9 resultados para Intermaxillary elastics
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)
Correcting a Class III subdivision malocclusion is usually a challenge for an orthodontist, especially if the patient`s profile does not allow for any extractions. One treatment option is to use asymmetric intermaxillary elastics to correct the unilateral anteroposterior discrepancy. However, the success of this method depends on the individual response of each patient and his or her compliance in using the elastics. The objectives of this article were to present a successful treatment of a Class III subdivision patient with this approach and to illustrate and discuss the dentoskeletal changes that contributed to the correction. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2010;138:221-30)
Because of their multifactorial etiologies, dental and skeletal open bites are among the most difficult malocclusions to treat to a successful and stable result. Etiologic factors include vertical maxillary excess, skeletal pattern, abnormalities in dental eruption, and tongue-thrust problems. The purpose of this article was to report the treatment of an adult patient with a lateral open bite and a unilateral posterior crossbite. The treatment involved nonextraction therapy, including intermaxillary elastics, to obtain dentoalveolar extrusion in the region of the lateral open bite. The treatment results were successful and remained stable 2 years later. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2010;137:701-11)
Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the dentoskeletal and soft-tissue effects of Class II malocclusion treatment with the Jasper jumper followed by Class II elastics at the different stages of therapy. Methods: The sample comprised 24 patients of both sexes (11 boys, 13 girls) with an initial age of 12.58 years, treated for a mean period of 2.15 years. Four lateral cephalograms were obtained of each patient in these stages of orthodontic treatment: at pretreatment (T1), after leveling and alignment (T2), after the use of the Jasper jumper appliance and before the use of Class II intermaxillary elastics (T3), and at posttreatment (T4). Thus, 3 treatment phases could be evaluated: leveling and alignment (T1-T2), use of the Jasper jumper (T2-T3), and use of Class II elastics (T3-T4). Dependent analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey tests were used to compare the durations of the 3 treatment phases and for intragroup comparisons of the 4 treatment stages. Results: The alignment phase showed correction of the anteroposterior relationship, protrusion and labial inclination of the maxillary incisors, and reduction of overbite. The Jasper jumper phase demonstrated labial inclination, protrusion and intrusion of the mandibular incisors, mesialization and extrusion of the mandibular molars, reduction of overjet and overbite, molar relationship improvement, and reduction in facial convexity. The Class II elastics phase showed labial inclination of the maxillary incisors; retrusion, uprighting, and extrusion of the mandibular incisors; and overjet and overbite increases. Conclusions: The greatest amount of the Class II malocclusion anteroposterior discrepancy was corrected with the Jasper jumper appliance. Part of the correction was lost during Class II intermaxillary elastics use after use of the Jasper jumper appliance. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2011;140:e77-e84)
This study compared the mandibular displacement from three methods of centric relation record using an anterior jig associated with (A) chin point guidance, (B) swallowing (control group) and (C) bimanual manipulation. Ten patients aged 25-39 years were selected if they met the following inclusion criteria: complete dentition (up to the second molars), Angle class I and absence of signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders and diagnostic casts showing stability in the maximum intercuspation (MI) position. Impressions of maxillary and mandibular arches were made with an irreversible hydrocolloid impression material. Master casts of each patient were obtained, mounted on a microscope table in MI as a reference position and 5 records of each method were made per patient. The mandibular casts were then repositioned with records interposed and new measurements were obtained. The difference between the two readings allowed measuring the displacement of the mandible in the anteroposterior and lateral axes. Data were analyzed statistically by ANOVA and Tukey's test at 5% significance level. There was no statistically significant differences (p>0.05) among the three methods for measuring lateral displacement (A=0.38 ± 0.26, B=0.32 ± 0.25 and C=0.32 ± 0.23). For the anteroposterior displacement (A=2.76 ± 1.43, B=2.46 ± 1.48 and C=2.97 ± 1.51), the swallowing method (B) differed significantly from the others (p<0.05), but no significant difference (p>0.05) was found between chin point guidance (A) and bimanual manipulation (C). In conclusion, the swallowing method produced smaller mandibular posterior displacement than the other methods.
This case report describes the orthodontic treatment of a 32-year-old woman with a Class III malocclusion, whose chief compliant was her dentofacial esthetics. The pretreatment lateral cephalometric tracings showed the presence of a Class III dentoskeletal malocclusion with components of maxillary deficiency. After discussion with the patient, the treatment option included surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion (SARME) followed by orthopedic protraction (Sky Hook) and Class III elastics. Patient compliance was excellent and satisfactory dentofacial esthetics was achieved after treatment completion.
O desenvolvimento do sistema nervoso é bastante complexo, existindo poucos estudos sobre a organização dos envoltórios cerebrais relacionados ao crescimento encefálico. Utilizando como modelo experimental o rato, analisaram-se os diferentes aspectos estruturais e morfométricos da paquimeninge e leptomeninge durante o processo de envelhecimento. Foram utilizados quatro grupos de ratos em diferentes faixas etárias e analisadas as meninges em microscopias de luz e eletrônica. Verificamos que o grupo de ratos adultos apresentou uma maior área de fibras colágenas tanto do tipo I e quanto do tipo III, em relação aos outros grupos. Encontramos também que as fibras colágenas do tipo III em todos os grupos analisados ocupam uma maior área quando comparados com as fibras do tipo I. Os resultados revelam que a coloração de Weigert Oxona, que mostra fibras elásticas, elaunínicas e oxitalânicas, apresentou uma diferença estatisticamente maior de fibras quando comparados com as colorações de Weigert e Verhoeff, que mostra fíbras elaunínicas e elásticas, respectivamente. Os resultados ultra-estruturais demonstraram a presença de muitos fibroblastos e mitocôndrias tanto na paquimeninge como nas leptomeninges dos grupos de ratos neonatos e adultos, indicativo de alta atividade celular e conseqüentemente, intensa formação de tecido conjuntivo. Como as fibras colágenas do tipo III atuam na manutenção da estrutura de tecidos delicados e expansíveis, o estudo mostra que as funções das meninges encefálicas não estão relacionadas apenas com a resistência a trações e tensões a que estão sujeitas o encéfalo. Mas também a função relacionada com a distensibilidade dos vasos meníngeos e cerebrais de acordo com a necessidade do aporte sanguíneo em diversas funções específicas regionais do tecido nervoso.
Introduction: Mini-implants are placed in restricted sites, requiring an accurate surgical technique. However, no systematic study has quantified technique accuracy to reliably predict the surgical risks. Therefore, a graduated 3-dimensional radiographic-surgical guide (G-RSG) was proposed, and its inaccuracy and risk index (RI) were estimated. Methods: The sample consisted of 6 subjects (4 male, 2 female), who used mini-implant anchorage. Ten drill-free screws (DFS) were placed by using the G-RSG. The central point of the mesiodistal septum width (SW) was the selected implant site on the presurgical radiograph. The distances between DFS and the adjacent teeth (5-DFS and 6-DFS) were measured to evaluate screw centralization and inaccuracy degree (ID). These distances were statistically compared by independent t tests, and inaccuracy was determined by the expression ID = (5-DFS-6-DFS)/2, which represents deviation of the mini-implant`s final position regarding the central point initially selected. Then SW, ID, and screw diameter (SO) were combined to estimate the surgical risk with RI expressed by RI = SO/SW-ID. Results: The 5-DFS and 6-DFS distances were not significantly different. The ID of the G-RSG was 0.17 mm. The low ID ensured a safe RI (<1) in spite of the restricted SW. Conclusions: The G-RSG accuracy allowed fine prediction of the final DFS position in the inter-radicular septum, with a low RI, which is a helpful tool to estimate surgical risks. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2009; 136: 722-35)
This case report describes the nonsurgical, nonextraction therapy of a 16-year-old boy with a skeletal Class III malocclusion, a prognathic mandible, and a retrusive maxilla. He was initially classified as needing orthognathic surgery, but he and his parents wanted to avoid that. The Class III malocclusion was corrected with a rapid palatal expander and a maxillary protraction mask followed by nonextraction orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances, combined with short Class III and vertical elastics in the anterior area. The height of the maxillary alveolar process and the vertical face height were slightly increased with treatment. Class I molar and canine relationships were achieved, and the facial profile improved substantially. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2009; 136: 736-45)
Objective. This study evaluated the reliability of tooth-crown radiographic references to aid in orthodontic mini-implant insertion and showed an insertion technique based on these references. Study design. The sample consisted of 213 interradicular septa evaluated in 53 bitewing radiographs. The proximal contour of adjacent tooth crowns was used to define septum width and its midpoint was linked to the interdental contact point to determine septum midline (SML). The distances from SML to mesial and distal teeth were measured and compared to evaluate SML centralization degree in 2 different septum heights. Results. The mesial and distal distances were not statistically different in the midpoint of the septum height, but they were different at the apical septum height. Conclusions. The tooth-crown radiographic references determine a high centralization degree of the SML on which an insertion site could be defined. The greater SML centralization degree was observed at the coronal septum area. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2010;110:e8-e16)