9 resultados para percepção de justiça distributiva

em CiencIPCA - Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, Portugal


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Resumo: 1 Sumrio do Acrdo do Supremo Tribunal de Justiça, de 28 de Setembro de 2011; 2 Texto completo do Acrdo do Supremo Tribunal de Justiça, de 28 de Setembro de 2011, Juiz Conselheiro Raul BORGES (Relator), Juiz Conselheiro Armindo MONTEIRO cfr. http://www.dgsi.pt , 20 de Janeiro de 2012; 3 Anotao; 3.1 Introduo anotao; 3.2 Algumas das referncias, por parte do Acrdo do Supremo Tribunal de Justiça, de 28 de Setembro de 2011, aos problemas do direito ao silncio e do dever em o arguido se sujeitar a aplicaes de prova no processo penal; 3.3 Teoria geral dos problemas do direito ao silncio em contraste com o dever de sujeio do arguido a diligncias de prova no contexto do direito processual penal lusitano; 4 - Concluso. Abstract: 1 - Summary of the Judgement of the Supreme Court of Justice of 28 September 2011 2 - Full text of the Judgement of the Supreme Court of Justice of 28 September 2011, Councillor Judge Raul Borges (Reporter), Councillor Judge Armindo Monteiro cf. . http://www.dgsi.pt, January 20, 2012, 3 - Note: 3.1 - Introduction to the annotation; 3.2 - Some of the references, by the Judgement of the Supreme Court of Justice of 28 September 2011, the problems the right to silence and the duty in the defendant be subject to applications of proof in criminal proceedings; 3.3 - "general Theory" of the problems the right to silence in contrast to the duty of subjection of the accused to proof steps in the right context criminal procedure Lusitanian 4 - Conclusion. P.S.: este o "abstract" tal qual como surge no artigo.


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Resumo: 1 Sumrio do Acrdo do Supremo Tribunal de Justiça, de 13 de Abril de 2011; 2 Texto completo do Acrdo do Supremo Tribunal de Justiça, de 13 de Abril de 2009, Juiz Conselheiro Rodrigues da COSTA (Relator), Juiz Conselheiro Armnio SOTTOMAYOR (vencido nos termos da declarao junta) e Juiz Conselheiro Mota MIRANDA: cfr. http://www.dgsi.pt , 26 de Abril de 2011; 3 Anotao; 3.1 Introduo anotao; 3.2 A questo do suposto bem jurdico que seria tutelado pelo crime de lenocnio p.p.p.p.p. 169. do cdigo penal portugus; 3.2.1 Ainda a questo do suposto bem jurdico que seria tutelado pelo crime de lenocnio p.p.p.p.p. 169. do cdigo penal portugus: uma maior procura e concretizao jurdica e cientfica; 4 Concluses; Abstract: 1 - Summary of the Sentence of the Supreme Court of Justice, 13 of April of 2011; 2 - Complete text of the Sentence of the Supreme Court of Justice, 13 of April of 2009, Advising Judge Rodrigues da COSTA (Reporter), Advising Judge Armnio SOTTOMAYOR (looser in the terms of the together declaration) and Advising Judge Mota MIRANDA: cfr. http://www.dgsi.pt , 26 of April of 2011; 3 - Notation; 3.1 - Introduction to the notation; 3.2 - The question of the presumption legally protected interest that would be tutored person for the crime of pimpery (pimping) p.p.p.p.p. 169. of the Portuguese criminal code; 3.2.1 - Still the question of the presumption legally protected interest that would be tutored person for the crime of pimpery (pimping) p.p.p.p.p. 169. of the Portuguese criminal code: a bigger search and legal and scientific concretion; 4 - Conclusions;


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Resumo: 1 Sumrio do Acrdo do Supremo Tribunal de Justiça, de 25 de Janeiro de 2011; 2 Texto completo do Acrdo do Supremo Tribunal de Justiça, de 25 de Janeiro de 2011, Juiz Conselheiro Garcia CALEJO (Relator), Juiz Conselheiro Hlder ROQUE e Juiz Conselheiro Sebastio PVOAS: cfr. http://www.dgsi.pt , 21 de Abril de 2011; 3 Anotao; 3.1 Introduo anotao; 3.2 A questo da resoluo em termos gerais; 3.3 A questo da resoluo no contrato atpico de franquia; 4 Concluses; Abstract: 1 - Summary of the Sentence of the Supreme Court of Justice, 25 of January of 2011; 2 - Complete text of the Sentence of the Supreme Court of Justice, 25 of January of 2011, Advising Judge Garcia CALEJO (Reporter), Advising Judge Hlder ROQUE and Advising Juiz Sebastio PVOAS: cfr. http://www.dgsi.pt , 21 of April of 2011; 3 - Notation; 3.1 - Introduction to the notation; 3.2 - The question of the resolution in general terms; 3.3 - The question of the resolution in the atypical contract of franshise; 4 - Conclusions;


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importante chamar a ateno das possveis diferenas entre o contrato de franquia e o contrato de agncia no que diz respeito tambm ao problema da resoluo em termos mais gerais ou em termos mais concretos; 1 Sumrio do Acrdo do Supremo Tribunal de Justiça, de 25 de Janeiro de 2011; 2 Texto completo do Acrdo do Supremo Tribunal de Justiça, de 25 de Janeiro de 2011, Juiz Conselheiro Garcia CALEJO (Relator), Juiz Conselheiro Hlder ROQUE e Juiz Conselheiro Sebastio PVOAS: cfr. http://www.dgsi.pt , 21 de Abril de 2011; 3 Anotao; 3.1 Introduo anotao; 3.2 A questo da resoluo em termos gerais; 3.3 A questo da resoluo no contrato atpico de franquia; 4 Concluses; Abstract: is important to draw attention to potential differences between the franchise agreement and agency agreement with regard also to the resolution problem in more general terms or in more concrete terms; 1 - Summary of the Sentence of the Supreme Court of Justice, 25 of January of 2011; 2 - Complete text of the Sentence of the Supreme Court of Justice, 25 of January of 2011, Advising Judge Garcia CALEJO (Reporter), Advising Judge Hlder ROQUE and Advising Juiz Sebastio PVOAS: cfr. http://www.dgsi.pt , 21 of April of 2011; 3 - Notation; 3.1 - Introduction to the notation; 3.2 - The question of the resolution in general terms; 3.3 - The question of the resolution in the atypical contract of franshise; 4 - Conclusions;


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Quando foi publicado o novo Regime Jurdico da Concorrncia (RJC) no D.R. de 8/5/12, logo se falou de grande reforma no sector da concorrncia por iluminados. Acontece que de acordo com o art. 101 do RJC, a lei s entraria em vigor passados 60 dias. At aqui tudo normal. preciso uma vacatio legis para a adaptao dos destinatrios, incluindo a Autoridade da Concorrncia (AdC). Abstract: When published the "new" Legal Framework for Competition (RJC) in DR 05.08.12, soon spoke of "major reform in the competitive sector" by "enlightened". It turns out that according to art. 101 of the RJC, the law would only enter into force after 60 days. So far so normal. It takes a "vacatio legis" to adapt the recipients, including the Competition Authority (CA).


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As IPSSs visam dar uma estrutura organizada ao dever tico de solidariedade e justiça valores incalculveis entre os indivduos. No so administradas pelo Estado, nem por corpos autrquicos. E tm por objectivo, como informa a Segurana Social tambm, o apoio a crianas e jovens, o apoio famlia, a proteco dos cidados na velhice e invalidez e nas situaes de diminuio de meios de subsistncia ou de capacidade para o trabalho, promoo e proteo da sade designadamente por meio da prestao de cuidados de medicina preventiva, curativa e de reabilitao, educao e formao profissional dos cidados, resoluo dos problemas habitacionais das populaes.; Abstract: The IPSS's aim to give an organized structure to the ethical duty of solidarity and justice - incalculable values - between individuals. Are not run by the state or by municipal bodies. And aim, as reported by the Social Security also, support for children and youth, family support, the protection of citizens in old age, disability and decrease in situations of subsistence or capacity for work, promotion and health protection including through the provision of care preventive medicine, curative and rehabilitation, education and vocational training of citizens, solving the housing problems of the people.


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Resumo: 1 Sumrio do Acrdo do Supremo Tribunal de Justiça, de 19 de Abril de 2012; 2 Texto completo do Acrdo do Supremo Tribunal de Justiça, de 19 de Abril de 2012: cfr. http://www.dgsi.pt/jstj.nsf/954f0ce6ad9dd8b980256b5f003fa814/fc664c231f3e73cf802579ea003d91d2?OpenDocument&Highlight=0,polui%C3%A7%C3%A3o , 2 de Junho de 2012; 3 Anotao sinttica; 3.1 Introduo anotao sinttica e suas caractersticas neste caso concreto; 4 Algumas referncias constitucionais centrais em relao a Direitos humanos e, nomeadamente, a um Direito humano a um meio-ambiente sadio, saudvel em todas as suas vertentes e sentidos o exemplo central do artigo 9. da CRP; 4.1 Algumas referncias constitucionais centrais em relao a Direitos humanos e, nomeadamente, a um Direito humano a um meio-ambiente sadio, saudvel em todas as suas vertentes e sentidos o exemplo central do artigo 66. da CRP e o Regime Geral do Rudo; 5 O direito humano ao descanso e sade, rectius o direito ao ambiente sadio vs o direito ao lazer e/ou explorao econmica de indstrias de diverso, rectius o direito liberdade de iniciativa econmica privada; 6 A violao do direito humano, de personalidade, ao descanso e sade, rectius o direito a um ambiente sadio, numa perspectiva de Direito privado e Direito civil; 7 A criminalizao da poluio, designadamente a criminalizao da poluio sonora uma perspectiva de Direito pblico e Direito penal; 8 - A necessidade duma adequada poltica tributria que compatibilize desenvolvimento sustentado com a proteco dum meio ambiente sadio e com qualidade de vida; 9 Concluses. Abstract: 1 - Summary of the Judgment of the Supreme Court of April 19, 2012, 2 - Complete text of the Judgment of the Supreme Court of April 19, 2012: cf. http://www.dgsi.pt/jstj.nsf/954f0ce6ad9dd8b980256b5f003fa814/fc664c231f3e73cf802579ea003d91d2?OpenDocument&Highlight=0,polui%C3%A7%C3%A3o , June 2, 2012, 3 - Synthetic Note: 3.1 - Introduction to synthetic annotation and its characteristics in this case 4 - Some references constitutional power over human rights and in particular to a human right to a healthy environment, healthy in all its forms and meanings - the central example of Article 9. of CRP; 4.1 - Some references constitutional power over human rights and in particular to a human right to a healthy environment, healthy in all its forms and meanings - the central example of Article 66. No of CRP and the General Noise; 5 - the human right to rest and health, rectius the right to healthy environment vs. the right to leisure and / or economic exploitation of industries fun, rectius the right to freedom of private economic initiative; 6 - the violation of human personality, to rest and health, rectius the right to a healthy environment, a perspective of private law and civil law; 7 - criminalization of pollution, including the criminalization of noise - a perspective of public law and criminal law; 8 - the need for appropriate tax policy that reconciles sustainable development with the protection of a healthy environment and quality of life; 9 - Conclusions.


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H a verdade, h a mentira e h as estatsticas. Muitas outras medidas poderiam ser alvitradas, mas estas so algumas das ideias fundamentais para um programa de Governo que visa uma Justiça humanista, na qual o Ser Humano, organizado ou individual, o centro da questo. A Justiça portuguesa tambm no pode ser uma competio entre a cor-de-laranja e o rosa, vermelho, azul ou qualquer outra cor, como amarelo, cinzento, castanho, entre outras. A Justiça portuguesa deve fazer-se sentir e respeitar. No mentira se dissermos que temos entre os melhores Magistrados do mundo, entre os melhores Advogados e Solicitadores do mundo, entre os melhores Funcionrios Judiciais, Conservadores, Notrios e outros Auxiliares de Justiça, entre os melhores polcias e investigadores do mundo. Bem hajas, Portugal, pois s capaz de muito mais e melhor. There is the fact there are lies and there are statistics. Many other measures could be tell, but these are some of the key ideas for a government program aimed at a humanistic Justice, in which the human being organized or individual, is the heart of the matter. The Portuguese Justice can not be a competition between the pink-orange and pink, red, blue or any other color, such as yellow, gray, brown, and others. The Portuguese Justice must be felt and respect. It's not a lie if we say we have among the best Magistrates of the world, among the best Lawyers and Solicitors of the world, among the best Judicial Officers, Conservatives, notaries and other auxiliaries of Justice, police and among the best researchers in the world. Well wilt, Portugal, for you are capable of much more and better.


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is important to draw attention to potential differences between the franchise agreement and agency agreement with regard also to the resolution problem in more general terms or in more concrete terms; 1 - Summary of the Sentence of the Supreme Court of Justice, 25 of January of 2011; 2 - Complete text of the Sentence of the Supreme Court of Justice, 25 of January of 2011, Advising Judge Garcia CALEJO (Reporter), Advising Judge Hlder ROQUE and Advising Juiz Sebastio PVOAS: cfr. http://www.dgsi.pt , 21 of April of 2011; 3 - Notation; 3.1 - Introduction to the notation; 3.2 - The question of the resolution in general terms; 3.3 - The question of the resolution in the atypical contract of franshise; 4 - Conclusions;