown using different agriculture practices. The Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged, and Safe sample preparation method was conducted and shown to have good performance for multiclass pesticides extraction in strawberries. The screening of 25 pesticides residue was performed by gas chromatographytandem mass spectrometry. In quantitative validation, acceptable performances were achieved with recoveries of 70120 and <12 % residual standard deviation for 25 pesticides. Good linearity was obtained for all the target compounds, with highly satisfactory repeatability. The limits of detection were in the range of 0.128 g/kg. The method was applied to analyze strawberry samples from organic and integrated pest management (IPM) practices harvested in 20092010. The results showed the presence of fludioxonil, bifenthrin, mepanipyrim, tolylfluanid, cyprodinil, tetraconazole, and malathion when using IPM below the maximum residue levels.
O aumento do nmero de recursos digitais disponveis dificulta a tarefa de pesquisa dos recursos mais relevantes, no sentido de se obter o que mais relevante. Assim sendo, um novo tipo de ferramentas, capaz de recomendar os recursos mais apropriados s necessidades do utilizador, torna-se cada vez mais necessrio. O objetivo deste trabalho de I&D o de implementar um mdulo de recomendao inteligente para plataformas de e-learning. As recomendaes baseiam-se, por um lado, no perfil do utilizador durante o processo de formao e, por outro lado, nos pedidos efetuados pelo utilizador, atravs de pesquisas [Tavares, Faria e Martins, 2012]. O e-learning 3.0 um projeto QREN desenvolvido por um conjunto de organizaes e tem com objetivo principal implementar uma plataforma de e-learning. Este trabalho encontra-se inserido no projeto e-learning 3.0 e consiste no desenvolvimento de um mdulo de recomendao inteligente (MRI). O MRI utiliza diferentes tcnicas de recomendao j aplicadas noutros sistemas de recomendao. Estas tcnicas so utilizadas para criar um sistema de recomendao hbrido direcionado para a plataforma de e-learning. Para representar a informao relevante, sobre cada utilizador, foi construdo um modelo de utilizador. Toda a informao necessria para efetuar a recomendao ser representada no modelo do utilizador, sendo este modelo atualizado sempre que necessrio. Os dados existentes no modelo de utilizador sero utilizados para personalizar as recomendaes produzidas. As recomendaes esto divididas em dois tipos, a formal e a no formal. Na recomendao formal o objetivo fazer sugestes relacionadas a um curso especfico. Na recomendao no-formal, o objetivo fazer sugestes mais abrangentes onde as recomendaes no esto associadas a nenhum curso. O sistema proposto capaz de sugerir recursos de aprendizagem, com base no perfil do utilizador, atravs da combinao de tcnicas de similaridade de palavras, um algoritmo de clustering e tcnicas de filtragem [Tavares, Faria e Martins, 2012].
Ao longo dos tempos foi possvel constatar que uma grande parte do tempo dos professores gasta na componente de avaliao. Por esse facto, h j algumas dcadas que a correco automtica de texto livre alvo de investigao. Sendo a correco de exerccios efectuada pelo computador permite que o professor dedique o seu tempo em tarefas que melhorem a aprendizagem dos alunos. Para alm disso, cada vez mais as novas tecnologias permitem o uso de ferramentas com bastante utilidade no ensino, pois para alm de facilitarem a exposio do conhecimento tambm permitem uma maior reteno da informao. Logo, associar ferramentas de gesto de sala de aula correco automtica de respostas de texto livre um desafio bastante interessante. O objectivo desta dissertao foi a realizao de um estudo relativamente rea de avaliao assistida por computador em que este trabalho se insere. Inicialmente, foram analisados alguns correctores ortogrficos para seleccionar aquele que seria integrado no mdulo proposto. De seguida, foram estudadas as tcnicas mais relevantes e as ferramentas que mais se enquadram no mbito deste trabalho. Neste contexto, a ideia foi partir da existncia de uma ferramenta de gesto de sala de aula e desenvolver um mdulo para a correco de exerccios. A aplicao UNI_NET-Classroom, que foi a ferramenta para a qual o mdulo foi desenvolvido, j continha um componente de gesto de exerccios que apenas efectuava a correco para as respostas de escolha mltipla. Com este trabalho pretendeu-se acrescentar mais uma funcionalidade a esse componente, cujo intuito dar apoio ao professor atravs da correco de exerccios e sugesto da cotao a atribuir. Por ltimo, foram realizadas vrias experincias sobre o mdulo desenvolvido, de forma a ser possvel retirar algumas concluses para o presente trabalho. A concluso mais importante foi que as ferramentas de correco automtica so uma mais-valia para os professores e escolas.
Electricity markets are complex environments with very particular characteristics. A critical issue regarding these specific characteristics concerns the constant changes they are subject to. This is a result of the electricity markets restructuring, which was performed so that the competitiveness could be increased, but it also had exponential implications in the increase of the complexity and unpredictability in those markets scope. The constant growth in markets unpredictability resulted in an amplified need for market intervenient entities in foreseeing market behaviour. The need for understanding the market mechanisms and how the involved players interaction affects the outcomes of the markets, contributed to the growth of usage of simulation tools. Multi-agent based software is particularly well fitted to analyze dynamic and adaptive systems with complex interactions among its constituents, such as electricity markets. This dissertation presents ALBidS Adaptive Learning strategic Bidding System, a multiagent system created to provide decision support to market negotiating players. This system is integrated with the MASCEM electricity market simulator, so that its advantage in supporting a market player can be tested using cases based on real markets data. ALBidS considers several different methodologies based on very distinct approaches, to provide alternative suggestions of which are the best actions for the supported player to perform. The approach chosen as the players actual action is selected by the employment of reinforcement learning algorithms, which for each different situation, simulation circumstances and context, decides which proposed action is the one with higher possibility of achieving the most success. Some of the considered approaches are supported by a mechanism that creates profiles of competitor players. These profiles are built accordingly to their observed past actions and reactions when faced with specific situations, such as success and failure. The systems context awareness and simulation circumstances analysis, both in terms of results performance and execution time adaptation, are complementary mechanisms, which endow ALBidS with further adaptation and learning capabilities.
One of the most difficult issues of e-Learning is the students assessment. Being this an outstanding task regarding theoretical topics, it becomes even more challenging when the topics under evaluation are practical. ISCAPs Information Systems Department is composed of about twenty teachers who have been for several years using an e-learning environment (at the moment Moodle 2.3) combined with traditional assessment. They are now planning and implementing a new e-learning assessment strategy. This effort was undertaken in order to evaluate a practical topic (the use of spreadsheets to solve management problems) common to shared courses of several undergraduate degree programs. The same team group is already experienced in the assessment of theoretical information systems topics using the b-learning platform. Therefore, this project works as an extension to previous experiences being the team aware of the additional difficulties due to the practical nature of the topics. This paper describes this project and presents two cycles of the action research methodology, used to conduct the research. The first cycle goal was to produce a database of questions. When it was implemented in order to be used with a pilot group of students, several problems were identified. Subsequently, the second cycle consisted in solving the identified problems preparing the database and all the players to a broader scope implementation. For each cycle, all the phases, its drawbacks and achievements are described. This paper suits all those who are or are planning to be in the process of shifting their assessment strategy from a traditional to one supported by an e-learning platform.
A sociedade moderna encontra-se numa evoluo progressiva e constante no que respeita s novas tecnologias. Independentemente da rea de conhecimento, de senso comum, que cada vez mais necessria formao slida, sendo fundamental a preparao e a consolidao das futuras geraes na utilizao das novas tecnologias. As plataformas de e-learning so hoje em dia uma realidade mais que afirmada, e com aplicao em todos os sectores de actividade. A rea da sade no foge regra, verificando-se que os seus profissionais evidenciam falta de disponibilidade para participao nas formaes presenciais, fundamentais para o seu processo de formao contnua (LLL Long Liffe Learning). Estes profissionais necessitam de estar continuamente actualizados, de forma a melhor poderem contribuir para o desempenho das suas funes, como o aconselhamento dos utentes, acompanhamento de doentes crnicos, uso correcto dos medicamentos, entre outros. O presente trabalho pretende implementar em ambiente hospitalar o modelo de formao distncia em regime de e-learning ou b-learning, identificando potenciais vantagens e constrangimentos inerentes ao processo. Para o efeito, ser utilizada a plataforma MEDUCA criada pelo GILT-ISEP e baseada em Moodle, como uma plataforma destinada formao para profissionais da rea da Sade. Esta dissertao apresenta uma investigao sobre a implementao da dita plataforma em ambiente hospitalar. Esta dissertao apresenta todo o estudo/trabalho desenvolvido para a implementao da plataforma MEDUCA nalgumas entidades contactadas da rea da sade. Espera-se que esta ferramenta oferea uma alternativa interactiva de educao e aprendizagem, visando melhorar constantemente o nvel formativo de cada profissional de sade.
Bologne came to globalize education in higher education, creating a unified architecture that potentiates higher education and enhances the continued interconnection of the spaces of education policy in higher education in the world, in particular in Europe. The aim of this work consists in the presentation of an identification model and skills classification and learning outcomes, based on the official documents of the course units (syllabus and assessment components) of a course of Higher Education. We are aware that the adoption of this model by different institutions, will contribute to interoperability learning outcomes, thus enhancing the mobility of teachers and students in the EHEA (European Higher Education Area) and third countries.
The application of information technologies (specially the Internet, Web 2.0 and social tools) make informal learning more visible. This kind of learning is not linked to an institution or a period of time, but it is important enough to be taken into account. On the one hand, learners should be able to communicate to the institutions they are related to, what skills they possess, whether they were achieved in a formal or informal way. On the other hand the companies and educational institutions need to have a deeper knowledge about the competencies of their staff. The TRAILER project provides a methodology supported by a technological framework to facilitate communication about informal learning between businesses, employees and learners. The paper presents the project and some of the work carried out, an exploratory analysis about how informal learning is considered and the technological framework proposed. Whilst challenges remain in terms of establishing the meaningfulness of technological engagement for employees and businesses, the continuing transformation of the social, technological and educational environment is likely to lead to greater emphasis for the effective exploitation of informal learning.
Managing programming exercises require several heterogeneous systems such as evaluation engines, learning objects repositories and exercise resolution environments. The coordination of networks of such disparate systems is rather complex. These tools would be too specific to incorporate in an e-Learning platform. Even if they could be provided as pluggable components, the burden of maintaining them would be prohibitive to institutions with few courses in those domains. This work presents a standard based approach for the coordination of a network of e-Learning systems participating on the automatic evaluation of programming exercises. The proposed approach uses a pivot component to orchestrate the interaction among all the systems using communication standards. This approach was validated through its effective use on classroom and we present some preliminary results.
In this study, efforts were made in order to put forward an integrated recycling approach for the thermoset based glass fibre reinforced polymer (GPRP) rejects derived from the pultrusion manufacturing industry. Both the recycling process and the development of a new cost-effective end-use application for the recyclates were considered. For this purpose, i) among the several available recycling techniques for thermoset based composite materials, the most suitable one for the envisaged application was selected (mechanical recycling); and ii) an experimental work was carried out in order to assess the added-value of the obtained recyclates as aggregates and reinforcement replacements into concrete-polymer composite materials. Potential recycling solution was assessed by mechanical behaviour of resultant GFRP waste modified concrete-polymer composites with regard to unmodified materials. In the mix design process of the new GFRP waste based composite material, the recyclate content and size grade, and the effect of the incorporation of an adhesion promoter were considered as material factors and systematically tested between reasonable ranges. The optimization process of the modified formulations was supported by the Fuzzy Boolean Nets methodology, which allowed finding the best balance between material parameters that maximizes both flexural and compressive strengths of final composite. Comparing to related end-use applications of GFRP wastes in cementitious based concrete materials, the proposed solution overcome some of the problems found, namely the possible incompatibilities arisen from alkalis-silica reaction and the decrease in the mechanical properties due to high water-cement ratio required to achieve the desirable workability. Obtained results were very promising towards a global cost-effective waste management solution for GFRP industrial wastes and end-of-life products that will lead to a more sustainable composite materials industry.