55 resultados para film i kyrkan
Large area hydrogenated amorphous silicon single and stacked p-i-n structures with low conductivity doped layers are proposed as monochrome and color image sensors. The layers of the structures are based on amorphous silicon alloys (a-Si(x)C(1-x):H). The current-voltage characteristics and the spectral sensitivity under different bias conditions are analyzed. The output characteristics are evaluated under different read-out voltages and scanner wavelengths. To extract information on image shape, intensity and color, a modulated light beam scans the sensor active area at three appropriate bias voltages and the photoresponse in each scanning position ("sub-pixel") is recorded. The investigation of the sensor output under different scanner wavelengths and varying electrical bias reveals that the response can be tuned, thus enabling color separation. The operation of the sensor is exemplified and supported by a numerical simulation.
Amorphous glass/ZnO-Al/p(a-Si:H)/i(a-Si:H)/n(a-Si1-xCx:H)/Al imagers with different n-layer resistivities were produced by plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition technique (PE-CVD). An image is projected onto the sensing element and leads to spatially confined depletion regions that can be readout by scanning the photodiode with a low-power modulated laser beam. The essence of the scheme is the analog readout, and the absence of semiconductor arrays or electrode potential manipulations to transfer the information coming from the transducer. The influence of the intensity of the optical image projected onto the sensor surface is correlated with the sensor output characteristics (sensitivity, linearity blooming, resolution and signal-to-noise ratio) are analysed for different material compositions (0.5 < x < 1). The results show that the responsivity and the spatial resolution are limited by the conductivity of the doped layers. An enhancement of one order of magnitude in the image intensity signal and on the spatial resolution are achieved at 0.2 mW cm(-2) light flux by decreasing the n-layer conductivity by the same amount. A physical model supported by electrical simulation gives insight into the image-sensing technique used.
ZnO:Al/p (SiC:H)/i (Si:H)/n (SiC:H) large area image and colour sensor are analysed. Carrier transport and collection efficiency are investigated from dark and illuminated current-voltage (I-V) dependence and spectral response measurements under different optical and electrical bias conditions. Results show that the carrier collection depends on the optical bias and on the applied voltage. By changing the electrical bias around the open circuit voltage it is possible to filter the absorption at a given wavelength and so to tune the spectral sensitivity of the device. Transport and optical modelling give insight into the internal physical process and explain the bias control of the spectral response and the image and colour sensing properties of the devices.
O presente relatório visa apresentar o trabalho desenvolvido pelo estagiário, na empresa Freyssinet -Terra Armada, SA. Este encontra-se dividido em 2 partes distintas. A primeira no âmbito da actividade Terra Armada, consistiu no acompanhamento da montagem do túnel pré-fabricado que estabelece a ligação entre a Rua C junto ao Centro Comercial Dolce Vita em Braga e a Variante do Cávado. A segunda no âmbito da actividade Freyssinet, consistiu no acompanhamento da obra de reabilitação e reforço estrutural de duas pontes denominadas de Criz I e Criz II, ambas localizadas na E.N.234 junto a Santa Comba Dão. A intensa ocupação dos terrenos em meio urbano leva cada vez mais ao estudo de novas soluções que permitem melhorar a circulação de pessoas e bens. Para restabelecer a ligação entre a Rua C e a Variante do Cávado a solução encontrada passou pela construção de um Túnel a céu aberto. Esta foi a melhor solução encontrada pois está prevista a intersecção de três vias denominadas de Variante do Cávado, Rua B e Rua D, todas relacionadas com os restabelecimentos de acesso ao empreendimento Dolce Vita Braga. Sobre as pontes de Criz I e Criz II recordamos que as mesmas foram projectadas em 1975 pelo Prof. Edgar Cardoso, tendo sido construídas no período que decorreu entre 1976 e 1979. Apesar de serem pontes recentes, estas apresentavam um avançado estado de deterioração o que levou à elaboração de um projecto específico de reparação e reforço estrutural e consequente intervenção, tendo sido adjudicadas à Freyssinet as intervenções concernentes ao reforço com Pré-Esforço, substituição de aparelhos de apoio e juntas de dilatação. O que mais adiante se detalhará no presente relatório será a explicação e descrição dos trabalhos executados em ambas as obras, onde foram aplicadas a tecnologia Terra Armada no primeiro caso e a tecnologia Freyssinet para o segundo caso.
Este projecto basear-se-á na descrição da exploração do universo da falha como um motor de criação. Para tal, foi tomado como ponto de partida as dificuldades inerentes à dislexia. Será também descrito de forma pormenorizada o tempo passado juntamente com a companhia Les Ballets C . de la B. Incluirá igualmente um diário de bordo com a descrição detalhada do projecto A.I.M.
Five new silver(I) complexes of formulas [Ag(Tpms)] (1), [Ag(Tpms)-(PPh3)] (2), [Ag(Tpms)(PCy3)] (3), [Ag(PTA)][BF4] (4), and [Ag(Tpms)(PTA)] (5) {Tpms = tris(pyrazol-1-yl)methanesulfonate, PPh3 = triphenylphosphane, PCy3 = tricyclohexylphosphane, PTA = 1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane) have been synthesized and fully characterized by elemental analyses, H-1, C-13, and P-31 NMR, electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), and IR spectroscopic techniques. The single crystal X-ray diffraction study of 3 shows the Tpms ligand acting in the N-3-facially coordinating mode, while in 2 and 5 a N2O-coordination is found, with the SO3 group bonded to silver and a pendant free pyrazolyl ring. Features of the tilting in the coordinated pyrazolyl rings in these cases suggest that this inequivalence is related with the cone angles of the phosphanes. A detailed study of antimycobacterial and antiproliferative properties of all compounds has been carried out. They were screened for their in vitro antimicrobial activities against the standard strains Enterococcus faecalis (ATCC 29922), Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923), Streptococcus pneumoniae (ATCC 49619), Streptococcus pyogenes (SF37), Streptococcus sanguinis (SK36), Streptococcus mutans (UA1S9), Escherichia coli (ATCC 25922), and the fungus Candida albicans (ATCC 24443). Complexes 1-5 have been found to display effective antimicrobial activity against the series of bacteria and fungi, and some of them are potential candidates for antiseptic or disinfectant drugs. Interaction of Ag complexes with deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) has been studied by fluorescence spectroscopic techniques, using ethidium bromide (EB) as a fluorescence probe of DNA. The decrease in the fluorescence of DNA EB system on addition of Ag complexes shows that the fluorescence quenching of DNA EB complex occurs and compound 3 is particularly active. Complexes 1-5 exhibit pronounced antiproliferative activity against human malignant melanoma (A375) with an activity often higher than that of AgNO3, which has been used as a control, following the same order of activity inhibition on DNA, i.e., 3 > 2 > 1 > 5 > AgNO3 >> 4.
We describe a novel, low-cost and low-tech method for the fabrication of elastomeric Janus particles with diameters ranging from micrometers to millimeters. This consists of UV-irradiating soft urethane/urea elastomer spheres, which are then extracted in toluene and dried. The spheres are thus composed of a single material: no coating or film deposition steps are required. Furthermore, the whole procedure is carried out at ambient temperature and pressure. Long, labyrinthine corrugations ("wrinkles") appear on the irradiated portions of the particles' surfaces, the spatial periodicity of which can be controlled by varying the sizes of particles. The asymmetric morphology of the resulting Janus particles has been confirmed by scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, and optical microscopy. We have also established that the spheres behave elastically by performing bouncing tests with dried and swollen spheres. Results can be interpreted by assuming that each sphere consists of a thin, stiff surface layer ("skin") lying atop a thicker, softer substrate ("bulk"). The skin's higher stiffness is hypothesized to result from the more extensive cross-linking of the polymer chains located near the surface by the UV radiation. Textures then arise from competition between the effects of bending the skin and compressing the bulk, as the solvent evaporates and the sphere shrinks.
RESUMO: Ensaia-se o estudo da evolução da heráldica e emblemática da Guarda Nacional Republicana. Trata-se da primeira tentativa de abordagem da matéria em apreço, privilegiando-se e análise em termos artísticos, ou seja a experimentação estética das armas.
Pretende-se com esta dissertação efectuar um estudo dos conceitos associados ao sistema Balanced Scorecard e como este agrupa e articula os vários indicadores financeiros e não financeiros em quatro perspectivas, a sua aplicabilidade em grandes ou pequenas organizações, qualquer que seja o seu âmbito de actuação, privada ou pública, com ou sem fins lucrativos e a sua importância para a gestão estratégica. De facto, as mudanças tecnológicas, socioculturais e económicas que se têm verificado nas últimas décadas, têm impelido as organizações a adaptarem-se a um novo mundo global e competitivo. Assim, desde 1990 que têm surgido diversos conteúdos bibliográficos e divulgações em conferências dando ênfase à eficácia da sua adopção, com reflexos visíveis na gestão das empresas e organizações do sector público que optam pela implementação deste instrumento que articula a estratégia com a gestão. A aderência à realidade através de um Estudo de Caso aplicado à implementação do Balanced Scorecard no Instituto de Gestão Financeira da Segurança Social, I. P. irá dar uma forte consistência ao desenvolvimento teórico a efectuar na primeira parte da dissertação.
Os artigos reunidos neste volume de atas pretendem tornar acessíveis, a um público mais vasto e diversificado, a conferência plenária, proferida por Clara Rolo, e as comunicações realizadas pelos participantes no I Encontro dos Mestrados em Educação da ESELx (I EME), que decorreu na Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa, no dia 12 de janeiro de 2013. O Encontro foi dinamizado pela Comissão Coordenadora de Mestrados Pós-profissionalização, instância do Conselho Técnico-Científico, em colaboração com o Centro Interdisciplinar de Estudos Educacionais – CIED, em que se inscrevem os projetos e programas de investigação desenvolvidos na ESELx. Prevendo-se que venha a ter, futuramente, uma periodicidade bianual, o Encontro dos Mestrados em Educação da ESELx tem como objetivos centrais divulgar a investigação produzida no âmbito dos vários Mestrados Pós-Profissionalização existentes na ESELx, e simultaneamente, constituir-se como um fórum de discussão, não só dos resultados obtidos, mas também das diversas abordagens metodológicas adotadas.
This paper reports on optical filters based on a-SiC:H tandem pi'n/pin heterostructures. The spectral sensitivity is analyzed. Steady state optical bias with different wavelengths are applied from each front and back sides and the photocurrent is measured. Results show that it is possible to control the sensitivity of the device and to tune a specific wavelength range by combining radiations with complementary light penetration depths. The transfer characteristics effects due to changes in the front and back optical bias wavelength are discussed. Depending on the wavelength of the external background and irradiation side, the device acts either as a short- or a long-pass band filter or as a band-stop filter. The output waveform presents a nonlinear amplitude-dependent response to the wavelengths of the input channels.
We present measurements and numerical simulation of a-Si:H p-i-n detectors with a wide range of intrinsic layer thickness between 2 and 10 pm. Such a large active layer thickness is required in applications like elementary particle detectors or X-ray detectors. For large thickness and depending on the applied bias, we observe a sharp peak in the spectral response in the red region near 700 nm. Simulation results obtained with the program ASCA are in agreement with the measurement and permit the explanation of the experimental data. In thick samples holes recombine or are trapped before reaching the contacts, and the conduction mechanism is fully electron dominated. As a consequence, the peak position in the spectral response is located near the optical band gap of the a-Si:H i-layer. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
O artigo analisa e debate o espectáculo Play, the Film, nascido da colaboração entre o colectivo Cão Solteiro e André Godinho, focando as dúvidas por ele suscitadas relativamente ao posicionamento do espectador – «onde estamos» – e as levantadas relativamente ao sentido dos discursos – «o que é que isto quer dizer?».
ABSTRACT: Adopting the concept of metalepsis, as explained by Gérard Genette, I intend to tackle the miscegenation of ontological worlds as practiced in metacinematic films dealing either with the creator or the spectator and made famous with Woody Allen’s film The Purple Rose of Cairo (1985, EUA). Assuming the existence of two adjoining fictional universes, one of them intrafilmically projected onto a screen and the other positioned in front of it so as to create or observe the other, one realizes that, in fact, they both communicate in a more intense way. That is, they both can cross the barrier that separates them and function, literally, as communicating vessels thrusting themselves onto the other side of fiction. The use of this screen passage technique – which I call ‘spilling narrative’ – although it takes place inside the film, at an intradiegetic level, cannot be considered a simple comic effect. In actuality, it is a very serious affair, denoting the authorial intervention as a reflexive practice of écriture by means of a mise en abyme, according to Lucien Dällenbach. Therefore, the fictional spilling over of worlds which totally blends together both sides of the twice artificial universe of the fabula, represents the emotional and intellectual involvement of the creator with his/her creation and of the spectator with the world watched. Both illustrate the desire of fusion inherent in the acts of creation and reception. My approach will be based on Gabriele Salvatores’ Happy Family (2010) and Wojciech Marczewski’s Escape from the ‘Liberty’ Cinema (1990).
A 17.6 kb DNA fragment from the right arm of chromosome VII of Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been sequenced and analysed. The sequence contains twelve open reading frames (ORFs) longer than 100 amino acids. Three genes had already been cloned and sequenced: CCT, ADE3 and TR-I. Two ORFs are similar to other yeast genes: G7722 with the YAL023 (PMT2) and PMT1 genes, encoding two integral membrane proteins, and G7727 with the first half of the genes encoding elongation factors 1gamma, TEF3 and TEF4. Two other ORFs, G7742 and G7744, are most probably yeast orthologues of the human and Paracoccus denitrificans electron-transferring flavoproteins (beta chain) and of the Escherichia coli phosphoserine phosphohydrolase. The five remaining identified ORFs do not show detectable homology with other protein sequences deposited in data banks. The sequence has been deposited in the EMBL data library under Accession Number Z49133.