53 resultados para Health of institutionalized elderly


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Craniosynostosis syndromes are characterized by premature closure of one or more cranial sutures, associated with other malformations, the most frequent of which are the Crouzon and Apert syndromes. Few studies in the literature have addressed the oral health of these individuals. The purpose of this study was to compare the periodontal status of individuals with Apert, Crouzon, Pfeiffer and Saethre-Chotzen syndromes before toothbrushing and compare the efficiency of plaque removal before and after mechanical toothbrushing. The probing depth, plaque index (according to Löe and O'Leary), clinical attachment level, gingival index (according to Silness and Löe) and amount of keratinized mucosa were evaluated before toothbrushing, and the O'Leary plaque index was assessed before and immediately after toothbrushing, on the same day, in 27 individuals aged 11 to 36 years. There was statistically significant difference in the mean probing depth and clinical attachment level among regions (p=0.00; p=0.01, respectively). The gingival index did not reveal statistically significant differences. With regard to the plaque index, the left region exhibited higher plaque index values than the right and anterior regions. No significant results were found in the analysis of keratinized mucosa. Comparison of the O'Leary plaque index before and after toothbrushing revealed statistically significant difference for all syndromes except for the Pfeiffer syndrome (p<0.05). In conclusion, there was no difference in the periodontal status among individuals with syndromic craniosynostosis. The posterior region was more affected than the anterior region as to the presence of plaque, loss of insertion and probing depth. Individuals with Pfeiffer syndrome exhibited greater toothbrushing efficiency than individuals with the other craniosynostosis syndromes.


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A utilização de serviços odontológicos resulta da interação de determinantes biológicos com fatores socioculturais, familiares e comunitários, bem como de características dos sistemas de saúde. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar os fatores individuais associados à utilização de serviços odontológicos por parte de adultos e idosos de baixa renda residentes na área de abrangência da Estratégia Saúde da Família, em Ponta Grossa, PR. A amostra constou de 246 indivíduos, com 35 anos de idade ou mais, que responderam a um questionário sobre condições socioeconômicas, necessidade percebida e acesso a serviços odontológicos. A análise dos dados foi realizada por meio de regressão logística, segundo referencial teórico baseado no Modelo Comportamental de Andersen, considerando a consulta odontológica não recente como variável dependente. Verificou-se elevada prevalência de problemas bucais auto-referidos e de perdas dentárias. Cerca de 40% dos adultos e 67% dos idosos não iam ao dentista há mais de três anos. Indivíduos que não residiam em domicílios próprios, realizavam higiene bucal com menor frequência e utilizavam próteses totais apresentaram maiores chances de haver utilizado os serviços odontológicos há mais tempo. O fato de possuir um dentista regular foi identificado como fator de proteção na análise. Concluindo, os determinantes individuais mostraram-se importantes indicadores de acesso aos serviços de saúde bucal. O modelo teórico confirmou a presença de desigualdades sociais e psicossociais na utilização de serviços odontológicos entre os adultos e idosos de baixa renda.


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OBJETIVO: Este estudo tem por objetivo verificar a influência de fatores sociodemográficos, condições de saúde, capacidade funcional e dinâmica familiar na qualidade de vida de idosos dependentes residentes em domicílio em uma cidade do interior da região do Nordeste. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de uma pesquisa de caráter analítico com delineamento transversal. A amostra deste estudo foi composta por 117 idosos dependentes, cadastrados nas Unidades de Saúde da Família da área de abrangência do bairro do Jequiezinho, no município de Jequié, BA. Os instrumentos de coleta de dados utilizados foram o WHOQOL-OLD, o Índice de Barthel, o Apgar de Família e o levantamento de dados sociodemográficos e condições de saúde. RESULTADOS: Com a aplicação do Teste do qui-quadrado (x²) encontrou-se diferença estatística entre comprometimento da qualidade de vida e da dinâmica familiar, com exceção do domínio autonomia (p = 0,061) da qualidade de vida. CONCLUSÕES: Apenas o comprometimento da dinâmica familiar influencia de maneira negativa a qualidade de vida dos idosos dependentes, uma vez que, quanto mais prejudicada a funcionalidade familiar, pior a qualidade de vida desses.


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De 1924 a 1962 o Brasil utilizou a internação compulsória de pacientes de hanseníase como controle da doença na comunidade. Com o final dessa política, muitos pacientes continuaram a viver nessas unidades. O Asilo Pirapitingui, hoje Hospital Dr. Francisco Ribeiro Arantes, é a única retaguarda asilar para internação de portadores de hanseníase por indicação social. Obtivemos o relato da história de vida de oito de seus remanescentes, que foram gravados e transcritos. A análise temática desses relatos permitiu a identificação das seguintes categorias: hanseníase; internação; vida cotidiana; a instituição; condições atuais de saúde; e permanência na instituição após a extinção da internação compulsória.


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O objetivo principal foi identificar os fatores envolvidos na busca e no uso de próteses auditivas pelos idosos, assim como o conhecimento dos mesmos quanto à Política de Atenção à Saúde Auditiva. Foram selecionados 25 idosos de ambos os sexos usuários de próteses auditivas em Vitória (ES). Foi realizado contato telefônico para participarem da pesquisa respondendo a um questionário. Os resultados mostraram que a maioria dos idosos entrevistados (52%) usa o(s) aparelho(s) durante todo o dia, o que sugere uma boa adaptação ao processo. Treze idosos relataram procurar próteses auditivas por interesse próprio. As facilidades quanto ao uso envolvem a melhora da comunicação e para ouvir TV (64%); as dificuldades foram quanto ao uso em ambientes ruidosos: 56% não conseguem compreender o que é dito em palestras e igrejas, e quanto ao uso do telefone, 72% relataram não apresentar melhora com a prótese. 88% dos idosos participantes desconhecem a política de doação de aparelhos auditivos e 100% não têm conhecimento desse tipo de atendimento. As pesquisas e a prática de serviços de saúde com relação às questões auditivas ainda têm um largo curso a percorrer. Há necessidade de mudança por parte dos gestores com a finalidade de efetivar a própria política que define responsabilidades ao Estado.


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O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar se o comportamento da qualidade de vida (QV) de cuidadores de idosos em assistência domiciliária pode ser influenciado por características sociodemográficas, pela rede de suporte oferecida ao cuidador e por variáveis relacionadas ao ato de cuidar. Foram entrevistados 40 cuidadores de idosos de um Programa de Assistência Domiciliária da cidade de São Paulo. A QV foi mensurada utilizando-se a versão brasileira do Medical Outcomes Study 36 - Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36). Características sociodemográficas, as variáveis relacionadas à rede de suporte oferecida ao cuidador e ao ato de cuidar foram obtidas por meio de questionário complementar. A análise de regressão linear mostrou relação independente entre três domínios do SF-36 e o maior número de horas dedicadas ao cuidado: domínios capacidade funcional, aspecto físico e aspecto emocional. Possuir mais de oito anos de escolaridade implicou em melhor pontuação no domínio estado geral de saúde e pior pontuação no domínio aspecto social. Os cuidadores com mais de 60 anos de idade apresentaram pior pontuação no domínio aspecto físico e as mulheres pior pontuação no domínio dor. Os filhos ou cônjuges que prestam cuidado aos seus pais ou parceiros apresentaram pior pontuação no domínio aspecto emocional. Os cuidadores que modificaram sua rotina para prestar os cuidados apresentaram pior pontuação no domínio saúde mental. Tanto fatores sociodemográficos como a rede de suporte oferecida ao cuidador e os fatores relacionados à dinâmica do cuidado são capazes de influenciar negativamente a QV de cuidadores principais de idosos em atendimento domiciliário.


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Attributed to human-mediated dispersal, a species of the Anopheles gambiae complex invaded northeastern Brazil in 1930. This event is considered unique among the intercontinental introductions of disease vectors and the most serious one: "Few threats to the future health of the Americas have equalled that inherent in the invasion of Brazil, in 1930, by Anopheles gambiae." Because it was only in the 1960s that An. gambiae was recognized as a species complex now including seven species, the precise species identity of the Brazilian invader remains a mystery. Here we used historical DNA analysis of museum specimens, collected at the time of invasion from Brazil, and aimed at the identification of the Brazilian invader. Our results identify the arid-adapted Anopheles arabiensis as being the actual invading species. Establishing the identity of the species, in addition to being of intrinsic historical interest, can inform future threats of this sort especially in a changing environment. Furthermore, these results highlight the potential danger of human-mediated range expansions of insect disease vectors and the importance of museum collections in retrieving historical information


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We analyzed Brazil's efforts in reducing child mortality, improving maternal and child health, and reducing socioeconomic and regional inequalities from 1990 through 2007. We compiled and reanalyzed data from several sources, including vital statistics and population-based surveys. We also explored the roles of broad socioeconomic and demographic changes and the introduction of health sector and other reform measures in explaining the improvements observed. Our findings provide compelling evidence that proactive measures to reduce health disparities accompanied by socioeconomic progress can result in measurable improvements in the health of children and mothers in a relatively short interval. Our analysis of Brazil's successes and remaining challenges to reach and surpass Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5 can provide important lessons for other low- and middle-income countries


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Objetivo: Caracterizar os idosos participantes da Campanha Nacional de Vacinação quanto aos aspectos relacionados à nutrição. Método: Estudo transversal realizado com 367 indivíduos durante a 10ª Campanha Nacional de Vacinação do Idoso na Centro de Saúde Escola Geraldo de Paula Souza, no Município de São Paulo. O estudo conteve variáveis sociodemográficas relativas a percepção do estado nutricional, consumo de grupos de alimentos, número de refeições, consumo de bebidas alcoólicas e prática de atividade física. Realizou-se o teste qui-quadrado, com nível de significância indicado por p<0,05. Resultados: O consumo dos grupos de alimentos analisados foi considerado adequado para pelo menos 85 por cento dos idosos. Com relação aos líquidos, 34,8 por cento consomem mais do que 1000ml. Com relação ao consumo de bebidas alcoolicas, observa-se que 38,2 por cento dos entrevistados consumiram-na nos últimos três meses, sendo que destes 7,1 por cento consumiram mais de 3 vezes por semana. Houve associação positiva entre consumo de bebidas alc´´olicas e o sexo masculino (p<0,01). Conclusões: Esta população apresentou, em sua maioria, consumo alimentar adequado ao mínimo que foi proposto neste estudo e ausência de problemas de perda de peso ou diminuição da alimentação. Pode-se observar que, em relação ao consumo de álcool e de líquidos, os resultados estão aquém aos recomendados, sendo que estes temas podem ser abordados em atividades educativas na atenção básica


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Background: Research on life expectancy has demonstrated the negative impact of disability on the health of older adults and its differential effects on women as evidenced by their higher disabled life expectancy (DLE). The goal of the present study was to investigate gender differences in total life expectancy (TLE), disability-free life expectancy (DFLE), and DLE; examine gender differences on personal care assistance among older adults in Sao Paulo, Brazil; and discuss the implications for public policies. Methods: The sample was drawn from two waves (2000, 2006) of the dataset of Salud, Bienestar, y Envejecimiento, a large longitudinal study conducted in Sao Paulo (n = 2,143). The study assessed disability using the activities of daily living (ADL). The interpolation of Markov Chain method was used to estimate gender differences in TLE, DLE, and DFLE. Findings: TLE at age 60 years was approximately 5 years longer for women than men. Women aged 60 years were expected to live 28% of their remaining lives twice the percentage for men with at least one ADL disability. These women also lived more years (M = 0.71, SE = 0.42) with three or more ADL disabilities than men (M = 0.82, SE = 0.16). In terms of personal care assistance, women received more years of assistance than men. Conclusion: Among older adults in Sao Paulo, women lived longer lives but experienced a higher and more severe disability burden than men. In addition, although women received more years of personal assistance than men, women experienced more unmet care assistance needs. Copyright (C) 2011 by the Jacobs Institute of Women`s Health. Published by Elsevier. Inc.


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As a consequence of the large distribution and use of medicinal plants, the industries are producing products based on plant species in various pharmaceutical forms, which have been commercialized in pharmacies and natural products homes. However, there is no guarantee for the vast majority of these products, as to their effctiveness, safety, and quality, which may cause risks to the health of consumers. There it is important the establishment of standardized protocols of quality control for phytotherapeutic products. Tinctures of barbatimao are available in the Brazilian market proceeding from diverse manufacturers. With the purpose to evaluate the difference between the quality of tinctures of barbatimao proceeding from four manufactures, a comparative study of ph ysico-chenfical andphylocheinical characteristics was carried out. For physico-chemical analysis, the pH, density, dry residue and tannins content were evaluated. The phytochemical analysis was made using thin layer chromatography. The differences observed in physico-chemical and phytochemical characteristics had evidenced the lack of standardization in the production of these tinctures.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of supplementation of vitamin E, vitamin C, and zinc on the oxidative stress in burned children. In a prospective double-blind placebo-controlled pilot study, 32 patients were randomized as no supplementation (n = 15) or antioxidant supplementation (n = 17) groups. Supplementation consisted of the antioxidant mixture of vitamin C (1.5 times upper intake level), vitamin E (1.35 times upper intake level), and zinc (2.0 times recommended dietary allowance) administered during 7 days starting on the second day of admittance into the hospital. Energy requirement was calculated by the Curreri equation, and protein input was 3.0 g/kg of ideal body mass index (percentile 50 degrees). Total antioxidant capacity of plasma and malondialdehyde were used to monitor oxidative stress. The time of wound healing was evaluated as the main clinical feature. Patients (age 54.2 +/- 48.9 months, 65.6% males), who exhibited 15.5 +/- 6.7% of total burn area, showed no differences in age and sex, when compared with controls. Intake of the administered antioxidants was obviously higher in treated subjects (P = .005), and serum differences were confirmed for vitamin E and C, but not for zinc (P = .180). There was a decrease in lipid peroxidation (malondialdehyde level) (P = .006) and an increase in vitamin E concentrations in the antioxidant supplementation group (P = .016). The time of wound healing was lower in the supplemented group (P < .001). The antioxidant supplementation through vitamin E and C and the mineral zinc apparently enhanced antioxidant protection against oxidative stress and allowed less time for wound healing. (J Burn Care Res 2009;30:859-866)


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The risk of osteoporotic fractures is known to vary among populations. There are no studies analyzing concomitantly clinical, densitometric, and lab risk factors in miscigenated community-dwelling population of Brazil. A total of 1007 elderly subjects (600 women and 407 men) from Sao Paulo, were evaluated using a questionnaire that included risk factors for osteoporotic fractures. Bone mineral density (BMD) was measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry at the hip and lumbar spine. Laboratory blood tests were also obtained. The prevalence of osteoporotic fractures was 13.2% (133 subjects), and the main fracture sites were distal forearm (6.0%), humerus (2.3%), femur (1.3%), and ribs (1.1%). Women had a higher prevalence (17.5%; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 14.6-20.6) than men (6.9%; 95% CI: 4.4-9.3) (p < 0.001). After adjusting for significant variables, logistic regression revealed that female gender (odds ratio [OR] = 2.7; 95% CI; 1.6-4.5; p < 0.001), current smoking (OR = 1.9; 95% CI: 1.2-3.3; p = 0.013), and the femoral neck T-score (OR = 0.7; 95% CI: 0.5-0.9; p = 0.001) remain significant risk factors for osteoporotic fractures in the community-dwelling elderly. Our findings identified that female gender, current smoking, and low hip BMD are independent risk factors for osteoporotic fractures.


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Background: The Cambridge Cognitive Examination (CAMCOG) is a useful test in screening for Alzheimer`s disease (AD). However, the interpretation of CAMCOG cut-off scores is problematic and reference values are needed for different educational strata. Given the importance of earlier diagnoses of mild dementia, new cut-off values are required which take into account patients with low levels of education. This study aims to evaluate whether the CAMCOG can be used as an accurate screening test among AD patients and normal controls with different educational levels. Methods: Cross-sectional assessment was undertaken of 113 AD and 208 elderly controls with heterogeneous educational levels (group 1: 1-4 years; group 2: 5-8 years; and group 3: >= 9 years) from a geriatric clinic. submitted to a thorough diagnostic evaluation for AD including the Cambridge Examination for Mental Disorders of the Elderly (CAMDEX). Controls had no cognitive or mood complaints. Sensitivity (SE) and specificity (SP) for the CAMCOG in each educational group was assessed with receiver-operator-characteristic (ROC) curves. Results: CAMCOG mean values were lower when education was reduced in both diagnostic groups (controls - group 1: 87; group 2: 91; group 3: 96; AD - group 1: 63; group 2: 62; group 3: 77). Cutoff scores for the three education groups were 79, 80 and 90, respectively. SE and SP varied among the groups (group 1: 88.1% and 83.5%; group 2: 84.6% and 96%; group 3: 70.8% and 90%). Conclusion: The CAMCOG can be used as a cognitive test for patients with low educational level with good accuracy. Patients with higher education showed lower scores than previously reported.


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One of the challenges in screening for dementia in developing countries is related to performance differences due to educational and cultural factors. This study evaluated the accuracy of single screening tests as well as combined protocols including the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), Verbal Fluency animal category (VF), Clock Drawing test (CDT), and Pfeffer Functional Activities Questionnaire (PFAQ) to discriminate illiterate elderly with and without Alzheimer`s disease (AD) in a clinical sample. Cross-sectional study with 66 illiterate outpatients diagnosed with mild and moderate AD and 40 illiterate normal controls. Diagnosis of AD was based on NINCDS-ADRDA. All patients were submitted to a diagnostic protocol including a clinical interview based on the CAMDEX sections. ROC curves area analyses were carried out to compare sensitivity and specificity for the cognitive tests to differentiate the two groups (each test separately and in two by two combinations). Scores for all cognitive (MMSE, CDT, VF) and functional assessments (PFAQ) were significantly different between the two groups (p < 0.001). The best screening instruments for this sample of illiterate elderly were the MMSE and the PFAQ. The cut-off scores for the MMSE, VF, CDT, and PFAQ were 17.5, 7.5, 2.5, and 11.5, respectively. The most sensitive combination came from the MMSE and PFAQ (94.1%), and the best specificity was observed with the combination of the MMSE and CDT (89%). Illiterate patients can be successfully screened for AD using well-known screening instruments, especially in combined protocols.