em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal


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No âmbito do Ciclo de Estudos conducente ao grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica, Per-fil de Manutenção e Produção, foi desenvolvida esta Dissertação, que consiste no estudo do estado actual de implementação da “Total Productive Maintenance – TPM” na Área de Pren-sas da Volkswagen Autoeuropa, identificando os benefícios colhidos com a referida imple-mentação, e também algumas dificuldades. No final desta Dissertação, são enunciadas as considerações resultantes do presente estudo e são emitidas algumas sugestões, no sentido de que este trabalho se torne uma mais-valia para a Área de Prensas da Volkswagen Autoeuropa, contribuindo positivamente na busca da melhoria contínua, dos zero defeitos e das zero falhas e dos zero desperdícios e, finalmente propor um plano de melhoria, ou seja, uma adaptação do actual modelo funcional face ao modelo teórico.


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Determinação da resistência das vias aéreas (Raw). Factores que afectam a Raw. Raw e obstrução das vias aéreas superiores (OVAS).


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A acentuada diminuição da área arável per capita nas últimas décadas exige uma maior produtividade para os terrenos agrícolas. O acréscimo na produtividade é em parte conseguido pelo uso de adubos orgânicos e/ou inorgânicos. O consumo e consequente produção de adubos acompanham a tendência ditada pela necessidade de maximizar a produção agrícola. Recentes normas europeias exigem um controlo de qualidade rigoroso para os adubos em geral e em particular para os que tem um elevado teor em azoto. Para o nitrato de cálcio e amónio (NCa), essencial para a cultura de cereais, os teores em azoto nítrico e amoniacal tem de ser rigorosamente controlados dado que o nitrato de amónio pode ser usado na produção de explosivos. Na indústria o controlo de qualidade do NCa é feito por técnicas de análise volumétrica morosas e dispendiosas. Com o objectivo de seleccionar uma técnica mais expedita para o controlo de qualidade do NCa, várias amostras (sólidos granulares) comercializadas em Portugal e algumas de origem nórdica foram caracterizadas por difracção de raios x, espectroscopia do infravermelho por reflectância e termogravimetria. Todas as amostras foram previamente peneiradas de forma a obter a sua distribuição granulométrica. A difracção de raios X confirmou que as amostras eram semi-cristalinas, o que era previsível em face do processo de produção. A baixa cristalinidade não permitiu o cálculo dos parâmetros da rede cristalina que indicariam, ou não, a formação do sal duplo. A espectroscopia do infravermelho permitiu a identificação das bandas correspondentes aos dois nitratos. Os resultados da termogravimetria permitiram identificar os processos de desidratação e de decomposição dos dois nitratos. Numa só análise foi possível quantificar a água de cristalização, o azoto nítrico, o azoto amoniacal e o teor em CaO das amostras. Os resultados obtidos por termogravimetria mostraram elevada coerência com os análogos obtidos pelas técnicas clássicas de análise volumétrica. O teor em água de cristalização, obtido por TG, concorda com a estequiometria prevista para o nitrato duplo de cálcio e amónia (10 moléculas de água de hidratação). As réplicas efectuadas mostraram excelente reprodutibilidade da análise termogravimétrica das amostras de NCa. Não obstante o investimento inicial necessário, a termogravimetria afigura-se uma solução expedita para o controlo de qualidade do NCa na indústria.


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In this work, 14 primary schools of Lisbon city, Portugal, followed a questionnaire of the ISAAC - International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood Program, in 2009/2010. The questionnaire contained questions to identify children with respiratory diseases (wheeze, asthma and rhinitis). Total particulate matter (TPM) was passively collected inside two classrooms of each of 14 primary schools. Two types of filter matrices were used to collect TPM: Millipore (IsoporeTM) polycarbonate and quartz. Three campaigns were selected for the measurement of TPM: Spring, Autumn and Winter. The highest difference between the two types of filters is that the mass of collected particles was higher in quartz filters than in polycarbonate filters, even if their correlation is excellent. The highest TPM depositions occurred between October 2009 and March 2010, when related with rhinitis proportion. Rhinitis was found to be related to TPM when the data were grouped seasonally and averaged for all the schools. For the data of 2006/2007, the seasonal variation was found to be related to outdoor particle deposition (below 10 μm).


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O presente trabalho tem como objectivo apresentar a filosofia lean, qual a sua origem e evolução, bem como, os princípios em que se baseia. Na revisão bibliográfica efectuada, são identificadas e caracterizadas as mais importantes ferramentas desta filosofia, nomeadamente o kaizen, VSM, 5“S”, TPM, controlo visual e takt time numa linha móvel, evidenciando para cada uma, qual a sua mais valia no processo de melhoria. A metodologia utilizada neste trabalho é o estudo de caso, visto ser a mais adequada para a questão relevante de investigação identificada. A empresa onde é efectuado o estudo de caso opera no mercado de manutenção aeronáutica, sendo a investigação centrada no processo de reparação de motores aeronáuticos. Com maior detalhe apresentam-se as actividades de manutenção após conclusão da avaliação do motor, sendo de destacar a implementação de fluxo, controlo visual, trabalho padrão e de uma linha de montagem a velocidade constante para efectuar as tarefas de montagem final. A utilização desta última ferramenta lean, a maioria das vezes associada a processos de fabricação, é inovadora, visto nenhuma outra empresa deste segmento de mercado usar esta abordagem num processo de manutenção de motores aeronáuticos. Os resultados obtidos no estudo de caso confirmam a melhoria da eficiência global da empresa, bem como, a adequação desta filosofia de gestão à manutenção de motores aeronáuticos. Conseguiu-se evidenciar que a empresa, ao aplicar a metodologia lean, entrega aos seus clientes produtos com qualidade e na data acordada, mantendo a sua competitividade no mercado e incrementando a produtividade. O envolvimento, criatividade e comprometimento de todos os colaboradores da empresa na implementação destas ferramentas lean são factores críticos no sucesso deste processo de melhoria contínua.


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Fluorescence confocal microscopy (FCM) is now one of the most important tools in biomedicine research. In fact, it makes it possible to accurately study the dynamic processes occurring inside the cell and its nucleus by following the motion of fluorescent molecules over time. Due to the small amount of acquired radiation and the huge optical and electronics amplification, the FCM images are usually corrupted by a severe type of Poisson noise. This noise may be even more damaging when very low intensity incident radiation is used to avoid phototoxicity. In this paper, a Bayesian algorithm is proposed to remove the Poisson intensity dependent noise corrupting the FCM image sequences. The observations are organized in a 3-D tensor where each plane is one of the images acquired along the time of a cell nucleus using the fluorescence loss in photobleaching (FLIP) technique. The method removes simultaneously the noise by considering different spatial and temporal correlations. This is accomplished by using an anisotropic 3-D filter that may be separately tuned in space and in time dimensions. Tests using synthetic and real data are described and presented to illustrate the application of the algorithm. A comparison with several state-of-the-art algorithms is also presented.


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Mestrado em Higiene e Segurança no Trabalho


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Background: There are now several lines of evidence to suggest that protein synthesis and translation factors are involved in the regulation of cell proliferation and cancer development. Aims: To investigate gene expression patterns of eukaryotic releasing factor 3 (eRF3) in gastric cancer. Methods: RNA was prepared from 25 gastric tumour biopsies and adjacent non-neoplastic mucosa. Real time TaqMan reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was performed to measure the relative gene expression levels. DNA was isolated from tumour and normal tissues and gene dosage was determined by a quantitative real time PCR using SYBR Green dye. Results: Different histological types of gastric tumours were analysed and nine of the 25 tumours revealed eRF3/GSPT1 overexpression; moreover, eight of the 12 intestinal type carcinomas analysed overexpressed the gene, whereas eRF3/GSPT1 was overexpressed in only one of the 10 diffuse type carcinomas (Kruskal-Wallis Test; p , 0.05). No correlation was found between ploidy and transcript expression levels of eRF3/GSPT1. Overexpression of eRF3/GSPT1 was not associated with increased translation rates because the upregulation of eRF3/GSPT1 did not correlate with increased eRF1 levels. Conclusions: Overexpression of eRF3/GSPT1 in intestinal type gastric tumours may lead to an increase in the translation efficiency of specific oncogenic transcripts. Alternatively, eRF3/GSPT1 may be involved in tumorigenesis as a result of its non-translational roles, namely (dis)regulating the cell cycle, apoptosis, or transcription.


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Backgroung - Bariatric surgery is indicated as the most effective treatment for morbid obesity; the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) is considered the procedure of choice. However, nutritional deficiency may occur in the postoperative period as a result of reduced gastric capacity and change in nutrients absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. The prescription of vitamin and mineral supplementation is a common practice after RYGB; however, it may not be sufficient to prevent micronutrient deficiencies. The aim of this study was to quantify the micronutrient intake in patients undergoing RYGB and verify if the intake of supplementation would be enough to prevent nutritional deficiencies. Methods - The study was conducted on 60 patients submitted to RYGB. Anthropometric, analytical, and nutritional intake data were assessed preoperatively and 1 and 2 years postoperatively. The dietary intake was assessed using 24-h food recall; the values of micronutrients evaluated (vitamin B12, folic acid, iron, and calcium) were compared to the dietary reference intakes (DRI). Results - There were significant differences (p < 0.05) between excess weight loss at the first and second year (69.9 ± 15.3 vs 9.6 ± 62.9 %). In the first and second year after surgery, 93.3 and 94.1 % of the patients, respectively, took the supplements as prescribed. Micronutrient deficiencies were detected in the three evaluation periods. At the first year, there was a significant reduction (p < 0.05) of B12, folic acid, and iron intake. Conclusions - Despite taking vitamin and mineral supplementation, micronutrient deficiencies are common after RYGB. In the second year after surgery, micronutrient intake remains below the DRI.


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Background: The eukaryotic release factor 3 (eRF3) has been shown to affect both tubulin and actin cytoskeleton, suggesting a role in cytoskeleton assembly, mitotic spindle formation and chromosome segregation. Also, direct interactions between eRF3 and subunits of the cytosolic chaperonin CCT have been described. Moreover, both eRF3a and CCT subunits have been described to be up-regulated in cancer tissues. Our aim was to evaluate the hypothesis that eRF3 expression levels are correlated with the expression of genes encoding proteins involved in the tubulin folding pathways. Methods: Relative expression levels of eRF1, eRF3a/GSPT1, PFDN4, CCT2, CCT4, and TBCA genes in tumour samples relative to their adjacent normal tissues were investigated using real time-polymerase chain reaction in 20 gastric cancer patients. Results: The expression levels of eRF3a/GSPT1 were not correlated with the expression levels of the other genes studied. However, significant correlations were detected between the other genes, both within intestinal and diffuse type tumours. Conclusions: eRF3a/GSPT1 expression at the mRNA level is independent from both cell translation rates and from the expression of the genes involved in tubulin-folding pathways. The differences in the patterns of expression of the genes studied support the hypothesis of genetically independent pathways in the origin of intestinal and diffuse type gastric tumours.


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Mestrado em Controlo de Gestão e dos Negócios


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Helicobacter pylori infection represents a serious health problem, given its association with serious gastric diseases as gastric ulcers, cancer and MALT lymphoma. Currently no vaccine exists and antibiotic-based eradication therapy is already failing in more than 20% of cases. To increase the knowledge on the infection process diverse gastric cell lines, e.g. the adenocarcinona gastric (AGS) cell line, are routinely used has in vitro models of gastric epithelia. In the present work the molecular fingerprint of infected and non-infected AGS cell lines, by diverse H. pylori strains, was acquired using vibrational infrared spectroscopy. These molecular fingerprints enabled to discriminate infected from non-infected AGS cells, and infection due to different strains, by performing Principal Component Analysis. It was also possible to estimate, from the AGS cells molecular fingerprint, the effect of the infection on diverse biochemical and metabolic cellular status. In resume infra-red spectroscopy enabled the acquisition of infected AGS cells molecular fingerprint with minimal sample preparation, in a rapid, high-throughput, economic process yielding highly sensitive and informative data, most useful for promoting critical knowledge on the H. pylori infection process. © 2015 IEEE.