15 resultados para 790 RECREATIONAL
em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal
Sandpits used by children are frequently visited by wild life which constitutes a source of fungal pathogens and allergenic fungi. This study aimed to take an unannounced snapshot of the urban levels of fungal contaminants in sands, using for this purpose two public recreational parks, three elementary schools and two kindergartens. All samples were from Lisbon and neighboring municipalities and were tested for fungi of clinical interest. Potentially pathogenic fungi were isolated from all samples besides one. Fusarium dimerum (32.4%) was found to be the dominant species in one park and Chrysonilia spp. in the other (46.6%). Fourteen different species and genera were detected and no dermatophytes were found. Of a total of 14 species and genera, the fungi most isolated from the samples of the elementary schools were Penicillium spp. (74%), Cladophialophora spp. (38%) and Cladosporium spp. (90%). Five dominant species and genera were isolated from the kindergartens. Penicillium spp. was the only genus isolated in one, though with remarkably high counts (32500 colony forming units per gram). In the other kindergarten Penicillium spp. were also the most abundant species, occupying 69% of all the fungi found. All of the samples exceeded the Maximum Recommended Value (MRV) for beach sand defined by Brando et al. 2011, which are currently the only quantitative guidelines available for the same matrix. The fungi found confirm the potential risk of exposure of children to keratinophilic fungi and demonstrates that regular cleaning or replacing of sand needs to be implemented in order to minimize contamination.
Um controlo de obra eficaz, implica a existncia de um sistema de gesto organizado, que integre todas as direces da organizao, para que a cada colaborador envolvido no processo, chegue a informao necessria execuo do seu trabalho. Neste relatrio descreve-se a actividade desenvolvida durante o estgio realizado na Direco de Controlo e Gesto de uma empresa de construo. O mesmo, inicia-se com a identificao da empresa, a sua histria, o seu posicionamento estratgico e o enquadramento da direco onde este estgio foi realizado. Descrevem-se em seguida, os procedimentos de Controlo e Gesto em vigor na empresa e em particular para as actividades desenvolvidas durante o estgio, na obra Empreitada de Construo dos Edifcios da 1 Fase do Plano de Desenvolvimento do Aeroporto de Beja Variante, as quais envolveram a realizao do primeiro objectivo de obra (primeiro reoramento), dos relatrios mensais de gesto e dos reoramentos de obra. Por fim, so identificadas as principais dificuldades da metodologia utilizada, sendo apresentadas propostas de melhoria e as respectivas consideraes finais sobre a aprendizagem a reter da realizao deste estgio. Neste relatrio de estgio, com a descrio do trabalho executado ao longo desse perodo, pretende-se dar a conhecer um dos mtodos possveis de realizar o controlo de obra e quais os processos que este envolve.
O presente relatrio diz respeito ao estgio profissional realizado no mbito do Trabalho Final de Mestrado do Curso de Engenharia Civil, do Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL), e tem como principais objectivos descrever e analisar as actividades realizadas durante o acompanhamento da construo de duas creches e ateliers de tempos livres. Dentro das opes fornecidas pelo ISEL para Trabalhos Finais de Mestrado, o Estagirio foi em busca do estgio profissional, a fim de contactar directamente com a realidade profissional da Engenharia Civil, podendo assim, atravs do acompanhamento activo de obras, pr em prtica os conhecimentos tericos e cientficos adquiridos ao longo do curso e preparar-se para futuros desafios profissionais. O perodo de estgio teve uma durao de cerca de cinco meses, sendo o Estagirio acompanhado e auxiliado pelo seu Orientador da empresa (Director de Obra) em tarefas relacionadas com a Direco da Obra, tais como: estudo do projecto de execuo, planeamento da obra e reunies com a Fiscalizao e Subempreiteiros. O estgio dividiu-se em duas fases distintas: a primeira fase relativa a construo do Atelier de Tempos Livres da Kairs, em que a obra j estava numa fase inicial de acabamentos e que coincidiu com o princpio do estgio. Quanto segunda fase, referente obra de construo da Creche e Atelier de Tempos Livres dos Arrifes, em que o estagirio teve a oportunidade de acompanh-la desde a consignao at a fase de execuo da estrutura, coincidente com o trmino do estgio.
We compare the magnetic field at the centre and the self-magnetic flux through a current-carrying circular loop, with those obtained for current-carrying polygons with the same perimeter. As the magnetic field diverges at the position of the wires, we compare the self-fluxes utilizing several regularization procedures. The calculation is best performed utilizing the vector potential, thus highlighting its usefulness in practical applications. Our analysis answers some of the intuition challenges students face when they encounter a related simple textbook example. These results can be applied directly to the determination of mutual inductances in a variety of situations.
Cyanobacteria are prokaryotic, plantlike organisms present in lakes, recreational waters, and reservoirs, and often dominate phytoplankton communities in warm, nutrient-enriched hard waters. A stable water column rich in certain nutrients, especially nitrogen and phosphorus, is associated with favorable environmental conditions that support development of cyanobacterial population maxima or "blooms." Under specific conditions, cyanobacteria produce toxins that are responsible for acute poisoning and death of animals and humans. The main aim of this study was to correlate the presence of cyanobacteria blooms with potential toxicity to humans as a public health issue. In Portugal, seven reservoirs located in the southern region were selected and studied between 2000 and 2008. Reservoirs were characterized by physical and chemical aspects, and identification of phytoplankton communities. In the case of cyanobacterial blooms, toxins that affected the liver, nervous system, and skin were detected, namely, Microcystis aeruginosa, Aphanizomenon spp., and Oscillatoria. These findings suggest the presence of a potential risk for public health, and indicate the need to implement mitigation measures in all studied reservoirs. These measures may involve (1) water eutrophication control to avoid blooms, (2) appropriate treatment of water for human consumption, and (3) public warnings or information to those individuals that use these reservoirs for several recreational activities.
Em Portugal, no final da dcada de 90 do sculo XX, comearam a ser desenvolvidas estratgias de discriminao positiva visando garantir o cumprimento da escolaridade obrigatria e a luta contra a excluso escolar e social, designadamente nas periferias das grandes cidades. neste contexto que surgem as escolas e os Territrios Educativos de Interveno Prioritria (TEIP) pelo Despacho n147-B/ME/96, de 1 de Agosto de 1996. Este programa, inicialmente inspirado nas zonas de interveno prioritrias francesas, visava a interveno de vrios parceiros locais (professores, alunos, pessoal no docente, associaes de pais, autarquias locais, associaes culturais e associaes recreativas) na elaborao do Projeto Educativo. Com o XVII Governo Constitucional o programa foi redefinido passando a incluir novas vertentes: necessidade de existncia de um projeto educativo prprio; consultadoria externa; avaliao peridica de resultados em diferentes domnios (taxas de insucesso e abandono escolar, assiduidade, comportamento, participao, inovaes organizacionais, parcerias educativas estabelecidas no mbito do Programa, etc.). Foi tambm alargado a todo o territrio nacional, envolvendo atualmente cento e cinco agrupamentos escolares. Com esta apresentao visamos analisar se as novas polticas e diretrizes, no domnio da educao prioritria, contriburam para a emergncia de novas estratgias pedaggicas, organizacionais e de envolvimento comunitrio. Os elementos em que basearemos a nossa anlise sero os seguintes: (i) relatrio nacional do programa TEIP (2010-2011); (ii) relatrios do programa de avaliao externa das escolas; (iii) entrevistas realizadas aos atores locais, designadamente a coordenadores e consultores dos projetos TEIP. As concluses da nossa comunicao centrar-se-o no papel dos atores locais no desenvolvimento do Programa TEIP e no impacto deste programa na melhoria dos resultados acadmicos, na diminuio da indisciplina e violncia escolar e na construo de percursos de vida que contrariem as tendncias para a excluso escolar e social.
Beaches worldwide provide recreational opportunities to hundreds of millions of people and serve as important components of coastal economies. Beach water is often monitored for microbiological quality to detect the presence of indicators of human sewage contamination so as to prevent public health outbreaks associated with water contact. However, growing evidence suggests that beach sand can harbor microbes harmful to human health, often in concentrations greater than the beach water. Currently, there are no standards for monitoring, sampling, analyzing, or managing beach sand quality. In addition to indicator microbes, growing evidence has identified pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and fungi in a variety of beach sands worldwide. The public health threat associated with these populations through direct and indirect contact is unknown because so little research has been conducted relating to health outcomes associated with sand quality. In this manuscript, we present the consensus findings of a workshop of experts convened in Lisbon, Portugal to discuss the current state of knowledge on beach sand microbiological quality and to develop suggestions for standardizing the evaluation of sand at coastal beaches. The expert group at the "Microareias 2012" workshop recommends that 1) beach sand should be screened for a variety of pathogens harmful to human health, and sand monitoring should then be initiated alongside regular water monitoring; 2) sampling and analysis protocols should be standardized to allow proper comparisons among beach locations; and 3) further studies are needed to estimate human health risk with exposure to contaminated beach sand. Much of the manuscript is focused on research specific to Portugal, but similar results have been found elsewhere, and the findings have worldwide implications.
Dissertao apresentada para a obteno do grau de Mestre em Educao - rea de Especializao em Didtica das Cincias
Mestrado em Contabilidade
A classical application of biosignal analysis has been the psychophysiological detection of deception, also known as the polygraph test, which is currently a part of standard practices of law enforcement agencies and several other institutions worldwide. Although its validity is far from gathering consensus, the underlying psychophysiological principles are still an interesting add-on for more informal applications. In this paper we present an experimental off-the-person hardware setup, propose a set of feature extraction criteria and provide a comparison of two classification approaches, targeting the detection of deception in the context of a role-playing interactive multimedia environment. Our work is primarily targeted at recreational use in the context of a science exhibition, where the main goal is to present basic concepts related with knowledge discovery, biosignal analysis and psychophysiology in an educational way, using techniques that are simple enough to be understood by children of different ages. Nonetheless, this setting will also allow us to build a significant data corpus, annotated with ground-truth information, and collected with non-intrusive sensors, enabling more advanced research on the topic. Experimental results have shown interesting findings and provided useful guidelines for future work. Pattern Recognition
Relatrio da Prtica Profissional Supervisionada Mestrado em Educao Pr-Escolar
Sand serves as a reservoir for potentially pathogenic microorganisms. Children, a high-risk group, can acquire infections from sand in sandboxes, recreational areas, and beaches. This paper reviews the microbes in sands, with an emphasis on fungi. Recreational areas and beach sands have been found to harbor many types of fungi and microbes. A newly emerging group of fungi of concern include the black yeast-like fungi. After establishing that sand is a reservoir for fungi, clinical manifestations of fungal infections are described with an emphasis on ocular and ear infections. Overall, we recommend environmental studies to develop monitoring strategies for sand and studies to evaluate the link between fungi exposure in sand and human health impacts.
Recent studies suggest that sand can serve as a vehicle for exposure of humans to pathogens at beach sites, resulting in increased health risks. Sampling for microorganisms in sand should therefore be considered for inclusion in regulatory programmes aimed at protecting recreational beach users from infectious disease. Here, we review the literature on pathogen levels in beach sand, and their potential for affecting human health. In an effort to provide specific recommendations for sand sampling programmes, we outline published guidelines for beach monitoring programmes, which are currently focused exclusively on measuring microbial levels in water. We also provide background on spatial distribution and temporal characteristics of microbes in sand, as these factors influence sampling programmes. First steps toward establishing a sand sampling programme include identifying appropriate beach sites and use of initial sanitary assessments to refine site selection. A tiered approach is recommended for monitoring. This approach would include the analysis of samples from many sites for faecal indicator organisms and other conventional analytes, while testing for specific pathogens and unconventional indicators is reserved for high-risk sites. Given the diversity of microbes found in sand, studies are urgently needed to identify the most significant aetiological agent of disease and to relate microbial measurements in sand to human health risk.
Relatrio de Estgio apresentado Escola Superior de Educao de Lisboa para obteno de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1. e 2. Ciclos do Ensino Bsico
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obteno do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil