186 resultados para Marrow cltures


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Progressive renal failure continues to be a challenge. The use of bone marrow cells represents a means of meeting that challenge. We used lineage-negative (Lin(-)) cells to test the hypothesis that Lin(-) cell treatment decreases renal injury. Syngeneic Fischer 344 rats were divided into four groups: sham ( laparotomy only, untreated); Nx (five-sixth nephrectomy and untreated); NxLC1 (five-sixth nephrectomy and receiving 2 x 10(6) Lin(-) cells on postnephrectomy day 15); and NxLC3 (five-sixth nephrectomy and receiving 2 x 10(6) Lin(-) cells on postnephrectomy days 15, 30, and 45). On postoperative day 16, renal mRNA expression of interleukin (IL)-1 beta, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and IL-6 was lower in NxLC rats than in Nx rats. On postnephrectomy day 60, NxLC rats presented less proteinuria, glomerulosclerosis, anemia, renal infiltration of immune cells, and protein expression of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, as well as decreased interstitial area. Immunostaining for proliferating cell nuclear antigen showed that, in comparison with sham rats, Nx rats presented greater cell proliferation, whereas NxLC1 rats and NxLC3 rats presented less cell proliferation than did Nx rats. Protein expression of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21 and of vascular endothelial growth factor increased after nephrectomy and decreased after Lin(-) cell treatment. On postnephrectomy day 120, renal function (inulin clearance) was significantly better in Lin(-) cell-treated rats than in untreated rats. Lin(-) cell treatment significantly improved survival. These data suggest that Lin(-) cell treatment protects against chronic renal failure. STEM CELLS 2009; 27: 682-692


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Spleen or spleen plus bone marrow cells from (BALB/c x C57Bl/6)F1 donors were transferred into BALB/c recipients 21 days before skin or cardiac transplantation. Prolonged graft survival was observed on recipients treated with the mixture of donor-derived cells as compared to those treated with spleen cells alone. We evaluated the expression of CD45RB and CD44 by splenic CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells 7 and 21 days after donor cell transfer. The populations of CD8(+)CD45RB(low) and CD8(+)CD44(high) cells were significantly decreased in mice pre-treated with donor spleen and bone marrow cells as compared to animals treated with spleen cells only, although these cells expanded in both groups when compared to an earlier time-point. No differences were observed regarding CD4+ T cell population when recipients of donor-derived cells were compared. An enhanced production of IL-10 was observed seven days after transplantation in the supernatants of spleen cell cultures of mice treated with spleen and bone marrow cells. Taken together these data suggest that donor-derived bone marrow cells modulate the sensitization of the recipient by semi-allogeneic spleen cells in part by delaying the generation of activated/memory CD8(+) T cells leading to enhanced graft survival. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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One of the early phases that lead to fibrosis progression is inflammation. Once this stage is resolved, fibrosis might be prevented. Bone marrow mononuclear cells (BMMCs) are emerging as a new therapy for several pathologies, including autoimmune diseases, because they enact immunosuppression. In this study we aimed to evaluate the role of BMMC administration in a model of kidney fibrosis induced by an acute injury. C57Bl6 mice were subjected to unilateral severe ischemia by clamping the left renal pedicle for 1 h. BMMCs were isolated from femurs and tibia, and after 6 h of reperfusion, 1 x 10(6) cells were administrated intraperitoneally. At 24 h after surgery, treated animals showed a significant decrease in creatinine and urea levels when compared with untreated animals. Different administration routes were tested. Moreover, interferon (IFN) receptor knockout BMMCs were used, as this receptor is necessary for BMMC activation. Labeled BMMCs were found in ischemic kidney on FACS analysis. This improved outcome was associated with modulation of inflammation in the kidney and systemic modulation, as determined by cytokine expression profiling. Despite non-amelioration of functional parameters, kidney mRNA expression of interleukin (IL)-6 at 6 weeks was lower in BMMC-treated animals, as were levels of collagen 1, connective tissue growth factor (CTGF), transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) and vimentin. Protective molecules, such as IL-10, heme oxygenase 1 (HO-1) and bone morphogenetic 7 (BMP-7), were increased in treated animals after 6 weeks. Moreover, Masson and Picrosirius red staining analyses showed less fibrotic areas in the kidneys of treated animals. Thus, early modulation of inflammation by BMMCs after an ischemic injury leads to reduced fibrosis through modulation of early inflammation.


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Background. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are an attractive source for generation of cells with beta-cell properties. Previous studies have demonstrated the ability of prolactin to induce an increase in beta-cell mass and maturation, which suggests beneficial effects of its use in MSC differentiation protocols. Objective. To evaluate the expression of endocrine differentiation markers in rat MSCs treated in vitro with prolactin. Methods. Mesenchymal stem cells from bone marrow of Wistar rats were isolated, expanded, and characterized. Differentiation of MSCs was induced in medium containing 23 mmol/L of glucose, and nicotinamide, 2-mercaptoethanol, and exendin-4, in the presence or absence of 500 ng/mL of rat recombinant prolactin. Expression of endocrine markers and prolactin receptor genes was evaluated using real-time polymerase chain reaction, and compared between culture stages and presence vs absence of prolactin in the culture medium. Expression of insulin, somatostatin, glucagon, and pancreatic and duodenal homeobox 1 was also evaluated at immunofluorescence microscopy. Results. Isolated cells were mostly MSCs, as confirmed at fluorescent-activated cell sorting and cytochemistry. Pax6, Ngn-3, Isl1, NeuroD1, Nkx2.2, and Nkx6.1 exhibited varied expression during culture stages. The long form of the prolactin receptor messenger RNA was induced in prolactin-treated cultures (P < .05). The somatostatin gene was induced in early stages of differentiation (P < .05), and its expression was induced by prolactin, as confirmed using immunofluorescence. Conclusion. Culture of rat bone marrow MSCs in differentiation medium induces expression of pancreatic endocrine-specific genes, and somatostatin and prolactin receptor expression was also induced by prolactin.


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Dendritic cells (DCs) are the most important antigen-presenting cells of the immune system and have a crucial role in T-lymphocyte activation and adaptive immunity initiation. However, DCs have also been implicated in maintaining immunological tolerance. In this study, we evaluated changes in the CD4(+) CD25(+) Foxp3(+) T-cell population after co-culture of lymph node cells from BALB/c mice with syngeneic bone marrow-derived DCs. Our results showed an increase in CD4(+) CD25(+) Foxp3(+) T cells after co-culture which occurred regardless of the activation state of DCs and the presence of allogeneic apoptotic cells; however, it was greater when DCs were immature and were pulsed with the alloantigen. Interestingly, syngeneic apoptotic thymocytes were not as efficient as allogeneic apoptotic cells in expanding the CD4(+) CD25(+) Foxp3(+) T-cell population. In all experimental settings, DCs produced high amounts of transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta. The presence of allogeneic apoptotic cells induced interleukin (IL)-2 production in immature and mature DC cultures. This cytokine was also detected in the supernatants under all experimental conditions and enhanced when immature DCs were pulsed with the alloantigen. CD4(+) CD25(+) Foxp3(+) T-cell expansion during co-culture of lymph node cells with DCs strongly suggested that the presence of alloantigen enhanced the number of regulatory T cells (Tregs) in vitro. Our data also suggest a role for both TGF-beta and IL-2 in the augmentation of the CD4(+) CD25(+) Foxp3(+) population.


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Os cuidados gerais relativos ao paciente submetido ao transplante de medula óssea (TMO) incluem avaliações odontológicas rotineiras, as quais devem estar inseridas em um contexto multiprofissional. A cavidade oral constitui um sítio propício a infecções com grande potencial de desenvolvimento de bacteremia, sendo que lesões infecciosas devem ser previamente tratadas e controladas pelo cirurgião-dentista. O objetivo desta revisão é discutir questões em destaque na literatura nacional e internacional referentes aos quadros inflamatórios e infecciosos orais de importância para o paciente transplantado de medula óssea, tanto os predisponentes a complicações durante o transplante, quanto os que ocorrem durante e após a terapia mielossupressora. Destaca-se na literatura a doença periodontal avançada, a qual constitui um quadro infeccioso crônico que deve ser evitado ou controlado durante o TMO, principalmente devido à presença de S. viridans. Os fatores de risco para mucosite oral (OM), doença do enxerto contra o hospedeiro (DECH) e xerostomia ainda não estão definidos, principalmente para OM e DECH. São citadas na literatura alternativas promissoras de tratamento para OM, tais como crioterapia, administração de fatores de crescimento e laserterapia. O risco aumentado de cárie é controverso e, dentre as lesões fúngicas e virais, destacam-se as infecções orais e de orofaringe por Candida e pela família de herpesvírus, de importância clínica considerável. Em pacientes pediátricos são relevantes as alterações craniofaciais e dentárias, decorrentes principalmente da radioterapia.


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PURPOSE: Evaluate the bone tissue recovery following transplantation of ovine mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) from bone marrow and human immature dental-pulp stem cells (hIDPSC) in ovine model of induced osteonecrosis of femoral head (ONFH). METHODS: Eight sheep were divided in three experimental groups. First group was composed by four animals with ONFH induced by ethanol through central decompression (CD), for control group without any treatment. The second and third group were compose by two animals, six weeks after ONFH induction received transplantation of heterologous ovine MSC (CD + oMSC), and hIDPSC (CD + hIDPSC), respectively. In both experiments the cells were transplanted without application of any type of immunosupression protocol. RESULTS: Our data indicate that both cell types used in experiments were able to proliferate within injured site providing bone tissue recovery. The histological results obtained from CD+hIDPSC suggested that the bone regeneration in such animals was better than that observed in CD animals. CONCLUSION: Mesenchymal stem cell transplant in induced ovine osteonecrosis of femoral head by central decompression technique is safe, and apparently favors bone regeneration of damaged tissues.


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Em 1999, as células-tronco foram eleitas "Scientific Breakthrough of the Year" (avanço científico do ano) pela revista Science¹. Naquele ano, foi demonstrado que células-tronco de tecidos adultos mantinham a capacidade de se diferenciar em outros tipos de tecidos. No ano anterior, as primeiras linhagens de células-tronco embrionárias humanas foram estabelecidas. Desde então, o número de artigos científicos sobre células-tronco vem crescendo exponencialmente, onde novos paradigmas são estabelecidos. Neste artigo, farei uma revisão da área de células-tronco com um foco especial em seu uso como agente terapêutico em doenças comuns como diabetes e cardiopatias. As células-tronco serão tratadas em dois grupos distintos: as embrionárias e as adultas. Enquanto o potencial de diferenciação das primeiras está bem caracterizado em camundongos e em humanos, seu uso em terapia celular e em pesquisa tem sido dificultado por questões de histocompatibilidade, segurança e ética. Em contraste, células-tronco adultas não apresentam estes empecilhos, apesar da extensão de sua plasticidade ainda estar sob investigação. Mesmo assim, diversos testes clínicos em humanos estão em andamento utilizando células-tronco adultas, principalmente derivadas da medula óssea. Discutirei ainda a importância de se trabalhar com as duas classes de células-tronco humanas de forma a se cumprir suas promessas terapêuticas.


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Sepsis is a systemic inflammatory response that can lead to tissue damage and death. In order to increase our understanding of sepsis, experimental models are needed that produce relevant immune and inflammatory responses during a septic event. We describe a lipopolysaccharide tolerance mouse model to characterize the cellular and molecular alterations of immune cells during sepsis. The model presents a typical lipopolysaccharide tolerance pattern in which tolerance is related to decreased production and secretion of cytokines after a subsequent exposure to a lethal dose of lipopolysaccharide. The initial lipopolysaccharide exposure also altered the expression patterns of cytokines and was followed by an 8- and a 1.5-fold increase in the T helper 1 and 2 cell subpopulations. Behavioral data indicate a decrease in spontaneous activity and an increase in body temperature following exposure to lipopolysaccharide. In contrast, tolerant animals maintained production of reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide when terminally challenged by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP). Survival study after CLP showed protection in tolerant compared to naive animals. Spleen mass increased in tolerant animals followed by increases of B lymphocytes and subpopulation Th1 cells. An increase in the number of stem cells was found in spleen and bone marrow. We also showed that administration of spleen or bone marrow cells from tolerant to naive animals transfers the acquired resistance status. In conclusion, lipopolysaccharide tolerance is a natural reprogramming of the immune system that increases the number of immune cells, particularly T helper 1 cells, and does not reduce oxidative stress.


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OBJETIVO: Relatar caso ilustrativo de doença granulomatosa crônica cujo diagnóstico ocorreu durante o aparecimento do primeiro episódio infeccioso, colaborando com a iniciativa do Brazilian Group for Immunodeficiency para a sensibilização do pediatra geral em relação ao diagnóstico precoce das imunodeficiências primárias, o que está associado a melhor qualidade de vida e maior sobrevida desses indivíduos. DESCRIÇÃO DE CASO: Paciente do sexo masculino, 39 dias de vida, admitido em pronto-socorro pediátrico por febre alta há cinco dias e irritabilidade. No dia seguinte, observou-se abscesso cervical, isolando-se Staphylococcus aureus comunitário. Durante a internação, ocorreram outros abscessos superficiais e em cadeias ganglionares profundas, além de resposta lenta aos antimicrobianos. Solicitou-se investigação para imunodeficiências, que confirmou a hipótese de doença granulomatosa crônica por quantificação dos ânions superóxido e teste de redução do nitrobluetetrazolio. Paciente foi encaminhado a serviço especializado, no qual identificou-se doador de medula óssea compatível, realizando-se o transplante seis meses após o diagnóstico. Quatro meses após o transplante, ocorreu normalização do burst oxidativo, indicando sucesso. COMENTÁRIOS: O paciente mostrou apresentação típica da doença, o que permitiu seu diagnóstico por pediatras gerais já na primeira infecção, tendo como consequência o acompanhamento por especialistas em imunodeficiências primárias, a introdução da profilaxia antimicrobiana e a procura bem sucedida de doador de medula HLA-compatível.


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The detection of minimal residual disease (MRD) is an important prognostic factor in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) providing crucial information on the response to treatment and risk of relapse. However, the high cost of these techniques restricts their use in countries with limited resources. Thus, we prospectively studied the use of flow cytometry (FC) with a simplified 3-color assay and a limited antibody panel to detect MRD in the bone marrow (BM) and peripheral blood (PB) of children with ALL. BM and PB samples from 40 children with ALL were analyzed on days (d) 14 and 28 during induction and in weeks 24-30 of maintenance therapy. Detectable MRD was defined as > 0.01% cells expressing the aberrant immunophenotype as characterized at diagnosis among total events in the sample. A total of 87% of the patients had an aberrant immunophenotype at diagnosis. On d14, 56% of the BM and 43% of the PB samples had detectable MRD. On d28, this decreased to 45% and 31%, respectively. The percentage of cells with the aberrant phenotype was similar in both BM and PB in T-ALL but about 10 times higher in the BM of patients with B-cell-precursor ALL. Moreover, MRD was detected in the BM of patients in complete morphological remission (44% on d14 and 39% on d28). MRD was not significantly associated to gender, age, initial white blood cell count or cell lineage. This FC assay is feasible, affordable and readily applicable to detect MRD in centers with limited resources.


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Paracoccidioidomycosis is a mycotic disease caused by a dimorphic fungus, Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (Pb), that starts with inhalation of the fungus; thus, lung cells such as DC are part of the first line of defense against this microorganism. Migration of DC to the lymph nodes is the first step in initiating T cell responses. The mechanisms involved in resistance to Pb infection are poorly understood, but it is likely that DC play a pivotal role in the induction of effector T cells that control Pb infection. In this study, we showed that after Pb Infection, an important modification of lung DC receptor expression occurred. We observed an increased expression of CCR7 and CD103 on lung DC after infection, as well as MHC-II. After Pb infection, bone marrow-derived DC as well lung DC, migrate to lymph nodes. Migration of lung DC could represent an important mechanism of pathogenesis during PCM infection. In resume our data showed that Pb induced DC migration. Furthermore, we demonstrated that bone marrow-derived DC stimulated by Pb migrate to the lymph nodes and activate a T helper (Th) response. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported data showing that Pb induces migration of DC and activate a T helper (Th) response.


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Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), endemic in Latin America, is a progressive systemic mycosis caused by Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (P. brasiliensis), which primarily attacks lung tissue. Dendritic cells (DCs) are able to initiate a response in naive T cells, and they also participate in Th-cell education. Furthermore, these cells have been used for therapy in several disease models. Here we transfected DCs with a plasmid (pMAC/PS-scFv) encoding a single chain variable fragment (scFv) of an anti-Id antibody that is capable of mimicking gp43, the main antigenic component of P. brasiliensis. First, Balb/c mice were immunized subcutaneously with pMAC/PS-scFv and, after seven days, scFv protein was presented to the regional lymph nodes cells. Moreover, we showed that the DCs transfected with scFv were capable of efficiently activating proliferation of total lymph node cells and inducing a decrease in lung infection. Therefore, our results suggested that the use of scFv-transfected DCs may be a promising therapy in the paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) model.


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Tamarindus indica has been used in folk medicine as an antidiabetic, a digestive aid, and a carminative, among other uses. Currently, there is no information in the toxicology literature concerning the safety of T. indica extract. We evaluated the clastogenic and/or genotoxic potential of fruit pulp extract of this plant in vivo in peripheral blood and liver cells of Wistar rats, using the comet assay, and in bone marrow cells of Swiss mice, using the micronucleus test. The extract was administered by gavage at doses of 1000, 1500 and 2000 mg/kg body weight. Peripheral blood and liver cells from Wistar rats were collected 24 h after treatment, for the comet assay. The micronucleus test was carried out in bone marrow cells from Swiss mice collected 24 h after treatment. The extract made with T. indica was devoid of clastogenic and genotoxic activities in the cells of the rodents, when administered orally at these three acute doses.