576 resultados para Almeida, Laurindo
This study assessed the influence of anesthetics on early complications after pharyngeal flap surgery. A 23-year retrospective chart review was carried out of all patients at the authors` institution who underwent superiorly based pharyngeal flap surgery. Variables analyzed were gender, age at the time of surgery, cleft type, anesthesia procedure used and complications in the early postoperative period. 2299 patients (50% male; 50% female) who underwent pharyngeal flap surgery between 1980 and 2003 were reviewed. The highest number of surgeries was performed in patients aged 11-20 years. There were 1042 patients with at least one type of complication. Of these, 39 required reoperation to control complications such as bleeding and airway obstruction. There were no records of death. Vomiting and pain were the most frequent postoperative complications (16% and 14% of patients, respectively). Lower complication rates were observed when anesthesia protocols included sevoflurane, propofol and opioids.
Tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) is a well-known marker of osteoclasts and bone resorption. Here we have investigated whether osteoblast-like cells (hFOB 1.19) present TRAP activity and how would be its pattern of expression during osteoblastic differentiation. We also observed how the osteoblastic differentiation affected the reduced glutathione levels. TRAP activity was measured using the p-nitrophenylphosphate substrate. The osteogenic potential of hFOB 1.19 cells was studied by measuring alkaline phosphatase activity and mineralized nodule formation. Oxidative stress was determined by HPLC and DNTB assays. TRAP activity and the reduced glutathione-dependent microenvironment were modulated during osteoblastic differentiation. During this phase, TRAP activity, as well as alkaline phosphatase and glutathione increased progressively up to the 21st day, decreasing thereafter. We demonstrate that TRAP activity is modulated during osteoblastic differentiation, possibly in response to the redox state of the cell, since it seemed to depend on suitable levels of reduced glutathione.
Purpose: The aim of this study was to perform qualitative and quantitative analyses of the effect of nicotine on autogenous bone block grafts and to describe events in the initial healing phase and the differences in the repair processes between animals exposed to nicotine and controls. Materials and Methods: Forty-eight female Wistar rats were randomly divided into 2 groups, the nicotine group and the saline group. All animals received either nicotine (3 mg/kg) or saline 4 weeks before the surgical procedure and continued to receive nicotine from surgery to sacrifice at 7, 14, or 28 days. The autogenous bone block graft was harvested from the calvaria and stabilized on the external cortical area near the angle of the mandible. Results: The histologic analyses of the nicotine group depicted a delay in osteogenic activity at the bed-graft interface, as well as impairment of the organization of the granulation tissue that developed instead of blood clot. Nicotine-group specimens exhibited less bone neoformation, and the newly formed bone was poorly cellularized and vascularized. The histometric analysis revealed significantly less bone formation in the nicotine group at both 14 days (23.75% +/- 6.18% versus 51.31% +/- 8.31%) and 28 days (42.44% +/- 8.70% versus 73.00% +/- 4.99%). Conclusion: Nicotine did jeopardize the early healing process of autogenous bone block grafts in rats but did not prevent it.
Our purpose was to evaluate the osteoconduction potential of mixed bovine bone (MBB) xenografts as an alternative for bone grafting of critical-size defects in the calvaria of rats. After surgery, in the time intervals of 1, 3, 6, and 9 months, rats were killed and their skulls collected, radiographed and histologically prepared for analysis. The data obtained from histological analysis reported that the particles of MBB did not promote an intense immunological response, evidencing its biocompatibility in rats. Our results clearly showed the interesting evidence that MBB was not completely reabsorbed at 9 months while a small amount of newly formed bone was deposited by osteoprogenitor cells bordering the defect. However, this discrete bone-forming stimulation was unable to regenerate the bone defect. Overall, our results suggest that the properties of MBB are not suitable for stimulating intense bone regeneration in critical bone defects in rats.
Objective: The aim of this in vitro study was to analyze the effect of glass-ionomer cement as a liner on the dentin/resin adhesive interface of lateral walls of occlusal restorations after thermocycling. Materials and Methods: Occlusal cavities were prepared in 60 human molars, divided into six groups: no liner (1 and 4); glass-ionomer cement (GIC, Ketac Molar Easymix, 3M ESPE) (2 and 5); and resin-modified glass-ionomer cement (RMGIC, Vitrebond, 3M ESPE) (3 and 6). Resin composite (Filtek Z250, 3M ESPE) was placed after application of an adhesive system (Adper Single Bond 2, 3M ESPE) that was mixed with a fluorescent reagent (Rhodamine B) to allow confocal microscopy analysis. Specimens of groups 4, 5 and 6 were thermocycled (5 degrees C-55 degrees C) with a dwell time of 30 seconds for 5000 cycles. After this period, teeth were sectioned in approximately 0.8-mm slices. One slice of each tooth was randomly selected for confocal microscopy analysis. The other slices were sectioned into 0.8 nun x 0.8 mm beams, which were submitted to microtensile testing (MPa). Data were analyzed using two-way ANOVA and Tukey test (p < 0.05). Results: There was no detectedstatistical difference on bond strength among groups (alpha < 0.05). Confocal microscopy analysis showed a higher mean gap size in group 4(12.5 mu m) and a higher percentage of marginal gaps in the thermocycled groups. The RNIGIC liner groups showed the lowest percentage of marginal gaps. Conclusions: Lining with RMGIC resulted in less gap formation at the dentin/resin adhesive interface after artificial aging. RMGIC or GIC liners did not alter the microtensile bond strength of adhesive system/resin composite to dentin on the lateral walls of Class I restorations.
The silicone implant has been widely used in facial aesthetic surgery for chin augmentation. A case of a 71-year-old woman with a lesion in the anterior mandibular region detected by radiographies and suggestive of benign soft tissue tumor is presented. The patient denied previous surgical intervention in the mental area. A biopsy was performed and initially interpreted as low-grade liposarcoma. After an immunohistochemistry study showing CD-68-positive cells and complementary information regarding a silicone implant for chin augmentation, the definitive diagnosis was silicone granuloma. This case reinforces that silicone implant in the mandibular region can be misdiagnosed as malignant tumor and the correct diagnosis is heavily dependent on close collaboration between clinician and pathologist in order to avoid unnecessary surgical intervention. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2009; 107: e21-e23)
Warthin tumor (papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum) is a benign salivary gland tumor involving almost exclusively the parotid gland. The lip is a very unusual location for this type of tumor, which develops only rarely in minor salivary glands. The case of 42-year-old woman with Warthin tumor arising in minor salivary glands of the upper lip is reported.
Objective: Congenital bilateral perisylvian syndrome (CBPS) is frequently caused by polymicrogyria (PMG). The aim of this study was to correlate the clinical and psycholinguistic aspects with neuroradiological data of patients with CBPS. Methods: Thirty-one patients were studied. We performed a clinical investigation of the patients and their families, including MRI scanning, neuropsychological tests and language evaluation. Results: The statistical analysis showed that: a) prenatal events are associated with the non-familial type of PMG; b) diffuse PMG is associated with pseudobulbar signs, as opposed to BPPP; c) motor deficit is associated with diffuse PMG; d) epilepsy is equally present in patients with both familial or non-familial PMG, but is more frequently seen in patients with diffuse PMG; e) dyslexia and SLI can be a feature of both the diffuse or BPPP, and either familial or sporadic cases of PMG. Conclusions: The severity of clinical manifestations in CBPS is correlated with the extent of cortical involvement. Most patients with CBPS have a history of speech delay or language difficulties and no epilepsy. Dyslexia can be found in patients with PMG.
This four-experiment series sought to evaluate the potential of children with neurosensory deafness and cochlear implants to exhibit auditory-visual and visual-visual stimulus equivalence relations within a matching-to-sample format. Twelve children who became deaf prior to acquiring language (prelingual) and four who became deaf afterwards (postlingual) were studied. All children learned auditory-visual conditional discriminations and nearly all showed emergent equivalence relations. Naming tests, conducted with a subset of the: children, showed no consistent relationship to the equivalence-test outcomes.. This study makes several contributions: to the literature on stimulus equivalence. First; it demonstrates that both pre- and postlingually deaf children-can: acquire auditory-visual equivalence-relations after cochlear implantation, thus demonstrating symbolic functioning. Second, it directs attention to a population that may be especially interesting for researchers seeking to analyze the relationship. between speaker and listener repertoires. Third, it demonstrates the feasibility of conducting experimental studies of stimulus control processes within the limitations of a hospital, which these children must visit routinely for the maintenance of their cochlear implants.
Polymicrogyria (PMG) is characterized by an excessive number of small and prominent brain gyri, separated by shallow sulci. Bilateral perisylvian polymicrogyria (BPP) is the most common form of PMG. Clinical signs include pseudobulbar paresis, mental retardation, and epilepsy. Familial forms of BPP have been described and a candidate locus was previously mapped to chromosome Xq28, distal do marker DXS8103. The objective of this study was to perform linkage analysis in one family segregating BPP. A total of 15 individuals, including 8 affected patients with BPP were evaluated. Family members were examined by a neurologist and subjected to magnetic resonance imaging scans. Individuals were genotyped for 18 microsatellite markers, flanking a 42.3 cM interval on ch Xq27-q28. Two-point and multipoint linkage analysis was performed using the LINKAGE package and haplotype reconstruction was performed by GENEHUNTER software. Our results showed a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations in affected individuals with BPP, ranging from normal to mild neurological abnormalities. Two-point linkage analysis yield a Zmax=2.06 at theta=0.00 for markers DXS1205 and DXS1227. Multipoint lod-scores indicate a candidate interval of 13 cM between markers DSXS1205 and DXS8043, on ch Xq27.2-Xq27.3. These results point to a new locus for BPP in a more centromeric location than previously reported. (C) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Polymicrogyria (PMG) is a malformation of cortical development characterized by an excessive number of small gyri and abnormal cortical lamination, giving the cortical surface an irregular and gross appearance. The severity of clinical manifestations correlates with the extent of cortical involvement. The objective of the present study was to describe three families with linguistic features of developmental language disorder and reading impairment, and to establish a neuroanatomic correlation through neuroimaging. Subjects have been submitted to a comprehensive protocol including psychological assessment, language evaluation, neurological examination, and neuroimaging investigation. In our families, children usually had the diagnosis of developmental language disorder while adults had the diagnosis of reading impairment. MRI showed perisylvian polymicrogyria in several subjects of each family. Our data support the idea that there is a co-occurrence of developmental language disorder and reading impairment and both conditions may be associated with polymicrogyria. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This case report describes the orthodontic treatment of a patient with a deep-overbite Angle Class I malocclusion, agenesis of a mandibular central incisor, and 2 supernumerary teeth, which caused impaction of the mandibular first premolars. The 15-year-old patient also had a convex profile, maxillary dentoalveolar protrusion, and deficiency of space for the correct alignment of teeth. Therefore, treatment consisted of fixed appliance therapy, cervical headgear, extraction of the supernumeraries and the mandibular and maxillary first premolars, and mesiodistal reduction of the maxillary incisors to solve the arch perimeter discrepancy as much as possible with interproximal stripping. This method of treatment significantly improved the patient`s facial and dental esthetics and provided a good functional occlusion, despite the absence of a mandibular incisor, which generally impairs achieving adequate incisal guidance. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2010;138:109-17)
We describe the orthodontic treatment of a patient with Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome (KTWS) who received orthodontic treatment that included rapid palatal expansion and orthognathic surgery. There is no report in the literature with this orthodontic treatment protocol, that was considered successful. The pros and cons of this approach as well as the risks involved are discussed. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2010; 109: e17-e25)
Introduction: In this retrospective study, we compared the cephalometric effects, the dental-arch changes, and the efficiency of Class II treatment with the pendulum appliance, cervical headgear, or extraction of 2 maxillary premolars, all associated with fixed appliance therapy. Methods: The sample of 82 patients with Class II malocclusion was divided into 3 groups: group 1 patients (n = 22; treatment time, 3.8 years) were treated with the pendulum appliance and fixed orthodontic appliances. Group 2 patients (n = 30; treatment time, 3.2 years) were treated with cervical headgear followed by fixed appliances; group 3 patients (n = 30; treatment time, 2.1 years) were treated with 2 maxillary premolar extractions and fixed appliances. The average starting ages of the groups ranged from 13.2 to 13.8 years. Data were obtained from serial cephalometric measurements and dental casts. The dental casts were analyzed with the treatment priority index. The treatment efficiency index was also used. Results: The 3 treatment protocols produced similar cephalometric effects, especially skeletally. Comparisons among the 2 distalizing appliances (pendulum and cervical headgear) and extraction of 2 maxillary premolars for Class II treatment showed changes primarily in the maxillary dentoalveolar component and dental relationships. The facial profile was similar after treatment, except for slightly more retrusion of the upper lip in the extraction patients. The treatment priority index demonstrated that occlusal outcomes also were similar among the groups. The treatment efficiency index had higher values for the extraction group. Conclusions: The effects of treatment with the pendulum appliance or cervical headgear and extraction of 2 maxillary premolars associated with fixed appliances were similar from both occlusal and cephalometric standpoints. Class II treatment with extraction of maxillary teeth was more efficient because of the shorter treatment time. Differences in maxillary incisor retraction should be noted, but these differences might have been due to greater maxillary dentoalveolar protrusion in the extraction group before treatment. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2009;136:833-42)
This case report describes the nonsurgical, nonextraction therapy of a 16-year-old boy with a skeletal Class III malocclusion, a prognathic mandible, and a retrusive maxilla. He was initially classified as needing orthognathic surgery, but he and his parents wanted to avoid that. The Class III malocclusion was corrected with a rapid palatal expander and a maxillary protraction mask followed by nonextraction orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances, combined with short Class III and vertical elastics in the anterior area. The height of the maxillary alveolar process and the vertical face height were slightly increased with treatment. Class I molar and canine relationships were achieved, and the facial profile improved substantially. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2009; 136: 736-45)