81 resultados para electronic conducting polymers
In repair works of reinforced concrete, patch repairs tend to crack in the interfacial zone between the mortar and the old concrete. This occurs basically due to the high degree of restriction that acts on a patch repair. For this reason, the technology of patch repair needs to be the subject of a discussion involving professionals who work with projects, construction maintenance and mix proportioning of repair mortars. In the present work, a study is presented on the benefits that the ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer (EVA) and acrylate polymers can provide in the mix proportioning of a repair mortar with respect to compressive, tensile and direct-shear bond strength. The results indicated that the increase in bond strength and the reduction in the influence of the deficiency in Curing conditioning are the main contributions offered by the polymers studied here. (C) 2009 Elsevier, Ltd. All rights reserved.
An efficient expert system for the power transformer condition assessment is presented in this paper. Through the application of Duval`s triangle and the method of the gas ratios a first assessment of the transformer condition is obtained in the form of a dissolved gas analysis (DGA) diagnosis according IEC 60599. As a second step, a knowledge mining procedure is performed, by conducting surveys whose results are fed into a first Type-2 Fuzzy Logic System (T2-FLS), in order to initially evaluate the condition of the equipment taking only the results of dissolved gas analysis into account. The output of this first T2-FLS is used as the input of a second T2-FLS, which additionally weighs up the condition of the paper-oil system. The output of this last T2-FLS is given in terms of words easily understandable by the maintenance personnel. The proposed assessing methodology has been validated for several cases of transformers in service. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Thyristor-based onload tap-changing ac voltage stabilizers are cheap and robust. They have replaced most mechanical tap-changers in low voltage applications from 300 VA to 300 M. Nevertheless, this replacement hardily applies to tap-changers associated to transformers feeding medium-voltage lines (typically 69 kV primary, 34.5 kV line, 10 MVA) which need periodical maintenance of contacts and oil. The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) has studied the feasibility of this replacement. It detected economical problems derived from the need for series association of thyristors to manage the high voltages involved, and from the current overload developed under line fault. The paper reviews the configurations used in that field and proposes new solutions, using a compensating transformer in the main circuit and multi-winding coils in the commutating circuit, with reduced overload effect and no series association of thyristors, drastically decreasing their number and rating. The stabilizer can be installed at any point of the line and the electronic circuit can be fixed to ground. Subsequent works study and synthesize several commutating circuits in detail.
A broader characterization of industrial wastewaters, especially in respect to hazardous compounds and their potential toxicity, is often necessary in order to determine the best practical treatment (or pretreatment) technology available to reduce the discharge of harmful pollutants to the environment or publicly owned treatment works. Using a toxicity-directed approach, this paper sets the base for a rational treatability study of polyester resin manufacturing. Relevant physical and chemical characteristics were determined. Respirometry was used for toxicity reduction evaluation after physical and chemical effluent fractionation. Of all the procedures investigated, only air stripping was significantly effective in reducing wastewater toxicity. Air stripping in pH 7 reduced toxicity in 18.2%, while in pH 11 a toxicity reduction of 62.5% was observed. Results indicated that toxicants responsible for the most significant fraction of the effluent`s instantaneous toxic effect to unadapted activated sludge were organic compounds poorly or not volatilized in acid conditions. These results led to useful directions for conducting treatability studies which will be grounded on actual effluent properties rather than empirical or based on the rare specific data on this kind of industrial wastewater. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Every year, the number of discarded electro-electronic products is increasing. For this reason recycling is needed, to avoid wasting non-renewable natural resources. The objective of this work is to study the recycling of materials from parallel wire cable through Unit operations of mineral processing. Parallel wire cables are basically composed of polymer and copper. The following unit operations were tested: grinding, size classification, dense medium separation, electrostatic separation, scrubbing, panning, and elutriation. It was observed that the operations used obtained copper and PVC concentrates with a low degree of cross contamination. It was Concluded that total liberation of the materials was accomplished after grinding to less than 3 mm, using a cage mill. Separation using panning and elutriation presented the best results in terms of recovery and cross contamination. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Polymer-clay nanocomposites are materials with many interesting structures, properties, and potential applications. Microstructural evaluation of a nanocomposite is not an easy task, as clay may form hierarchical structures which may look different when observed at various magnifications under a microscope, and also as the concepts of ""intercalation"" and ""exfoliation"" are not self-sufficient to describe its morphology. In this work polymer-clay nanocomposites of polystyrene and two styrene-containing block copolymers (styrene-butadiene-styrene and styrene-ethylene/butylene-styrene) were prepared using three different techniques. Clay dispersion was evaluated by a recently developed microscopy image analysis procedure, combining the analysis of optical and transmission electron micrographs, and the characterization was complemented by X-ray diffraction and rheological measurements. The results showed better clay dispersion for both block copolymers nanocomposites, mainly due to their molecular architectures. Moreover, the techniques which showed the best results involved mixing the materials in a solvent medium. POLYM. ENG. SCI., 50:257-267, 2010. (C) 2009 Society of Plastics Engineers
In this work, a study on the role of the long-range term of excess Gibbs energy models in the modeling of aqueous systems containing polymers and salts is presented. Four different approaches on how to account for the presence of polymer in the long-range term were considered, and simulations were conducted considering aqueous solutions of three different salts. The analysis of water activity curves showed that, in all cases, a liquid-phase separation may be introduced by the sole presence of the polymer in the long-range term, regardless of how it is taken into account. The results lead to the conclusion that there is no single exact solution for this problem, and that any kind of approach may introduce inconsistencies.
This paper presents the results of experiments carried out in a laboratory-scale photochemical reactor on the photodegradation of different polymers in aqueous solutions by the photo-Fenton process. Solutions of three polymers, polyethyleneglicol (PEG), polyacrylamide (PAM), and polyvinylpyrrolidone(PVP), were tested under different. conditions. The reaction progress was evaluated by sampling and analyzing the total organic carbon concentration in solution (TOC) along the reaction time. The behavior of the different polymers is discussed, based oil the evolution of the TOC-time curves. Under specific reaction conditions, the formation and coalescence of solid particles was Visually observed. Solids formation occurred simultaneously to a sharp decrease in the TOC of the liquid phase. This may be favorable for the treatment of industrial wastewater containing polymers, since the photodegradation process can be Coupled with solid separation systems. which may reduce the treatment cost. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The goal of this work is to study and relate electrical and optical properties of diamond-like carbon (DLC) thin films for applications in electronic devices. DLC films were deposited in a reactive RF magnetron sputtering system on p-type silicon and glass substrates. The target was a 99.9999% pure, 6 in. diameter graphite plate and methane was used as processing gas. Eight DLC films were produced for each substrate, varying deposition time, the reactor pressure between 5 mTorr and 10 mTorr while the RF power was applied at 13.56 MHz and varied between 100, 150, 200 and 250W. After deposition, the films were analyzed by I-V and C-V measurements (Cheng et al. (2004) [1]) in order to determine the electric resistivity, photo-current response and dielectric constant, optical transmittance, used to find the optical gap by the Tauc method; and by photoluminescence analysis to determine the photoemission and confirm the optical band gap. These characteristics are compared and the influence of the deposition parameters is discussed. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V.
We have synthesized phenylene-vinylene (PV) polymers containing segments with different conjugation lengths interspaced by random distributed aliphatic segments. Infrared (IR) and ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) spectroscopies, hydrogen nuclear magnetic resonance ((1)H NMR) spectrometry and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) were used to characterize the prepared copolymers` structures. Polymers molecular weights were determined by gel permeation chromatography (GPC). The effect of polymer structure and composition on emission properties was studied by fluorescence (PL) spectroscopy under different irradiation wavelength. The emission energy shift due to segments with longer conjugation lengths was minor owed to the low polymerization degree achieved.
Recently, the development of industrial processes brought on the outbreak of technologically complex systems. This development generated the necessity of research relative to the mathematical techniques that have the capacity to deal with project complexities and validation. Fuzzy models have been receiving particular attention in the area of nonlinear systems identification and analysis due to it is capacity to approximate nonlinear behavior and deal with uncertainty. A fuzzy rule-based model suitable for the approximation of many systems and functions is the Takagi-Sugeno (TS) fuzzy model. IS fuzzy models are nonlinear systems described by a set of if then rules which gives local linear representations of an underlying system. Such models can approximate a wide class of nonlinear systems. In this paper a performance analysis of a system based on IS fuzzy inference system for the calibration of electronic compass devices is considered. The contribution of the evaluated IS fuzzy inference system is to reduce the error obtained in data acquisition from a digital electronic compass. For the reliable operation of the TS fuzzy inference system, adequate error measurements must be taken. The error noise must be filtered before the application of the IS fuzzy inference system. The proposed method demonstrated an effectiveness of 57% at reducing the total error based on considered tests. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The purpose of this study was to attain and characterize ternary complexes of simvastatin, beta-cyclodextrin (beta CD) and different polymers, and then select those that lead to a greater increase in drug solubility. The complexes were prepared with the co-evaporation method and the polymers used were polyethylene glycol 1500, polyethylene glycol 4000, povidone, copovidone, crospovidone, maltodextrin and hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose. The characterization of complexes was carried out through aqueous solubility, DSC and TG. There was an increase in solubility for all the complexes prepared with beta CD and the different polymers, but only when crospovidone and maltodextrin were used was there a significant difference observed between the solubility of the physical mixture and that of the complex. The DSC curves indicate that the non-complexed drug is even in the sample of the complex with higher solubility, thus none of the polymers was able to achieve a total complexation of the drug.
The aim of this study was to determine whether inclusion complexes between 2-hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin (HP beta CD) and finasteride (FIN) are formed, and to characterize these. Equimolar FIN/HP beta CD solid systems in the presence or absence of 0.1% (w/v) of polyvinylpyrrolidone K30 (PVP K30) or 0.3% of chitosan were prepared by coevaporation and freeze-drying methods. The systems were characterized by phase solubility, NMR, DSC, and XRD analysis. The results suggest that true binary and ternary inclusion complexes were formed. (c) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
[Ru(3)O(CH(3)COO)(6)(pz)(CO)](6) is a cyclic hexamer species encompassing six triangular ruthenium cluster centers bridged by pyrazine ligands. The electronic communication among the cluster units strongly depends on their oxidation states, and has been successfully probed by means of cyclic voltammetry and UV-vis spectroelectrochemistry. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Dopamine agonists are the treatment of choice for prolactinomas. However, there are still controversies concerning dose, treatment duration and criteria for drug withdrawal in different clinical situations. The aim of this study was to assess diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to prolactinomas among members of the Brazilian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism (SBEM). SBEM members answered a questionnaire sent by e-mail that included 18 questions related to controversial issues about the management of prolactinomas. Among SBEM members, 721 (approximately 24% of total) answered the questionnaire. Concerning the diagnosis, 38% of the respondents stated that prolactin levels < 100 ng/ml would exclude the presence of a prolactinoma. Most of them favored the screening for macroprolactin in asymptomatic individuals instead of a routine screening (74% vs. 26%). Regarding the treatment, 70% of the respondents chose cabergoline as the drug of choice to treat macroprolactinomas whereas similar proportions advised cabergoline or bromocriptine as the best treatment for microprolactinomas (52% vs. 48%). Only 20% and 34% of respondents favored treatment withdrawal 2-3 years after prolactin normalization in patients with macroprolactinomas and microprolactinomas, respectively. In case of pregnancy, only 58 and 70% of respondents advocated discontinuation of treatment with dopamine agonists in patients with macroprolactinomas and microprolactinomas, respectively. Finally, only 36% would allow breast-feeding without restriction, 44% would restrict it to patients with microprolactinomas and 20% would not recommend it for women with prolactinomas There are several points of disagreement among SBEM members regarding the management of prolactinomas.