42 resultados para Hospital Baptista de Sousa


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O presente artigo teve origem num texto escrito para o programa do espectáculo Frei Luís de Sousa, com encenação de Carlos Avilez, no Teatro Nacional D. Maria II, na abertura das Comemorações do Bicentenário do nascimento de Almeida Garrett.


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Ano das Comemorações do Bicentenário do nascimento de Almeida Garrett.


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Purpose – Quantitative instruments to assess patient safety culture have been developed recently and a few review articles have been published. Measuring safety culture enables healthcare managers and staff to improve safety behaviours and outcomes for patients and staff. The study aims to determine the AHRQ Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture (HSPSC) Portuguese version's validity and reliability. Design/methodology/approach – A missing-value analysis and item analysis was performed to identify problematic items. Reliability analysis, inter-item correlations and inter-scale correlations were done to check internal consistency, composite scores. Inter-correlations were examined to assess construct validity. A confirmatory factor analysis was performed to investigate the observed data's fit to the dimensional structure proposed in the AHRQ HSPSC Portuguese version. To analyse differences between hospitals concerning composites scores, an ANOVA analysis and multiple comparisons were done. Findings – Eight of 12 dimensions had Cronbach's alphas higher than 0.7. The instrument as a whole achieved a high Cronbach's alpha (0.91). Inter-correlations showed that there is no dimension with redundant items, however dimension 10 increased its internal consistency when one item is removed. Originality/value – This study is the first to evaluate an American patient safety culture survey using Portuguese data. The survey has satisfactory reliability and construct validity.


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The Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency is the most common enzymatic defect in the world. The most common clinical manifestations are acute hemolytic anemia associated with drugs, infections, neonatal jaundice and hemolytic non-spherocytic chronic anemia. The main aim of this study was to determine the frequency of major genetic variants of G6PD leading to enzyme deficiency in children from 0 to 14 years at a Pediatric Hospital in Luanda, Angola. A cross-sectional and descriptive analytical study covered a total of 194 children aged from 0 to 14 years, of both genders and hospitalized at the Pediatric Hospital David Bernardino, Luanda between November and December, 2011. The G202A, A376G and C563T mutations of the G6PD gene were determined by real-time PCR with Taqman probes. The disabled A-/A- genotype was detected in 10 girls (10.9%). Among the boys, 21 (20.6%) presented the genotype A-. Considering all the samples, the A- variant was observed in 22.4% of cases. The Mediterranean mutation was not detected in the Angolan sample. Furthermore, no association was found between genotype and anemia, nutritional state and mucosa color. A significant association, however, was observed with jaundice. Based on the results obtained, there is a clear need to identify those with the disabled genotype in the Angolan population in order to avoid cases of drug-induced anemia, particularly in the treatment of malaria, so prevalent in Angola.


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A doença diarreica constitui uma das principais causas de morte em crianças menores de cinco anos em Angola. O presente estudo assume como principal objectivo identificar os agentes patogénicos causadores de diarreia, entre eles vírus, parasitas e bactérias, das crianças admitidas no Hospital Geral do Bengo. Material de estudo - O estudo iniciou-se em Setembro de 2012, tendo sido incluídas crianças menores de 5 anos admitidas no Hospital Geral do Bengo por diarreia (serviço de urgência e consulta externa) até Outubro de 2013, sem história de antibioterapia.


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Exposure in a hospital setting is normally due to the use of several antineoplastic drugs simultaneously. Nevertheless, the effects of such mixtures at the cell level and on human health in general are unpredictable and unique due to differences in practice of hospital oncology departments, in the number of patients, protection devices available, and the experience and safety procedures of medical staff. Health care workers who prepare or administer hazardous drugs or who work in areas where these drugs are used may be exposed to these agents in the air, on work surfaces, contaminated clothing, medical equipment, patient excreta, and other surfaces. These workers include specially pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and nursing personnel. Exposures may occur through inhalation resulting from aerosolization of powder or liquid during reconstitution and spillage taking place while preparing or administering to patients, through Cytokinesis-block micronucleus test (CBMN) is extensively used in biomonitoring, since it determines several biomarkers of genotoxicity, such as micronuclei (MN), which are biomarkers of chromosomes breakage or loss, nucleoplasmic bridges (NPB), common biomarkers of chromosome rearrangement, poor repair and/or telomeres fusion, and nuclear buds (NBUD), biomarkers of elimination of amplified DNA.


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As Hemoglobinopatias são doenças hereditárias com uma prevalência de 10 a 30% de portadores na população africana. As alterações das hemoglobinas envolvem a síntese estrutural e quantitativa dos aminoácidos que compõem as diferentes cadeias de globinas. A Doença das Células Falciformes compreende um grupo de hemoglobinopatias que apresentam um conjunto de sinais e sintomas, sendo a forma mais grave da doença. Dada a importância do tema e a escassez de dados no Caxito, Angola, iniciou-se o rastreio Neonatal de Doenças das Células Falciformes no Hospital Geral do Bengo (HGB), onde se localiza o CISA (Centro de Investigação em Saúde de Angola). Objetivos: - Determinar a frequência de recém-nascidos normais (AA), portadores (AS) e patológicos (SS); - Calcular os valores médios dos índices hematrimétricos por classe fenótipica.


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As hemoglobinopatias são doenças hereditárias resultado de alterações na síntese de cadeias de globina e incluem alterações estruturais e talassemias que são provocadas pela produção diminuída de globina. Se não for diagnosticada e tratada, muitas das hemoglobinopatias resultam em morte nos primeiros anos de vida. Dada a importância do tema e a escassez de dados no nosso meio iniciou-se o estudo das mesmas no Hospital Provincial do Bengo (HGB).


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A diarreia pode ser causada por vírus, parasitas e bactérias e constitui uma das principais causas de doença e morte em crianças menores de cinco anos em Angola. O presente estude assume como principal objectivo identificar os agentes patogénicos causadores de diarreia em crianças admitidas no Hospital Geral do Bengo.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecância


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Mestrado em Intervenção Sócio-Organizacional na Saúde - Ramo de especialização: Políticas de Administração e Gestão de Serviços de Saúde


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil


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Relatório Final de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Dança, com vista à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino de Dança.


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During the whole of the nineteenth century and the first decades of the twentieth century the transatlantic book trade was plainly asymmetrical, with Brazil seen by book vendors in Portugal as a natural extension of their market, destined to import books — a situation due largely to the incipient nature of Brazilian book production. However, the rapid development of the Brazilian printing and publishing industry in the first half of the twentieth century brought profound changes in the circulation of print material and in the traditional movements in the transatlantic book trade. Aware of those changes, some publishers and booksellers sought ways of expanding their businesses, by creating new openings for the circulation of books between the two countries. Taking the particular case of António de Sousa Pinto and his three Luso-Brazilian publishing ventures of the 1940s (Livros de Portugal, Edições Dois Mundos and Livros do Brasil), this article tries to understand the way publishers behaved in bringing together the two sides of the Atlantic closer together for the Lusophone book.