103 resultados para Avilan Teresa


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Since it was trapped in the XIX(th) century, Rhagomys rufescens has been considered a rare endangered sigmodontine rodent and an endemic species of the Atlantic forest. Only a handful of vouchers of this taxon were known by Thomas, 1886. Recently, eight new individuals were collected, providing new geographical, morphological and phylogenetic (based on molecular evidence) information on this species. In the present work we report the southernmost occurrence record for R. rufescens at Indaial, Santa Catarina State, with the largest collected series of this species, the northernmost occurrence record at Santa Teresa, Espirito Santo State, and new records from Pocos de Caldas, Minas Gerais State, from Ibiuna and Ribeirao Grande, Sao Paulo State.


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This work investigated the influence of different concentrations of calcium on the growth of plantlets of the bromeliad Aechmea blanchetiana cultured in vitro. Seedlings of A. blanchetiana were axenically cultured in liquid Murashige and Skoog basal medium supplemented with different concentrations of calcium (Ca; 1.5, 3, 4.5, 6, or 12 mM) without growth regulators. The resulting plantlets were cultured under 93 mol m-2 s-1 illumination, 12 hour photoperiod regime and 25C 1 for 120 days with subculture to fresh identical media every 30 days. The addition of calcium at 9.38 mM to MS modified medium increased the production of fresh and dry mass of plantlets, whilst chlorine from calcium chloride dehydrate (CaCl2 2 H2O) in excess (3.35 mM) decreased both the fresh and dry mass of plantlets.


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Maize breeding programmes in Brazil and elsewhere seek reliable methods to identify genotypes resistant to Phaeosphaeria leaf spot. The area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) is an accurate method to evaluate the severity of foliar diseases. However, at least three data points are required to calculate the AUDPC, which is unfeasible when there are thousands of genotypes to be assessed. The aim of this work was to estimate the heritability of disease resistance, evaluate disease severity at different times using a nine-point scale in comparison to the AUDPC, and establish the most suitable phenological period for disease assessment. A repeated experiment was conducted in a 11 x 11 lattice experimental design with three replications. Disease assessments were carried out at flowering, 15 and 30 days post-anthesis for the parental lines DS95, DAS21, the F1 generation and 118 F2:3 progenies. Then, the AUDPC was obtained and results compared with the single-point evaluations used to calculate it. Individual and joint analyses of variance were conducted to obtain heritabiliy estimates. The assessments performed after the flowering stage gave higher estimates of heritability and correlation with AUDPC. We concluded that one assessment between the 15th and 30th day after flowering could provide enough information to distinguish maize genotypes for their resistance to Phaeosphaeria leaf spot under tropical conditions.


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Background: Dentists of Lar Sao Francisco observed during dental treatment that children with cerebral palsy (CP) had increased heart rate (HR) and lower production of saliva. Despite the high prevalence of CP found in the literature (2.08-3.6/1000 individuals), little is known about the electrocardiographic (ECG) characteristics, especially HR, of individuals with CP. Objective: This study aimed to investigate the hypothesis that individuals with CP have a higher HR and to define other ECG characteristics of this population. Methods: Ninety children with CP underwent clinical examination and 12-lead rest ECG. Electrocardiographic data on rhythm, HR, PR interval, QRS duration, P/QRS/T axis, and QT, QTc and T(peak-end) intervals (minimum, mean, maximum, and dispersion) were measured and analyzed then compared with data from a control group with 35 normal children. Fisher and Mann-Whitney U tests were used, respectively, to compare categorical and continuous data. Results: Groups cerebral palsy and control did not significantly differ in age (9 +/- 3 x 9 +/- 4 years) and male gender (65% x 49%). Children with CP had a higher HR (104.0 +/- 20.6 x 84.2 +/- 13.3 beats per minute; P < .0001), shorter PR interval (128.8 +/- 15.0 x 138.1 +/- 15.1 milliseconds; P = .0018), shorter QRS duration (77.4 +/- 8.6 x 82.0 +/- 8.7 milliseconds; P = .0180), QRS axis (46.0 degrees +/- 26.3 degrees x 59.7 degrees +/- 24.8 degrees; P = .0024) and T-wave axis (34.3 degrees +/- 28.9 degrees x 42.9 degrees +/- 17.1 degrees; P = .034) more horizontally positioned, and greater mean QTc (418.1 +/- 18.4 x 408.5 +/- 19.4 milliseconds; P = .0110). All the electrocardiogram variables were within the reference range for the age group including those with significant differences. Conclusion: Children with CP showed increased HR and other abnormal ECG findings in the setting of this investigation. Further studies are needed to explain our findings and to correlate the increased HR with situations such as dehydration, stress, and autonomic nervous disorders. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The soil bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf-5 produces two siderophores, a pyoverdine and enantio-pyochelin, and its proteome includes 45 TonB-dependent outer-membrane proteins, which commonly function in uptake of siderophores and other substrates from the environment. The 45 proteins share the conserved beta-barrel and plug domains of TonB-dependent proteins but only 18 of them have an N-terminal signaling domain characteristic of TonB-dependent transducers (TBDTs), which participate in cell-surface signaling systems. Phylogenetic analyses of the 18 TBDTs and 27 TonB-dependent receptors (TBDRs), which lack the N-terminal signaling domain, suggest a complex evolutionary history including horizontal transfer among different microbial lineages. Putative functions were assigned to certain TBDRs and TBDTs in clades including well-characterized orthologs from other Pseudomonas spp. A mutant of Pf-5 with deletions in pyoverdine and enantio-pyochelin biosynthesis genes was constructed and characterized for iron-limited growth and utilization of a spectrum of siderophores. The mutant could utilize as iron sources a large number of pyoverdines with diverse structures as well as ferric citrate, heme, and the siderophores ferrichrome, ferrioxamine B, enterobactin, and aerobactin. The diversity and complexity of the TBDTs and TBDRs with roles in iron uptake clearly indicate the importance of iron in the fitness and survival of Pf-5 in the environment.


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Nile tilapia social position (Oreochromis niloticus) can be mediated by multiple channels, including chemical communication. Absence of chemical cues in the environment prevents hierarchical settlement among pairs, and enhances time spent in confrontations. The aim of this study was to test the effect of continuously renewed water flow on the establishment of hierarchical dominance in Nile tilapia juveniles. In this condition, a high frequency of attacks and disruption on hierarchical stability were expected because chemical cues for hierarchy maintenance could be washed out. After 3 days in isolation, the fish were paired by standard size but not by sex, and submitted to two conditions: continuously renewed water flow (RENEWED, n = 7) and non-renewed water flow (NONRENEWED n = 8). The paired fish were placed in an aquarium (40 cm x 30 cm x 40 cm) for 3 h; four 10-min sessions were video-recorded: the first, immediately after the fish were paired and the others 1, 2, and 3 h after pairing. Hierarchy was identified by a dominance index (DI = given attacks/received + given attacks) For each fish. The hierarchical stability was achieved by analyzing the difference between dominant DI and subordinate DI (DI-D). Hierarchy was established in both groups after second session because the DI was significantly higher for one fish of the pair. The frequency of attacks of the dominant fish in RENEWED and NONRENEWED conditions was similar in all observation sessions. The attack frequency by subordinate fish was also similar during the first three sessions (2-h pairing). However, the frequency of attacks by subordinate fish in the RENEWED condition was higher than in the NONRENEWED situation at the fourth observation session (means +/- S.E.: RENEWED = 2.83 +/- 0.94 x 10 min(-1) and NONRENEWED = 0.25 +/- 0.16 x 10 min(-1); Mann-Whitney, p = 0.04). At this point, a significant reduction of the DI-D was observed (means +/- S.E.: RENEWED = 0.70 +/- 0.11 and NONRENEWED = 1,00 +/- 0.002; Mann-Whitney, p = 0.04). The changes in DI-D were related to more frequent attacks by the subordinated fish in renewed water flow. According to our results, the unsteady agonistic interaction under renewed water flow leads to social instability. Thus, continuous water renewing can wash out relevant chemical substances and therefore disturb the dominance recognition by subordinate fish. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Global climate change may reduce leaf area in crop plants due to factors such as increasing occurrence of pests and diseases. The aim of this work was to estimate the impact of leaf area reduction on agronomic traits in corn. An experiment simulating leaf area reduction was carried out in a tropical region of Brazil. The agronomic performance of corn plants was evaluated at different percentages of leaf loss. It was observed that leaf area reductions over 41.01% significantly harm yield, mass of 1000 grains, cob density, and stem and root quality Crop improvement programs should take into account the development of genotypes resistant to factors that cause leaf area reduction in tropical crops.


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The bacteriocin-producing strain Enterococcus faecium ST5Ha was isolated from smoked salmon and identified by biomolecular techniques. Ent. faecium ST5Ha produces a pediocin-like bacteriocin with activity against several lactic acid bacteria, Listeria spp. and some other human and food pathogens, and remarkably against HSV-1 virus. Bacteriocin ST5Ha was produced at high levels in MRS broth at 30 degrees C and 37 degrees C, reaching a maximum production of 1.0 x 10(9) AU/ml, checked against Listeria ivanovii ATCC19119 as target strain and surrogate of pathogenic strain Listeria monocytogenes. The molecular weight of bacteriocin ST5Ha was estimated to be 4.5 kDa according to tricine-SDS-PAGE data. Ent. faecium ST5Ha harbors a 1.044 kb chromosomal DNA fragment fitting in size to that of pediocin PA-1/AcH. In addition, the sequencing of bacteriocin ST5Ha gene indicated 99% of DNA homology to pediocin PA-1/AcH. The combined application of low levels (below MIC) of ciprofloxacin and bacteriocin ST5Ha resulted in a synergetic effect in the inhibition of target strain L ivanovii ATCC19119. Bacteriocin ST5Ha displayed antiviral activity against HSV-1, an important human pathogen, with a selectivity index of 173. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on Ent. faecium as a potential producer of pediocin-like bacteriocin with antiviral activity. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Linguica is a highly popular and appreciated pork product in Brazil, frequently consumed undercooked. Aiming at collection of data for a future risk assessment, this study evaluated the prevalence and counts of Listeria monocytogenes in linguica samples collected at retail level in Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil. ISO methods were used for detection and enumeration of the pathogen (11290-1 and 11290-2, respectively). Isolates were submitted to Simplex-PCR for hlyA gene and those with biochemical features of L. monocytogenes and hlyA positive were serotyped using a Multiplex PCR. Ninety percent of the samples were positive for Listeria spp., and L monocytogenes was detected in 42% of the samples, with counts below 10(2) CFU/g in all samples. A prevalence of uncommon serotypes 4a and 4c was observed. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study was the first conducted in Brazil to evaluate the presence of Enterobacter sakazakii in milk-based powdered infant formula manufactured for infants 0 to 6 months of age and to examine the conditions of formula preparation and service in three hospitals in Sao Paulo State, Brazil. Samples of dried and rehydrated infant formula, environments of milk kitchens, water, bottles and nipples, utensils, and hands of personnel were analyzed, and E. sakazakii and Enterobacteriaceae populations were determined. All samples of powdered infant formula purchased at retail contained E. sakazakii at <0.03 most probable number (MPN)/100 g. In hospital samples, E. sakazakii was found in one unopened formula can (0.3 MPN/100 g) and in the residue from one nursing bottle from hospital A. All other cans of formula from the same lot bought at a retail store contained E. sakazakii at <0.03 MPN/100 g. The pathogen also was found in one cleaning sponge from hospital B. Enterobacteriaceae populations ranged from 10(1) to 10(5) CFU/g in cleaning aids and <5 CFU/g in all formula types (dry or rehydrated), except for the sample that contained E. sakazakii, which also was contaminated with Enterobacteriaceae at 5 CFU/g. E. sakazakii isolates were not genetically related. In an experiment in which rehydrated formula was used as the growth medium, the temperature was that of the neonatal intensive care unit (25 C), and the incubation time was the average time that formula is left at room temperature while feeding the babies (up to 4 h), a 2-log increase in levels of E. sakazakii was found in the formula. Visual inspection of the facilities revealed that the hygienic conditions in the milk kitchens needed improvement. The length of time that formula is left at room temperature in the different hospitals while the babies in the neonatal intensive care unit are being fed (up to 4 h) may allow for the multiplication of E. sakazakii and thus may lead to an increased health risk for infants.


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Minimally processed vegetables (MPV) may be important vehicles of Salmonella spp. and cause disease. This study aimed at detecting and enumerating Salmonella spp. in MPV marketed in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. A total of 512 samples of MPV packages collected in retail stores were tested for Salmonella spp. and total coliforms and Escherichia coil as indication of the hygienic status. Salmonella spp. was detected in four samples, two using the detection method and two using the counting method, where the results were 8.8 x 10(2) CFU/g and 2.4 x 10(2) CFU/g. The serovars were Salmonella Typhimurium (three samples) and Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica O:47:z4,z23:- (one sample). Fourteen samples (2.7%) presented counts of E. coli above the maximum limit established by the Brazilian regulation for MPV (10(2) CFU/g). Therefore, tightened surveillance and effective intervention strategies are necessary in order to address consumers and governments concerns on safety of MPV. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In Brazil. the incidence of Bacillus cereus outbreaks is unknown, and there is little information about B. cereus occurrence in food. In addition, data on toxin production and genetic characterization of the B. cereus isolates cannot be found. This pathogen causes two distinct types of toxin-mediated foodborne illnesses known as diarrheal and emetic syndromes. Diarrheal syndrome has been linked to three different enterotoxins: two protein complexes, hemolysin BL (HBL) and nonhemolytic enterotoxin (NHE); and an enterotoxic protein, cytotoxin K (cytK). Emetic syndrome is related to cereulide, a toxin encoded by the ces gene. In this study, NHE and HBL production capacities of 155 strains of B. cereus isolated from Brazilian food products were evaluated with an immunoassay. Strains were also tested for the presence of the genes of the HBL and NHE complexes, cytK, cytK-1, cytK-2, and ces, using PCR. HBL was detected in 105 (67.7%) strains and NHE in 154 (99.4%) strains. All the strains harbored at least one gene of the NHE complex, while 96.1% of them were positive for at least one of those of the HBL complex. Genes cytK1 and ces were not detected. All strains showed toxigenic capacity and could represent a risk for consumers if good practices are not followed. This is the first report on toxigenic and genetic profiles of B. cereus strains isolated in Brazil.


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This study aimed at evaluating the acceptance of MP watermelon and pineapple exposed to 1.0 and 2.5kGy compared to non-irradiated samples. No significant differences were observed in liking between irradiated and non-irradiated samples, and also between doses of 1.0 and 2.5 kGy. significant differences in sourness (pineapple) or sweetness (watermelon) and between intention of purchase of irradiated and non-irradiated fruits were riot observed as well. Results showed that MP watermelon and pineapple could be irradiated with doses up to 2.5 kGy without significant changes in acceptability. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This work studied the radiation resistance of Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella species and the effect of irradiation on leaf flavonoid content and sensory acceptability of minimally processed arugula. Immersion in ozone-treated water reduced the analyzed microorganisms by 1 log. L. monocytogenes and Salmonella were not isolated from samples. Samples of this vegetable were inoculated with a cocktail of Salmonella spp. and L. monocytogenes and exposed to gamma irradiation. D-10 values for Salmonella ranged from 0.16 to 0.19 kGy and for L. monocytogenes from 0.37 to 0.48 kGy. Kaempferol glycoside levels were 4 and ca. 3 times higher in samples exposed to 1 and 2 kGy, respectively, than in control samples. An increase in quercetin glycoside was also observed mainly in samples exposed to 1 kGy. In sensory evaluation, arugula had good acceptability, even after exposure to 2 and 4 kGy. These results indicate that irradiation has potential as a practical processing step to improve the safety of arugula.


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The phenolic composition of heartwood from Robinia pseudoacacia, commonly known as false acacia, before and after toasting in cooperage was studied by HPLC-DAD and HPLC-DAD/ESI-MS/MS. A total of 41 flavonoid and nonflavonoid compounds were identified, some tentatively, and quantified. Seasoned acacia wood showed high concentrations of flavonoid and low levels of nonflavonoid compounds, the main compounds being the dihydroflavonols dihydrorobinetin, fustin, tetrahydroxy, and trihydroxymethoxy dihydroflavonol, the flavonol robinetin, the flavanones robtin and butin, and a leucorobinetinidin, none of which are found in oak wood. The low molecular weight (LMW) phenolic compounds present also differed from those found in oak, since compounds with a beta-resorcylic structure, gallic related compounds, protocatechuic aldehyde, and some hydroxycinnamic compounds are included, but only a little gallic and ellagic acid. Toasting changed the chromatographic profiles of extracts spectacularly. Thus, the toasted acacia wood contributed flavonoids and condensed tannins (prorobinetin type) in inverse proportion to toasting intensity, while LMW phenolic compounds were directly proportional to toasting intensity, except for gallic and ellagic acid and related compounds. Even though toasting reduced differences between oak and acacia, particular characteristics of this wood must be taken into account when considering its use in cooperage: the presence of flavonoids and compounds with beta-resorcylic structure and the absence of hydrolyzable tannins.