69 resultados para meccanica_quantistica rappresentazioni_o_pictures evoluzione_temporale schrodinger heisenberg dirac
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)
We study the existence of positive solutions of Hamiltonian-type systems of second-order elliptic PDE in the whole space. The systems depend on a small parameter and involve a potential having a global well structure. We use dual variational methods, a mountain-pass type approach and Fourier analysis to prove positive solutions exist for sufficiently small values of the parameter.
Supersonic flow of a superfluid past a slender impenetrable macroscopic obstacle is studied in the framework of the two-dimensional (2D) defocusing nonlinear Schroumldinger (NLS) equation. This problem is of fundamental importance as a dispersive analog of the corresponding classical gas-dynamics problem. Assuming the oncoming flow speed is sufficiently high, we asymptotically reduce the original boundary-value problem for a steady flow past a slender body to the one-dimensional dispersive piston problem described by the nonstationary NLS equation, in which the role of time is played by the stretched x coordinate and the piston motion curve is defined by the spatial body profile. Two steady oblique spatial dispersive shock waves (DSWs) spreading from the pointed ends of the body are generated in both half planes. These are described analytically by constructing appropriate exact solutions of the Whitham modulation equations for the front DSW and by using a generalized Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization rule for the oblique dark soliton fan in the rear DSW. We propose an extension of the traditional modulation description of DSWs to include the linear ""ship-wave"" pattern forming outside the nonlinear modulation region of the front DSW. Our analytic results are supported by direct 2D unsteady numerical simulations and are relevant to recent experiments on Bose-Einstein condensates freely expanding past obstacles.
Electron paramagnetic resonance measurements of NiCl(2)-4SC(NH(2))(2) reveal the low-energy spin dispersion, including a magnetic-field interval in which the two-magnon continuum is within k(B)T of the ground state, allowing a continuum of excitations over a range of k states, rather than only the k=0 single-magnon excitations. This produces a novel Y shape in the frequency-field EPR spectrum measured at T >= 1.5 K. Since the interchain coupling J(perpendicular to)< k(B)T, this shape can be reproduced by a single S=1 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain with a strong easy-plane single-ion anisotropy. Importantly, the combination of experiment and modeling we report herein demonstrates a powerful approach to probing spin dispersion in a wide range of interacting magnetic systems without the stringent sample requirements and complications associated with inelastic scattering experiments.
We construct a nonrelativistic wave equation for spinning particles in the noncommutative space (in a sense, a theta modification of the Pauli equation). To this end, we consider the nonrelativistic limit of the theta-modified Dirac equation. To complete the consideration, we present a pseudoclassical model (a la Berezin-Marinov) for the corresponding nonrelativistic particle in the noncommutative space. To justify the latter model, we demonstrate that its quantization leads to the theta-modified Pauli equation. We extract theta-modified interaction between a nonrelativistic spin and a magnetic field from such a Pauli equation and construct a theta modification of the Heisenberg model for two coupled spins placed in an external magnetic field. In the framework of such a model, we calculate the probability transition between two orthogonal Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen states for a pair of spins in an oscillatory magnetic field and show that some of such transitions, which are forbidden in the commutative space, are possible due to the space noncommutativity. This allows us to estimate an upper bound on the noncommutativity parameter.
We adopt the Dirac model for graphene and calculate the Casimir interaction energy between a plane suspended graphene sample and a parallel plane perfect conductor. This is done in two ways. First, we use the quantum-field-theory approach and evaluate the leading-order diagram in a theory with 2+1-dimensional fermions interacting with 3+1-dimensional photons. Next, we consider an effective theory for the electromagnetic field with matching conditions induced by quantum quasiparticles in graphene. The first approach turns out to be the leading order in the coupling constant of the second one. The Casimir interaction for this system appears to be rather weak. It exhibits a strong dependence on the mass of the quasiparticles in graphene.
We have obtained nonperturbative one-loop expressions for the mean-energy-momentum tensor and current density of Dirac's field on a constant electriclike back-round. One of the goals of this calculation is to give a consistent description of backreaction in such a theory. Two cases of initial states are considered: the vacuum state and the thermal equilibrium state. First, we perform calculations for the vacuum initial state. In the obtained expressions, we separate the contributions due to particle creation and vacuum polarization. The latter contribution,, are related to the Heisenberg-Euler Lagrangian. Then, we Study the case of the thermal initial state. Here, we separate the contributions due to particle creation, vacuum polarization, and the contributions due to the work of the external field on the particles at the initial state. All these contributions are studied in detail, in different regimes of weak and strong fields and low and high temperatures. The obtained results allow us to establish restrictions on the electric field and its duration under which QED with a strong constant electric field is consistent. Under such restrictions, one can neglect the backreaction of particles created by the electric field. Some of the obtained results generalize the calculations of Heisenberg-Euler for energy density to the case of arbitrary strong electric fields.
We solve the operator ordering problem for the quantum continuous integrable su(1,1) Landau-Lifshitz model, and give a prescription to obtain the quantum trace identities, and the spectrum for the higher-order local charges. We also show that this method, based on operator regularization and renormalization, which guarantees quantum integrability, as well as the construction of self-adjoint extensions, can be used as an alternative to the discretization procedure, and unlike the latter, is based only on integrable representations. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3509374]
We investigate the quantum integrability of the Landau-Lifshitz (LL) model and solve the long-standing problem of finding the local quantum Hamiltonian for the arbitrary n-particle sector. The particular difficulty of the LL model quantization, which arises due to the ill-defined operator product, is dealt with by simultaneously regularizing the operator product and constructing the self-adjoint extensions of a very particular structure. The diagonalizibility difficulties of the Hamiltonian of the LL model, due to the highly singular nature of the quantum-mechanical Hamiltonian, are also resolved in our method for the arbitrary n-particle sector. We explicitly demonstrate the consistency of our construction with the quantum inverse scattering method due to Sklyanin [Lett. Math. Phys. 15, 357 (1988)] and give a prescription to systematically construct the general solution, which explains and generalizes the puzzling results of Sklyanin for the particular two-particle sector case. Moreover, we demonstrate the S-matrix factorization and show that it is a consequence of the discontinuity conditions on the functions involved in the construction of the self-adjoint extensions.
Using the density matrix renormalization group, we investigate the Renyi entropy of the anisotropic spin-s Heisenberg chains in a z-magnetic field. We considered the half-odd-integer spin-s chains, with s = 1/2, 3/2, and 5/2, and periodic and open boundary conditions. In the case of the spin-1/2 chain we were able to obtain accurate estimates of the new parity exponents p(alpha)((p)) and p(alpha)((o)) that gives the power-law decay of the oscillations of the alpha-Renyi entropy for periodic and open boundary conditions, respectively. We confirm the relations of these exponents with the Luttinger parameter K, as proposed by Calabrese et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 095701 (2010)]. Moreover, the predicted periodicity of the oscillating term was also observed for some nonzero values of the magnetization m. We show that for s > 1/2 the amplitudes of the oscillations are quite small and get accurate estimates of p(alpha)((p)) and p(alpha)((o)) become a challenge. Although our estimates of the new universal exponents p(alpha)((p)) and p(alpha)((o)) for the spin-3/2 chain are not so accurate, they are consistent with the theoretical predictions.
The objective of this paper is two-fold: firstly, we develop a local and global (in time) well-posedness theory for a system describing the motion of two fluids with different densities under capillary-gravity waves in a deep water flow (namely, a Schrodinger-Benjamin-Ono system) for low-regularity initial data in both periodic and continuous cases; secondly, a family of new periodic traveling waves for the Schrodinger-Benjamin-Ono system is given: by fixing a minimal period we obtain, via the implicit function theorem, a smooth branch of periodic solutions bifurcating a Jacobian elliptic function called dnoidal, and, moreover, we prove that all these periodic traveling waves are nonlinearly stable by perturbations with the same wavelength.
This paper proves the multiplicity of positive solutions for the following class of quasilinear problems: {-epsilon(p)Delta(p)u+(lambda A(x) + 1)vertical bar u vertical bar(p-2)u = f(u), R(N) u(x)>0 in R(N), where Delta(p) is the p-Laplacian operator, N > p >= 2, lambda and epsilon are positive parameters, A is a nonnegative continuous function and f is a continuous function with subcritical growth. Here, we use variational methods to get multiplicity of positive solutions involving the Lusternick-Schnirelman category of intA(-1)(0) for all sufficiently large lambda and small epsilon.
In this paper we establish the existence of standing wave solutions for quasilinear Schrodinger equations involving critical growth. By using a change of variables, the quasilinear equations are reduced to semilinear one. whose associated functionals are well defined in the usual Sobolev space and satisfy the geometric conditions of the mountain pass theorem. Using this fact, we obtain a Cerami sequence converging weakly to a solution v. In the proof that v is nontrivial, the main tool is the concentration-compactness principle due to P.L. Lions together with some classical arguments used by H. Brezis and L. Nirenberg (1983) in [9]. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
In this paper we prove an existence result for local and global isometric immersions of semi-Riemannian surfaces into the three dimensional Heisenberg group endowed with a homogeneous left-invariant Lorentzian metric. As a corollary, we prove a rigidity result for such immersions.
We prove the existence of ground state solutions for a stationary Schrodinger-Poisson equation in R(3). The proof is based on the mountain pass theorem and it does not require the Ambrosetti-Rabinowitz condition. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
In this Letter we deal with a nonlinear Schrodinger equation with chaotic, random, and nonperiodic cubic nonlinearity. Our goal is to study the soliton evolution, with the strength of the nonlinearity perturbed in the space and time coordinates and to check its robustness under these conditions. Here we show that the chaotic perturbation is more effective in destroying the soliton behavior, when compared with random or nonperiodic perturbation. For a real system, the perturbation can be related to, e.g., impurities in crystalline structures, or coupling to a thermal reservoir which, on the average, enhances the nonlinearity. We also discuss the relevance of such random perturbations to the dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates and their collective excitations and transport. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.