406 resultados para Breton, Andre
Solar radiation sustains and affects all life forms on Earth. In recent years, the increase in environmental levels of solar-UV radiation due to depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer, as a result of anthropogenic emission of destructive chemicals, has highlighted serious issues of social concern. This becomes still more dramatic in tropical and subtropical regions, where the intensity of solar radiation is higher. To better understand the impact of the harmful effects of solar-UV radiation on the DNA molecule, we developed a reliable biological monitoring system based on the exposure of plasmid DNA to artificial UV lamps and sunlight. The determination and quanti. cation of different types of UV photoproducts were performed through the use of specific DNA repair enzymes and antibodies. As expected, a significant number of CPDs and 6-4PPs was observed when the DNA-dosimeter system was exposed to increasing doses of UVB radiation. Moreover, CPDs could also be clearly detected in plasmid DNA when this system was exposed to either UVA or directly to sunlight. Interestingly, although less abundant, 6-4PPs and oxidative DNA damage were also generated after exposure to both UVA and sunlight. These results confirm the genotoxic potential of sunlight, reveal that UVA may also produce CPDs and 6-4PPs directly in naked DNA and demonstrate the applicability of a DNA-dosimeter system for monitoring the biological effects of solar-UV radiation.
We show that the one-loop effective action at finite temperature for a scalar field with quartic interaction has the same renormalized expression as at zero temperature if written in terms of a certain classical field phi(c), and if we trade free propagators at zero temperature for their finite-temperature counterparts. The result follows if we write the partition function as an integral over field eigenstates (boundary fields) of the density matrix element in the functional Schrodinger field representation, and perform a semiclassical expansion in two steps: first, we integrate around the saddle point for fixed boundary fields, which is the classical field phi(c), a functional of the boundary fields; then, we perform a saddle-point integration over the boundary fields, whose correlations characterize the thermal properties of the system. This procedure provides a dimensionally reduced effective theory for the thermal system. We calculate the two-point correlation as an example.
In the case of quantum wells, the indium segregation leads to complex potential profiles that are hardly considered in the majority of the theoretical models. The authors demonstrated that the split-operator method is useful tool for obtaining the electronic properties in these cases. Particularly, they studied the influence of the indium surface segregation in optical properties of InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells. Photoluminescence measurements were carried out for a set of InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells and compared to the results obtained theoretically via split-operator method, showing a good agreement.
An x-ray diffraction method, based on the excitation of a surface diffracted wave, is described to investigate the capping process of InAs/GaAs (001) quantum dots (QDs). It is sensitive to the tiny misorientation of (111) planes at the surface of the buffer layer on samples with exposed QDs. After capping, the misorientation occurs in the cap-layer lattice faceting the QDs and its magnitude can be as large as 10 degrees depending on the QDs growth rates, probably due to changes in the size and shape of the QDs. A slow strain release process taking place at room temperature has also been observed by monitoring the misorientation angle of the (111) planes.
We report a comprehensive study of weak-localization and electron-electron interaction effects in a GaAs/InGaAs two-dimensional electron system with nearby InAs quantum dots, using measurements of the electrical conductivity with and without magnetic field. Although both the effects introduce temperature dependent corrections to the zero magnetic field conductivity at low temperatures, the magnetic field dependence of conductivity is dominated by the weak-localization correction. We observed that the electron dephasing scattering rate tau(-1)(phi), obtained from the magnetoconductivity data, is enhanced by introducing quantum dots in the structure, as expected, and obeys a linear dependence on the temperature and elastic mean free path, which is against the Fermi-liquid model. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics. [DOI: 10.1063/1.2996034]
We investigate the phase diagram of a discrete version of the Maier-Saupe model with the inclusion of additional degrees of freedom to mimic a distribution of rodlike and disklike molecules. Solutions of this problem on a Bethe lattice come from the analysis of the fixed points of a set of nonlinear recursion relations. Besides the fixed points associated with isotropic and uniaxial nematic structures, there is also a fixed point associated with a biaxial nematic structure. Due to the existence of large overlaps of the stability regions, we resorted to a scheme to calculate the free energy of these structures deep in the interior of a large Cayley tree. Both thermodynamic and dynamic-stability analyses rule out the presence of a biaxial phase, in qualitative agreement with previous mean-field results.
EuTe possesses the centrosymmetric crystal structure m3m of rocksalt type in which the second-harmonic generation is forbidden in electric dipole approximation but the third-harmonic generation (THG) is allowed. We studied the THG spectra of this material and observed several resonances in the vicinity of the band gap at 2.2-2.5 eV and at higher energies up to 4 eV, which are related to four-photon THG processes. The observed resonances are assigned to specific combinations of electronic transitions between the ground 4f(7) state at the top of the valence band and excited 4f(6)5d(1) states of Eu(2+) ions, which form the lowest energy conduction band. Temperature, magnetic field, and rotational anisotropy studies allowed us to distinguish crystallographic and magnetic-field-induced contributions to the THG. A strong modification of THG intensity for the 2.4 eV band and suppression of the THG for the 3.15 eV band was observed in applied magnetic field. Two main features of the THG spectra were assigned to 5d(t(2g)) and 5d(e(g)) subbands at 2.4 eV and 3.15 eV, respectively. A microscopic quantum-mechanical model of the THG response was developed and its conclusions are in qualitative agreement with the experimental results.
The magnetic europium chalcogenide semiconductors EuTe and EuSe are investigated by the spectroscopy of second harmonic generation (SHG) in the vicinity of the optical band gap formed by transitions involving the 4f and 5d electronic orbitals of the magnetic Eu(2+) ions. In these materials with centrosymmetric crystal lattice the electric-dipole SHG process is symmetry forbidden so that no signal is observed in zero magnetic field. Signal appears, however, in applied magnetic field with the SHG intensity being proportional to the square of magnetization. The magnetic field and temperature dependencies of the induced SHG allow us to introduce a type of nonlinear optical susceptibility determined by the magnetic-dipole contribution in combination with a spontaneous or induced magnetization. The experimental results can be described qualitatively by a phenomenological model based on a symmetry analysis and are in good quantitative agreement with microscopic model calculations accounting for details of the electronic energy and spin structure.
Second harmonic generation is strictly forbidden in centrosymmetric materials, within the electric dipole approximation. Recently, it was found that the centrosymmetric magnetic semiconductors EuTe and EuSe can generate near-gap second harmonics, if the system is submitted to an external magnetic field. Here, a theoretical model is presented, which well describes the observed phenomena. The model shows that second harmonic generation becomes efficient when the magnetic dipole oscillations between the band-edge excited states of the system, induced by the excitation light, enter the in-phase regime, which can be achieved by applying a magnetic field to the material.
The energy spectrum of an electron confined in a quantum dot (QD) with a three-dimensional anisotropic parabolic potential in a tilted magnetic field was found analytically. The theory describes exactly the mixing of in-plane and out-of-plane motions of an electron caused by a tilted magnetic field, which could be seen, for example, in the level anticrossing. For charged QDs in a tilted magnetic field we predict three strong resonant lines in the far-infrared-absorption spectra.
We observe a large positive magnetoresistance in a bilayer electron system (double quantum well) as the latter is driven by the external gate from double to single layer configuration. Both classical and quantum contributions to magnetotransport are found to be important for explanation of this effect. We demonstrate that these contributions can be separated experimentally by studying the magnetic-field dependence of the resistance at different gate voltages. The experimental results are analyzed and described by using the theory of low-field magnetotransport in the systems with two occupied subbands.
A phonon structure in the photoluminescence of EuTe was discovered, with a well-defined zero-phonon emission line (ZPL). The ZPL redshifts linearly with the intensity of applied magnetic field, indicating spin relaxation of the photoexcited electron, and saturates at a lower magnetic field than the optical absorption bandgap, which is attributed to formation of magnetic polarons. From the difference in these saturation fields, the zero-field polaron binding energy and radius are estimated to be 43 meV and 3.2 (in units of the EuTe lattice parameter), respectively. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3634030]
Spectroscopy of the centrosymmetric magnetic semiconductors EuTe and EuSe reveals spin-induced optical second harmonic generation (SHG) in the band gap vicinity at 2.1-2.4 eV. The magnetic field and temperature dependence demonstrates that the SHG arises from the bulk of the materials due to a novel type of nonlinear optical susceptibility caused by the magnetic dipole contribution combined with spontaneous or induced magnetization. This spin-induced susceptibility opens access to a wide class of centrosymmetric systems by harmonics generation spectroscopy.
Here we use magnetic resonant x-ray diffraction to study the magnetic order in a 1.5 mu m EuTe film grown on (111) BaF(2) by molecular-beam epitaxy. At Eu L(II) and L(III) absorption edges, a resonant enhancement of more than two orders was observed for the sigma ->pi(') diffracted intensity at half-order reciprocal-lattice points, consistent with the magnetic character of the scattering. We studied the evolution of the (1/21/21/2) magnetic reflection with temperature. When heating toward the Neel temperature (T(N)), the integrated intensity decreased monotonously and showed no hysteresis upon cooling again, indicating a second-order phase transition. A power-law fit to the magnetization versus temperature curve yielded T(N)=9.99(1) K and a critical exponent beta=0.36(1), which agrees with the renormalization theory results for three-dimensional Heisenberg magnets. The fits to the sublattice magnetization dependence with temperature, disregarding and considering fourth-order exchange interactions, evidenced the importance of the latter for a correct description of magnetism in EuTe. A value of 0.009 was found for the (2j(1)+j(2))/J(2) ratio between the Heisenberg J(2) and fourth-order j(1,2) exchange constants. The magnetization curve exhibited a round-shaped region just near T(N) accompanied by an increase in the magnetic peak width, which was attributed to critical scattering above T(N). The comparison of the intensity ratio between the (1/21/21/2) and the (1/21/21/2) magnetic reflections proved that the Eu(2+) spins align within the (111) planes, and the azimuthal dependence of the (1/21/21/2) magnetic peak is consistent with the model of equally populated S domains.
In this work we use resonant x-ray diffraction combined with polarization analysis of the diffracted beam to study the magnetic ordering in EuTe/PbTe multilayers. The presence of satellites at the (1/2 1/2 1/2) magnetic reflection of a 50 /repetition EuTe/PbTe superlattice demonstrated the existence of magnetic correlations among the alternated EuTe layers. The behavior of the satellites intensity as T increases toward the Neel temperature T(N) indicates that these correlations persist nearly up to T(N) and suggests the preferential decrease of the magnetic order parameter of external monolayers of each EuTe layer within the superlattice. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.