88 resultados para Voluntary Termination in Restaurants: An Exploratory Determination of Causes


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Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) has been evaluated for the determination of micronutrients (B, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn) in pellets of plant materials, using NIST, BCR and GBW biological certified reference materials for analytical calibration. Pellets of approximately 2 mm thick and 15 mm diameter were prepared by transferring 0.5 g of powdered material to a 15 mm die set and applying 8.0 tons cm(-2). An experimental setup was designed by using a Nd:YAG laser operating at 1064 nm (200 mJ per pulse, 10 Hz) and an Echelle spectrometer with ICCD detector. Repeatability precision varied from 4 to 30% from measurements obtained in 10 different positions (8 laser shots per test portion) in the same sample pellet. Limits of detection were appropriate for routine analysis of plant materials and were 2.2 mg kg(-1) B, 3.0 mg kg(-1) Cu, 3.6 mg kg(-1) Fe, 1.8 mg kg(-1) Mn and 1.2 mg kg(-1) Zn. Analysis of different plant samples were carried out by LIBS and results were compared with those obtained by ICP OES after wet acid decomposition. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) has become an analytical tool for the direct analysis of a large variety of materials in order to provide qualitative and/or quantitative information. However, there is a lack of information for LIBS analysis of agricultural and environmental samples. In this work a LIBS system has been evaluated for the determination of macronutrients (P, K, Ca, Mg) in pellets of vegetal reference materials. An experimental setup was designed by using a Nd:YAG laser operating at 1064 nm and an Echelle spectrometer with ICCD detector. The plasma temperature was estimated by Boltzmann plots and instrumental paragmeters such as delay time, lens-to-sample distance and pulse energy were evaluated. Certified reference materials as well as reference materials were used for analytical calibrations of P, K, Ca, and Mg. Most results of the direct analysis of plant samples by LIBS were in reasonable agreement with those obtained by ICP OES after wet acid decomposition. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A method for simultaneous determination of Cr, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As e Pb in liquid chemical waste using Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) technique was evaluated. A small sample amount (200 mu L) was dried on a 6.35 mu m thickness Mylar film at 60 degrees C and the analyses were carried out using an EDXRF spectrometer operated with an X-ray Mo tube (Zr filter) at 30 kV/20 mA. The acquisition time was 300 s and the Ga element was utilized as internal standard at 25 mg/L for quantitative analysis. The method trueness was assessed by spiking and the detection limit for those elements ranged from 0.39 to 1.7 mg/L. This method is notable because it assists the choice of the more appropriated waste treatment procedure, in which inter elemental interference is a matter of importance. In addition, this inexpensive method allows a non-destructive determination of the elements from (19)K to (92)U simultaneously.


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Laser induced breakdown spectrometry (LIBS) was applied for the determination of macro (P, K, Ca, Mg) and micronutrients (B, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn) in sugar cane leaves, which is one of the most economically important crops in Brazil. Operational conditions were previously optimized by a neuro-genetic approach, by using a laser Nd:YAG at 1064 nm with 110 mJ per pulse focused on a pellet surface prepared with ground plant samples. Emission intensities were measured after 2.0 mu s delay time, with 4.5 mu s integration time gate and 25 accumulated laser pulses. Measurements of LIBS spectra were based on triplicate and each replicate consisted of an average of ten spectra collected in different sites (craters) of the pellet. Quantitative determinations were carried out by using univariate calibration and chemometric methods, such as PLSR and iPLS. The calibration models were obtained by using 26 laboratory samples and the validation was carried out by using 15 test samples. For comparative purpose, these samples were also microwave-assisted digested and further analyzed by ICP OES. In general, most results obtained by LIBS did not differ significantly from ICP OES data by applying a t-test at 95% confidence level. Both LIBS multivariate and univariate calibration methods produced similar results, except for Fe where better results were achieved by the multivariate approach. Repeatability precision varied from 0.7 to 15% and 1.3 to 20% from measurements obtained by multivariate and univariate calibration, respectively. It is demonstrated that LIBS is a powerful tool for analysis of pellets of plant materials for determination of macro and micronutrients by choosing calibration and validation samples with similar matrix composition.


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Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometers (ICP DES) allow fast simultaneous measurements of several spectral lines for multiple elements. The combination of signal intensities of two or more emission lines for each element may bring such advantages as improvement of the precision, the minimization of systematic errors caused by spectral interferences and matrix effects. In this work, signal intensities for several spectral lines were combined for the determination of Al, Cd, Co, Cr, Mn, Pb, and Zn in water. Afterwards, parameters for evaluation of the calibration model were calculated to select the combination of emission lines leading to the best accuracy (lowest values of PRESS-Predicted error sum of squares and RMSEP-Root means square error of prediction). Limits of detection (LOD) obtained using multiple lines were 7.1, 0.5, 4.4, 0.042, 3.3, 28 and 6.7 mu g L(-1) (n = 10) for Al, Cd. Co, Cr, Mn, Pb and Zn, respectively, in the presence of concomitants. On the other hand, the LOD established for the most intense emission line were 16. 0.7, 8.4, 0.074. 23, 26 and 9.6 mu g L(-1) (n = 10) for these same elements in the presence of concomitants. The accuracy of the developed procedure was demonstrated using water certified reference material. The use of multiple lines improved the sensitivity making feasible the determination of these analytes according to the target values required for the current environmental legislation for water samples and it was also demonstrated that measurements in multiple lines can also be employed as a tool to verify the accuracy of an analytical procedure in ICP DES. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Many factors affect the airflow patterns, thermal comfort, contaminant removal efficiency and indoor air quality at individual workstations in office buildings. In this study, four ventilation systems were used in a test chamber designed to represent an area of a typical office building floor and reproduce the real characteristics of a modern office space. Measurements of particle concentration and thermal parameters (temperature and velocity) were carried out for each of the following types of ventilation systems: (a) conventional air distribution system with ceiling supply and return; (b) conventional air distribution system with ceiling supply and return near the floor; (c) underfloor air distribution system; and (d) split system. The measurements aimed to analyse the particle removal efficiency in the breathing zone and the impact of particle concentration on an individual at the workstation. The efficiency of the ventilation system was analysed by measuring particle size and concentration, ventilation effectiveness and the indoor/outdoor ratio. Each ventilation system showed different airflow patterns and the efficiency of each ventilation system in the removal of the particles in the breathing zone showed no correlation with particle size and the various methods of analyses used. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Transmission and switching in digital telecommunication networks require distribution of precise time signals among the nodes. Commercial systems usually adopt a master-slave (MS) clock distribution strategy building slave nodes with phase-locked loop (PLL) circuits. PLLs are responsible for synchronizing their local oscillations with signals from master nodes, providing reliable clocks in all nodes. The dynamics of a PLL is described by an ordinary nonlinear differential equation, with order one plus the order of its internal linear low-pass filter. Second-order loops are commonly used because their synchronous state is asymptotically stable and the lock-in range and design parameters are expressed by a linear equivalent system [Gardner FM. Phaselock techniques. New York: John Wiley & Sons: 1979]. In spite of being simple and robust, second-order PLLs frequently present double-frequency terms in PD output and it is very difficult to adapt a first-order filter in order to cut off these components [Piqueira JRC, Monteiro LHA. Considering second-harmonic terms in the operation of the phase detector for second order phase-locked loop. IEEE Trans Circuits Syst [2003;50(6):805-9; Piqueira JRC, Monteiro LHA. All-pole phase-locked loops: calculating lock-in range by using Evan`s root-locus. Int J Control 2006;79(7):822-9]. Consequently, higher-order filters are used, resulting in nonlinear loops with order greater than 2. Such systems, due to high order and nonlinear terms, depending on parameters combinations, can present some undesirable behaviors, resulting from bifurcations, as error oscillation and chaos, decreasing synchronization ranges. In this work, we consider a second-order Sallen-Key loop filter [van Valkenburg ME. Analog filter design. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston; 1982] implying a third order PLL The resulting lock-in range of the third-order PLL is determined by two bifurcation conditions: a saddle-node and a Hopf. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A new laboratory method was proposed to establish an easily performed standard for the determination of mobile soil water close to real conditions during the infiltration and redistribution of water in a soil. It consisted of applying a water volume with a tracer ion on top of an undisturbed ring sample on a pressure plate under a known suction or pressure head. Afterwards, soil water mobility was determined by analyzing the tracer-ion concentration in the soil sample. Soil water mobility showed to be a function of the applied water volume. No relation between soil water mobility and applied pressure head could be established with data from the present experiment. A simple one- or two-parameter equation can be fitted to the experimental data to parameterize soil water mobility as a function of applied solute volume. Sandy soils showed higher mobility than loamy soils at low values of applied solute volumes, and both sandy and loamy soils showed an almost complete mobility at high applied solute volumes.


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An analytical procedure for the determination of Hg in otter (Lontra longicaudis) feces was developed, to separate fish scales for the identification of the animal diet. Samples were washed with ultra-pure water and the suspension was sampled and transferred for digestion. The solubilization was performed with nitric-perchloric acid mixture, and detection carried out by the atomic fluorescence spectrometry (AFS). The quality of the analytical procedure was assessed by analyzing in-house standard solutions and certified reference materials. Total Hg concentrations were in the range of 7.6-156 ng g(-1) (July 2004), 25.6-277 ng g(-1) (January 2005) and 14.6-744 ng g(-1) (May 2005) that is approximately the same order of magnitude for all samples collected in two reservoirs at the Tiete River, Brazil. Although Hg concentrations varied with sampling periods and diet, high levels were correlated to the percentage of carnivorous fish scales present in the otter feces. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The present investigation is the first part of an initiative to prepare a regional map of the natural abundance of selenium in various areas of Brazil, based on the analysis of bean and soil samples. Continuous-flow hydride generation electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (HG-ET AAS) with in situ trapping on an iridium-coated graphite tube has been chosen because of the high sensitivity and relative simplicity. The microwave-assisted acid digestion for bean and soil samples was tested for complete recovery of inorganic and organic selenium compounds (selenomethionine). The reduction of Se(VI) to Se(IV) was optimized in order to guarantee that there is no back-oxidation, which is of importance when digested samples are not analyzed immediately after the reduction step. The limits of detection and quantification of the method were 30 ng L(-1) Se and 101 ng L(-1) Se, respectively, corresponding to about 3 ng g(-1) and 10 ng g(-1), respectively, in the solid samples, considering a typical dilution factor of 100 for the digestion process. The results obtained for two certified food reference materials (CRM), soybean and rice, and for a soil and sediment CRM confirmed the validity of the investigated method. The selenium content found in a number of selected bean samples varied between 5.5 +/- 0.4 ng g(-1) and 1726 +/- 55 ng g(-1), and that in soil samples varied between 113 +/- 6.5 ng g(-1) and 1692 +/- 21 ng g(-1). (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Paraquat is a broad-spectrum contact herbicide that has been encountered worldwide in several cases of accidental, homicidal, and suicidal poisonings. The pulmonary toxicity of this compound is related to the depletion of NADPH in the pneumocytes, which is continuously consumed by the reduction/oxidation of paraquat and reductase enzyme systems in the presence of O(2) (redox cycling). Based on this mechanism, an enzymatic-spectrophotometric method was developed for the determination of paraquat in urine samples. The velocity of NADPH consumption was monitored at 340 nm, every 10 s during 15 min. The velocity of NADPH oxidation correlated with the paraquat levels found in samples. The enzymatic-spectrophotometric method showed to be sensitive, making possible the detection of paraquat in urine samples at concentrations as low as 0.05 mg/L.


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A nuclear magnetic resonance ((1)H NMR) method for the determination of beta-N-methylamino-L-alanine (L-BMAA) in environmental aqueous samples was developed and validated. L-BMAA is a neurotoxic modified amino acid that can be produced by cyanobacteria in aqueous environments. This toxin was extracted from samples by means of solid-phase extraction (SPE) and identified and quantified by (1)H NMR without further derivatization steps. The lower limit of quantification (LLOQ) was 5 mu g/mL Good inter and intra-assay precision was also observed (relative standard deviation <8.5%) with the use of 4-nitro-DL-phenylalanine as an internal standard (IS). This method of 1H NMR analysis is not time consuming and can be readily utilized to monitor L-BMAA and confirm its presence in environmental and biological samples. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Introduction - Ayahuasca is obtained by infusing the pounded stems of Banisteriopsis caapi in combination with the leaves of Psychotria viridis. P. viridis is rich in the psychedelic indole N,N-dimethyltryptamine, whereas B. caapi contains substantial amounts of beta-carboline alkaloids, mainly harmine, harmaline and tetrahydroharmine, which are monoamine-oxidase inhibitors. Because of differences in composition in ayahuasca preparations, a method to measure their main active constituents is needed. Objective - To develop a gas chromatographic method for the simultaneous determination of dimethyltryptamine and the main beta-carbolines found in ayahuasca preparations. Methodology - The alkaloids were extracted by means of solid phase extraction (C(18)) and detected by gas chromatography with nitrogen/phosphorous detector. Results - The lower limit of quantification (LLOQ) was 0.02 mg/mL for all analytes. The calibration curves were linear over a concentration range of 0.02-4.0 mg/mL (r(2) > 0.99). The method was also precise (RSD < 10%). Conclusion - A simple gas chromatographic method to determine the main alkaloids found in ayahuasca was developed and validated. The method can be useful to estimate administered doses in animals and humans for further pharmacological and toxicological investigations of ayahuasca. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Many therapeutic agents are commercialized under their racemic form. The enantiomers can show differences in the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profile. The use of a pure enantiomer in pharmaceutical formulations may result in a better therapeutic index and fewer adverse effects. Atropine, an alkaloid of Atropa belladonna, is a racemic mixture of l-hyoscyamine and d-hyoscyamine. It is widely used to dilate the pupil. To quantify these enantiomers in ophthalmic solutions, an HPLC method was developed and validated using a Chiral AGP (R) column at 20 degrees C. The mobile phase consisted of a buffered phosphate solution (containing 10 mM 1-octanesulfonic acid sodium salt and 7.5 mM triethylamine, adjusted to pH 7.0 with orthophosphoric acid) and acetonitrile (99 + 1, v/v). The flow rate was 0.6 mL/min, with UV detection at 205 nm. In the concentration range of 14.0-26.0 mu g/mL, the method was found to be linear (r > 0.9999), accurate (with recovery of 100.1-100.5%), and precise (RSD system: <= 0.6%; RSD intraday: <= 1.1%; RSD interday: <= 0.9%). The method was specific, and the standard and sample solutions were stable for up to 72 h. The factorial design assures robustness with a variation of +/-10% in the mobile phase components and 2 degrees C of column temperature. The complete validation, including stress testing and factorial design, was studied and is presented in this research.


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This study describes an accurate, sensitive, and specific chromatographic method for the simultaneous quantitative determination of lamivudine and zidovudine in human blood plasma, using stavudine as an internal standard. The chromatographic separation was performed using a C8 column (150 x 4.6 mm, 5 mu m), and ultraviolet absorbency detection at 270 nm with gradient elution. Two mobile phases were used. Phase A contained 10 mM potassium phosphate and 3% acetonitrile, whereas Phase B contained methanol. A linear gradient was used with a variability of A-B phase proportion from 98-2% to 72-28%, respectively. The drug extraction was performed with two 4 mL aliquots of ethyl acetate.