179 resultados para Cancer - vulva


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Objectives: E-cadherin and beta-catenin are adhesion molecules responsible for the maintenance of normal epithelial cell phenotype. A disturbance in epithelial cell adhesion, which leads to a more invasive and metastatic phenotype, is a hallmark of tumor progression. Several immunohistochemical studies have reported a strong correlation between loss of their expression to higher stage and grade in prostate carcinoma, but their influence in metastatic process is not yet known. The aim of this study is to verify the role of adhesion molecules in the progression of prostate cancer (PC), assessing the expression of E-cadherin and beta-catenin in bone metastasis. Materials and Methods: Twenty-eight bone metastases of prostate carcinoma were submitted to immunohistochemistry analysis for E-cadherin and beta-catenin expression. In 6 patients, we were able to assess the expression of the adhesion molecules in the primary tumors and their respective metastases. The definition of normal expression for both antibodies was strong and diffuse expression in more than 70% of tumor cells. Results: In bone metastases, there was loss of expression of E-cadherin and beta-catenin in 86% and 82%, respectively. Among the primary tumors, E-cadherin and beta-catenin expression was normal in 83% and 50% cases, respectively. Considering the 6 patients with paired primary and bone metastasis, we found loss of expression for both E-cadherin and beta-catenin in most of the cases. Conclusions: Comparing primary PC and its metastasis, we showed persistent loss of E-cadherin and beta-catenin expression. This phenomenon may be related to metastatic potential in PC, because we have shown underexpression for E-cadherin and beta-catenin in 86% and 82% of bone metastases.


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Bladder cancer (BC) is the fourth most common cancer in the USA. In Brazil, BC represents 3% of the total existing carcinomas in the population and represents the second highest incidence among urological tumors. The majority of bladder cancer cell lines available were derived from Caucasians and established in the seventies or eighties. Thus, neoplasia development in these cells likely occurred in environment conditions vastly different than today. In the present study, we report the establishment and characterization of three Brazilian bladder cancer cell lines (BexBra1, BexBra2, and BexBra4). These cell lines may be helpful for dissecting the genetic and epigenetic aspects that trigger the progression of BC. Moreover, the development of a Brazilian representative of the disease will allow us to investigate the potential inter-racial differences of malignancy-associated phenotypes in bladder cancer.


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Purpose: We tested whether the combination of 4 established cell cycle regulators (p53, pRB, p21 and p27) could improve the ability to predict clinical outcomes in a large multi-institutional collaboration of patients with pT3-4N0 or pTany Npositive urothelial carcinoma of the bladder. We also assessed whether the combination of molecular markers is superior to any individual biomarker. Materials and Methods: The study comprised 692 patients with pT3-4N0 or pTany Npositive urothelial carcinoma of the bladder treated with radical cystectomy and bilateral lymphadenectomy (median followup 5.3 years). Scoring was performed using advanced cell imaging and color detection software. The base model incorporated patient age, gender, stage, grade, lymphovascular invasion, number of lymph nodes removed, number of positive lymph nodes, concomitant carcinoma in situ and adjuvant chemotherapy. Results: Individual molecular markers did not improve the predictive accuracy for disease recurrence and cancer specific mortality. Combination of all 4 molecular markers into number of altered molecular markers resulted in significantly 1 higher predictive accuracy than any single biomarker (p < 0.001.). Moreover addition of number of altered molecular markers to the base model significantly improved the predictive accuracy for disease recurrence (3.9%, p < 0.001) and cancer specific mortality (4.3%, p < 0.001). Addition of number of altered molecular markers retained statistical significance for improving the prediction of clinical outcomes in the subgroup of patients with pT3N0 (280), pT4N0 (83) and pTany Npositive (329) disease (p < 0.001). Conclusions: While the status of individual molecular markers does not add sufficient value to outcome prediction in patients with advanced urothelial carcinoma of the bladder, combinations of molecular markers may improve molecular staging, prognostication and possibly prediction of response to therapy.


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Background: Liver resection is considered the best treatment for metastatic colorectal cancer. Several prognostic factors have been investigated, and many studies have shown that hepatic hilum lymph nodes involvement has a negative impact on prognosis. The present study evaluated the frequency of microscopic involvement of hilar lymph nodes, through systematic lymphadenectomy and analysis of micrometastases in patients undergoing hepatectomy due to colorectal metastasis. Methods: A total of 28 patients underwent hepatic resection with hilar lymphadenectomy. Lymph nodes considered negative by conventional hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining were analyzed by serial sectioning with 100-mu m intervals and immunohistochemistry (IHC) with antihuman pancytokeratin antibody AE1/AE3. Results: In average, 6.18 lymph nodes were dissected per patient. No morbidity or mortality was associated to lymphadenectomy. In two patients, conventional H&E analysis showed presence of microscopic lymph node metastasis. H&E analysis allowed the identification of three other patients with lymph node micrometastases. The overall frequency of microscopic metastases, including micrometastasis, was 18%. Conclusions: Systematic lymphadenectomy allowed the detection of microscopic lymph node metastases, resulting in more accurate staging of extrahepatic disease. The inclusion of IHC increased the detection of lymph node micrometastasis. J. Surg. Oncol. 2009;100:534-537. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The aim of the present study was to evaluate by immunohistochemistry the prognostic meaning of the tumor marker MET (hepatocyte growth factor) in patients submitted to surgical resection due to primary colorectal adenocarcinoma. Patients and Methods: A retrospective study was carried out that included 286 consecutive patients with colorectal adenocarcinoma, submitted to surgical resection at Barretos Cancer Hospital, from 1993 to 2002. The histopathological expression of the MET tumor marker was evaluated using an anti-protein monoclonal antibody against MET by the streptavidin-biotin-peroxidase technique. The expression of the tumor marker was semi-quantitative, and the slide samples were independently analyzed by three pathologists unaware of patient clinical and histopathological data. Results: The tumor marker expression was positive in 236 (79%) out of a total of 286 patients. This expression was statistically significantly different between stages I and IV (p=0.004), for overall survival (p=0.009), and for cancer-related mortality rates (p=0.022). However, no association between the tumor marker and recurrence (p=0.89) or disease-free interval (p=0.91) was observed. Conclusion: MET has shown significant expression at advanced stages of the disease, as well as for overall survival and cancer-related mortality rates demonstrating to be a valuable marker for poor prognosis in colorectal cancer patients.


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Background and objective: Tuberculosis (TB) and cancer are two of the main causes of pleural effusions which frequently share similar clinical features and pleural fluid profiles. This study aimed to identify diagnostic models based on clinical and laboratory variables to differentiate tuberculous from malignant pleural effusions. Methods: A retrospective study of 403 patients (200 with TB; 203 with cancer) was undertaken. Univariate analysis was used to select the clinical variables relevant to the models composition. Variables beta coefficients were used to define a numerical score which presented a practical use. The performances of the most efficient models were tested in a sample of pleural exudates (64 new cases). Results: Two models are proposed for the diagnosis of effusions associated with each disease. For TB: (i) adenosine deaminase (ADA), globulins and the absence of malignant cells in the pleural fluid; and (ii) ADA, globulins and fluid appearance. For cancer: (i) patient age, fluid appearance, macrophage percentage and presence of atypical cells in the pleural fluid; and (ii) as for (i) excluding atypical cells. Application of the models to the 64 pleural effusions showed accuracy higher than 85% for all models. Conclusions: The proposed models were effective in suggesting pleural tuberculosis or cancer.


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Involvement of the celiac trunk and common hepatic artery are two of the most common forms of vascular invasion by tumours of the distal pancreas, and until recently this finding was considered a contra-indication to resection. We described a modified Appleby operation for locally advanced distal pancreatic cancer with compromised hepatic collateral flow that needed hepatic arterial revascularization, successfully accomplished by left external iliac-hepatic arterial bypass with Dacron prosthesis. Patient recovery was uneventful and he was discharged on the 10th postoperative day. Postoperative angio-CT disclosed a patent arterial bypass. Patient is well and asymptomatic 13 months after operation. At the time of this writing, postoperative CT scan showed no evidence of disease and CA 19-9 level is normal. There is a well established rationale to perform extended resection of pancreatic carcinomas that compromise vascular structures. Modified Appleby procedure can safely be performed, has oncological advantages to palliative procedures and provides relief of pain but is reserved for selected patients. Preservation of hepatic arterial flow has utmost importance to avoid hepatobiliary complications as liver necrosis, liver abscess, gallbladder necrosis or cholecystitis. In this case, hepatic revascularization was particularly challenging, but was successfully accomplished by left external iliac-hepatic arterial bypass. To our knowledge this type of arterial bypass has never been described so far in the English literature and its description may be important for surgeons dealing with advanced pancreatic cancer. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Galectin-3 (Gal-3) is a member of the P-galactoside-binding lectins family and has been implicated in angiogenesis, tumor invasion, and metastatic process in vitro and in vivo. As we showed recently that advanced melanoma patients presented high serum level of Gal-3, we investigated the association of this protein with the outcome of melanoma patients. Whether this protein could be a biomarker has riot been assessed, and we compared the prognostic value of serum Gal-3 in multivariate analysis with lactate dehydrogenase, C-reactive protein and S100B. We conclude that Gal-3 could be of prognostic value in melanoma patients; more precisely, this protein has a strong independent prognostic signification with a cut-off value of 10 ng/ml. After these data, we believe that serum Gal-3 measurement can have an important role in the follow-up and management of advanced American Joint Commission on Cancer stage III and stage IV melanoma patients. Further studies will uncover whether Gal-3 will be able to open new therapeutic perspectives. Melanoma Res 19:316-320 (C) 2009 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


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A neoadjuvant multimodality approach with chemoradiation therapy (CRT) is the preferred treatment strategy for most distal rectal cancers. Significant downstaging and complete pathologic response may develop after this strategy, and there is still controversy regarding the management of these patients. In this setting, a nonoperative approach has been suggested in select patients with complete clinical response after thorough clinical, endoscopic, and radiologic assessment. However, the assessment of these patients is not straightforward and remains complex. Available data regarding this approach are limited to a single institution`s experience from retrospective analyses. Standardization of the assessment of tumor response and the development of radiological/molecular tools may clarify the role of no immediate surgery in patients with complete clinical response after neoadjuvant CRT. Advances in radiation and medical oncology could potentially lead to significant improvements in complete tumor regression rates, leading to an increase in importance of a minimally invasive approach in patients with rectal cancer. Semin Radiat Oncol 21:234-239 (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Introduction: Hyaluronidases (HAases) are enzymes related to cancer progression. Isoforms of HAases have been described as products of alternative splicing responsible for differences in enzyme activity. The heterogeneity of HAase expression has been identified in tumors and could be related to the differences in their biological behavior. Methods: Thirty-seven patients subjected to radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer were divided into 2 groups for the analyses: Low (<= 6-18) and high (>= 7-19) Gleason score and tumor behavior; recurrence 15 and nonrecurrence 22, mean follow-up 52.6 months. Conclusion: A profile of HAase related to low Gleason score and non-tumor recurrence was characterized by expression of HYAL3-v1, HYAL1-v3, and HYAL3-v2. More studies should be made in order to confirm with larger series. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Purpose: Prostate cancer is the most common tumor in males in Brazil. Single nucleotide polymorphisms have been demonstrated to exist in the promoter regions of matrix metalloproteinase genes and they are associated with the development and progression of some cancers. We investigated the correlation between MMP1, 2, 7 and 9 polymorphisms with susceptibility to prostate cancer, and classic prognostic parameters of prostate cancer. Materials and Methods: Genomic DNA was extracted using conventional protocols. The DNA sequence containing the polymorphic site was amplified by realtime polymerase chain reaction using TaqMan (R) fluorescent probes. Results: For the MMP1 gene the polymorphic allele was more common in the control group than in the prostate cancer group (p <0.001). For the MMP9 gene the incidence of the polymorphic homozygote genotype was higher in the prostate cancer group (p <0.001). For higher stage tumors (pT3) a polymorphic allele in the MMP2 gene was more common (p = 0.026). When considering Gleason score, the polymorphic homozygote genotype of MMP9 was more common in Gleason 6 or less tumors (p = 0.003), while a polymorphic allele in the MMP2 gene was more common in Gleason 7 or greater tumors (p = 0.042). Conclusions: MMP1 and MMP2 may protect against prostate cancer development and MMP9 may be related to higher risk. In contrast, MMP9 polymorphism was associated with a lower Gleason score and MMP2 polymorphism was associated with nonorgan confined disease.


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Purpose In animal experiments paclitaxel oleate associated with a cholesterol-rich nanoemulsion concentrated in the neoplastic tissues and showed reduced toxicity and increased antitumor activity compared with paclitaxel-Cremophor EL. Here, a clinical study was performed in breast cancer patients to evaluate the tumoral uptake, pharmacokinetics and toxicity of paclitaxel associated to nanoemulsions. Methods Twenty-four hours before mastectomy [(3)H]paclitaxel oleate associated with [(14)C]-cholesteryl oleatenanoemulsion or [(3)H]- paclitaxel in Cremophor EL were injected into five patients for collection of blood samples and fragments of tumor and normal breast tissue. A pilot clinical study of paclitaxel-nanoemulsion administered at 3-week intervals was performed in four breast cancer patients with refractory advanced disease at 175 and 220 mg/m(2) dose levels. Results T(1/2) of paclitaxel oleate associated to the nanoemulsion was greater than that of paclitaxel (t(1/2) = 15.4 +/- 4.7 and 3.5 +/- 0.80 h). Uptake of the [(14)C]-cholesteryl ester nanoemulsion and [(3)H]- paclitaxel oleate by breast malignant tissue was threefold greater than the normal breast tissue and toxicity was minimal at the two dose levels. Conclusions Our results suggest that the paclitaxel-nanoemulsion preparation can be advantageous for use in the treatment of breast cancer because the pharmacokinetic parameters are improved, the drug is concentrated in the neoplastic tissue and the toxicity of paclitaxel is reduced.


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OBJECTIVE To investigate the feasibility of radical retropubic prostatectomy (RRP) in renal transplant recipients with clinically localized prostate cancer. METHODS A prospective protocol was established between August 2004 and November 2007. In that period, 8 patients diagnosed with localized prostate cancer were submitted to RRP, and their clinicopathologic data were reviewed. RESULTS The mean age (standard deviation) at surgery was 59.6 +/- 6.7 years (range, 49-67 years). All patients had TIC tumors, except for 1 with a T2A tumor. The mean preoperative prostate-specific antigen value was 4.5 +/- 1.8 ng/mL (range, 1.6-7.0 ng/mL). The mean interval between renal transplantation and RRP was 89.9 +/- 65.1 months (range, 40-209 months). The procedure was well tolerated without major complications, and all patients were discharged on the fifth postoperative day. There was no impairment to bladder descent caused by the presence of the allograft or the ureteroneocystostomy. Urethrovesical anastomosis was easily performed in all cases in the standard manner. Blood transfusion was needed in 2 patients (1 received 2 U and another 5 U of blood). The mean operative duration was 183 +/- 29.7minutes (range, 150-240 minutes), the mean estimated blood loss was 656 +/- 576 mL (range, 100-2000 mL), and no deterioration of graft function was observed. All patients were followed, and the mean follow-up was 10.5 months (range, 2-30 months). Prostate-specific antigen was undetectable in all cases during this time frame. CONCLUSIONS Radical retropubic prostatectomy in renal transplant patients is safe, effective, and can be easily performed in the same manner as described by Walsh, regardless of the presence of the allograft. The only necessary technical modification is the avoidance of ipsilateral lymphadenectomy to prevent damage to the transplanted organ. UROLOGY 72: 1362-1365, 2008. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc.


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Introduction Different modalities of palliation for obstructive symptoms in patients with unresectable esophageal cancer (EC) exist. However, these therapeutic alternatives have significant differences in costs and effectiveness. Methods A Markov model was designed to compare the cost-effectiveness (CE) of self-expandable stent (SES), brachytherapy and laser in the palliation of unresectable EC. Patients were assigned to one of the strategies, and the improvement in swallowing function was compared given the treatment efficacy, probability of survival, and risks of complications associated to each strategy. Probabilities and parameters for distribution were based on a 9-month time frame. Results Under the base-case scenario, laser has the lowest CE ratio, followed by brachytherapy at an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) of $4,400.00, and SES is a dominated strategy. In the probabilistic analysis, laser is the strategy with the highest probability of cost-effectiveness for willingness to pay (WTP) values lower than $3,201 and brachytherapy for all WTP yielding a positive net health benefit (NHB) (threshold $4,440). The highest probability of cost-effectiveness for brachytherapy is 96%, and consequently, selection of suboptimal strategies can lead to opportunity losses for the US health system, ranging from US$ 4.32 to US$ 38.09 million dollars over the next 5-20 years. Conclusion Conditional to the WTP and current US Medicare costs, palliation of unresectable esophageal cancers with brachytherapy provides the largest amount of NHB and is the strategy with the highest probability of CE. However, some level of uncertainly remains, and wrong decisions will be made until further knowledge is acquired.


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Prolonged infusions have been shown to be safer and potentially more effective than bolus regimens of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) as treatment for metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC). However, infusional 5-FU requires central venous access and costly infusion pumps. Oral fluoropyrimidines enable longer exposures to 5-FU with increased convenience. Tegafur - uracil (UFT) with leucovorin (LV) given thrice daily has improved safety plus comparable survival and response rates to bolus 5-FU/LV. We conducted a phase II clinical study in 98 patients with mCRC to evaluate if UFT with LV given twice daily provided comparable time to progression ( TTP), efficacy and tolerability to that reported for thrice daily in two phase III clinical studies. Secondary objectives included overall response rate ( ORR) and overall survival ( OS). Median TTP was 3.8 months, when compared with 3.5 months for thrice daily. The ORR ( 11%) and median OS ( 12.8 months) with twice daily administration were similar to that of thrice daily administration ( 12% and 12.4 months). The incidence of grade 3/4 treatment-related diarrhoea was 30% on the twice daily and 21% on the thrice daily schedule. These results suggest that twice daily administration has similar efficacy and tolerability to thrice daily administration and is an acceptable alternative for patients who would benefit from UFT with LV therapy.