58 resultados para linear machine modeling
O presente trabalho entende a dedução das Equações de Compatibilidade, Equilíbrio, bem como as Leis Constitutivas, de modo a resolver numericamente problemas de Elasticidade Linear formulados para Lajes de Betão. A solução numérica é obtida usando o Método dos Elementos Finitos, implementado em freeFEM++, e comparada com os resultados conseguidos no SAP2000 e com os dados tabelados nas Tabelas de Barès, validando-se desta forma os modelos implementados através do freeFEM++.
Esta dissertação tem como objectivo estudar uma solução mecânica e eléctrica que permita anular o tempo de uma operação de não produção numa linha de prensagem instalada numa fábrica de indústria automóvel, a Autoeuropa. No início desta dissertação começa-se por encontrar uma solução de movimentadores telescópicos compatíveis com as restrições de espaço, os requisitos de sincronismo entre ambos e os objectivos de anulação do tempo de não operação. Seguidamente passou-se a uma fase de modelação do sistema mecânico, para permitir estudar o comportamento dinâmico do sistema proposto. Encontrado o movimentador mecânico adequado e feita a sua modelação foram estudadas possíveis soluções para o accionar, bem como formas de o controlar. Este sistema multimáquina foi estudado com dois tipos de máquinas eléctricas e métodos de controlo devido a necessitar de uma dinâmica bastante rápida, com exigência de grande sincronismo entre os dois movimentadores separados, e ainda com vista a tentar explorar a possibilidade de ter menor número de variadores electrónicos do que de máquinas eléctricas. Para tal recorreu-se ao ambiente Matlab para modelar e simular todo o sistema proposto nas suas variantes. Por fim são extraídas diversas conclusões, procurando-se clarificar a viabilidade da ideia e escolher a melhor opção de accionamento. No caso estudado, como o objectivo futuro é aplicar a solução proposta num ambiente industrial definido, há que ter em atenção não só a melhor opção técnica mas também o preço.
In this paper is presented a relationship between the synchronization and the topological entropy. We obtain the values for the coupling parameter, in terms of the topological entropy, to achieve synchronization of two unidirectional and bidirectional coupled piecewise linear maps. In addition, we prove a result that relates the synchronizability of two m-modal maps with the synchronizability of two conjugated piecewise linear maps. An application to the unidirectional and bidirectional coupled identical chaotic Duffing equations is given. We discuss the complete synchronization of two identical double-well Duffing oscillators, from the point of view of symbolic dynamics. Working with Poincare cross-sections and the return maps associated, the synchronization of the two oscillators, in terms of the coupling strength, is characterized.
The Gulf of Cadiz coasts are exposed to tsunamis. Emergency planning tools are now taking into account this fact, especially because a series of historical occurrences were strikingly significant, having left strong evidence behind, in the mareographic records, the geological evidence or simply the memory of the populations. The study area is a strip along the Algarve coast, south Portugal, an area known to have been heavily impacted by the 1 November 1755 event. In this study we use two different tsunami scenarios generated by the rupture of two thrust faults identified in the area, corresponding to 8.1-8.3 magnitude earthquakes. Tsunami propagation and inundation computation is performed using a non-linear shallow water code with bottom friction. Numerical modeling results are presented in terms of flow depth and current velocity with maximum values of 7 m and 8 m/s for inundation depth and flow speed, respectively. These results constitute a valuable tool for local authorities, emergency and decision planners to define the priority zones where tsunami mitigation measures must be implemented and to develop tsunami-resilient communities.
Storm- and tsunami-deposits are generated by similar depositional mechanisms making their discrimination hard to establish using classic sedimentologic methods. Here we propose an original approach to identify tsunami-induced deposits by combining numerical simulation and rock magnetism. To test our method, we investigate the tsunami deposit of the Boca do Rio estuary generated by the 1755 earthquake in Lisbon which is well described in the literature. We first test the 1755 tsunami scenario using a numerical inundation model to provide physical parameters for the tsunami wave. Then we use concentration (MS. SIRM) and grain size (chi(ARM), ARM, B1/2, ARM/SIRM) sensitive magnetic proxies coupled with SEM microscopy to unravel the magnetic mineralogy of the tsunami-induced deposit and its associated depositional mechanisms. In order to study the connection between the tsunami deposit and the different sedimentologic units present in the estuary, magnetic data were processed by multivariate statistical analyses. Our numerical simulation show a large inundation of the estuary with flow depths varying from 0.5 to 6 m and run up of similar to 7 m. Magnetic data show a dominance of paramagnetic minerals (quartz) mixed with lesser amount of ferromagnetic minerals, namely titanomagnetite and titanohematite both of a detrital origin and reworked from the underlying units. Multivariate statistical analyses indicate a better connection between the tsunami-induced deposit and a mixture of Units C and D. All these results point to a scenario where the energy released by the tsunami wave was strong enough to overtop and erode important amount of sand from the littoral dune and mixed it with reworked materials from underlying layers at least 1 m in depth. The method tested here represents an original and promising tool to identify tsunami-induced deposits in similar embayed beach environments.
In this study, we present 10 m resolution tsunami flooding maps for Lisbon downtown and the Tagus estuary. To compute these maps we use the present bathymetry and topographic maps and a reasonable estimate for the maximum credible tsunami scenario. Tsunami modeling was made with a non-linear shallow water model using four levels of nested grids. The tsunami flood is discussed in terms of flow depth, run-up height and maximum inundation area. The results show that, even today, in spite of the significant morphologic changes in the city river front after the 1755 earthquake, a similar event would cause tsunami flow depths larger than one meter in a large area along the Tagus estuary and Lisbon downtown. Other areas along the estuary with a high population density would also be strongly affected. The impact of the tide on the extent of tsunami inundation is discussed, due to the large amplitude range of the tide in Lisbon, and compared with the historical descriptions of the 1755 event. The results presented here can be used to identify the potential tsunami inundation areas in Lisbon; this identification comprises a key element of the Portuguese tsunami emergency management system.
Several didactic modules for an electric machinery laboratory are presented. The modules are dedicated for DC machinery control and get their characteristic curves. The didactic modules have a front panel with power and signal connectors and can be configurable for any DC motor type. The three-phase bridge inverter proposed is one of the most popular topologies and is commercially available in power package modules. The control techniques and power drives were designed to satisfy static and dynamic performance of DC machines. Each power section is internally self-protected against misconnections and short-circuits. Isolated output signals of current and voltage measurements are also provided, adding versatility for use either in didactic or research applications. The implementation of such modules allowed experimental confirmation of the expected performance.
Os reguladores de tensão LDO são utilizados intensivamente na actual indústria de electrónica, são uma parte essencial de um bloco de gestão de potência para um SoC. O aumento de produtos portáteis alimentados por baterias levou ao crescimento de soluções totalmente integradas, o que degrada o rendimento dos blocos analógicos que o constituem face às perturbações introduzidas na alimentação. Desta forma, surge a necessidade de procurar soluções cada vez mais optimizadas, impondo assim novas soluções, e/ou melhoramentos dos circuitos de gestão de potência, tendo como objectivo final o aumento do desempenho e da autonomia dos dispositivos electrónicos. Normalmente este tipo de reguladores tem a corrente de saída limitada, devido a problemas de estabilidade associados. Numa tentativa de evitar a instabilidade para as correntes de carga definidas e aumentar o PSRR do mesmo, é apresentado um método de implementação que tem como objectivo melhorar estas características, em que se pretende aumentar o rendimento e melhorar a resposta à variação da carga. No entanto, a técnica apresentada utiliza polarização adaptativa do estágio de potência, o que implica um aumento da corrente de consumo. O regulador LDO foi implementado na tecnologia CMOS UMC 0.18μm e ocupa uma área inferior a 0,2mm2. Os resultados da simulação mostram que o mesmo suporta uma transição de corrente 10μA para 100mA, com uma queda de tensão entre a tensão de alimentação e a tensão de saída inferior a 200mV. A estabilidade é assegurada para todas as correntes de carga. O tempo de estabelecimento é inferior a 6μs e as variações da tensão de saída relativamente a seu valor nominal são inferiores a 5mV. A corrente de consumo varia entre os 140μA até 200μA, o que permite atingir as especificações proposta para um PSRR de 40dB@10kHz.
The dynamics of a cylinder rolling on a horizontal plane acted on by an external force applied at an arbitrary angle is studied with emphasis on the directions of the acceleration of the centre-of-mass and the angular acceleration of the body. If rolling occurs without slipping, there is a relationship between the directions of these accelerations. If the linear acceleration points to the right, then the angular acceleration is clockwise. On the other hand, if it points to the left, then the angular acceleration is counterclockwise. In contrast, if rolling and slipping occurs, the direction of the linear acceleration does not determine the direction of the angular acceleration. For example, the linear acceleration may point to the right and the angular acceleration clockwise or counterclockwise depending on the external force orientation and point of application.
Pretende-se, utilizando o Modelo da Elasticidade Linear em freeFEM++, determinar os esforços e deslocamentos de um edifício alto submetido apenas à acção do peso próprio da estrutura e, efectuar estudos comparativos dos resultados obtidos com o SAP2000. O trabalho inicia-se com a introdução da teoria da elasticidade linear, onde são feitas as deduções das Equações de Compatibilidade, Equilíbrio e as Leis Constitutivas, de modo a resolver numericamente o problema de Elasticidade Linear mencionado. O método de elementos finitos será implementado em freeFEM++ com auxílio do GMSH que é uma poderosa ferramenta com capacidade de gerar automaticamente malhas tridimensionais de elementos finitos e com relativa facilidade de pré e pós-processamento.
Object-oriented programming languages presently are the dominant paradigm of application development (e. g., Java,. NET). Lately, increasingly more Java applications have long (or very long) execution times and manipulate large amounts of data/information, gaining relevance in fields related with e-Science (with Grid and Cloud computing). Significant examples include Chemistry, Computational Biology and Bio-informatics, with many available Java-based APIs (e. g., Neobio). Often, when the execution of such an application is terminated abruptly because of a failure (regardless of the cause being a hardware of software fault, lack of available resources, etc.), all of its work already performed is simply lost, and when the application is later re-initiated, it has to restart all its work from scratch, wasting resources and time, while also being prone to another failure and may delay its completion with no deadline guarantees. Our proposed solution to address these issues is through incorporating mechanisms for checkpointing and migration in a JVM. These make applications more robust and flexible by being able to move to other nodes, without any intervention from the programmer. This article provides a solution to Java applications with long execution times, by extending a JVM (Jikes research virtual machine) with such mechanisms. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Facing the lateral vibration problem of a machine rotor as a beam on elastic supports in bending, the authors deal with the free vibration of elastically restrained Bernoulli-Euler beams carrying a finite number of concentrated elements along their length. Based on Rayleigh's quotient, an iterative strategy is developed to find the approximated torsional stiffness coefficients, which allows the reconciliation between the theoretical model results and the experimental ones, obtained through impact tests. The mentioned algorithm treats the vibration of continuous beams under a determined set of boundary and continuity conditions, including different torsional stiffness coefficients and the effect of attached concentrated masses and rotational inertias, not only in the energetic terms of the Rayleigh's quotient but also on the mode shapes, considering the shape functions defined in branches. Several loading cases are examined and examples are given to illustrate the validity of the model and accuracy of the obtained natural frequencies.
Neste trabalho apresenta-se o desenvolvimento de um programa de elementos finitos tridimensionais denominado AE3D1.0, concebido especificamente para a análise de pavimentos rodoviários, partindo do pressuposto de que todos os materiais incorporados possuem comportamento elástico-linear. Por comparação dos resultados do programa AE3D1.0 com as soluções analíticas da teoria da elasticidade para o semi-espaço homogéneo e multiestratificado, confirma-se que é possível estabelecer uma analogia próxima entre ambas as abordagens. Tirando partindo das potencialidades do método dos elementos finitos, e da capacidade do programa de registar os resultados de cálculo em ficheiros digitais que possibilitam a posterior apreciação visual e tratamento dos dados obtidos, comparam-se pavimentos rígidos expostos a carregamentos de canto e de bordo, e é evidenciado o efeito prejudicial que a erosão da estrutura de apoio subjacente à laje de betão tem na longevidade e integridade estrutural do pavimento. São também aplicadas forças de frenagem a pavimentos rígidos em secções confinadas e não confinadas. Elege-se um modelo de pneu para veículos pesados representativo das características do eixo padrão de 130 kN, e analisa-se o efeito que a correspondente impressão ovalizada e distribuição de pressões verticais não uniforme tem na estrutura de um pavimento semi-rígido. Adapta-se e é aplicada uma malha de elementos finitos ao estudo da avaliação da capacidade de carga de pavimentos através de ensaios com o defletómetro de impacto.
Storm- and tsunami-deposits are generated by similar depositional mechanisms making their discrimination hard to establish using classic sedimentologic methods. Here we propose an original approach to identify tsunami-induced deposits by combining numerical simulation and rock magnetism. To test our method, we investigate the tsunami deposit of the Boca do Rio estuary generated by the 1755 earthquake in Lisbon which is well described in the literature. We first test the 1755 tsunami scenario using a numerical inundation model to provide physical parameters for the tsunami wave. Then we use concentration (MS. SIRM) and grain size (chi(ARM), ARM, B1/2, ARM/SIRM) sensitive magnetic proxies coupled with SEM microscopy to unravel the magnetic mineralogy of the tsunami-induced deposit and its associated depositional mechanisms. In order to study the connection between the tsunami deposit and the different sedimentologic units present in the estuary, magnetic data were processed by multivariate statistical analyses. Our numerical simulation show a large inundation of the estuary with flow depths varying from 0.5 to 6 m and run up of similar to 7 m. Magnetic data show a dominance of paramagnetic minerals (quartz) mixed with lesser amount of ferromagnetic minerals, namely titanomagnetite and titanohematite both of a detrital origin and reworked from the underlying units. Multivariate statistical analyses indicate a better connection between the tsunami-induced deposit and a mixture of Units C and D. All these results point to a scenario where the energy released by the tsunami wave was strong enough to overtop and erode important amount of sand from the littoral dune and mixed it with reworked materials from underlying layers at least 1 m in depth. The method tested here represents an original and promising tool to identify tsunami-induced deposits in similar embayed beach environments.
There exist striking analogies in the behaviour of eigenvalues of Hermitian compact operators, singular values of compact operators and invariant factors of homomorphisms of modules over principal ideal domains, namely diagonalization theorems, interlacing inequalities and Courant-Fischer type formulae. Carlson and Sa [D. Carlson and E.M. Sa, Generalized minimax and interlacing inequalities, Linear Multilinear Algebra 15 (1984) pp. 77-103.] introduced an abstract structure, the s-space, where they proved unified versions of these theorems in the finite-dimensional case. We show that this unification can be done using modular lattices with Goldie dimension, which have a natural structure of s-space in the finite-dimensional case, and extend the unification to the countable-dimensional case.