85 resultados para Ruth Lisa Wenof


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We report K/pi fluctuations from Au+Au collisions at s(NN)=19.6, 62.4, 130, and 200 GeV using the STAR detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. K/pi fluctuations in central collisions show little dependence on incident energy and are on the same order as those from NA49 at the Super Proton Synchrotron in central Pb+Pb collisions at s(NN)=12.3 and 17.3 GeV. We report results for the collision centrality dependence of K/pi fluctuations and results for charge-separated fluctuations. We observe that the K/pi fluctuations scale with the charged particle multiplicity density.


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We present a systematic analysis of two-pion interferometry in Au+Au collisions at s(NN)=62.4 GeV and Cu+Cu collisions at s(NN)=62.4 and 200 GeV using the STAR detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). The multiplicity and transverse momentum dependences of the extracted correlation lengths (radii) are studied. The scaling with charged particle multiplicity of the apparent system volume at final interaction is studied for the RHIC energy domain. The multiplicity scaling of the measured correlation radii is found to be independent of colliding system and collision energy.


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We report the measurement of charged D* mesons in inclusive jets produced in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy root s = 200 GeV with the STAR experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. For D* mesons with fractional momenta 0.2< z< 0.5 in inclusive jets with 11.5 GeV mean transverse energy, the production rate is found to be N(D*(+) + D*(-))/N(jet) = 0.015 +/- 0.008(stat) +/- 0.007(sys). This rate is consistent with perturbative QCD evaluation of gluon splitting into a pair of charm quarks and subsequent hadronization.


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In ultraperipheral relativistic heavy-ion collisions, a photon from the electromagnetic field of one nucleus can fluctuate to a quark-antiquark pair and scatter from the other nucleus, emerging as a rho(0). The rho(0) production occurs in two well-separated (median impact parameters of 20 and 40 F for the cases considered here) nuclei, so the system forms a two-source interferometer. At low transverse momenta, the two amplitudes interfere destructively, suppressing rho(0) production. Since the rho(0) decays before the production amplitudes from the two sources can overlap, the two-pion system can only be described with an entangled nonlocal wave function, and is thus an example of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox. We observe this suppression in 200 GeV per nucleon-pair gold-gold collisions. The interference is 87%+/- 5%(stat.)+/- 8%(syst.) of the expected level. This translates into a limit on decoherence due to wave function collapse or other factors of 23% at the 90% confidence level.


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We present the first measurements of the rho(770)(0),K(*)(892),Delta(1232)(++),Sigma(1385), and Lambda(1520) resonances in d+Au collisions at s(NN)=200 GeV, reconstructed via their hadronic decay channels using the STAR detector (the solenoidal tracker at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider). The masses and widths of these resonances are studied as a function of transverse momentum p(T). We observe that the resonance spectra follow a generalized scaling law with the transverse mass m(T). The < p(T)> of resonances in minimum bias collisions are compared with the < p(T)> of pi,K, and p. The rho(0)/pi(-),K(*)/K(-),Delta(++)/p,Sigma(1385)/Lambda, and Lambda(1520)/Lambda ratios in d+Au collisions are compared with the measurements in minimum bias p+p interactions, where we observe that both measurements are comparable. The nuclear modification factors (R(dAu)) of the rho(0),K(*), and Sigma(*) scale with the number of binary collisions (N(bin)) for p(T)> 1.2 GeV/c.


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The STAR Collaboration at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider has measured two-pion correlation functions from p + p collisions at root s = 200 GeV. Spatial scales are extracted via a femtoscopic analysis of the correlations, though this analysis is complicated by the presence of strong nonfemtoscopic effects. Our results are put into the context of the world data set of femtoscopy in hadron-hadron collisions. We present the first direct comparison of femtoscopy in p + p and heavy ion collisions, under identical analysis and detector conditions.


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BACKGROUND: Guidelines for red blood cell (RBC) transfusions exist; however, transfusion practices vary among centers. This study aimed to analyze transfusion practices and the impact of patients and institutional characteristics on the indications of RBC transfusions in preterm infants. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: RBC transfusion practices were investigated in a multicenter prospective cohort of preterm infants with a birth weight of less than 1500 g born at eight public university neonatal intensive care units of the Brazilian Network on Neonatal Research. Variables associated with any RBC transfusions were analyzed by logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: Of 952 very-low-birth-weight infants, 532 (55.9%) received at least one RBC transfusion. The percentages of transfused neonates were 48.9, 54.5, 56.0, 61.2, 56.3, 47.8, 75.4, and 44.7%, respectively, for Centers 1 through 8. The number of transfusions during the first 28 days of life was higher in Center 4 and 7 than in other centers. After 28 days, the number of transfusions decreased, except for Center 7. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed higher likelihood of transfusion in infants with late onset sepsis (odds ratio [OR], 2.8; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.8-4.4), intraventricular hemorrhage (OR, 9.4; 95% CI, 3.3-26.8), intubation at birth (OR, 1.7; 95% CI, 1.0-2.8), need for umbilical catheter (OR, 2.4; 95% CI, 1.3-4.4), days on mechanical ventilation (OR, 1.1; 95% CI, 1.0-1.2), oxygen therapy (OR, 1.1; 95% CI, 1.0-1.1), parenteral nutrition (OR, 1.1; 95% CI, 1.0-1.1), and birth center (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The need of RBC transfusions in very-low-birth-weight preterm infants was associated with clinical conditions and birth center. The distribution of the number of transfusions during hospital stay may be used as a measure of neonatal care quality.


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PEGylation is a successful strategy for improving the biochemical and biopharmaceutical properties of proteins and peptides through the covalent attachment of polyethylene glycol chains. In this work, purified recombinant uricase from Candida sp. (UC-r) was modified by PEGylation with metoxypolyethilenoglycol-p-nitrophenyl-carbonate (mPEG-pNP) and metoxypolyethyleneglycol-4,6-dichloro-s-triazine (mPEG-CN). The UC-r-mPEG-pNP and UC-r-mPEG-CN conjugates retained 87% and 75% enzyme activity respectively. The K(M) values obtained 2.7 x 10(-5) M (mPEG-pNP) or 3.0 x 10(-5) M (mPEG-CN) lot the conjugates as compared to 5.4 x 10(-5) M for the native UC-r, suggesting enhancement in the substrate affinity of the enzyme attached. The effects of pH and temperature on PEGylated UC-r indicated that the conjugates were more active at close physiological pH and were stable up to 70 degrees C. Spectroscopic study performed by circular dichroism at 20 degrees C and 50 degrees C did not show any relevant difference in protein structure between native and PEGylated UC-r. In rabbit and Balb/c mice, the native UC-r elicited an intense immune response being highly immunogenic. On the other hand, the PEGylated UC-r when injected chronically in mice did not induce any detectable antibody response. This indicates sufficient reduction of the immunogenicity this enzyme by mPEG-pNP or mPEG-CN conjugation, making it suitable for a possible therapeutical use. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Chicken eggs were inoculated with suspensions of ambient air particles (<= 10 mu m, PM(10)) from Sao Paulo city in 3, 0.3 or 0.03 mu g doses on one of the four early days of embryo development. On the eleventh day of development alterations were observed on embryos inoculated with PM(10) 3 mu g on the third day. Particles analysis showed high content of metals. Hence, embryos were also inoculated with PM(10) (3 mu g) combined with metal chelating EDTA. PM(10) (3 mu g) embryos presented underdevelopment (stage 29.44 +/- 11.4) compared to vehicle and positive controls (stage 36.44 +/- 0.51 Saline and stage 31.20 +/- 9.7 Cyclophosphamide, p <= 0.05); higher (47%) mortality rate (23% Saline and 42% Cyclophosphamide) and low (68%) viability (100% Saline and 70% Cyclophosphamide, p = 0.04). Effects were attenuated when embryos received PM(10) + EDTA (stage 33.63 +/- 0.94, 18.9% mortality rate and 82% viability). PM(10) from Sao Paulo city is embryotoxic and metal may be implicated in the toxic mechanism. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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With a 41-society sample of 9990 managers and professionals, we used hierarchical linear modeling to investigate the impact of both macro-level and micro-level predictors on subordinate influence ethics. While we found that both macro-level and micro-level predictors contributed to the model definition, we also found global agreement for a subordinate influence ethics hierarchy. Thus our findings provide evidence that developing a global model of subordinate ethics is possible, and should be based upon multiple criteria and multilevel variables. Journal of International Business Studies (2009) 40, 1022-1045. doi:10.1057/jibs.2008.109


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Background Differences between women and men have been documented for both diagnostic testing and treatment in cardiology. This analysis evaluates whether low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) success rates according to current guidelines and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) levels differ by gender in the L-TAP 2 population. Methods Patients aged >= 20 years with dyslipidemia on stable lipid-lowering therapy were assessed in 9 countries between September 2006 and April 2007. Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol goal attainment by cardiovascular risk level and region and determinants of low HDL-C were compared between genders. Results Of 9,955 patients (45.3% women) evaluated, women had a significantly lower overall LDL-C success rate than men (71.5% vs 73.7%, P = .014), due entirely to the difference in the high-risk/coronary heart disease (CHD) group (LDL-C goal <100 mg/dL, 62.6% vs 70.6%, P < .0001) Among CHD patients with >= 2 additional risk factors, only 26.7% of women and 31.5% of men (P = .021) attained the optional LDL-C goal of <70 mg/dL. High-density lipoprotein cholesterol was <50 mg/dL in 32.2% of women and <40 mg/dL in 26.8% of men (P < .0001), including 38.2% of women and 29.8% of men in the high risk/CHD group (P < .0001). Predictors of low HDL-C in women included diabetes, smoking, waist circumference, and hypertension. Conclusions Cholesterol treatment has, improved substantially since the original L-TAP a decade ago, when only 39% of women attained their LDL-C goal. However, high-risk women are undertreated compared to men, and a substantial opportunity remains to reduce their cardiovascular risk. (Am Heart J 2009; 158:860-6.)


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The purpose of the present substudy of the Lipid Treatment Assessment Project 2 was to assess dual C-reactive protein (CRP) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol goal attainment across a spectrum of low-, moderate-, and high-risk patients with dyslipidemia in 8 countries in North America, Latin America, Europe, and Asia. Of the 9,518 patients studied overall, 45% were women, 64% had hypertension, 31% had diabetes, 14% were current smokers, 60% were high risk, and 79% were taking a statin. The median CRP level was 1.5 mg/L (interquartile range 0.2 to 2.8). On multivariate analysis, higher CRP levels were associated with older age, female gender, hypertension, current smoking, greater body mass index, larger waist circumference, LDL cholesterol level, and triglyceride/high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio. In contrast, being from Asia or taking a statin was associated with lower levels. Across all risk groups, 59% of patients attained the CRP target of <2 mg/L, and 33% had <1 mg/L. Overall, 44% of patients attained both their National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III LDL cholesterol target and a CRP level of <2 mg/L, but only 26% attained their LDL cholesterol target and a CRP level of <1 mg/L. In the very high-risk group with coronary heart disease and >= 2 risk factors, only 19% attained both their LDL cholesterol goal and a CRP level of <2 mg/L and 12% their LDL cholesterol goal and a CRP level of <1 mg/L. In conclusion, with current treatment, most dyslipidemic patients do not reach the dual CRP and LDL cholesterol goals. Smoking cessation, weight reduction, and the greater use of more potent statins at higher doses might be able to improve these outcomes. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. (Am J Cardiol 2011;107:1639-1643)


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Chronic beryllium disease (CBD) is clinically similar to other granulomatous diseases such as sarcoidosis. It is often misdiagnosed if a thorough occupational history is not taken. When appropriate, a beryllium lymphocyte proliferation tests (BeLPT) need to be performed. We aimed to search for CBD among currently diagnosed pulmonary sarcoidosis patients and to identify the occupations and exposures in Ontario leading to CBD. Questionnaire items included work history and details of possible exposure to beryllium. Participants who provided a history of previous work with metals underwent BeLPTs and an ELISPOT on the basis of having a higher pretest probability of CBD. Among 121 sarcoid patients enrolled, 87 (72%) reported no known previous metal dust or fume exposure, while 34 (28%) had metal exposure, including 17 (14%) with beryllium exposure at work or home. However, none of these 34 who underwent testing had positive test results. Self-reported exposure to beryllium or metals was relatively common in these patients with clinical sarcoidosis, but CBD was not confirmed using blood assays in this population.


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A history of childhood trauma and the presence of dissociative phenomena are considered to be the most important risk factors for psychogenic nonepileptic seizure disorder (PNESD). This case-control study investigated 20 patients with PNESD and 20 with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) diagnosed by video/EEG monitoring who were matched for gender and age. Patients with both conditions were not included in the study. Groups were evaluated for age at onset and at diagnosis, worst lifetime weekly seizure frequency, trauma history, and presence of dissociative phenomena. Age at onset (P = 0.007) and age at diagnosis (P < 0.001) were significantly higher in the PNESD group than the control group, as were the scores on the Dissociative Experiences Scale (P < 0.001) and Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (P = 0.014). Only the differences in scores on the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire subscales Emotional Neglect (P = 0.013) and Emotional Abuse (P = 0.014) reached statistical significance. Dissociative phenomena and a reported history of childhood trauma are more common in patients with PNESD than in those with TLE. However, only emotional neglect and abuse were associated with PNESD in this study. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In 2008 the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM) started an initiative to systematically develop its capacity and its internal and external policy agenda. This paper sums up achievements that have been made with this ISPRM initiative as well as pending issues and strategies to address them. The paper treats the following: ISPRM`s policy agenda in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), research capacity in functioning and rehabilitation, ISPRM world conferences, relationships with regional societies of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM), and ISPRM`s membership and governance structure.