14 resultados para Mechanization, Military.

em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal


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Os sistemas de armas da Força Aérea Portuguesa (FAP) têm por missão a defesa militar de Portugal, através de operações aéreas e da defesa do espaço aéreo nacional, sendo o F-16 o principal avião de ataque em uso nesta organização. Neste sentido, e tendo em conta o actual contexto económico mundial, as organizações devem rentabilizar todos os recursos disponíveis, custos associados e optimizar processos de trabalho. Tendo por base os pressupostos anteriores, o presente estudo pretende analisar a implementação de lean na FAP, uma vez que esta filosofia assenta na eliminação de desperdícios com vista a uma melhoria da qualidade e diminuição de tempos e custos. Posto isto, a análise deste trabalho vai recair sobre a área de manutenção do F-16, em concreto na Inspeção de Fase (IF), um tipo de manutenção que esta aeronave realiza a cada trezentas horas de voo. O estudo de caso vai incidir em dois momentos da IF: o primeiro ponto relaciona-se com o processamento da recolha de dados para a reunião preliminar onde são definidas, para as áreas de trabalho executantes, as ações de manutenção a realizar com a paragem da aeronave. Deste modo, pretende-se averiguar as causas inerentes aos atrasos verificados para a realização desta reunião. O segundo ponto em observação compreende a informação obtida através da aplicação informática SIAGFA, em uso na FAP, para o processamento de dados de manutenção das quatro aeronaves que inauguraram a IF com a filosofia lean. Esta análise permitiu perceber o número de horas de trabalho dispendidas (em média pelas quatro aeronaves) por cada uma das cartas de trabalho, verificando-se que as cartas adicionais comportam mais horas; foi possível compreender quais as áreas de trabalho consideradas críticas; foram identificados os dias de trabalho realizado e tempos de paragem sem qualquer tipo de intervenção. Foi ainda avaliado, por aeronave, o número de horas de trabalho realizadas na IF e quais os constrangimentos que se verificaram nas aeronaves, que não realizaram a IF no tempo definido para tal.


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O traje militar, em geral, e em Portugal, em particular, teve uma enorme evolução no século XVII. Foi nesta centúria que se deram as primeiras tentativas em Portugal de introduzir e regular os uniformes. Paralelamente verifica-se que a indumentária militar sofreu de fortes influências da Moda vigente. ABSTRACT - The military costume had an enormous evolution in the seventeenth century. It was in this century that the first attempts were made to introduce the uniforms in Portugal. It appears that the military outfit suffered from strong influences from fashion.


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Ribeiro Arthur foi militar, crítico de Arte e foi sobretudo um dos mais importantes investigadores e ilustradores da história dos uniformes em Portugal. Produziu um número muito significativo de aguarelas dedicadas a este tema que, reunidas em colecção, estão preservadas no Arquivo Histórico Militar. ABSTRACT - Artur Ribeiro Arthur was military, art critic and was one of the most important researchers and illustrators in the history of the uniforms in Portugal. He produced a significant number of watercolors dedicated to this theme, gathered in collections that are kept in the Military Historical Archive.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização em Estruturas


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Jornalismo.


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Tese apresentada para o cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor no ramo de Ciências Musicais


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo de Automação e Electrónica Industrial


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica


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Trabalho de projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Publicidade e Marketing.


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Trabalho final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Electrónica e Telecomunicações


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Hyperspectral remote sensing exploits the electromagnetic scattering patterns of the different materials at specific wavelengths [2, 3]. Hyperspectral sensors have been developed to sample the scattered portion of the electromagnetic spectrum extending from the visible region through the near-infrared and mid-infrared, in hundreds of narrow contiguous bands [4, 5]. The number and variety of potential civilian and military applications of hyperspectral remote sensing is enormous [6, 7]. Very often, the resolution cell corresponding to a single pixel in an image contains several substances (endmembers) [4]. In this situation, the scattered energy is a mixing of the endmember spectra. A challenging task underlying many hyperspectral imagery applications is then decomposing a mixed pixel into a collection of reflectance spectra, called endmember signatures, and the corresponding abundance fractions [8–10]. Depending on the mixing scales at each pixel, the observed mixture is either linear or nonlinear [11, 12]. Linear mixing model holds approximately when the mixing scale is macroscopic [13] and there is negligible interaction among distinct endmembers [3, 14]. If, however, the mixing scale is microscopic (or intimate mixtures) [15, 16] and the incident solar radiation is scattered by the scene through multiple bounces involving several endmembers [17], the linear model is no longer accurate. Linear spectral unmixing has been intensively researched in the last years [9, 10, 12, 18–21]. It considers that a mixed pixel is a linear combination of endmember signatures weighted by the correspondent abundance fractions. Under this model, and assuming that the number of substances and their reflectance spectra are known, hyperspectral unmixing is a linear problem for which many solutions have been proposed (e.g., maximum likelihood estimation [8], spectral signature matching [22], spectral angle mapper [23], subspace projection methods [24,25], and constrained least squares [26]). In most cases, the number of substances and their reflectances are not known and, then, hyperspectral unmixing falls into the class of blind source separation problems [27]. Independent component analysis (ICA) has recently been proposed as a tool to blindly unmix hyperspectral data [28–31]. ICA is based on the assumption of mutually independent sources (abundance fractions), which is not the case of hyperspectral data, since the sum of abundance fractions is constant, implying statistical dependence among them. This dependence compromises ICA applicability to hyperspectral images as shown in Refs. [21, 32]. In fact, ICA finds the endmember signatures by multiplying the spectral vectors with an unmixing matrix, which minimizes the mutual information among sources. If sources are independent, ICA provides the correct unmixing, since the minimum of the mutual information is obtained only when sources are independent. This is no longer true for dependent abundance fractions. Nevertheless, some endmembers may be approximately unmixed. These aspects are addressed in Ref. [33]. Under the linear mixing model, the observations from a scene are in a simplex whose vertices correspond to the endmembers. Several approaches [34–36] have exploited this geometric feature of hyperspectral mixtures [35]. Minimum volume transform (MVT) algorithm [36] determines the simplex of minimum volume containing the data. The method presented in Ref. [37] is also of MVT type but, by introducing the notion of bundles, it takes into account the endmember variability usually present in hyperspectral mixtures. The MVT type approaches are complex from the computational point of view. Usually, these algorithms find in the first place the convex hull defined by the observed data and then fit a minimum volume simplex to it. For example, the gift wrapping algorithm [38] computes the convex hull of n data points in a d-dimensional space with a computational complexity of O(nbd=2cþ1), where bxc is the highest integer lower or equal than x and n is the number of samples. The complexity of the method presented in Ref. [37] is even higher, since the temperature of the simulated annealing algorithm used shall follow a log( ) law [39] to assure convergence (in probability) to the desired solution. Aiming at a lower computational complexity, some algorithms such as the pixel purity index (PPI) [35] and the N-FINDR [40] still find the minimum volume simplex containing the data cloud, but they assume the presence of at least one pure pixel of each endmember in the data. This is a strong requisite that may not hold in some data sets. In any case, these algorithms find the set of most pure pixels in the data. PPI algorithm uses the minimum noise fraction (MNF) [41] as a preprocessing step to reduce dimensionality and to improve the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The algorithm then projects every spectral vector onto skewers (large number of random vectors) [35, 42,43]. The points corresponding to extremes, for each skewer direction, are stored. A cumulative account records the number of times each pixel (i.e., a given spectral vector) is found to be an extreme. The pixels with the highest scores are the purest ones. N-FINDR algorithm [40] is based on the fact that in p spectral dimensions, the p-volume defined by a simplex formed by the purest pixels is larger than any other volume defined by any other combination of pixels. This algorithm finds the set of pixels defining the largest volume by inflating a simplex inside the data. ORA SIS [44, 45] is a hyperspectral framework developed by the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory consisting of several algorithms organized in six modules: exemplar selector, adaptative learner, demixer, knowledge base or spectral library, and spatial postrocessor. The first step consists in flat-fielding the spectra. Next, the exemplar selection module is used to select spectral vectors that best represent the smaller convex cone containing the data. The other pixels are rejected when the spectral angle distance (SAD) is less than a given thresh old. The procedure finds the basis for a subspace of a lower dimension using a modified Gram–Schmidt orthogonalizati on. The selected vectors are then projected onto this subspace and a simplex is found by an MV T pro cess. ORA SIS is oriented to real-time target detection from uncrewed air vehicles using hyperspectral data [46]. In this chapter we develop a new algorithm to unmix linear mixtures of endmember spectra. First, the algorithm determines the number of endmembers and the signal subspace using a newly developed concept [47, 48]. Second, the algorithm extracts the most pure pixels present in the data. Unlike other methods, this algorithm is completely automatic and unsupervised. To estimate the number of endmembers and the signal subspace in hyperspectral linear mixtures, the proposed scheme begins by estimating sign al and noise correlation matrices. The latter is based on multiple regression theory. The signal subspace is then identified by selectin g the set of signal eigenvalue s that best represents the data, in the least-square sense [48,49 ], we note, however, that VCA works with projected and with unprojected data. The extraction of the end members exploits two facts: (1) the endmembers are the vertices of a simplex and (2) the affine transformation of a simplex is also a simplex. As PPI and N-FIND R algorithms, VCA also assumes the presence of pure pixels in the data. The algorithm iteratively projects data on to a direction orthogonal to the subspace spanned by the endmembers already determined. The new end member signature corresponds to the extreme of the projection. The algorithm iterates until all end members are exhausted. VCA performs much better than PPI and better than or comparable to N-FI NDR; yet it has a computational complexity between on e and two orders of magnitude lower than N-FINDR. The chapter is structure d as follows. Section 19.2 describes the fundamentals of the proposed method. Section 19.3 and Section 19.4 evaluate the proposed algorithm using simulated and real data, respectively. Section 19.5 presents some concluding remarks.