8 resultados para Conquest, Right of.
em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal
Purpose: It is important to establish a differential diagnosis between the different types of nystagmus, in order to give the appropriate clinical approach to every situation and to improve visual acuity. The nystagmus is normally blocked when the eyes are positioned in a particular way. This makes the child adopt a posture of ocular torticollis that reduces the nistagmiformes movements, improving the vision in this position. A way to promote the blocking of the nystagmic movements is by using prismatic lenses with opposite bases, to block or minimize the oscillatory movements. This results in a vision improvement and it reduces the anomalous head position. There is limited research on the visual results in children with nystagmus after using prisms with opposing bases. Our aim is to describe the impact on the visual acuity (VA ) of theprescription prism lenses in a nystagmus patient starting at 3 months of age. Methods: Case report on thirty month old caucasian male infant, with normal growth and development for their age, with an early onset of horizontal nystagmus at 3 months of age. Ophthalmic examination included slit lamp examination, fundus, refractive study, electrophysiological and magnetic resonance tests, measurement of VA over time with the Teller Acuity Cards (TAC ) in the distance agreed for the age. At age ten months, the mother noted a persistent turn to the right of the child’s head, which became increasingly more severe along the months. There’s no oscillopcia. At 24 months, an atropine refraction showed the following refractive error: 0D.: -1,50, OS: -0,50 and prismatic lens adapting OD 8 Δ nasal base and OE 8 Δ temporal base. Results: Thirty month old child, with adequate development for their age, with onset of idiopatic horizontal nystagmus, at 3 months of age. Normal ocular fundus and magnetic ressoance without alterations, sub-normal results in electrophysiological tests and VA with values below normal for age. At 6 months OD 20/300; OE 20/400; OU 20/300. At 9 months OD 20/250; OE 20/300; OU 20/150 (TAC a 38 cm). At 18 months OD 20/200; OE 20/100; OU 20/80 (TAC at 38 cm), when the head is turned to the right and the eyes in levoversão, the nystagmus decreases in a “neutral” area. At 24 month, with the prismatic glasses, OD 20/200 OE 20/100, OU20/80 (TAC at 54 cm, reference value is 20/30 – 20/100 para OU e 20/40 – 20/100 monocular), there was an increase in the visual acuity. The child did visual stimulation with multimedia devices and using glasses. After adaptation of prisms: at 30 months VA (with Cambridge cards) OD e OE = 6/18. The child improved the VA and reduced the anomalous head position. There is also improvement in mobility and fine motricity. Conclusion: Prisms with opposing bases., were used in the treatment of idiopathic nystagmus. Said prisms were adapted to reduce the skewed position of the head, and to improve VA and binocular function. Monitoring of visual acuity and visual stimulation was done using electronic devices. Following the use of prismatic, the patient improved significantly VA and the anomalous head position was reduced.
O ruído é, por definição, um som desagradável ou indesejável que perturba o ambiente, contribuindo para o mal-estar físico e psíquico, podendo pôr em causa a saúde do ser humano. As situações de exposição nos espaços de repouso, lazer e trabalho a valores sonoros elevados, especialmente nos meios urbanos e suburbanos, têm-se multiplicado. Por outro lado, o desenvolvimento cultural dos cidadãos, cada vez mais cientes do direito à qualidade de vida, tem originado um aumento das exigências de conforto, influenciado directamente pela qualidade dos edifícios que habitam. Através da publicação do Regulamento Geral Sobre o Ruído – RGR – (aprovado pelo Decreto Lei nº251/87 de 24 de Junho) bem como o Regulamento dos Requisitos Acústicos dos Edifícios – RRAE - (aprovado pelo Decreto Lei nº129/02 de 11 de Maio), com as devidas alterações no Decreto-lei nº96/08, de 9 de Junho, foi permitido relacionar um conjunto de disposições normativas e legais, permitindo o estabelecimento de condições para a verificação das exigências fundamentais associadas ao conforto acústico dos edifícios (integração urbanística, isolamento sonoro a sons aéreos, isolamento a sons de percussão, exposição ao ruído durante o trabalho), justificando assim a necessidade da existência de regulamentação pelo facto da saúde dos indivíduos também se encontrar relacionada ao conforto acústico. Na presente dissertação, pretende-se dar um contributo para a elaboração da avaliação e certificação do comportamento acústico de edifícios de habitação através da definição dos principais aspectos a avaliar neste processo. Para tal, foi retratado o actual estado da arte e foi feito um levantamento das metodologias utilizadas pelas entidades acreditadas para os ensaios de acústica, tendo em conta a normalização e regulamentação existente, de maneira a obter o panorama destes diagnósticos de conforto acústico para a verificação da sua conformidade com as exigências regulamentares.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação - Especialidade Educação Especial: Problemas de Cognição e Multideficiência
Mestrado em Contabilidade Internacional
Projeto de Intervenção apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Educação Especial, especialidade em Multideficiência
A 9.9 kb DNA fragment from the right arm of chromosome VII of Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been sequenced and analysed. The sequence contains four open reading frames (ORFs) longer than 100 amino acids. One gene, PFK1, has already been cloned and sequenced and the other one is the probable yeast gene coding for the beta-subunit of the succinyl-CoA synthetase. The two remaining ORFs share homology with the deduced amino acid sequence (and their physical arrangement is similar to that) of the YHR161c and YHR162w ORFs from chromosome VIII.
A 17.6 kb DNA fragment from the right arm of chromosome VII of Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been sequenced and analysed. The sequence contains twelve open reading frames (ORFs) longer than 100 amino acids. Three genes had already been cloned and sequenced: CCT, ADE3 and TR-I. Two ORFs are similar to other yeast genes: G7722 with the YAL023 (PMT2) and PMT1 genes, encoding two integral membrane proteins, and G7727 with the first half of the genes encoding elongation factors 1gamma, TEF3 and TEF4. Two other ORFs, G7742 and G7744, are most probably yeast orthologues of the human and Paracoccus denitrificans electron-transferring flavoproteins (beta chain) and of the Escherichia coli phosphoserine phosphohydrolase. The five remaining identified ORFs do not show detectable homology with other protein sequences deposited in data banks. The sequence has been deposited in the EMBL data library under Accession Number Z49133.
We report the sequence of a 9000 bp fragment from the right arm of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome VII. Analysis of the sequence revealed four complete previously unknown open reading frames, which were named G7587, G7589, G7591 and G7594 following standard rules for provisional nomenclature. Outstanding features of some of these proteins were the homology of the putative protein coded by G7589 with proteins involved in transcription regulation and the transmembrane domains predicted in the putative protein coded by G7591.