56 resultados para Radiology, nuclear medicine
A crucial method for investigating patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) is the calculation of the left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). It is, consequently, imperative to precisely estimate the value of LVEF--a process that can be done with myocardial perfusion scintigraphy. Therefore, the present study aimed to establish and compare the estimation performance of the quantitative parameters of the reconstruction methods filtered backprojection (FBP) and ordered-subset expectation maximization (OSEM). Methods: A beating-heart phantom with known values of end-diastolic volume, end-systolic volume, and LVEF was used. Quantitative gated SPECT/quantitative perfusion SPECT software was used to obtain these quantitative parameters in a semiautomatic mode. The Butterworth filter was used in FBP, with the cutoff frequencies between 0.2 and 0.8 cycles per pixel combined with the orders of 5, 10, 15, and 20. Sixty-three reconstructions were performed using 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 16 OSEM subsets, combined with several iterations: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 32, and 64. Results: With FBP, the values of end-diastolic, end-systolic, and the stroke volumes rise as the cutoff frequency increases, whereas the value of LVEF diminishes. This same pattern is verified with the OSEM reconstruction. However, with OSEM there is a more precise estimation of the quantitative parameters, especially with the combinations 2 iterations 10 subsets and 2 iterations 12 subsets. Conclusion: The OSEM reconstruction presents better estimations of the quantitative parameters than does FBP. This study recommends the use of 2 iterations with 10 or 12 subsets for OSEM and a cutoff frequency of 0.5 cycles per pixel with the orders 5, 10, or 15 for FBP as the best estimations for the left ventricular volumes and ejection fraction quantification in myocardial perfusion scintigraphy.
Myocardial perfusion-gated-SPECT (MP-gated-SPECT) imaging often shows radiotracer uptake in abdominal organs. This accumulation interferes frequently with qualitative and quantitative assessment of the infero-septal region of myocardium. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of ingestion of different fat content on the reduction of extra-myocardial uptake and to improve MP-gated-SPECT image quality. In this study, 150 patients (65 ^ 18 years) who were referred for MP-gated-SPECT underwent a 1-day-protocol including imaging after stress (physical or pharmacological) and resting conditions. All patients gave written informed consent. Patients were subdivided into five groups: GI, GII, GIII, GIV and GV. In the first four groups, patients ate two chocolate bars with different fat content. Patients in GV control group (CG) had just water. Uptake indices (UI) of myocardium (M)/liver(L) and M/stomachproximal bowel(S) revealed lower UI of M/S at rest in all groups. Both stress and rest studies using different food intake indicate that patients who ate chocolate with different fat content showed better UI of M/L than the CG. The UI of M/L and M/S of groups obtained under physical stress are clearly superior to that of groups obtained under pharmacological stress. These differences are only significant in patients who ate high-fat chocolate or drank water. The analysis of all stress studies together (GI, GII, GIII and GIV) in comparison with CG shows higher mean ranks of UI of M/L for those who ate high-fat chocolate. After pharmacological stress, the mean ranks of UI of M/L were higher for patients who ate high- and low-fat chocolate. In conclusion, eating food with fat content after radiotracer injection increases, respectively, the UI of M/L after stress and rest in MP-gated-SPECT studies. It is, therefore, recommended that patients eat a chocolate bar after radiotracer injection and before image acquisition.
Myocardial Perfusion Gated Single Photon Emission Tomography (Gated-SPET) imaging is used for the combined evaluation of myocardial perfusion and left ventricular (LV) function. But standard protocols of the Gated-SPECT studies require long acquisition times for each study. It is therefore important to reduce as much as possible the total duration of image acquisition. However, it is known that this reduction leads to decrease on counts statistics per projection and raises doubts about the validity of the functional parameters determined by Gated-SPECT. Considering that, its difficult to carry out this analysis in real patients. For ethical, logistical and economical matters, simulated studies could be required for this analysis. Objective: Evaluate the influence of the total number of counts acquired from myocardium, in the calculation of myocardial functional parameters (LVEF left ventricular ejection fraction, EDV end-diastolic volume, ESV end-sistolic volume) using routine software procedures.
Renal scintigraphy with 99mTc-dimercaptosuccinic acid (99mTc-DMSA) is performed with the aim of detect cortical abnormalities related to urinary tract infection and accurately quantify relative renal function (RRF). For this quantitative assessment Nuclear Medicine Technologist should draw regions of interest (ROI) around each kidney (KROI) and peri-renal background (BKG) ROI although controversy still exists about BKG-ROI. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of the normalization procedure, number and location of BKG-ROI on the RRF in 99mTc-DMSA scintigraphy.
The main purpose of the present study is to determine if the circadian rhythms present in the human bone marrow are likely to influence 3- deoxy- 3-[18F] Fluorothymidine (18F-FLT) uptake in the same organ. The 18F-FLT is a Thymidine analogous proliferation agent. The relatively high physiological uptake of this tracer in the bone marrow diminishes the Tumor/Background (T/B) ratio, decreasing the detection accuracy of PET/CT and possibly affecting SUV quantifications.
Tomographic image can be degraded, partially by patient based attenuation. The aim of this paper is to quantitatively verify the effects of attenuation correction methods Chang and CT in 111In studies through the analysis of profiles from abdominal SPECT, correspondent to a uniform radionuclide uptake organ, the left kidney.
Mestrado em Radiaes Aplicadas s Tecnologias da Sade - rea de especializao: Proteo Contra as Radiaes.
Mestrado em Medicina Nuclear - rea de especializao: Tomografia por Emisso de Positres.
Mestrado em Medicina Nuclear - rea de especializao: Radiofarmcia.
The formation of amyloid structures is a neuropathological feature that characterizes several neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimers and Parkinsons disease. Up to now, the definitive diagnosis of these diseases can only be accomplished by immunostaining of post mortem brain tissues with dyes such Thioflavin T and congo red. Aiming at early in vivo diagnosis of Alzheimers disease (AD), several amyloid-avid radioprobes have been developed for b-amyloid imaging by positron emission tomography (PET) and single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). The aim of this paper is to present a perspective of the available amyloid imaging agents, special those that have been selected for clinical trials and are at the different stages of the US Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) approval.
Introduo A cintigrafia de perfuso do miocrdio (CPM) um dos exames complementares de diagnstico mais indicados na patologia cardiovascular. A atividade extramiocrdica um problema recorrente na aquisio e avaliao da imagem. Parmetros como o radiofrmaco (RF) administrado, o tipo de esforo, a ingesto de alimentos, o posicionamento e o processamento de imagem influenciam a atividade extramiocrdica na CPM. O objetivo deste estudo identificar o protocolo da CPM a nvel nacional e avaliar a percentagem de repeties das aquisies provocadas por este problema. Metodologia Para a realizao deste estudo, a populao selecionada foram os Servios de Medicina Nuclear (SMN) em Portugal Continental. Foram analisados 15 questionrios, respondidos pelos Tcnicos Coordenadores dos vrios SMN. Foi realizada a associao do comportamento das variveis, atravs da estatstica descritiva e do Coeficiente de Correlao de Spearman. Resultados A percentagem de repeties menor com o uso da 99mTecncio(Tc)-Tetrofosmina, aquisio de imagens tardias, ingesto de diversos alimentos (gua, leite, sumo, po com manteiga) e com a correo de atenuao. Concluso Os resultados obtidos demonstram que a maioria das solues aplicadas nos SMN resultam numa diminuio das repeties.
Mestrado em Medicina Nuclear.
Objective - To describe and validate the simulation of the basic features of GE Millennium MG gamma camera using the GATE Monte Carlo platform. Material and methods - Crystal size and thickness, parallel-hole collimation and a realistic energy acquisition window were simulated in the GATE platform. GATE results were compared to experimental data in the following imaging conditions: a point source of 99mTc at different positions during static imaging and tomographic acquisitions using two different energy windows. The accuracy between the events expected and detected by simulation was obtained with the MannWhitneyWilcoxon test. Comparisons were made regarding the measurement of sensitivity and spatial resolution, static and tomographic. Simulated and experimental spatial resolutions for tomographic data were compared with the KruskalWallis test to assess simulation accuracy for this parameter. Results - There was good agreement between simulated and experimental data. The number of decays expected when compared with the number of decays registered, showed small deviation (0.007%). The sensitivity comparisons between static acquisitions for different distances from source to collimator (1, 5, 10, 20, 30cm) with energy windows of 126154 keV and 130158 keV showed differences of 4.4%, 5.5%, 4.2%, 5.5%, 4.5% and 5.4%, 6.3%, 6.3%, 5.8%, 5.3%, respectively. For the tomographic acquisitions, the mean differences were 7.5% and 9.8% for the energy window 126154 keV and 130158 keV. Comparison of simulated and experimental spatial resolutions for tomographic data showed no statistically significant differences with 95% confidence interval. Conclusions - Adequate simulation of the system basic features using GATE Monte Carlo simulation platform was achieved and validated.
Introduo Os estudos Gated Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) so uma das tcnicas de imagiologia cardaca que mais evoluiu nas ltimas dcadas. Para a anlise das imagens obtidas, a utilizao de softwares de quantificao leva a um aumento da reprodutibilidade e exatido das interpretaes. O objetivo deste estudo consiste em avaliar, em estudos Gated-SPECT, a variabilidade intra e interoperador de parmetros quantitativos de funo e perfuso do miocrdio, obtidos com os softwares Quantitative Gated SPECT (QGS) e Quantitative Perfusion SPECT (QPS). Material e mtodos Recorreu-se a uma amostra no probabilstica por convenincia de 52 pacientes, que realizaram estudos Gated-SPECT do miocrdio por razes clnicas e que integravam a base de dados da estao de processamento da Xeleris da ESTeSL. Os cinquenta e dois estudos foram divididos em dois grupos distintos: Grupo I (GI) de 17 pacientes com imagens com perfuso do miocrdio normal; Grupo II (GII) de 35 pacientes que apresentavam defeito de perfuso nas imagens Gated-SPECT. Todos os estudos foram processados 5 vezes por 4 operadores independentes (com experincia de 3 anos em Servios de Medicina Nuclear com casustica mdia de 15 exames/semana de estudos Gated-SPECT). Para a avaliao da variabilidade intra e interoperador foi utilizado o teste estatstico de Friedman, considerando =0,01. Resultados e discusso Para todos os parmetros avaliados, os respectivos valores de p no traduziram diferenas estatisticamente significativas (p>). Assim, no foi verificada variabilidade intra ou interoperador significativa no processamento dos estudos Gated-SPECT do miocrdio. Concluso Os softwares QGS e QPS so reprodutveis na quantificao dos parmetros de funo e perfuso avaliados, no existindo variabilidade introduzida pelo operador.
Introduo A tomografia de emisso de foto simples sincronizada com o sinal eletrocardiogrfico (Gated-SPECT) essencial para a avaliao conjunta da perfuso e da funo ventricular esquerda (VE) do miocrdio. Objetivo Investigar a relao entre a funo VE e o ndice de captao (IC) miocrdio/pulmo direito (M/PD) e M/P esquerdo (M/PE) nos estudos Gated-SPECT com 99mTc-Tetrofosmina. Metodologia Amostra de 32 pacientes que realizaram estudos Gated-SPECT por indicao clnica, sendo subdividida em dois grupos: Grupo I (GI) pacientes com a informao clnica de enfarte agudo do miocrdio (EAM); Grupo II (GII) pacientes com a informao clnica de isquemia. Por cada paciente adquiriram-se imagens estticas torcico-abdominais e dois estudos Gated-SPECT do miocrdio (protocolo de um dia esforo/repouso). Nas imagens estticas definiram-se regies de interesse (Regions of interest ROI) para calcular os IC. Nos estudos Gated-SPECT utilizou-se o software Quantitative Gated SPECT/Quantitative Perfusion SPECT para calcular a Frao de Ejeo do Ventrculo Esquerdo (FEVE). Efetuou-se anlise estatstica descritiva para caracterizao da amostra. Aplicou-se o teste de Spearman para avaliar a correlao entre a FEVE e os IC por grupo de pacientes. O Teste de Willcoxon foi usado para comparar FEVE em repouso e em esforo. Resultados Nos estudos Gated-SPECT em esforo no se verificou correlao estatisticamente significativa entre a FEVE e os IC, para GI e GII; em repouso existe correlao positiva estatisticamente significativa entre a FEVE e os IC, para GI; para GII no se verificou correlao. Na comparao dos valores de FEVE em esforo e repouso nos dois grupos constatou-se a existncia de diferenas estatisticamente significativas, sendo a FEVE em Esforo<FEVE em repouso. Concluso IC associado ao valor da FEVE pode indicar disfuno VE, contudo, no possvel aplicar de forma vivel esta deduo para a amostra total que realizou GatedSPECT (GI e GII).