108 resultados para Estudo instrumental


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Os Agentes Comunitários de Saúde (ACS) possuem uma missão de grande importância na implementação da Estratégia de Saúde da Família: devem criar o vínculo entre a população e os serviços de atenção básica, combinando ações de promoção da saúde, assistência básica e prevenção. A equipe do Cerest de Piracicaba realizou, no período de 2004-2006, análise ergonômica do trabalho em uma unidade de saúde de família cujos objetivos foram compreender a relação entre queixas de sofrimento e as condições de trabalho das ACS e propor medidas para modificá-las. Os resultados da AET mostram que, a despeito do engajamento visando resolver os problemas de saúde das famílias, o limitado “poder de agir” das ACS, devido às limitações da unidade e da rede de serviços, expunham-nas a situações nas quais se encontravam incapazes de adotar ações efetivas e nas quais não podiam se prevenir do sofrimento


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A expansão dos canaviais para novas zonas do Estado de São Palo é comumente feita sob a condição de arrendamento. Baseando-se em dados estatísticos do IEA, IBGE, ANFAVEA e UNICA, e em entrevistas com os proprietários, foi analisada a dinâmica da expansão dos canaviais e do arrendamento de terra em propriedades no Estado de São Paulo. O objetivo foi verificar como proprietários e usinas promovem o arrendamento. Notou-se que a dinâmica das propriedades foi alterada econômica e ambientalmente. Na necessidade de suprir as demandas das outras produções, os proprietários cedem parte ou toda sua terra em busca de estabilidade


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Estudo de natureza quantitativa com o objetivo de relacionar a posição materna no segundo período do trabalho de parto com as condições do recém-nascido, avaliadas pelo índice de Apgar. Foi delineado como estudo transversal, descritivo, com análise de 8.538 partos com nascidos vivos, ocorridos entre 01/01/1996 e 31/12/2005, numa maternidade-escola da Região Sul do Brasil. Foram Incluídos todos os partos via vaginal, com a mulher na posição vertical (cócoras) ou horizontal (supina ou semi sentada), com os respectivos nascituros e seus índices de Apgar. Foram identificados 5.002 (58,6 por cento) partos na posição vertical e 3.536 (41,4 por cento) na horizontal. As médias do índice de Apgar no 1º minuto foram de 8,11 nos partos verticais e 8,04 nos horizontais (p= 0,009). Na faixa etária materna de 15 a 20 anos, a média do índice de Apgar no primeiro minuto também foi maior nos partos verticais (p<0,001). Quando comparada a posição vertical com a horizontal, adotada pela parturiente no segundo período do trabalho de parto, foi observado um melhor resultado na posição vertical; nas adolescentes esta diferença foi mais acentuada. Dada a segurança, efetividade e alta aceitabilidade desta medida, é urgente que os serviços de saúde ofereçam esta possibilidade de escolha para todas as gestantes que assim prefiram ter seu parto e que foram elucidadas quanto às suas vantagens e desvantagens


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A síndrome de Turner é uma das doenças genéticas mais comuns, ocorrendo em cerca de 1:2.500 recém-nascidas. Representa a forma mais freqüente de hipogonadismo hipergonadotrófico. O hipoestrogenismo é a principal causa atribuída ao aumento do risco de doenças cardiovasculares, osteopenia e osteoporose. Diante da elevada incidência dessas doenças, o objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a densidade mineral óssea das mulheres portadoras da síndrome de Turner e verificar a presença de fatores de risco de doença cardiovascular (DCV). Foram encontrados, pelo método Dexa, 14,28 por cento das mulheres com densidade mineral óssea normal, 28,5por cento com osteopenia e 57,1por cento com osteoporose. Foi observada hipertensão em uma mulher, obesidade em outra, diabetes em duas e todas referiram ser sedentárias (sete). Ressalta-se, portanto a importância da avaliação precoce do tecido ósseo e do rastreamento dos fatores de risco de DCV, assim como o controle dos fatores modificáveis e orientações de mudança do estilo de vida com finalidade preventiva


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O estudo propõe analisar o consumo de medicamentos, plantas medicinais e outros recursos terapêuticos na construção de itinerários terapêuticos, em resposta aos agravos à saúde de crianças com menos de cinco anos de idade no âmbito doméstico, em área urbana. Pesquisa qualitativa, etnográfica, com 15 famílias, ao longo de 10 meses com 20 encontros quinzenais com as responsáveis pelas crianças no cotidiano familiar. Foram constatados 180 eventos de doenças, 74,5 por cento foram tratados, em primeira instância, em casa, resultando no uso de 212 recursos terapêuticos. O principal tipo de recurso terapêutico utilizado neste âmbito foi medicamentos industrializados, utilizados para prevenir e tratar doenças, diferenciando consideravelmente de suas indicações clínicas. Os serviços de saúde aparecem como segunda opção de tratamento. Na comunidade foram tratadas doenças conhecidas pela experiência popular, benzimentos e orações. As famílias usam medicamentos como práticas culturais e a aceitação de qualquer tipo de tratamento depende de suas expectativas e experiências


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The recommended bibliographical references for the development of scientific research are those published by scientific journals. In spite of this recommendation, the use of non conventional documents by undergraduate students has been increasing. This paper, developed as a survey with 145 students of Administration, Accounting and Economics, characterizes the use these documents and analyzes teaching strategies supported in the use of non conventional documents.


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The utilization of wood from reforested species by the furniture industry is a recent trend. Thus, the present study determined the specific gravity and shrinkage of wood of 18-year-old Eucalyptus grandis, Eucalyptus dunnii and Eucalyptus urophylla, for use as components in solid wood furniture making. The tests to evaluate the specific gravity and shrinkage of wood in the radial and axial variation of the eucalyptus trees were performed according to NBR 7190/96. The results of the analysis of wood from eucalypt species were subjected to the Homogeneity Test, ANOVA, Tukey and Pearson correlation and compared to the performance of sucupira wood (Bowdichia nitida) and cumaru wood (Dipteryx odorata), often used in the furniture industry. The following results were found: Eucalyptus grandis had a lower value of shrinkage, being more suitable for furniture components that require high dimensional stability, as well as parts of larger surface. The wood of this species showed a rate of dimensional variation compatible with the native species used in the furniture industry. The radial variation of the wood was also verified, and a high correlation between specific gravity and shrinkage was found. Longitudinally, the base of the trunk of the eucalyptus trees was shown to be the region of greatest dimensional stability.


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The least squares collocation is a mathematical technique which is used in Geodesy for representation of the Earth's anomalous gravity field from heterogeneous data in type and precision. The use of this technique in the representation of the gravity field requires the statistical characteristics of data through covariance function. The covariances reflect the behavior of the gravity field, in magnitude and roughness. From the statistical point of view, the covariance function represents the statistical dependence among quantities of the gravity field at distinct points or, in other words, shows the tendency to have the same magnitude and the same sign. The determination of the covariance functions is necessary either to describe the behavior of the gravity field or to evaluate its functionals. This paper aims at presenting the results of a study on the plane and spherical covariance functions in determining gravimetric geoid models.


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The influence of political parties on decisions made by members of Congress is a hotly debated issue in political science. In foreign policy, which is usually considered nonpartisan, the matter is even more inconclusive. The current study analyzes all the roll-call votes taken on foreign policy issues in the 2002-2006 legislature of the Chilean Chamber of Deputies. After tracing a spatial map of foreign policy preferences among Chilean Deputies using the Nominate statistical package, we concluded that the ideology of the legislator's political party is a predictive factor for his or her foreign policy behavior. Our findings indicate that the way Chilean legislators structure their preferences on foreign policy issues does not differ significantly from the way they shape their domestic policy preferences.


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In 2003-2004, several food items were purchased from large commercial outlets in Coimbra, Portugal. Such items included meats (chicken, pork, beef), eggs, rice, beans and vegetables (tomato, carrot, potato, cabbage, broccoli, lettuce). Elemental analysis was carried out through INAA at the Technological and Nuclear Institute (ITN, Portugal), the Nuclear Energy Centre for Agriculture (CENA, Brazil), and the Nuclear Engineering Teaching Lab of the University of Texas at Austin (NETL, USA). At the latter two, INAA was also associated to Compton suppression. It can be concluded that by applying Compton suppression (1) the detection limits for arsenic, copper and potassium improved; (2) the counting-statistics error for molybdenum diminished; and (3) the long-lived zinc had its 1115-keV photopeak better defined. In general, the improvement sought by introducing Compton suppression in foodstuff analysis was not significant. Lettuce, cabbage and chicken (liver, stomach, heart) are the richest diets in terms of human nutrients.


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Aiming at the determination of toxic and essential elements in Brazilian commercial bovine milk, 25 ultra high temperature (UHT) milk samples were acquired in the local market of Piracicaba, SP. The samples were freeze-dried and analyzed by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) allowing the determination of Br, Ca, Co, Cs, Fe, K, Na, Rb and Zn. When the results were expressed as concentration (mg.l(-1)) no significant differences were found. However, considering the dry matter, results showed a clear difference between the mass fractions (mg.kg(-1) d.w.) of skim milk and whole milk for the elements Br, Ca, K, Na, Rb and Zn, indicating that the removal of fat caused a concentration effect in the dry matter of skim milks. Discrepancies were found between the concentrations of Ca and Na measured by INAA and the values informed in the labels. Ca showed variations within 30% for most samples, while concentrations of Na were up to 190% higher than informed values. The sample preparation and the LNAA procedure were appropriate for the determination of Br, Ca, Co, Cs, Fe, K, Na, Rb and Zn in milk samples.


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To evaluate the potential for fermentation of raspberry pulp, sixteen yeast strains (S. cerevisiae and S. bayanus) were studied. Volatile compounds were determined by GC-MS, GC-FID, and GC-PFPD. Ethanol. glycerol and organic acids were determined by HPLC. HPLC-DAD was used to analyse phenolic acids. Sensory analysis was performed by trained panellists. After a screening step, CAT-1, UFLA FW 15 and S. bayanus CBS 1505 were previously selected based on their fermentative characteristics and profile of the metabolites identified. The beverage produced with CAT-1 showed the highest volatile fatty acid concentration (1542.6 mu g/L), whereas the beverage produced with UFLA FIN 15 showed the highest concentration of acetates (2211.1 mu g/L) and total volatile compounds (5835 mu g/L). For volatile sulphur compounds. 566.5 mu g/L were found in the beverage produced with S. bayanus CBS 1505. The lowest concentration of volatile sulphur compounds (151.9 mu g/L) was found for the beverage produced with UFLA FW 15. In the sensory analysis, the beverage produced with UFLA FW 15 was characterised by the descriptors raspberry, cherry, sweet, strawberry, floral and violet. In conclusion, strain UFLA FW 15 was the yeast that produced a raspberry wine with a good chemical and sensory quality. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Sossego was the first Vale SAG mill operation to process copper-gold ore. It is located in the State of Para, southeastern Amazon region of Brazil. In the first three years of continuous operation, Vale investigated different alternatives for improving the circuit`s performance by investigating operating conditions, mainly focusing on the SAG mill. It was decided to further assess the performance of the comminution circuit as a function of ore characteristics. A comprehensive ore characterization program was then conducted, together with the calibration of mathematical models on the basis of surveys carried out at the industrial circuit. The simulator was then used to predict the throughput associated to each ore type, as well as to establish the optimized circuit configuration and tailored operating conditions. This paper describes in detail the main aspects of optimizing the industrial circuit performance, as well as the successful method for predicting the production as a function of ore characteristics and circuit configuration.


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The influence of the addition of a potential probiotic culture of Lactobacillus paracasei and of the prebiotic fiber inulin on the texture profile and on the sensory evaluation of probiotic and synbiotic fresh cream-cheeses was monitored. Three cheese-making trials were prepared in quintuplicate, all supplemented with a Streptococcus thermophilus starter culture (T1, T2 and T3). L. paracasei subsp. paracasei was added to T1 and T2, and inulin, to T2. The instrumental texture profile was determined after 1, 7, 14 and 21 days of storage of the cheeses. Sensory evaluation was performed after 7 days of storage. The presence of Lactobacillus paracasei in cheeses T1 and T2 and of inulin in cheeses T2 did not alter the texture profile significantly. Cheeses T1 were the least preferred in the sensory evaluation and differed signifcantly from T2 and T3, due to acidic taste, according to panelists. On the other hand, T2 was the most preferred one, though not significantly different from T3. The addition of the prebiotic ingredient inulin to fresh cream cheese processed with a potentially probiotic Lactobacillus paracasei strain resulted in a product with appropriate features and with aggregated functional properties.


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BACKGROUND: This study evaluated the effect of a potentially probiotic bacteria (Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei LBC 82), added solely or together with the prebiotic ingredient inulin on instrumental texture attributes and sensory properties of a functional chocolate mousse during storage at 4 +/- 1 degrees C for up to 28 days. RESULTS: The addition of Lactobacillus paracasei resulted in a firmer and more adhesive chocolate mousse. This effect was intensified with the presence of inulin in the synbiotic formulation (5.24 N and -0.956 N, respectively, for firmness and adhesiveness after 28 days of storage) (P < 0.05). L. paracasei population did not vary (P > 0.05) during storage (always between 7.27 and 7.35 log cfu g(-1)), both for the probiotic and the synbiotic mousses. Synbiotic mousse differed from control and probiotic mousses during storage with respect to the color attribute. Moreover, both probiotic and synbiotic mousses presented taste, aroma and texture perceptions which were different from one another and from the control mousse after 14 and 21 days of storage. CONCLUSION: The use of inulin, together with the potentially probiotic strain of Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei, is advantageous, conferring potentially symbiotic potential to the chocolate mousse, as well as favorable texture and sensory properties. (c) 2008 Society of Chemical Industry.