23 resultados para Blade runner (Pel·lícula cinematogràfica)
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)
Foi feito o estudo anatômico da folha de Eugenia florida DC., espécie arbórea da família Myrtaceae, coletada no Campus da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. A espécie apresenta importantes propriedades farmacológicas, incluindo-se atividade antiviral. O presente estudo teve como objetivo fornecer dados, revelados através da microscopia óptica e da microscopia eletrônica de varredura, que possam contribuir para o conhecimento da espécie e, conseqüentemente, para a segurança em sua identificação. Anatomicamente, a folha é hipostomática, com organização dorsiventral do mesofilo. Apresenta tricomas simples apenas sobre a nervura mediana da face adaxial. As células epidérmicas apresentam contorno sinuoso em vista frontal e cutícula estriada. O parênquima paliçádico destaca-se pela grande quantidade de cristais prismáticos de oxalato de cálcio. Em posição subepidérmica ocorrem cavidades secretoras de óleos essenciais, pouco numerosas, nas duas faces da lâmina foliar. As células epidérmicas situadas sobre as estruturas secretoras constituem característica de valor diagnóstico e são reconhecíveis pela célula de topo, que é reniforme, circundada pelas adjacentes, que apresentam disposição radiada. A comparação entre folhas de sol e de sombra revela que, nas primeiras, as estruturas secretoras são completamente diferenciadas, ao contrário das folhas de sombra, além de apresentarem maior concentração de compostos ergásticos.
In Velloziaceae, the number of subsidiary cells has been used to characterize species and support groups. Nevertheless, the homology of the stomatal types have not been scrutinized. Stomatal ontogenesis of Vellozia epidendroides and V. plicata, assigned to have tetracytic stomata, and of V. glauca and Barbacenia riparia, assigned to have paracytic stomata, were investigated. In the four species studied, stomata followed perigenic development. Subsidiary cells arise from oblique divisions of neighbouring cells of the guard mother cell (GMC). These cells are elongated and parallel to the longer axis of the stoma. Polar cells show wide variation, following the shape and size of the epidermal cells in the vicinity. Hence, these cells cannot be called subsidiary cells. This wide variation is due to a much higher density of stomata in some regions of the leaf blade. This distribution of stomata forces the development of short polar cells, leading to an apparently tetracytic stomata. In regions of low concentration of stomata, higher spatial availability between the GMCs allows the elongation of polar cells, leading to evident paracytic stomata. Therefore, the four studied species are considered braquiparacytic, questioning the classification of stomata into tetracytic and paracytic in Velloziaceae.
Folhas de Myrcia multiflora (Lam.) DC. são usadas na medicina popular como hipoglicemiantes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar morfológica e anatomicamente as folhas desta planta, de modo que os dados obtidos possam ser utilizados como referência em exames de controle de qualidade de amostras de fármacos, com vistas a verificar a autenticidade. Folhas inteiras foram diafanizadas e coradas para o estudo da nervação. Secções transversais do pecíolo e transversais e paradérmicas da lâmina foliar foram analisadas em microscópio óptico (MO) e a superfície do limbo foi observada, também, em microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). Foram aplicados testes histoquímicos em material fresco, para identificação e localização de glicídios, amido, taninos, lignina, cristais e sílica. Morfologicamente, a folha é simples, oval-elíptica, com margem inteira, base aguda, ápice acuminado e textura cartácea. A venação é do tipo camptódromo-broquidódromo. Anatomicamente, a folha é hipostomática, com mesofilo compacto e dorsiventral, com três estratos de parênquima paliçádico. A epiderme é uniestratificada, silicificada em algumas regiões e as células exibem paredes anticlinais retas. Em posição subepidérmica ocorrem numerosas cavidades secretoras de óleos essenciais. Os feixes vasculares são colaterais e acompanhados por séries cristalíferas. Os dados obtidos são comparados com os de outras espécies de Myrtaceae e conclui-se que as características morfológicas e anatômicas de M. multiflora contribuem para a diagnose.
Camponotus vittatus Forel is a poorly studied Neotropical ant, which is very common in Brazil. Larval descriptions are useful to systematics, as larval characters aid with genus-level differentiation, and ant larvae lie at the basis of ant social organization. This study presents the first description of the immatures of C. vittatus with the aid of light and scanning electron microscopy. There are three instars based on the frequency distribution of larval head widths. The larvae had some characteristics typical of Camponotus, specifically, a 'pogono-myrmecoid' body shape, 10 pairs of spiracles, antennae with 3 sensilla, mature larvae with pronounced labial pseudopalps, and conspicuous 'chiloscleres' on the labrum. Unique characteristics found would include the greatest diversity of body hair types recorded in an ant larva and 'camponotoid' mandibles with 6 medial denticles over the blade. The number of antennal sensilla proved variable.
Diabetes is a chronic degenerative disease with no cure, is found in millions of people worldwide, and can cause life-threatening complications at any age. The plant Cissus sicyoides L. is a runner plant found abundantly in Brazil, especially in the Amazon. Its therapeutic properties are widely used in popular medicine as a diuretic, anti-influenza, antiinflammatory, anticonvulsion, and hypoglycemic agent. The objective of this study was to analyze the effects of aqueous extracts from the leaves and stem of C. sicyoides L., administered for 60 days, for the control of glycemia in alloxan (monohydrate)-induced diabetic rats, monitored by biomarkers. Data obtained in this study confirmed that C. sicyoides has a hypoglycemic effect on diabetic rats. Administration of its aqueous extracts promoted a 45% decrease in glucose levels after 60 days of administration. Furthermore, indices of hepatic glycogen, blood glucose, C-reactive peptide, and fructosamine were found to be efficient biomarkers to monitor diabetes in rats.
Background: Rotational osteotomy is frequently indicated to correct excessive femoral anteversion in cerebral palsy patients. Angled blade plate is the standard fixation device used when performed in the proximal femur, but extensile exposure is required for plate accommodation. The authors developed a short locked intramedullary nail to be applied percutaneously in the fixation of femoral rotational osteotomies in children with cerebral palsy and evaluated its mechanical properties. Methods: The study was divided into three stages. In the first part, a prototype was designed and made based on radiographic measurements of the femoral medullary canal of ten-year-old patients. In the second, synthetic femoral models based on rapid-prototyping of 3D reconstructed images of patients with cerebral palsy were obtained and were employed to adjust the nail prototype to the morphological changes observed in this disease. In the third, rotational osteotomies were simulated using synthetic femoral models stabilized by the nail and by the AO-ASIF fixed-angle blade plate. Mechanical testing was done comparing both devices in bending-compression and torsion. Results: The authors observed proper adaptation of the nail to normal and morphologically altered femoral models, and during the simulated osteotomies. Stiffness in bending-compression was significantly higher in the group fixed by the plate (388.97 +/- 57.25 N/mm) than in that fixed by the nail (268.26 +/- 38.51 N/mm) as torsional relative stiffness was significantly higher in the group fixed by the plate (1.07 +/- 0.36 Nm/degrees) than by the nail (0.35 +/- 0.13 Nm/degrees). Conclusions: Although the device presented adequate design and dimension to fit into the pediatric femur, mechanical tests indicated that the nail was less stable than the blade plate in bending-compression and torsion. This may be a beneficial property, and it can be attributed to the more flexible fixation found in intramedullary devices.
The influence of impeller type and stirring frequency on the performance of a mechanically stirred anaerobic sequencing batch reactor containing immobilized biomass on an inert support (AnSBBR - Anaerobic Sequencing Batch Biofilm Reactor) was evaluated. The biomass was immobilized on polyurethane foam cubes placed in a stainless-steel basket inside a glass cylinder. Each 8-h batch run consisted of three stages: feed (10 min), reaction (460 min) and discharge (10 min) at 30 degrees C. Experiments were performed with four impeller types, i.e., helical, flat-blade, inclined-blade and curved-blade turbines, at stirring frequencies ranging from 100 to 1100 rpm. Synthetic wastewater was used in all experiments with an organic-matter concentration of 530 +/- 37 mg/L measured as chemical oxygen demand (COD). The reactor achieved an organic-matter removal efficiency of around 87% under all investigated conditions. Analysis of the four impeller types and the investigated stirring frequencies showed that mass transfer in the liquid phase was affected not only by the applied stirring frequency but also by the agitation mode imposed by each impeller type. The best reactor performance at all stirring frequencies was obtained when agitation was provided by the flat-blade turbine impeller. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Many lab-scale studies have been carried out regarding the effect of feed strategy on the performance of anaerobic sequencing batch reactors (ASBR); however, more detailed pilot-scale studies should be performed to assess the real applicability of this type of operation. Therefore, the objective of this work was to assess the effect of feed strategy or fill time in a 1-m(3) mechanically stirred pilot-scale sequencing batch reactor, treating 0.65 m(3) sanitary wastewater in 8-h cycles at ambient temperature. Two reactor configurations were used: one containing granular biomass (denominated ASBR) and the other immobilized biomass on polyurethane foam as inert support (denominated anaerobic sequencing batch biofilm reactor (AnSBBR)). The reactors were operated under five distinct feed strategies, namely: typical batch and fed-batch for 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% of the cycle length. Stirring frequency in the ASBR was 40 rpm with two flat-blade turbine impellers and 80 rpm in the AnSBBR with two helix impellers. The results showed that both the ASBR and AnSBBR when operated under typical batch, fed-batch for 50% and 75% of the cycle length, presented improved organic matter removal efficiencies, without significant differences in performance, thus showing important operational flexibility. In addition, the reactors presented operation stability under all conditions.
The effect of flow type and rotor speed was investigated in a round-bottom reactor with 5 L useful volume containing 2.0 L of granular biomass. The reactor treated 2.0 L of synthetic wastewater with a concentration of 800 mgCOD/L in 8-h cycles at 30 degrees C. Five impellers, commonly used in biological processes, have been employed to this end, namely: a turbine and a paddle impeller with six-vertical-flat-blades, a turbine and a paddle impeller with six-45 degrees-inclined-flat-blades and a three-blade-helix impeller. Results showed that altering impeller type and rotor speed did not significantly affect system stability and performance. Average organic matter removal efficiency was about 84% for filtered samples, total volatile acids concentration was below 20 mgHAc/L and bicarbonate alkalinity a little less than 400 mgCaCO(3)/L for most of the investigated conditions. However, analysis of the first-order kinetic model constants showed that alteration in rotor speed resulted in an increase in the values of the kinetic constants (for instance, from 0.57 h(-1) at 50 rpm to 0.84 h(-1) at 75 rpm when the paddle impeller with six-45 degrees-inclined-flat-blades was used) and that axial flow in mechanically stirred reactors is preferable over radial-flow when the vertical-flat-blade impeller is compared to the inclined-flat-blade impeller (for instance at 75 rpm, from 0.52 h(-1) with the six-flat-blade-paddle impeller to 0.84 h(-1) with the six-45 degrees-inclined-flat-blade-paddle impeller), demonstrating that there is a rotor speed and an impeller type that maximize solid-liquid mass transfer in the reaction medium. Furthermore, power consumption studies in this reduced reactor volume showed that no high power transfer is required to improve mass transfer (less than 0.6 kW/10(3) m(3)). (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The effect of different precracking methods on the results of linear elastic K(Ic) fracture toughness testing with medium-density polyethylene (MDPE) was investigated. Cryogenic conditions were imposed in order to obtain valid K(Ic) values from specimens of suitable size. Most conservative K(Ic) values were obtained by slow pressing a fresh razor blade at the notch root of the specimen. Due to the low deformation level imposed on the crack tip region, the slow pressing razor blade technique also produced less scatter in fracture toughness results. It has been shown that the slow stable crack growth preceding catastrophic brittle failure during K(Ic) tests in MOPE under cryogenic conditions should not be disregarded as it has relevant physical meaning and may affect the fracture toughness results. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The premature failure of steam turbine rotor blades, manufactured in forged 12% Cr-NiMoV martensitic stainless steel, was investigated using visual inspection non-destructive testing, macro and microfractography, microstructural characterization, EDS microanalysis, chemical analysis, micro hardness and tensile testing. The blades belonged to the last stage of a thermoelectric plant steam turbine generator (140 MV A). The results indicated that the failure of the blades was promoted by foreign-particle erosion, which attacked preferentially the low-pressure side of the lower trailing edge of the blades. The resulting wear grooves acted as stress raisers and promoted the nucleation of fatigue cracks, which probably grew during the transition events of the steam turbine operation. Finally, water drop erosion was observed on the blade upper leading edge (low-pressure side). (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Silicon (Si) accumulation in organs and cells is one of the most prominent characteristics of plants of the family Poaceae. Many species from this family are used as forage plants for animal feeding. The present study investigates in Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) Stapf. cv. Marandu: (1) the dry matter production and Si content in shoot due to soil Si fertilizations; (2) the Si distribution among shoot parts; and (3) the silica deposition and localization in leaves. Plants of B. brizantha cv. Marandu were grown under contrasting Si supplies in soil and nutrient solution. Silica deposition and distribution in grass leaf blades were observed using light microscope and scanning electron microscope equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (SEM-EDXS). Silicon concentration in the B. brizantha shoot increased according to the Si supply. Silicon in grass leaves decreased following the order: mature leaf blades > recently expanded leaf blades > non-expanded leaf blades. Silicon accumulates mainly on the upper (adaxial) epidermis of the grass leaf blades and, especially, on the bulliform cells. The Si distribution on adaxial leaf blade surface is non uniform and reflects a silica deposition exclusively on the cell wall of bulliform cells.
The ecological and economic importance of oleoresin produced by Copaifera langsdorffii is well established. This study aims to investigate the ontogeny, anatomy and ultrastructure of the internal glands of C. langsdorffii during plant development. Samples were processed for light and electron microscopy and a specific technique was applied to impregnate endomembranes. Internal secretory glands were observed in the hypocotyl, epicotyl and eophylls of seedlings, and in the primary stem, pulvinus, petiole, rachis and leaf blade of adult plants. Canals and cavities show differential distribution. They arise from ground meristem cells, and the lumen is first formed by schizogenesis followed by later schizolysigenous development. The dense cytoplasm of epithelial cells shows mitochondria, plastids without thylakoids, polyribosomes and endoplasmic reticulum. A periplastidial reticulum was also observed. Secretion is released by eccrine, granulocrine and holocrine processes. Lipophilic and hydrophilic compounds were histochemically detected in both canals and cavities, whereas resin was detected only in canals. The presence of these substances has been associated with plants` defences against dehydration, as well as against attacks from herbivores and pathogens, from seedling stage onwards. (C) 2011 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Reconstruction of the nipple-areola complex (NAC) is the last stage of breast reconstruction and represents the search for symmetry in regard to the contralateral breast. The objective of this study was to present an areola reconstruction technique with local skin graft to improve the texture and aspect of the reconstructed areola, searching for a natural look. This technique was performed on 122 patients who in the period from January 2000 to December 2005 were submitted to nipple and areola reconstruction. Once the position of the new nipple was determined, markings were made for the reconstruction of the areola. Then the external limit of the new areola was incised and the skin was centripetally deepidermized up to 85% of its diameter. After this procedure the detached skin was repositioned in its bed as a graft and sutured with 4.0 mononylon thread. Incisions with an 11-blade scalpel were then made in V and C forms associated with the detachment of this skin of the receptor area along the local graft so that at the end of the healing process they would determine alterations in the areolar texture mimicking the texture of a normal areola. All patients underwent tattooing 3 months after reconstruction of the NAC taking into account the different shades of the contralateral areola and nipple colors. The use of a local skin graft associated with C and V incisions allowed alteration in the texture of the reconstructed areola. The use of different ink shades for tattooing helped to give a tridimensional aspect to this areola. These factors determined a good aesthetic result in these patients. This areola reconstruction using a local skin graft allows change in the areola texture and a tridimensional aspect similar to that of a normal areola without the inconvenience of grafting from a distance.
BACKGROUND: The most common laparoscopic complications are associated with trocar insertion. The purpose of this study was to develop an objective method of evaluating the safety profile of various access devices used in laparoscopic surgery. STUDY DESIGN: In 20 swine, 6 bladed and 2 needle access devices were evaluated. A force profile was determined by measuring the force required to drive the trocar or needle through the fascia and into the peritoneum, at 0 and 10 mmHg. The amount Of tissue deformation, the length of blade exposed, and the duration of exposure were measured using a high-speed digital imaging system. RESULTS: The needle system without the sheath required the least driving force and had the most favorable force profile. In contrast, the bladed, nonretractable trocar system required a higher driving force and a rapid loss of resistance. Insertion under a pneumoperitoneum did not significantly alter the force profile of the various access devices except for the amount of tissue deformation. With the bladed system, the blade itself was exposed for an average of 0.5 to 1.0 seconds for a distance of 4.5 to 5.0 cm. In comparison, the needle system was exposed for 0.2 seconds for a distance of 1.8 cm. CONCLUSIONS: We developed a reproducible method of measuring the forces required to place the access systems, their pattern of resistance loss, and the characteristics of the blade exposure. These parameters may provide an adjunctive and objective measurement of safety, allowing for more direct comparison between various trocar designs. (J Am Coll Surg 2009;209:222-232. (C) 2009 by the American College of Surgeons)