32 resultados para GPS-järjestelmä


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In this paper we describe a low cost distributed system intended to increase the positioning accuracy of outdoor navigation systems based on the Global Positioning System (GPS). Since the accuracy of absolute GPS positioning is insufficient for many outdoor navigation tasks, another GPS based methodology – the Differential GPS (DGPS) – was developed in the nineties. The differential or relative positioning approach is based on the calculation and dissemination of the range errors of the received GPS satellites. GPS/DGPS receivers correlate the broadcasted GPS data with the DGPS corrections, granting users increased accuracy. DGPS data can be disseminated using terrestrial radio beacons, satellites and, more recently, the Internet. Our goal is to provide mobile platforms within our campus with DGPS data for precise outdoor navigation. To achieve this objective, we designed and implemented a three-tier client/server distributed system that, first, establishes Internet links with remote DGPS sources and, then, performs campus-wide dissemination of the obtained data. The Internet links are established between data servers connected to remote DGPS sources and the client, which is the data input module of the campus-wide DGPS data provider. The campus DGPS data provider allows the establishment of both Intranet and wireless links within the campus. This distributed system is expected to provide adequate support for accurate outdoor navigation tasks.


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The goal of the work presented in this paper is to provide mobile platforms within our campus with a GPS based data service capable of supporting precise outdoor navigation. This can be achieved by providing campus-wide access to real time Differential GPS (DGPS) data. As a result, we designed and implemented a three-tier distributed system that provides Internet data links between remote DGPS sources and the campus and a campus-wide DGPS data dissemination service. The Internet data link service is a two-tier client/server where the server-side is connected to the DGPS station and the client-side is located at the campus. The campus-wide DGPS data provider disseminates the DGPS data received at the campus via the campus Intranet and via a wireless data link. The wireless broadcast is intended for portable receivers equipped with a DGPS wireless interface and the Intranet link is provided for receivers with a DGPS serial interface. The application is expected to provide adequate support for accurate outdoor campus navigation tasks.


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The accuracy of the Navigation Satellite Timing and Ranging (NAVSTAR) Global Positioning System (GPS) measurements is insufficient for many outdoor navigation tasks. As a result, in the late nineties, a new methodology – the Differential GPS (DGPS) – was developed. The differential approach is based on the calculation and dissemination of the range errors of the GPS satellites received. GPS/DGPS receivers correlate the broadcasted GPS data with the DGPS corrections, granting users increased accuracy. DGPS data can be disseminated using terrestrial radio beacons, satellites and, more recently, the Internet. Our goal is to provide mobile platforms within our campus with DGPS data for precise outdoor navigation. To achieve this objective, we designed and implemented a three-tier client/server distributed system that establishes Internet links with remote DGPS sources and performs campus-wide dissemination of the obtained data. The Internet links are established between data servers connected to remote DGPS sources and the client, which is the data input module of the campus-wide DGPS data provider. The campus DGPS data provider allows the establishment of both Intranet and wireless links within the campus. This distributed system is expected to provide adequate support for accurate (submetric) outdoor navigation tasks.


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Although the Navigation Satellite Timing and Ranging (NAVSTAR) Global Positioning System (GPS) is, de facto, the standard positioning system used in outdoor navigation, it does not provide, per se, all the features required to perform many outdoor navigational tasks. The accuracy of the GPS measurements is the most critical issue. The quest for higher position readings accuracy led to the development, in the late nineties, of the Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS). The differential GPS method detects the range errors of the GPS satellites received and broadcasts them. The DGPS/GPS receivers correlate the DGPS data with the GPS satellite data they are receiving, granting users increased accuracy. DGPS data is broadcasted using terrestrial radio beacons, satellites and, more recently, the Internet. Our goal is to have access, within the ISEP campus, to DGPS correction data. To achieve this objective we designed and implemented a distributed system composed of two main modules which are interconnected: a distributed application responsible for the establishment of the data link over the Internet between the remote DGPS stations and the campus, and the campus-wide DGPS data server application. The DGPS data Internet link is provided by a two-tier client/server distributed application where the server-side is connected to the DGPS station and the client-side is located at the campus. The second unit, the campus DGPS data server application, diffuses DGPS data received at the campus via the Intranet and via a wireless data link. The wireless broadcast is intended for DGPS/GPS portable receivers equipped with an air interface and the Intranet link is provided for DGPS/GPS receivers with just a RS232 DGPS data interface. While the DGPS data Internet link servers receive the DGPS data from the DGPS base stations and forward it to the DGPS data Internet link client, the DGPS data Internet link client outputs the received DGPS data to the campus DGPS data server application. The distributed system is expected to provide adequate support for accurate (sub-metric) outdoor campus navigation tasks. This paper describes in detail the overall distributed application.


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Technology is present in almost every simple aspect of the people’s daily life. As an instance, let us refer to the smartphone. This device is usually equipped with a GPS modulewhich may be used as an orientation system, if it carries the right functionalities. The problem is that these applications may be complex to operate and may not be within the bounds of everybody. Therefore, the main goal here is to develop an orientation system that may help people with cognitive disabilities in their day-to-day journeys, when the caregivers are absent. On the other hand, to keep paid helpers aware of the current location of the disable people, it will be also considered a localization system. Knowing their current locations, caregiversmay engage in others activities without neglecting their prime work, and, at the same time, turning people with cognitive disabilities more independent.


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Nowadays the incredible grow of mobile devices market led to the need for location-aware applications. However, sometimes person location is difficult to obtain, since most of these devices only have a GPS (Global Positioning System) chip to retrieve location. In order to suppress this limitation and to provide location everywhere (even where a structured environment doesn’t exist) a wearable inertial navigation system is proposed, which is a convenient way to track people in situations where other localization systems fail. The system combines pedestrian dead reckoning with GPS, using widely available, low-cost and low-power hardware components. The system innovation is the information fusion and the use of probabilistic methods to learn persons gait behavior to correct, in real-time, the drift errors given by the sensors.


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Nowadays there is an increase of location-aware mobile applications. However, these applications only retrieve location with a mobile device's GPS chip. This means that in indoor or in more dense environments these applications don't work properly. To provide location information everywhere a pedestrian Inertial Navigation System (INS) is typically used, but these systems can have a large estimation error since, in order to turn the system wearable, they use low-cost and low-power sensors. In this work a pedestrian INS is proposed, where force sensors were included to combine with the accelerometer data in order to have a better detection of the stance phase of the human gait cycle, which leads to improvements in location estimation. Besides sensor fusion an information fusion architecture is proposed, based on the information from GPS and several inertial units placed on the pedestrian body, that will be used to learn the pedestrian gait behavior to correct, in real-time, the inertial sensors errors, thus improving location estimation.


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Mestrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores - Ramo de Sistemas Autónomos


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O Geocaching é um jogo, criado pela Groundspeak, que consiste em esconder e encontrar objetos geolocalizados conhecidos como geocaches. A busca das geocaches é na realidade uma aventura que promove a vivência de novas experiências, o convívio entre utilizadores, a descoberta de novos espaços na natureza, a realização de jogos em tempo e cenário real, entre outros. Existem geocaches espalhadas por todo o mundo e milhares de utilizadores estão já registados no jogo. Além de passatempo, o Geocaching consegue ser uma ferramenta de marketing digital, quer para a própria Groundspeak, mas também para diferentes empresas/instituições por todo o mundo normalmente associadas à localização das geocaches. A Groundspeak é, naturalmente, a mais beneficiada uma vez que, praticamente sem investir em publicidade, conseguiu que o jogo tenha cada vez mais adeptos. A sua divulgação é essencialmente feita pelos próprios utilizadores, quer através da comunicação direta com um não utilizador, quer através de redes sociais, de eventos organizados, mas também através de outras empresas que desenvolveram aplicações com funcionalidades extra que permitem ao utilizador uma melhor experiência. O objetivo desta dissertação foi o de demonstrar como é que o Geocaching pode ser usado como uma ferramenta de Marketing Digital. Inicialmente, foi analisada a questão do Marketing Digital e das suas ferramentas, focando o Geocaching e a sua dimensão no mundo, explicando os diferentes tipos de caches e de que forma as mesmas podem ser utilizadas como ferramentas de marketing. Como elemento de validação, foi concebida, desenvolvida e validada uma wherigo (um tipo de geocache), que consiste num jogo virtual onde o progresso do jogador depende das tarefas realizadas e da sua movimentação geolocalizada. A wherigo criada no âmbito do projeto é um meio de marketing digital, de divulgação do Castelo de Santa Maria da Feira, realizada de uma forma interativa e divertida, através de questionários, desafios e fantasia. O jogo incita a percorrer os jardins que rodeiam o Castelo bem como o interior do mesmo e permite ainda o acesso dos jogadores ao Castelo com desconto de geocacher na aquisição do ingresso. Os objetivos propostos inicialmente foram completamente cumpridos, sendo que o jogo já se encontra disponível para ser jogado por geocachers e foi por eles avaliado muito positivamente.


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A tecnologia, recurso que se encontra em constante evolução, esta aliada a tudo o que rodeia sociedade. Desde os objectos mais próximos, como e o caso dos dispositivos moveis, presença constante do dia-a-dia, onde se enquadram os telemóveis, smartphones, tablets, entre muitos outros, e que permitem o contato com o resto do mundo das mais variadas maneiras. Indo até aos satélites GPS e todos os segmentos associados, destacando-se segmento do utilizador, onde estão enquadrados os receptores GPS ajudam o utilizador a orientar-se pelo mundo de uma forma mais simples. A prática recreativa de actividades físicas e mais uma área onde a tecnologia se destaca, estando esta associada ao GPS, aos dipositivos, as aplicações, combinando estes variados elementos num objetivo. Com a evolução dos dispositivos móveis e consequentemente das aplicações existentes para estes, assim como, com o aumento de pessoas a praticar, de forma recreativa, cada vez mais actividades físicas (como exemplo: correr, andar de bicicleta, fazer uma caminhada), pretende- se com o presente trabalho estudar a utilização e as expectativas das pessoas que recorrem ao uso de dispositivos/aplicações no decorrer dessas atividades.


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Vivemos cada vez mais numa era de crescentes avanços tecnológicos em diversas áreas. O que há uns anos atrás era considerado como praticamente impossível, em muitos dos casos, já se tornou realidade. Todos usamos tecnologias como, por exemplo, a Internet, Smartphones e GPSs de uma forma natural. Esta proliferação da tecnologia permitiu tanto ao cidadão comum como a organizações a sua utilização de uma forma cada vez mais criativa e simples de utilizar. Além disso, a cada dia que passa surgem novos negócios e startups, o que demonstra o dinamismo que este crescimento veio trazer para a indústria. A presente dissertação incide sobre duas áreas em forte crescimento: Reconhecimento Facial e Business Intelligence (BI), assim como a respetiva combinação das duas com o objetivo de ser criado um novo módulo para um produto já existente. Tratando-se de duas áreas distintas, é primeiramente feito um estudo sobre cada uma delas. A área de Business Intelligence é vocacionada para organizações e trata da recolha de informação sobre o negócio de determinada empresa, seguindo-se de uma posterior análise. A grande finalidade da área de Business Intelligence é servir como forma de apoio ao processo de tomada de decisão por parte dos analistas e gestores destas organizações. O Reconhecimento Facial, por sua vez, encontra-se mais presente na sociedade. Tendo surgido no passado através da ficção científica, cada vez mais empresas implementam esta tecnologia que tem evoluído ao longo dos anos, chegando mesmo a ser usada pelo consumidor final, como por exemplo em Smartphones. As suas aplicações são, portanto, bastante diversas, desde soluções de segurança até simples entretenimento. Para estas duas áreas será assim feito um estudo com base numa pesquisa de publicações de autores da respetiva área. Desde os cenários de utilização, até aspetos mais específicos de cada uma destas áreas, será assim transmitido este conhecimento para o leitor, o que permitirá uma maior compreensão por parte deste nos aspetos relativos ao desenvolvimento da solução. Com o estudo destas duas áreas efetuado, é então feita uma contextualização do problema em relação à área de atuação da empresa e quais as abordagens possíveis. É também descrito todo o processo de análise e conceção, assim como o próprio desenvolvimento numa vertente mais técnica da solução implementada. Por fim, são apresentados alguns exemplos de resultados obtidos já após a implementação da solução.


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The underground scenarios are one of the most challenging environments for accurate and precise 3d mapping where hostile conditions like absence of Global Positioning Systems, extreme lighting variations and geometrically smooth surfaces may be expected. So far, the state-of-the-art methods in underground modelling remain restricted to environments in which pronounced geometric features are abundant. This limitation is a consequence of the scan matching algorithms used to solve the localization and registration problems. This paper contributes to the expansion of the modelling capabilities to structures characterized by uniform geometry and smooth surfaces, as is the case of road and train tunnels. To achieve that, we combine some state of the art techniques from mobile robotics, and propose a method for 6DOF platform positioning in such scenarios, that is latter used for the environment modelling. A visual monocular Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (MonoSLAM) approach based on the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF), complemented by the introduction of inertial measurements in the prediction step, allows our system to localize himself over long distances, using exclusively sensors carried on board a mobile platform. By feeding the Extended Kalman Filter with inertial data we were able to overcome the major problem related with MonoSLAM implementations, known as scale factor ambiguity. Despite extreme lighting variations, reliable visual features were extracted through the SIFT algorithm, and inserted directly in the EKF mechanism according to the Inverse Depth Parametrization. Through the 1-Point RANSAC (Random Sample Consensus) wrong frame-to-frame feature matches were rejected. The developed method was tested based on a dataset acquired inside a road tunnel and the navigation results compared with a ground truth obtained by post-processing a high grade Inertial Navigation System and L1/L2 RTK-GPS measurements acquired outside the tunnel. Results from the localization strategy are presented and analyzed.


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In this paper we present a set of field tests for detection of human in the water with an unmanned surface vehicle using infrared and color cameras. These experiments aimed to contribute in the development of victim target tracking and obstacle avoidance for unmanned surface vehicles operating in marine search and rescue missions. This research is integrated in the work conducted in the European FP7 research project Icarus aiming to develop robotic tools for large scale rescue operations. The tests consisted in the use of the ROAZ unmanned surface vehicle equipped with a precision GPS system for localization and both visible spectrum and IR cameras to detect the target. In the experimental setup, the test human target was deployed in the water wearing a life vest and a diver suit (thus having lower temperature signature in the body except hands and head) and was equipped with a GPS logger. Multiple target approaches were performed in order to test the system with different sun incidence relative angles. The experimental setup, detection method and preliminary results from the field trials performed in the summer of 2013 in Sesimbra, Portugal and in La Spezia, Italy are also presented in this work.


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13th International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems (Robotica), 2013, Lisboa


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13th International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems (Robotica), 2013