73 resultados para microcrystalline chitosan
Glioxal pode ser obtido a partir de biomassa (como da oxidação de lipídeos) e não é tóxico ou volátil, tendo sido por isso utilizado no presente trabalho como substituto de formaldeído na preparação de resina fenólica do tipo novolaca, sendo usado como catalisador o ácido oxálico, que também pode ser obtido de fontes renováveis. A resina glioxal-fenol foi utilizada na preparação de compósitos reforçados com celulose microcristalina (CM, 30, 50 e 70% em massa), uma celulose com elevada área superficial. As imagens de microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) das superfícies fraturadas demonstraram que os compósitos apresentaram boa interface reforço/matriz, consequência da elevada área superficial da CM e presença de grupos polares (hidroxilas) tanto na matriz como na celulose, o que permitiu a formação de ligações hidrogênio, favorecendo a compatibilidade entre ambas. A análise térmica dinâmico-mecânica (DMTA) demonstrou que todos os compósitos apresentaram elevado módulo de armazenamento à temperatura ambiente. Além disso, o compósito reforçado com 30% de CM apresentou baixa absorção de água, comparável à do termorrígido fenólico, que é utilizado em escala industrial. Os resultados demonstraram que compósitos com boas propriedades podem ser preparados usando elevada proporção de materiais obtidos de biomassa.
We report here on some aspects of the acetylation in LiCl/N,N-dimethylacetamide, DMAc, of untreated and mercerized sisal cellulose, hereafter designated as sisal and M-sisal, respectively. Fiber mercerization by NaOH solution has resulted in the following changes: 29.9% decrease in the index of crystallinity; 16.2% decrease in the degree of polymerization and 9.3% increase in α-cellulose content. A light scattering study of solutions of sisal, M-sisal, microcrystalline and cotton celluloses in LiCl/DMAc has shown that they are present as aggregates, with (an apparent) average aggregation numbers of 5.2, 3.2, 9.8, and 35.3, respectively. The presence of these aggregates affects the accessibility of cellulose during its functionalization. A study of the evolution of the degree of substitution, DS, of cellulose acetate as a function of reaction time showed an increase up to 5 h, followed by a decrease at 7 h. Possible reasons for this decrease are discussed. As expected, M-sisal gave a higher DS that its untreated counterpart.
Curvas termogravimétricas com diferentes razões de aquecimento foram utilizadas para a determinação de parâmetros cinéticos seguindo o método de Flynn-Wall. Para isso, foi utilizado um hidrogel preparado a partir da mistura de dois polissacarídeos, quitosana/xantana (QX) e outro, contendo além destes, colágeno (QXC). Os resultados mostraram que o valor de energia de ativação para o hidrogel QX foi de 3,44 kJ.mol-1, enquanto que para o QXC foi de 14,84 kJ.mol-1, sugerindo que a água presente no hidrogel contendo colágeno está mais fortemente ligada aos biopolímeros. Isto pode ter ocorrido devido à presença de grupos carboxílicos na estrutura colagênica.
Flow behavior of chocolate drinks from Cupuassu (Theobroma grandiflorum, Sterculiaceae) from instantised and normal formulation, and enriched with calcium, were studied. Flow behavior was described using common rheological models (Newton, Power Law, and Bingham plastic). Experimental results, obtained at 25 degrees C and 40 degrees C, fitted mostly the Ostwald and Bingham models, with R(2) >= 0.997. The Newtonian model has 0.886 >= R(2) >= 0.991. At 25 degrees C, as expected, viscosity of samples was higher and pseudoplasticity increased (n values were lower than 1). The spray-dryer process lead to differences of rheology of the ""chocolate"" milk drinks. The addition of microcrystalline cellulose plus calcium leads to a lower viscosity.
Evaluation of Laser Phototherapy in the Inflammatory Process of the Rat's TMJ Induced by Carrageenan
Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate, by light microscopy, the effects of laser phototherapy (LPT) at 780nm or a combination of 660 and 790 nm, on the inflammatory process of the rat temporomandibular joint (TMJ) induced by carrageen. Background: Temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) are frequent in the population and generally present an inflammatory component. Previous studies have evidenced positive effects of laser phototherapy on TMDs. However, its mechanism of action on the inflammation of the TMJ is not known yet. Materials and Methods: Eighty-five Wistar rats were divided into 9 groups: G1, Saline; G2, Saline + LPT IR; G3, Saline + LPT IR + R; G4, Carrageenan; G5, Carrageenan + LPT IR; G6, Carrageenan + LPT IR + R; G7, previous LPT + Carrageenan; G8, previous LPT + carrageenan + LPT IR; and G9, previous LPT + carrageenan + LPT IR + R, and then subdivided in subgroups of 3 and 7 days. After animal death, specimens were taken, routinely cut and stained with HE, Sirius Red, and Toluidine Blue. Descriptive analysis of components of the TMJ was done. The synovial cell layers were counted. Results: Injection of saline did not produced inflammatory reaction and the irradiated groups did not present differences compared to non-irradiated ones. After carrageenan injection, intense inflammatory infiltration and synovial cell layers proliferation were observed. The infrared irradiated group presented less inflammation and less synovial cell layers number compared to other groups. Previous laser irradiation did not improve the results. Conclusion: It was concluded that the LPT presented positive effects on inflammatory infiltration reduction and accelerated the inflammation process, mainly with IR laser irradiation. The number of synovial cell layers was reduced on irradiated group.
Elastic properties of freestanding porous silicon layers fabricated by electrochemical anodization were studied by Raman scattering. Different anodization currents provided different degrees of porosity in the nanometer scale. Raman lines corresponding to the longitudinal optical phonons of crystalline and amorphous phases were observed. The amorphous volume fraction increased and the phonon frequencies for both phases decreased with increasing porosity. A strain distribution model is proposed whose fit to the experimental results indicates that the increasing nanoscale porosity causes strain relaxation in the amorphous domains and strain buildup in the crystalline ones. The present analysis has significant implications on the estimation of the crystalline Si domain's characteristic size from Raman scattering data. (C) 2009 The Electrochemical Society. [DOI: 10.1149/1.3225832] All rights reserved.
The filamentous fungus Trichoderma harzianum has a considerable cellulolytic activity that is mediated by a complex of enzymes which are essential for the hydrolysis of microcrystalline cellulose. These enzymes were produced by the induction of T. harzianum with microcrystalline cellulose (Avicel) under submerged fermentation in a bioreactor. The catalytic core domain (CCD) of cellobiohydrolase I (CBHI) was purified from the extracellular extracts and submitted to robotic crystallization. Diffraction-quality CBHI CCD crystals were grown and an X-ray diffraction data set was collected under cryogenic conditions using a synchrotron-radiation source.
Layer-by-layer (LBL) assembly was used to combine crystalline rod-like nanoparticles obtained from a vegetable source, cellulose nanowhiskers (CNWs), with collagen, the main component of skin and connective tissue found exclusively in animals. The film growth of the multilayered collagen/CNW was monitored by UV-Vis spectroscopy and ellipsometry measurements, whereas the film morphology and surface roughness were characterized by SEM and AFM. UV-Vis spectra showed the deposition of the same amount of collagen, 5 mg m(-2), in each dipping cycle. Ellipsometry data showed an increment in thickness with the number of layers, and the average thickness of each bilayer was found to be 8.6 nm. The multilayered bio-based nanocomposites were formed by single layers of densely packed CNWs adsorbed on top of each thin collagen layer where the hydrogen bonding between collagen amide groups and OH groups of the CNWs plays a mandatory role in the build-up of the thin films. The approach used in this work represents a potential strategy to mimic the characteristics of natural extracellular matrix (ECM) which can be used for applications in the biomedical field.
In the present work, cellulose obtained from sisal, which is a source of rapid growth, was used. Cellulose acetates were produced in heterogeneous medium, using acetic anhydride as esterifying agent and iodine as catalyst, to check if the procedure described in the literature for commercial cellulose also is adequate to sisal cellulose. The results indicated that iodine is an excellent catalyst to obtain sisal cellulose acetates, but the reaction is so fast as described in the literature when, instead of sisal, lower average molar weight cellulose (microcrystalline) is used. The crystallinity index (I(c)) of sisal cellulose acetates diminished compared to sisal cellulose, but there was no direct correlation between their degree of substitution (DS) and I(c). Probably acetyl groups were introduced more homogeneously along the short chains of microcrystalline cellulose, when compared to sisal cellulose, and then for microcrystalline cellulose acetates the Ic decreases as DS increases. Using the linear correlation that was found between degree of substitution (DS) and time reaction is possible to control the DS of sisal cellulose acetates, considering a large interval of degrees of substitution (0.3-2.8).
Microbial lipase preparations from Thermomyces lanuginosus (TLL) and Pseudomonas fluorescens (PFL) were immobilized by multipoint covalent attachment on Toyopearl AF-amino-650M resin and the most active and thermal stable derivatives used to catalyze the transesterificanon reaction of babassu and palm oils with ethanol in solvent-free media For this different activating agents mainly glutaraldehyde glycidol and epichlorohydrin were used and immobilization parameters were estimated based on the hydrolysis of olive oil emulsion and butyl butyrate synthesis ILL immobilized on glyoxyl-resin allowed obtaining derivatives with the highest hydrolytic activity (HA(der)) and thermal stability between 27 and 31 times more stable than the soluble lipase Although PFL derivatives were found to be less active and thermally stables similar formation of butyl butyrate concentrations were found for both ILL and PFL derivatives The highest conversion into biodiesel was found in the transesterification of palm oil catalyzed by both ILL and PFL glyoxyl-derivatives (c) 2010 Elsevier B V All rights reserved
The aim of this study was to determine whether inclusion complexes between 2-hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin (HP beta CD) and finasteride (FIN) are formed, and to characterize these. Equimolar FIN/HP beta CD solid systems in the presence or absence of 0.1% (w/v) of polyvinylpyrrolidone K30 (PVP K30) or 0.3% of chitosan were prepared by coevaporation and freeze-drying methods. The systems were characterized by phase solubility, NMR, DSC, and XRD analysis. The results suggest that true binary and ternary inclusion complexes were formed. (c) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The aim this work was develop gastro-resistant pellets of didanosine as well as study the impact on the pellets properties, regarding the way as the binder was added and drying process used. The pellets formation was accompanied by analysis of morphological parameters and didanosine dissolution. In the most cases, pellets showed diameter around 1.0 mm and shape parameters acceptable. The variations of the process did not interfere significantly in pellets size. In turn, drying in fluid bed favored the dissolution of didanosine, in contrast to binder addition on powder form that impaired. In another hand, this last resulted in the best aspect factor (about 1.1). Gastro-resistant pellets showed adequate dissolution, compatible with this type of dosage form. The variables of process studied enabled obtain pellets with characteristics of shape and dissolution just slightly different, indicating flexibility of the formulation for production of gastro-resistant pellets of didanosine.
PEGylation is a strategy that has been used to improve the biochemical properties of proteins and their physical and thermal stabilities. In this study, hen egg-white lysozyme (EC; LZ) was modified with methoxypolyethylene glycol-p-nitrophenyl carbonate (mPEG-pNP, MW 5000). This PEGylation of LZ produced conjugates that retained full enzyme activity with glycol chitosan, independent of degree of enzyme modification; its biological activity with the substrate Micrococcus lysodeikticus was altered according to its degree of modification. The conjugate obtained with a low degree of mPEG-pNP/NH(2) modification was studied by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF), demonstrating a spectral peak at m/z 19,988 Da with 77% of its original enzymatic activity. Spectroscopic studies of Fourier transform infrared (FIR) and circular dichroism (CD) did not show any relevant differences in protein structure between the native and conjugate LZ. Studies of the effects of pH and temperature on PEGylated LZ indicated that the conjugate was active over a broad pH range, stable at 50 degrees C, and demonstrated resistance to proteolytic degradation. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
PEGylation is one of the most promising and extensively studied strategies for improving the pharmacological properties of proteins as well as their physical and thermal stability. Purified lysozyme obtained from hen egg white by batch mode was modified by PEGylation with methoxypolyethyleneglycol succinimidyl succinato (mPEG-SS, MW 5000). The conjugates produced retained full enzyme activity with the substrate glycol chitosan, independent of degree of enzyme modification, although lysozyme activity with the substrate Micrococcus lysodeikticus was altered according to the degree of modification. The conjugate with a low degree of modification by mPEG-SS retained 67% of its enzyme activity with the M. lysodeikticus substrate. The mPEG-SS was also shown to be a highly reactive polymer. The effects of pH and temperature on PEGylated lysozymes indicated that the conjugate was active over a wide pH range and was stable up to 50 degrees C. This conjugate also showed resistance to proteolytic degradation, remained stable in human serum, and displayed greater antimicrobial activity than native lysozyme against Gram-negative bacteria.
Nitric oxide (NO) is a gaseous molecule that has specific functions dictated by its localization and its kinetics of release. As NO-donors have a range of potential uses in the skin, much attention has been paid to the development of topical NO delivery systems. The aim of this work was to study the release rate and the skin penetration of the NO-donor cis[Ru(NO(2))(bpy)(2)(4-pic)](+) from different gel formulations and their potential as topical NO delivery systems under light stimuli. Among the formulations developed, the anionic gel retarded the nitro-ruthenium complex diffusion and also obstructed NO release after light irradiation. On the other hand, NO release before light irradiation was observed when the complex was dispersed in the cationic chitosan gel, possibly due to oxi-redox reactions between the amino groups of the polymer and the drug molecule. Finally, the non-ionic gel released the NO after light irradiation to the same extent as a drug aqueous solution at the same pH. The drug dispersed in this gel also penetrated into the stratum corneum skin layer, and the nitro-ruthenium complex present in the skin was able to release the NO after light stimuli, suggesting the potential use of this formulation as a topical NO delivery system. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.