44 resultados para Hospitals infantils


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Introduction: Hearing loss h sone raised impact in the development and academic progress of a child. In several developed countries, early detection is part of the national health plan through universal neonatal hearing screening (UNHS) and also with school hearing screening programs (SHSP), but only a few have published national data and revised protocols. Currently in Portugal, the UNHS is implemented in the main district hospitals but not the SHPS, as well we still do not make use of concrete data nor publication of studies on the national reality. Objectives: The incidence of the hearing loss and of otological problems was studied in school communities in the north of the country with 2550 participants between 3 and 17 years old. Methods: Statistical data collected within the schools with a standard auditory hearing screening protocol. All participants were evaluated with the same protocol, an audiological anamnesis, otoscopy and audiometric exam screening (500, 1000, 2000 and 4000 Hz) were fulfilled. Results: Different otological problems were identified and the audiometric screening exam counted auditory thresholds that outpointed uni and bilateral hearing loss in about 5.7% of the cases. Conclusions: The study has demonstrated that auditory school screening should take place as early as possible and be part of the primary health care to identify and direct children to appropriate rehabilitation, education and attendance. Thus, reducing high costs with late treatment.


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The impact of effluent wastewaters from four different hospitals: a university (1456 beds), a general (350 beds), a pediatric (110 beds) and a maternity hospital (96 beds), which are conveyed to the same wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), was evaluated in the receiving urban wastewaters. The occurrence of 78 pharmaceuticals belonging to several therapeutic classes was assessed in hospital effluents and WWTP wastewaters (influent and effluent) as well as the contribution of each hospital in WWTP influent in terms of pharmaceutical load. Results indicate that pharmaceuticals are widespread pollutants in both hospital and urban wastewaters. The contribution of hospitals to the input of pharmaceuticals in urban wastewaters widely varies, according to their dimension. The estimated total mass loadings were 306 g d− 1 for the university hospital, 155 g d− 1 for the general one, 14 g d− 1 for the pediatric hospital and 1.5 g d− 1 for the maternity hospital, showing that the biggest hospitals have a greater contribution to the total mass load of pharmaceuticals. Furthermore, analysis of individual contributions of each therapeutic group showed that NSAIDs, analgesics and antibiotics are among the groups with the highest inputs. Removal efficiency can go from over 90% for pharmaceuticals like acetaminophen and ibuprofen to not removal for β-blockers and salbutamol. Total mass load of pharmaceuticals into receiving surface waters was estimated between 5 and 14 g/d/1000 inhabitants. Finally, the environmental risk posed by pharmaceuticals detected in hospital and WWTP effluents was assessed by means of hazard quotients toward different trophic levels (algae, daphnids and fish). Several pharmaceuticals present in the different matrices were identified as potentially hazardous to aquatic organisms, showing that especial attention should be paid to antibiotics such as ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin, sulfamethoxazole, azithromycin and clarithromycin, since their hazard quotients in WWTP effluent revealed that they could pose an ecotoxicological risk to algae.


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Ibuprofen is amongst the most worldwide consumed pharmaceuticals. The present work presents the first data in the occurrence of ibuprofen in Portuguese surface waters, focusing in the north area of the country, which is one of the most densely populated areas of Portugal. Analysis of ibuprofen is based on pre-concentration of the analyte with solid phase extraction and subsequent determination with liquid chromatography coupled to fluorescence detection. A total of 42 water samples, including surface waters, landfill leachates,Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), and hospital effluents, were analyzed in order to evaluate the occurrence of ibuprofen in the north of Portugal. In general, the highest concentrations were found in the river mouths and in the estuarine zone. The maximum concentrations found were 48,720 ngL−1 in the landfill leachate, 3,868 ngL−1 in hospital effluent, 616 ngL−1 in WWTP effluent, and 723 ngL−1 in surface waters (Lima river). Environmental risk assessment was evaluated and at the measured concentrations only landfill leachates reveal potential ecotoxicological risk for aquatic organisms. Owing to a high consumption rate of ibuprofen among Portuguese population, as prescribed and nonprescribed medicine, the importance of hospitals, WWTPs, and landfills as sources of entrance of pharmaceuticals in the environment was pointed out. Landfill leachates showed the highest contribution for ibuprofen mass loading into surface waters. On the basis of our findings, more studies are needed as an attempt to assess more vulnerable areas.


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O sistema de gestão de proteção de dados pessoais e estudos clínicos em Portugal levanta controvérsia e uma interpretação distinta, dada a sensibilidade ética do tema, a integridade humana. Além deste fato, estamos diante de um problema que envolve diversos interesses e, assim, um confronto de posições. Pretende-se, ao longo deste artigo, abordar a percepção da forma como os profissionais da área da saúde, no seu quotidiano, lidam com a questão do tratamento de dados clínicos, numa tentativa de harmonizar pontos de vista e de conteúdo, verificando se há realmente um esforço das instituições hospitalares para facilitarem este processo e permitirem que os usuários sejam universalmente protegidos e bem tratados. Os resultados obtidos no documento de consulta de profissionais de saúde indicam que há uma preocupação com a confidencialidade em 100% dos inquiridos, embora existam sistemas de gestão de dados clínicos diferenciados (seis distintos). Espera-se uma tendência ascendente na procura dessas informações úteis e de interesse para deter essa informação, tomada por profissionais de saúde, instituições de saúde, seguradoras etc. O problema surge no confronto entre a proteção da vida privada, o interesse específico de usuários, o interesse público e as políticas institucionais e governamentais vigentes. Partindo do pressuposto de que a garantia de confidencialidade é uma realidade em termos de segurança, é necessário determinar se os meios utilizados para atingir essa tarefa são os mais eficientes e permitem uma gestão sustentável dos dados de saúde.


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Wireless sensor network (WSN) applications such as patients’ health monitoring in hospitals, location-aware ambient intelligence, industrial monitoring /maintenance or homeland security require the support of mobile nodes or node groups. In many of these applications, the lack of network connectivity is not admissible or should at least be time bounded, i.e. mobile nodes cannot be disconnected from the rest of the WSN for an undefined period of time. In this context, we aim at reliable and real-time mobility support in WSNs, for which appropriate handoff and rerouting decisions are mandatory. This paper1 drafts a mechanism and correspondent heuristics for taking reliable handoff decisions in WSNs. Fuzzy logic is used to incorporate the inherent imprecision and uncertainty of the physical quantities at stake.


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Em termos profissionais, a satisfação no trabalho é sem dúvida um tema bastante debatido e atual. Neste sentido, este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a satisfação profissional dos enfermeiros especialistas em enfermagem de reabilitação e também averiguar se o local de trabalho ou o exercício de cuidados de especialidade influenciam a satisfação profissional deste grupo de enfermeiros. A satisfação profissional foi avaliada através da aplicação da “Escala de Avaliação da Satisfação no Trabalho dos Enfermeiros”, construída e validada por Frederico & Loureiro (2009) a 306 profissionais de Enfermagem, especialistas em enfermagem de reabilitação. O Alpha de Cronbach foi de 0,85, refletindo um bom nível de consistência interna. Foram analisadas seis dimensões da satisfação: satisfação com as chefias; satisfação com benefícios e recompensas; satisfação com a natureza do trabalho; satisfação com a comunicação; satisfação com a equipa e satisfação com os requisitos do trabalho. Foi realizado um estudo transversal analítico. Na análise estatística dos dados, recorreu-se à análise fatorial, ao coeficiente de correlação de Spearman, a testes paramétricos t-student para amostras independentes e One-Way ANOVA. Os resultados mostram que os enfermeiros especialistas em enfermagem de reabilitação encontram-se ligeiramente insatisfeitos. Os fatores de insatisfação estão relacionados com benefícios e recompensas, requisitos do trabalho e com a comunicação. A natureza do trabalho e o relacionamento com a equipa são fatores com os quais obtêm maior satisfação. Em relação às chefias existe uma aproximação à satisfação. Relativamente à avaliação do grau de satisfação profissional global, concluiu-se que os enfermeiros que exercem funções nos Cuidados de Saúde Primários encontram-se mais insatisfeitos profissionalmente, do que os que exercem a sua atividade profissional ao nível hospitalar. Os enfermeiros que exercem cuidados gerais apresentam-se mais insatisfeitos do que os que exercem cuidados de especialidade. Também a idade e a remuneração pelo cargo desempenhado são fatores determinantes. Os enfermeiros mais jovens são os que se apresentam mais insatisfeitos. Os enfermeiros que não são remunerados pelo cargo desempenhado demonstram maior insatisfação profissional.


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A melhoria progressiva na prestação de cuidados de saúde que se verifica nos dias de hoje, deve-se maioritariamente ao desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias médicas, que se traduzem na criação de inovadores dispositivos médicos, cujo fim é auxiliar no diagnóstico, prevenção e tratamento de doenças, melhorando assim as condições de trabalho e os cuidados oferecidos aos pacientes. No entanto estas melhorias apenas são vantajosas quando as novas tecnologias são utilizadas de forma segura, o que leva a uma preocupação crescente com a segurança dos profissionais de saúde e dos pacientes em ambiente hospitalar. Como forma de reduzir e controlar os riscos existentes, as unidades de saúde introduziram mecanismos de gestão que permitem o conhecimento das fontes de risco e respetivos mecanismos de ação. A presente dissertação de mestrado apresenta uma proposta de modelo de Manual de Procedimentos para Gestão de Risco de Dispositivos Médicos, aplicável a todos os dispositivos médicos existentes nas Unidades de Saúde. Para a criação deste manual, foram utilizados por meio de adaptação, as etapas da gestão de risco definidas na Norma ISO 14971:2007 em conjunto com o método de gestão de risco utilizado pela Unidade Local de Saúde de Matosinhos O desenvolvimento deste manual de procedimentos permitirá a esta unidade de saúde, a aquisição e fornecimento de informações úteis na tomada de decisão sobre os procedimentos de controlo de risco de dispositivos médicos, com o objetivo de manter o risco destes dispositivos dentro dos níveis previamente estabelecidos e auxiliar a tomada de decisão de programas de manutenção preventiva e de aquisição de dispositivos médicos.


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Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Politécnico do Porto para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Gestão das Organizações, Ramo de Gestão de Empresas Orientada por: Prof. Doutor Eduardo Manuel Lopes de Sá e Silva Coorientada por: Mestre Adalmiro Álvaro Malheiro de Castro Andrade Pereira Esta dissertação inclui as críticas e sugestões feitas pelo júri.


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Atualmente, as radiações ionizantes desempenham um papel fundamental nas áreas de diagnóstico e terapia, estando omnipresentes em ambientes hospitalares. Contudo, devido aos efeitos biológicos adversos da radiação, torna-se essencial a protecção dos profissionais de saúde e pacientes. Consequentemente, um array de detetores capazes de produzir um sinal acústico, aquando da presença de radiação ionizante excedendo determinados valores limite e transmissão via wireless das leituras para um sistema central _e de grande interesse prático. Nesta dissertação, foi implementado um sistema capaz de alimentar um array de sensores de radiação para monitorização de diferentes espaços e transmissão das leituras efetuadas via wireless. A aquisição de dados foi realizada, recorrendo à utilização de um conversor analógico-digital. Vários testes de validação foram realizados, através de vários passos para alcançar a concretização do sistema final, nomeadamente testes relativos ao circuito de detecção, módulos de comunicação wireless, bem como o uso de diferentes ambientes de desenvolvimento integrados (IDE). Os resultados destes testes mostram a visualização e gravação adequadas dos dados relativos aos níveis de radiação, bem como a transmissão de dados de forma viável, permitindo a monitorização de espaços sujeitos à presença de radiação ionizante. Desta forma, um array de contadores Geiger-Müller, ligados a módulos wireless XBee open-source e uma placa Arduino, possibilitou a implementação de um sistema viável e de baixo custo para monitorização de radiação ionizante e registar esses mesmos dados para posterior análise.


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Dissertação para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças Orientador: Mestre Rui Filipe Pereira Bertuzi da Silva Coorientador: Mestre Paulino Manuel Leite da Silva Coorientador: Doutor António José Balloni – GESITI/CTI


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Auditoria, sob orientação de: Doutora Alcina Dias e coorientação de: Doutora Ana Paula Lopes


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Volunteers working in different areas or different NPO (Non-profit Organisations) are significantly different according to several variables, namely in terms of motivation, satisfaction and permanence. Thus, the main goal of this research is to understand volunteers’ motivations and the influence of the context on it. Additionally, demographic variables might have an important impact on volunteers’ activities, be an important predictor of volunteering and, at the same time, influence their time commitment. In this paper we present data from twelve different NPO - 10 hospitals and 2 food banks. The model of data collection was a survey conducted by self-administered questionnaire. The results showed significant differences between the volunteers’ belonging to the two organisations and their motivations, confirming that volunteer’ motivations differ according the type/nature of organisation; this is particularly important because the field in which one works is influenced by a self-evident affinity with shared ideologies, religious convictions, and collective identities. These results present important outcomes that should be reflected in the way organisations act. Keywords: Volunteering; Occasional and permanent volunteers; Motivations; Non-profit organisations.


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Hospitals are considered as a special and important type of indoor public place where air quality has significant impacts on potential health outcomes. Information on indoor air quality of these environments, concerning exposures to particulate matter (PM) and related toxicity, is limited though. This work aims to evaluate risks associated with inhalation exposure to ten toxic metals and chlorine (As, Ni, Cr, Cd, Pb, Mn, Se, Ba, Al, Si, and Cl) in coarse (PM2.5–10) and fine (PM2.5) particles in a Portuguese hospital in comparison with studies representative of other countries. Samples were collected during 1 month in one urban hospital; elemental PM characterization was determined by proton-induced X-ray emission. Noncarcinogenic and carcinogenic risks were assessed according to the methodology provided by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA; Region III Risk-Based Concentration Table) for three different age categories of hospital personnel (adults, >20, and <65 years) and patients (considering nine different age groups, i.e., children of 1–3 years to seniors of >65 years). The estimated noncarcinogenic risks due to occupational inhalation exposure to PM2.5-bound metals ranged from 5.88×10−6 for Se (adults, 55–64 years) to 9.35×10−1 for As (adults, 20–24 years) with total noncarcinogenic risks (sum of all metals) above the safe level for all three age categories. As and Cl (the latter due to its high abundances) were the most important contributors (approximately 90 %) to noncarcinogenic risks. For PM2.5–10, noncarcinogenic risks of all metals were acceptable to all age groups. Concerning carcinogenic risks, for Ni and Pb, they were negligible (<1×10−6) in both PM fractions for all age groups of hospital personnel; potential risks were observed for As and Cr with values in PM2.5 exceeding (up to 62 and 5 times, respectively) USEPA guideline across all age groups; for PM2.5–10, increased excess risks of As and Cr were observed particularly for long-term exposures (adults, 55–64 years). Total carcinogenic risks highly (up to 67 times) exceeded the recommended level for all age groups, thus clearly showing that occupational exposure to metals in fine particles pose significant risks. If the extensive working hours of hospital medical staff were considered, the respective noncarcinogenic and carcinogenic risks were increased, the latter for PM2.5 exceeding the USEPA cumulative guideline of 10−4. For adult patients, the estimated noncarcinogenic and carcinogenic risks were approximately three times higher than for personnel, with particular concerns observed for children and adolescents.


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Context: Telomerase promoter mutations (TERT) were recently described in follicular cell-derived thyroid carcinomas (FCDTC) and seem to be more prevalent in aggressive cancers. Objectives: We aimed to evaluate the frequency of TERT promoter mutations in thyroid lesions and to investigate the prognostic significance of such mutations in a large cohort of patients with differentiated thyroid carcinomas (DTCs). Design: This was a retrospective observational study. Setting and Patients: We studied 647 tumors and tumor-like lesions. A total of 469 patients with FCDTC treated and followed in five university hospitals were included. Mean follow-up (±SD) was 7.8 ± 5.8 years. Main Outcome Measures: Predictive value of TERT promoter mutations for distant metastasization, disease persistence at the end of follow-up, and disease-specific mortality. Results: TERT promoter mutations were found in 7.5% of papillary carcinomas (PTCs), 17.1% of follicular carcinomas, 29.0% of poorly differentiated carcinomas, and 33.3% of anaplastic thyroid carcinomas. Patients with TERT-mutated tumors were older (P < .001) and had larger tumors (P = .002). In DTCs, TERT promoter mutations were significantly associated with distant metastases (P < .001) and higher stage (P < .001). Patients with DTC harboring TERT promoter mutations were submitted to more radioiodine treatments (P = .009) with higher cumulative dose (P = .004) and to more treatment modalities (P = .001). At the end of follow-up, patients with TERT-mutated DTCs were more prone to have persistent disease (P = .001). TERT promoter mutations were significantly associated with disease-specific mortality [in the whole FCDTC (P < .001)] in DTCs (P < .001), PTCs (P = .001), and follicular carcinomas (P < .001). After adjusting for age at diagnosis and gender, the hazard ratio was 10.35 (95% confidence interval 2.01–53.24; P = .005) in DTC and 23.81 (95% confidence interval 1.36–415.76; P = .03) in PTCs. Conclusions: TERT promoter mutations are an indicator of clinically aggressive tumors, being correlated with worse outcome and disease-specific mortality in DTC. TERT promoter mutations have an independent prognostic value in DTC and, notably, in PTC.