15 resultados para specific cake resistance
em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
Estudo, fabrico e caracterização de painéis sanduíche com núcleos em materiais compósitos de cortiça
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
This paper presents a study concerning the fatigue behaviour of asphalt mixtures with bitumen modified with high content of crumb rubber used in Portugal. For assessing the fatigue behaviour of this type of mixtures, four asphalt mixtures with high content of crumb rubber were used: two field bituminous mixtures – an open-graded and a gap-graded – both with granite aggregates; and two laboratory manufactured bituminous mixtures – an open-graded mixture with granite aggregates and a gap-graded mixture with crushed gravel aggregates. Since this type of mixtures are mainly applied in wearing courses, the effect of ageing in the fatigue behaviour of one of the studied asphalt rubber mixtures was also assessed through laboratory testing. The paper presents the main results achieved so far concerning the fatigue resistance and it could be concluded that all the materials have exhibited a good behaviour, in agreement with others previous studies. In the case of the aged gap-graded material, it was observed a slight reduction on the fatigue life comparatively to the un-aged one.
This paper presents an assessment of the potential seismic performance of new earth construction in Portugal. Results of a parametric study on a properly designed rammed earth construction, considering several strengthening solutions, are presented and discussed. It is concluded that single storey houses can have acceptable seismic performance even in high seismicity areas, provided that the structure is adequately strengthened by reinforced concrete columns and beams. Improvement of the characteristics of the structural material (earth) may be necessary to reduce damage.
A presente dissertação tem como objectivo principal aprofundar os conhecimentos sobre a incorporação de fibras em misturas betuminosas, em particular, sobre as misturas do tipo Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA). Para este tipo de mistura betuminosa existe uma norma de produto europeia, a EN 13108-5:2006. Os ensaios tipo iniciais para efeitos de certificação CE das misturas estão contemplados na norma portuguesa NP EN 13108-20:2008, onde também são estipuladas as condições de ensaio. São descritos diversos tipos de fibras passíveis de serem utilizadas no fabrico da mistura betuminosa do tipo SMA, dando especial enfoque às misturas fabricadas com fibras celulósicas, uma vez que este tipo específico de mistura é frequentemente aplicado em camada de desgaste noutros países, com reconhecidas vantagens em termos de durabilidade e desempenho do pavimento. As misturas do tipo SMA são descritas, analisando-se métodos de formulação e métodos para a sua caracterização. Posteriormente, são apresentados e discutidos os trabalhos experimentais levados a cabo para um caso concreto. Os ensaios realizados permitiram caracterizar a mistura quanto à sensibilidade à água, ao seu módulo de rigidez e resistência à deformação permanente. Conclui-se que a mistura do tipo SMA com a incorporação de fibras analisada, apresenta bom comportamento à deformação permanente e boa resistência á acção da água, comparativamente às misturas betuminosas tradicionais aplicadas em camada de desgaste.
Introdução – O incremento do tempo de exposição à microgravidade origina um descondicionamento músculo-esquelético que precisa de ser prevenido através do treino. Objetivos – Identificar os padrões destas alterações e descrever os programas de treino em microgravidade e estratégias pós-exposição. Método – A pesquisa da revisão da literatura foi conduzida através da MEDLINE/PubMed e PEDro com as seguintes palavras--chave: “spaceflight rehabilitation”, “spaceflight muscle”, “microgravity muscle” e “bed rest muscle”, seguida de uma seleção dos artigos. Resultados – Os estudos encontrados apresentam uma resposta músculo-tendinosa diferencial sendo que o treino protege total ou parcialmente estas estruturas. Conclusão – O treino de resistance de intensidade elevada e baixas repetições associado a exercícios específicos é o mais adequado para responder ao descondicionamento. - ABSTRACT - Introduction – The increased microgravity exposition time raised the need for training programs to avoid muscle and tendinous deconditioning. Objectives – To identify the deconditioning patterns and to identify and describe the training programs used for its prevention during and after microgravity exposure. Methods – This literature review is based on a search conducted via MEDLINE/PubMed and PEDro using the following search words: “spaceflight rehabilitation”, “spaceflight muscle”, “microgravity muscle” and “bed rest muscle”. The search was followed by an article selection. Results – The studies reveal a differential exposure phenomenon for which the training programs reviewed are partly effective. Conclusion – According to the literature the high intensity low volume resistance programs with specific exercises are more appropriate to address the deconditioning problem.
Acetylcholine (ACh) has been shown to exert an anti-inflammatory function by down-modulating the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Its availability can be regulated at different levels, namely at its synthesis and degradation steps. Accordingly, the expression of acetylcholinesterase (AChE), the enzyme responsible for ACh hydrolysis, has been observed to be modulated in inflammation. To further address the mechanisms underlying this effect, we aimed here at characterizing AChE expression in distinct cellular types pivotal to the inflammatory response. This study was performed in the human acute leukaemia monocytyc cell line, THP-1, in human monocyte-derived primary macrophages and in human umbilical cord vein endothelial cells (HUVEC). In order to subject these cells to inflammatory conditions, THP-1 and macrophage were treated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from E.coli and HUVEC were stimulated with the tumour necrosis factor α (TNF-α). Our results showed that although AChE expression was generally up-regulated at the mRNA level under inflammatory conditions, distinct AChE protein expression profiles were aurprisingly observed among the distinct cellular types studied. Altogether, these results argue for the existence of cell specific mechanisms that regulate the expression of acetylcholinesterase in inflammation.
Revisão sistemática da resposta da musculatura esquelética aos programas de treino em microgravidade
Mestrado em Fisioterapia.
Background: Poor nutritional status and worse health-related quality of life (QoL) have been reported in haemodialysis (HD) patients. The utilization of generic and disease specific QoL questionnaires in the same population may provide a better understanding of the significance of nutrition in QoL dimensions. Objective: To assess nutritional status by easy to use parameters and to evaluate the potential relationship with QoL measured by generic and disease specific questionnaires. Methods: Nutritional status was assessed by subjective global assessment adapted to renal patients (SGA), body mass index (BMI), nutritional intake and appetite. QoL was assessed by the generic EuroQoL and disease specific Kidney Disease Quality of Life-Short Form (KDQoL-SF) questionnaires. Results: The study comprised 130 patients of both genders, mean age 62.7 ± 14.7 years. The prevalence of undernutrition ranged from 3.1% by BMI ≤ 18.5 kg/m2 to 75.4% for patients below energy and protein intake recommendations. With the exception of BMI classification, undernourished patients had worse scores in nearly all QoL dimensions (EuroQoL and KDQoL-SF), a pattern which was dominantly maintained when adjusted for demographics and disease-related variables. Overweight/obese patients (BMI ≥ 25) also had worse scores in some QoL dimensions, but after adjustment the pattern was maintained only in the symptoms and problems dimension of KDQoL-SF (p = 0.011). Conclusion: Our study reveals that even in mildly undernourished HD patients, nutritional status has a significant impact in several QoL dimensions. The questionnaires used provided different, almost complementary perspectives, yet for daily practice EuroQoL is simpler. Assuring a good nutritional status, may positively influence QoL.
Objective: This study was conducted to determine the association between magnesium (Mg), body composition and insulin resistance in 136 sedentary postmenopausal women, 50 to 77 years of age. Methods: Diabetics, hypertensives and women on hormonal replacement therapy were excluded and the remaining 74 were divided according to BMI≥25 (obese: OG) and BMI<25 kg/m2 (non-obese: NOG). Nutritional data disclosed that intakes were high for protein and saturated fat, low for carbohydrates, polyunsaturated fat and Mg and normal for the other nutrients, according to recommended dietary allowances (RDA). Mg values in red blood cells (RBC-Mg) and plasma (P-Mg), were determined, as were fasting glucose, and insulin levels, Homeostasis Model Assessment (HOMA), body mass index (BMI), body fat percent (BF %), abdominal fat (AF) and free fat mass (FFM). Results: RBC-Mg values were low in both groups when compared with normal values. There were significant differences in body composition parameters, HOMA and insulin levels, with higher basal insulin levels in OG. RBC-Mg was directly correlated with insulin, HOMA and FFM in both groups, according to Pearson correlations. HOMA in OG was also directly correlated with BMI, FFM and AF. In NOG, HOMA was only correlated with FFM. The low RBC-Mg levels observed were probably due to low Mg intake and to deregulation of factors that control Mg homeostasis during menopause. Conclusions: Both Mg deficit and obesity may independently lead to a higher risk for insulin resistance and cardiovascular disease.
Introdução – A avaliação da aptidão física permite a identificação de níveis de incapacidade e risco de perda funcional, pelo que é extremamente útil na estruturação de programas de atividade física específicos, que constituem a primeira intervenção no que toca à intervenção não-farmacológica na Hipertensão Arterial Sistémica (HAS). Objetivo – Avaliar a aptidão física funcional e os níveis de atividade física de idosos hipertensos da Cidade da Praia – Cabo Verde. Metodologia – A flexibilidade, força e resistência muscular, resistência aeróbia e composição corporal foram avaliadas através da bateria de Fullerton e dinamometria isométrica manual. O nível de atividade física foi avaliado pelo questionário Seven Day Physical Activity Recall (7D-PAR). Resultados – Participaram 75 idosos, com idades compreendidas entre os 60 e os 99 anos, 68% dos quais eram mulheres, com índice de massa corporal (IMC) de 25,2±5,4, com diagnóstico clínico de HAS. O tempo despendido em atividades de intensidade moderada encontrava-se dentro dos valores recomendados, embora a atividade intensa se encontrasse muito abaixo do recomendado e não efetuassem qualquer exercício de força e flexibilidade. A resistência aeróbia expressa pelo Teste 6 Minutos de Marcha (T6MM) apresentou valores médios baixos (293,5±112,2m), bem como a flexibilidade e a força de preensão. Esta associação é um indicador de baixa capacidade funcional. Conclusão – Os baixos níveis de aptidão física apresentados, associados a baixos níveis de atividade física indiciam baixa capacidade funcional e justificam a necessidade urgente da inserção de programas de atividade física nesta população.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Biológica
Background: Obesity is associated with increased atherogenesis through alterations in lipids, among other potential factors. Some of those abnormalities might be mediated by insulin resistance (IR). Aims: To compare lipid and apolipoprotein profile between lean and obese women; to evaluate the influence of IR on lipid and apolipoprotein profile, in obese women. Methods: We studied 112 obese and 100 normal-weight premenopausal women without known cardiovascular disease. Both groups were characterized for anthropometrics and a fasting blood sample was collected for assessment of glucose, insulin, triglycerides, cholesterol (total, LDL and HDL), and apolipoproteins A-I, A-II, B, C-II, C-III, and E; IR was assessed by the homeostatic model assessment (HOMA-IR). We compared lipids between obese and lean women; we looked for correlation of those levels with anthropometrics and IR (independently from anthropometrics) in obese women. Results: Obese women were characterized by mean age=34.6±8.3 years, BMI=43.6±7.9 kg/m2, waist circumference (Wc)=117.5±15.1 cm, and HOMA-IR=4.28±3.5. Lean women (age=34.2±8.3 years, BMI=21.4±1.7 kg/m2, Wc=71.7±5.8 cm, and HOMA-IR=1.21±0.76) presented with significantly lower levels of total cholesterol (P=0.001), LDL-cholesterol (P<0.001), and triglycerides (P<0.001); they presented higher levels of HDL-cholesterol (P<0.001), Apo A-I (P<0.001) and Apo A-II (P=0.037). HOMA-IR showed no significant association with apolipoproteins. HOMA-IR was inversely associated with HDL-cholesterol (P=0.048; r=−0.187) but that association disappeared when we adjusted for waist circumference. Only triglycerides were directly associated with HOMA-IR (P<0.001; r=0.343) independently from anthropometrics. Conclusion: We confirm that obese women present worst lipid and apolipoprotein profile. However, with the exception for triglycerides, insulin resistance per se does not play a major role in lipid and apolipoprotein abnormalities observed in obese women.
Facing chloroquine drug resistance, Angola promptly adopted artemisinin-based combination therapy as the first-line to treat malaria. Currently, the country aims to consolidate malaria control, while preparing for the elimination of the disease, along with others African countries in the region. However, the remarkable capacity of Plasmodium to develop drug resistance represents an alarming threat for those achievements. Herein, the available, but relatively scarce and dispersed, information on malaria drug resistance in Angola, is reviewed and discussed. The review aims to inform but also to encourage future research studies that monitor and update the information on anti-malarial drug efficacy and prevalence of molecular markers of drug resistance, key fields in the context and objectives of elimination.
Energy efficiency plays an important role to the CO2 emissions reduction, combating climate change and improving the competitiveness of the economy. The problem presented here is related to the use of stand-alone diesel gen-sets and its high specific fuel consumptions when operates at low loads. The variable speed gen-set concept is explained as an energy-saving solution to improve this system efficiency. This paper details how an optimum fuel consumption trajectory based on experimentally Diesel engine power map is obtained.