14 resultados para Alagoas Curassow

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)


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The Alagoas Curassow Mitu mitu is considered extinct in the wild. Since 1979, two females and a male caught in the wild have bred successfully in captivity, and, in 1990, hybridizations between M. mitu and Razor-billed Mitu M. tuberosum were performed. By June 2008, there were around 130 living birds in two different aviaries. We sequenced two regions of the mitochondrial DNA of both captive stocks of Alagoas Curassows. We unequivocally identified hybrids that have haplotype typical of M. tuberosum. However, unless the original studbook can be recovered there is no confident way to discriminate ""pure"" M. mitu birds for breeding and reintroduction purposes. Allied with morphological data gathered in an independent study, we suggest that conservation actions need to focus on specimens with diagnostic phenotypic characters of M. mitu, and avoid birds with mitochondria, genetic contribution of M. tuberosum. Although we have detected low levels of genetic variability among captive birds, the steady increase of the captive population suggests that inbreeding depression and hybridization are not a reproductive hindrance. Reintroduction of some of these potential hybrid birds in the original area of occurrence of the Alagoas Curassow may be the only hope to fill in the ecological niche left vacant. An educational program involving local communities to conserve future reintroduction of curassows and their restored habitat is highly recommended. Accepted 12 November 2009.


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Tidal processes were important for deposition of the Barreiras Formation located in northern Brazil, while correlatable deposits in northeastern Brazil have been traditionally related to continental environments. Facies analysis in southern Alagoas revealed that the Barreiras Formation consists of cross-stratified conglomerates and sandstones (facies Sx and Cgx), compound cross-stratified sandstones (facies Cx), and heterolithic beddings (facies H). A significant portion of these deposits occurs within channel morphologies displaying fining and thinning upward successions. An abundance of sedimentary features is comparable to those from the northern Brazilian counterpart. These include: tidal bundles; herringbone cross-stratification; heterolithic beddings with sandstone and mudstone beds in sharp contacts; and ichnofossils mostly consisting of Ophiomorpha nodosa, Skolithos and Planolites. Altogether, these features point to a marginal marine depositional setting dominated by tidal processes, which are related to an estuarine system, an interpretation also provided for the Barreiras Formation in northern Brazil. The widespread occurrence of deposits with unambiguous evidence of tidal processes in the Barreiras Formation of northern Brazil, and now in the State of Alagoas, leads to argue that the early/middle Miocene worldwide marine transgression might have left a much more widespread sedimentary record along the Brazilian coast than currently regarded.


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The aim of this study was to establish a digital elevation model and its horizontal resolution to interpolate the annual air temperature for the Alagoas State by means of multiple linear regression models. A multiple linear regression model was adjusted to series (11 to 34 years) of annual air temperatures obtained from 28 weather stations in the states of Alagoas, Bahia, Pernambuco and Sergipe, in the Northeast of Brazil, in function of latitude, longitude and altitude. The elevation models SRTM and GTOPO30 were used in the analysis, with original resolutions of 90 and 900 m, respectively. The SRTM was resampled for horizontal resolutions of 125, 250, 500, 750 and 900 m. For spatializing the annual mean air temperature for the state of Alagoas, a multiple linear regression model was used for each elevation and spatial resolution on a grid of the latitude and longitude. In Alagoas, estimates based on SRTM data resulted in a standard error of estimate (0.57 degrees C) and dispersion (r(2) = 0.62) lower than those obtained from GTOPO30 (0.93 degrees C and 0.20). In terms of SRTM resolutions, no significant differences were observed between the standard error (0.55 degrees C; 750 m - 0.58 degrees C; 250m) and dispersion (0.60; 500 m - 0.65; 750 m) estimates. The spatialization of annual air temperature in Alagoas, via multiple regression models applied to SRTM data showed higher concordance than that obtained with the GTOPO30, independent of the spatial resolution.


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The bare-faced curassow (Crax fasciolata) is a large Neotropical bird that suffers anthropogenic pressure across much of its range. A captive population is maintained for conservation management, although there has been no genetic screening of stocks. Based on the six microsatellite markers developed for Crax globulosa, the genetic variability of C. fasciolata and possible differences between a wild and a captive population were investigated. Only three loci were polymorphic, with a total of 27 alleles. More than half of these alleles were private to the wild (n = 8) or captive (n = 7) populations. Significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were restricted to the captive population. Despite the number of private alleles, genetic drift has probably promoted differentiation between populations. Our results indicate that wild C. fasciolata populations are genetically impoverished and structured, but species-specific microsatellite markers will be necessary for a more reliable assessment of the species` genetic diversity.


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OBJETIVOS: Este trabalho estuda a distribuição dos óbitos por causas mal definidas no Brasil, no ano de 2003, entre as quais identifica a proporção de mortes sem assistência. MÉTODOS: Os dados provieram do Sistema de Informações Sobre Mortalidade, coordenado pelo Ministério da Saúde. As causas mal definidas de morte compreenderam as incluídas no "Capítulo XVIII - Sintomas, sinais e achados anormais de exames clínicos e de laboratório não classificados em outra parte" da Classificação Estatística Internacional de Doenças e Problemas Relacionados à Saúde, décima revisão, capítulo este no qual a categoria R98 identificava a "morte sem assistência". RESULTADOS: No Brasil, em 2003, a causa básica de 13,3% dos óbitos foi identificada como mal definida, sendo que as proporções maiores ocorreram nas Regiões Nordeste e Norte. Do total de causas mal definidas no país, 53,3% corresponderam a mortes sem assistência, proporção esta que superou 70% nos Estados do Maranhão, Piauí, Rio Grande do Norte, Pernambuco, Bahia, Paraíba e Alagoas. CONCLUSÃO: Dada a estrutura descentralizada para o levantamento dos óbitos no país, identifica-se a maior responsabilidade dos municípios e, em seguida, dos Estados para o aprimoramento da qualidade das estatísticas de mortalidade.


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Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito do beneficiamento sobre o valor nutricional do peixe mandim (Arius spixii) comercializado em Maceió-AL, determinaram-se nas suas formas in natura e beneficiada (salgado-seco) a composição centesimal, valor calórico, cloretos, perfil de ácidos graxos e colesterol, sendo também analisada a ocorrência de óxidos de colesterol. Os resultados obtidos para o mandim in natura e beneficiado, respectivamente, de umidade (70,13% e 40,31%), proteínas (51,73% e 38,07%, base seca), carboidratos (4,67% e 2,24%, base seca), calorias (486 kcal/100g e 367 kcal/100g, base seca), ácidos graxos (poliinsaturados 14,54% e 15,49%, ômega-3 8,51% e 6,51%), colesterol (82,66 mg/100g e 61,30 mg/100g) e óxidos (7-cetocolesterol 8,31 µg/g e 17,90 µg/g), permitiram concluir que o beneficiamento favoreceu alterações significativas no valor nutricional do mandim.


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The prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in free-ranging chickens is a good indicator of the prevalence of 7: gondii oocysts in the soil because chickens feed from the ground. The prevalence of T. gonulii in 152 free-range chickens (Gallus domesticus) from 22 municipalities in 7 northeastern states (Pernambuco, Rio Grande do Norte, Maranh5o, Bahia, Ceara, Sergipe, and Alagoas) of Brazil was determined. Antibodies to T. gondii were assayed by the modified agglutination test (MAT); 81 (53.3 %) chickens had titers of 1:5 in 26, 1:10 in 9, 1:20 in 4, 1:40 in 1, 1:80 in 6, 1:160 in 6, 1:320 in 13, 1:640 in 6, 1:1,280 in 3, 1:2,560 in 6, and 1:5,120 or higher in I. Hearts and brains of 81 seropositive chickens were bioassayed individually in mice. Toxoplasma gondii was isolated from 23 chickens with MAT titers of 1:5 or higher; the isolates were designated TgCKBr165-187. Five isolates killed all infected mice. Results indicate widespread contamination of rural environment in Brazil with T. gondii oocysts.


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Intraplate earthquakes in stable continental areas have been explained basically by reactivation of pre-existing zones of weakness, stress concentration, or both. Zones of weakness are usually identified as sites of the last major orogeny, provinces of recent alkaline intrusions, or stretched crust in ancient rifts. However, it is difficult to identify specific zones of weakness and intraplate fault zones are not always easily correlated with known geological features. Although Northeastern Brazil is one of the most seismically active areas in the country (magnitudes 5 roughly every 5 yr), with hypocentral depths shallower than similar to 10 km and seismic zones as long as 30-40 km, no clear relationship with the known surface geology can be usually established with confidence, and a clear identification of zones of weakness has not yet been possible. Here we present the first clear case of seismic activity occurring as reactivation of an old structure in Brazil: the Pernambuco Lineament, a major Neoproterozoic shear zone. The 2004 earthquake swarm of Belo Jardim (magnitudes up to 3.1) and the recurrent activities in the nearby towns of Sao Caetano and Caruaru (magnitudes up to 4.0 and 3.8), show that the Pernambuco Lineament is a weak zone. A local seismic network showed that the Belo Jardim swarm of 2004 November occurred by normal faulting on a North dipping, E-W oriented fault plane in close agreement with the E-W trending structures within the Pernambuco Lineament. The Belo Jardim activity was concentrated in a 1.5 km (E-W) by 2 km (downdip) fault area, and average depth of 4.5 km. The nearby Caruaru activity occurs as both strike-slip and normal faulting, also consistent with local structures of the Pernambuco Lineament. The focal mechanisms of Belo Jardim, Caruaru and S. Caetano, indicate E-W compressional and N-S extensional principal stresses. The NS extension of this stress field is larger than that predicted by numerical models such as those of Coblentz & Richardson and we propose that additional factors such as flexural stresses from the nearby Sergipe-Alagoas marginal basin could also affect the current stress field in the Pernambuco Lineament.


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BACKGROUND: Chloroform, ethyl acetate and methanol extracts of a sample of red propolis from the state of Alagoas (northeast Brazil) were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and high-performance liquid chromatography-diode array detection-electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry. Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities were also obtained. RESULTS: The propolis sample contained low content of narigenin-8-C-hexoside, this being the first report of a C-glycoside in propolis. The main constituent found was characterized as 3,4,2`,3`-tetrahydroxychalcone. Other important constituents were the chalcone isoliquiritigenin, the isoflavans (3S)-vestitol, (3S)-7-O-methylvestitol, the pterocarpan medicarpin, the phenylpropenes trans-anethol, methyl eugenol, elimicin, methoxyeugenol and cis-asarone, and the triterpenic alcohols lupeol and alpha- and beta- amyrins. The methanol extract exhibited high antioxidant activities by 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl and beta-carotene/linoleic acid assay methods, and antimicrobial activity toward Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. CONCLUSION: Structures are suggested for new substances never before seen in any kind of propolis. This is the first report of 3,4,2`,3`-tetrahydroxychalcone and a flavone C-glycoside in a propolis sample. (C) 2011 Society of Chemical Industry


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Orthophytum is a bromeliad genus restricted to Brazil with records for the states of Paraiba, Pernambuco, Alagoas, Sergipe, Bahia, Espirito Santo and Minas Gerais. The genus is usually divided in two informal groups based on the presence or absence of a peduncle. This paper presents a taxonomic revision of the 12 species in the group with sessile inflorescences and descriptions of the genus and species, nomenclatural and ecological notes, as well as illustrations are provided. The new species Orthophytum ulei is described. The conservation status for each species is evaluated using the World Conservation Union (IUCN) criteria.


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We investigate the critical behavior of a stochastic lattice model describing a predator-prey system. By means of Monte Carlo procedure we simulate the model defined on a regular square lattice and determine the threshold of species coexistence, that is, the critical phase boundaries related to the transition between an active state, where both species coexist and an absorbing state where one of the species is extinct. A finite size scaling analysis is employed to determine the order parameter, order parameter fluctuations, correlation length and the critical exponents. Our numerical results for the critical exponents agree with those of the directed percolation universality class. We also check the validity of the hyperscaling relation and present the data collapse curves.


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In this work, the light-induced lens effect due to thermal and/or photorefractive processes was studied in pyroelectric (undoped and Fe(2+)-doped) lithium niobate crystals (LiNbO(3)) using thermal lens spectrometry with a two-beam (pump-probe) mode-mismatched configuration. The measurements were carried out at two pump beam wavelengths (514.5 and 750 nm) to establish a full understanding of the present effects in this material (thermal and/or photorefractive). We present an easy-to-implement method to determine quantitative values of the pyroelectric coefficient (dPs/dT), its contribution to the thermal effect and other thermo-optical parameters like thermal diffusivity (D), thermal conductivity (K) and temperature coefficient of the optical path length change (ds/dT). These measurements were performed in LiNbO(3) and LiNbO(3): Fe (0.1 ppm Fe(2+)) crystals with c axis along the direction of laser propagation.


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Methanolic extract powders of acerola, passion fruit and pineapple industrial residues, including pulp, seeds and peel, altogether (except for acerola) devoid of seeds, were screened for antioxidant capacity. The total phenolic contents (TPCs) of the extract powders were compared with their radical-scavenging activities (RSA) against both DPPH(center dot) and superoxide anion (O(2)(center dot-)) radicals, and their protective effect against liposome peroxidation, triggered by peroxyl radical. Lipid peroxidation was followed by the fluorescence decay of the probe, 4,4-difluoro-5-(4-phenyl-1,3-butadienyl)-4-bora-3a,4a-diaza-s-indacene-3-undecanoic acid (C(11)-BODIPY(581/591)). The TPCs of acerola, passion fruit and pineapple extract powders were (94.6 +/- 7.4); (41.2 +/- 4.2) and (9.1 +/- 1.3) mg of gallic acid equivalents g(-1) of dry extract, respectively. Acerola showed the best RSA-DPPH(center dot) scores, whereas passion fruit was more protective on the RSA-O(2)(center dot-) system. Together with the protective effects against lipid peroxidation (rate of BODIPY decay) which, were similar for acerola and passion fruit extracts, these data suggest that the methanolic extracts of acerola and passion fruit residues may be useful as antioxidant supplements, particularly the acerola extract, due to its high phenolic content. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved


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The addition of 0.5 mM catechol is shown to accelerate the degradation and mineralization of the anionic surfactant DOWFaX (TM) 2A1 (sodium dodecyldiphenyloxide disulfonate) under conventional Fenton reaction conditions (Fe(II) plus H(2)O(2) at pH 3). The catalytic effect causes a 3-fold increase in the initial rate (up to ca. 20 min) of conversion of the surfactant to oxidation products (apparent first-order rate constants of 0.021 and 0.061 min(-1) in the absence and presence of catechol, respectively). Although this catalytic rate increase persists for a certain amount of time after complete disappearance of catechol itself (ca. 8 min), the reaction rate begins to decline slowly after the initial 20 min towards that observed in the absence of added catechol. Total organic carbon (TOC) measurements of net mineralization and cyclic voltammetric and high performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) measurements of the initial rate of reaction of catechol and the surfactant provide insight into the role of catechol in promoting the degradation of the surfactant and of degradation products as the eventual inhibitors of the Fenton reaction. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.