49 resultados para Frequency response dynamics
Secondary hyperparathyroidism is a common complication in uremic patients. Total parathyroidectomy combined with partial autotransplantation into brachioradialis muscle has been the preference among the options for surgical treatment. This study was designed to evaluate the reserve and ability of suppression of autotransplanted parathyroid tissue using dynamics tests. We studied, prospectively, 12 patients in recent (RP) and late (LP) postoperative of total parathyroidectomy with autotransplantation. For analysis of the secretory reserve capacity, we induced hypocalcemia by ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) infusion. Furthermore, for analysis of the ability for parathyroid hormone (PTH) suppression, the hypercalcemia test was used, by intravenous administration of calcium in LP. In RP, there was a decrease in the average serum levels of PTH, phosphorus, and alkaline phosphatase, which ranged from 13 to 231 (87 +/- A 65) pg/ml, 2.3 to 6.2 (3.3 +/- A 1.1) mg/dl, and 77 to 504 (250 +/- A 135) U/L, respectively, similar to that observed in LP. The analysis of the average curve of variations in PTH during testing of the stimulus with EDTA showed lack of secretion in RP and partial response in LP. Impaired suppression ability of the graft in LP was observed in the test with intravenous calcium. Total parathyroidectomy followed by partial autotransplantation was effective in reducing PTH serum levels in patients with terminal kidney disease. The elevation of serum calcium during the suppression test was not able to inhibit the autograft gland secretion of PTH. The assessment of parathyroid graft function demonstrated an inability to respond to the stimulus of hypocalcemia induced by EDTA, although there was a partial recovery, in late postoperative period.
The ventral portion of the medial prefrontal cortex comprises the prelimbic cortex (PL) and the infralimbic cortex (IL). Several studies have indicated that both the PL and the IL play an important role in cardiovascular control. Chemoreflex activation by systemic administration of potassium cyanide (KCN) evokes pressor and bradycardiac responses in conscious rats, in addition to an increase in respiratory frequency. We report here a comparison between the effects of pharmacological inhibition of PL and IL neurotransmission on blood pressure and heart rate responses evoked by chemoreflex activation using KCN (i.v.) in conscious rats. Bilateral microinjection of 200 nl of the unspecific synaptic blocker CoCl(2) (1 mm) into the PL evoked a significant attenuation of the pressor response, without affecting the chemoreflex-induced heart rate decrease. However, IL local synapse inhibition evoked no changes in cardiovascular responses induced by chemoreflex activation. Thus, our results suggest that the pressor but not the bradycardiac response to chemoreflex activation is, at least in part, mediated by local neurotransmission present in the PL cortex, without influence of the IL cortex.
Simultaneous inhibition of the retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN) and raphe obscurus (ROb) decreased the systemic CO2 response by 51%, an effect greater than inhibition of RTN (- 24%) or ROb (0%) alone, suggesting that ROb modulates chemoreception by interaction with the RTN (19). We investigated this interaction further by simultaneous dialysis of artificial cerebrospinal fluid equilibrated with 25% CO2 in two probes located in or adjacent to the RTN and ROb in conscious adult male rats. Ventilation was measured in a whole body plethysmograph at 30 C. There were four groups (n = 5): 1) probes correctly placed in both RTN and ROb (RTN-ROb); 2) one probe correctly placed in RTN and one incorrectly placed in areas adjacent to ROb (RTN-peri-ROb); 3) one probe correctly placed in ROb and one probe incorrectly placed in areas adjacent to RTN (peri-RTN-ROb); and 4) neither probe correctly placed (peri-RTN-peri-ROb). Focal simultaneous acidification of RTN-ROb significantly increased ventilation ((V) over dot E) up to 22% compared with baseline, with significant increases in both breathing frequency and tidal volume. Focal acidification of RTN-peri-ROb increased (V) over dot E significantly by up to 15% compared with baseline. Focal acidification of ROb and peri-RTN had no significant effect. The simultaneous acidification of regions just outside the RTN and ROb actually decreased (V) over dot E by up to 11%. These results support a modulatory role for the ROb with respect to central chemoreception at the RTN.
Injury triggers inflammatory responses and tissue repair. Several treatments are currently in use to accelerate healing: however, more efficient formulations are still needed for specific injuries. Since unsaturated fatty acids modulate immune responses, we aimed to evaluate their therapeutic effects on wound healing. Skin wounds were induced in BALB/c mice and treated for 5 days with n-3, n-9 fatty acids or vehicle (control). n-9 treated mice presented smaller wounds than control and n-3 at 120 h post-surgery (p.s.). Collagen III mRNA,TIMP1 and MMP9 were significantly elevated in n-9 group compared to n-3 or vehicle at 120 h p.s. Among the inflammatory mediators studied we found that IL-10, TNF-alpha and IL-17 were also higher in n-9 treated group compared to n-3 or vehicle at 120 h p.s. Interestingly, COX2 had decreased expression on wound tissue treated with n-9. Inflammatory infiltrate analysis revealed diminished frequency of CD4(+), CD8(+) and CD11b(+) cells in n-9 wounds at 24 and 120 h p.s., which was not related to cell death, since in vitro apoptosis experiments did not show any cell damage after fatty acids administration. These results suggested that unsaturated fatty acids, specifically n-9, modulate the inflammation in the wound and enhance reparative response in vivo. n-9 may be a useful tool in the treatment of cutaneous wounds. (C) 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) includes different clinical manifestations displaying diverse intensities of dermal Inflammatory infiltrate Diffuse CL (DCL) cases are hyporesponsive and lesions show very few lymphocytes and a predominance of macrophages In contrast localized CL (LCL) cases are responsive to leishmanial antigen and lesions exhibit granulocytes and mononuclear cell infiltration in the early phases changing to a pattern with numerous lymphocytes and macrophages later in the lesion Therefore different chemokines may affect the predominance of cell infiltration in distinct clinical manifestations In lesions from LCL patients we examined by flow cytometry the presence of different chemokines and their receptors in T cells and we verified a higher expression of CXCR3 in the early stages of LCL (less than 30 days of infection) and a higher expression of CCR4 in the late stages of disease (more than 60 days of infection) We also observed a higher frequency of T cells producing IL-10 in the late stage of LCL Using immunohistochemistry we observed a higher expression of CCL7 CCL17 in lesions from late LCL as well as CCR4 suggesting a preferential recruitment of regulatory T cells in the late LCL Comparing lesions from LCL and DCL patients we observed a higher frequency of CCL7 in DCL lesions These results point out the Importance of the chemokines defining the different types of cells recruited to the site of the infection which could be related to the outcome of infection as well as the clinical form observed (C) 2010 American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics Published by Elsevier Inc All rights reserved
Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is a cancerous lesion with high incidence worldwide. The immunoregulatory events leading to OSCC persistence remain to be elucidated. Our hypothesis is that regulatory T cells (Tregs) are important to obstruct antitumor immune responses in patients with OSCC. In the present study, we investigated the frequency, phenotype, and activity of Tregs from blood and lesions of patients with OSCC. Our data showed that > 80% of CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells isolated from PBMC and tumor sites express FoxP3. Also, these cells express surface Treg markers, such as GITR, CD45RO, CD69, LAP, CTLA-4, CCR4, and IL-10. Purified CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells exhibited stronger suppressive activity inhibiting allogeneic T-cell proliferation and IFN-gamma production when compared with CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells isolated from healthy individuals. Interestingly, approximately 25% of CD4(+)CD25(-) T cells of PBMC from patients also expressed FoxP3 and, although these cells weakly suppress allogeneic T cells proliferative response, they inhibited IFN-gamma and induced IL-10 and TGF-beta secretion in these co-cultures. Thus, our data show that Treg cells are present in OSCC lesions and PBMC, and these cells appear to suppress immune responses both systemically and in the tumor microenvironment.
The main issue regarding pediatric audiology diagnosis is determining procedures to configure reliable results which can be used to predict frequency-specific hearing thresholds. Aim: To investigate the correlation between auditory steady-state response (ASSR) with other tests in children with sensorineural hearing loss. Methods: Prospective cross-sectional contemporary cohort study. Twenty-three children (ages 1 to 7; mean, 3 years old) were submitted to ASSR, behavioral audiometry, click audiometry brain stem response (ABR), tone burst ABR, and predicting hearing level from the acoustic reflex. Results: the correlation between behavioral thresholds and ASSR was (0.70- 0.93), for the ABR tone burst it was (0.73 -0.93), for the ABR click it was (0.83-0.89) only at 2k and 4 kHz. The match between the ASSR and the hearing threshold prediction rule was considered moderate. Conclusion: there was a significant correlation between the ASSR and audiometry, as well as between ABR click (2k and 4 kHz) and for the ABR tone burst. The acoustic reflex can be used to add information to diagnosis in children.
Resonant interactions among equatorial waves in the presence of a diurnally varying heat source are studied in the context of the diabatic version of the equatorial beta-plane primitive equations for a motionless, hydrostatic, horizontally homogeneous and stably stratified background atmosphere. The heat source is assumed to be periodic in time and of small amplitude [i.e., O(epsilon)] and is prescribed to roughly represent the typical heating associated with deep convection in the tropical atmosphere. In this context, using the asymptotic method of multiple time scales, the free linear Rossby, Kelvin, mixed Rossby-gravity, and inertio-gravity waves, as well as their vertical structures, are obtained as leading-order solutions. These waves are shown to interact resonantly in a triad configuration at the O(e) approximation, and the dynamics of these interactions have been studied in the presence of the forcing. It is shown that for the planetary-scale wave resonant triads composed of two first baroclinic equatorially trapped waves and one barotropic Rossby mode, the spectrum of the thermal forcing is such that only one of the triad components is resonant with the heat source. As a result, to illustrate the role of the diurnal forcing in these interactions in a simplified fashion, two kinds of triads have been analyzed. The first one refers to triads composed of a k = 0 first baroclinic geostrophic mode, which is resonant with the stationary component of the diurnal heat source, and two dispersive modes, namely, a mixed Rossby-gravity wave and a barotropic Rossby mode. The other class corresponds to triads composed of two first baroclinic inertio-gravity waves in which the highest-frequency wave resonates with a transient harmonic of the forcing. The integration of the asymptotic reduced equations for these selected resonant triads shows that the stationary component of the diurnal heat source acts as an ""accelerator"" for the energy exchanges between the two dispersive waves through the excitation of the catalyst geostrophic mode. On the other hand, since in the second class of triads the mode that resonates with the forcing is the most energetically active member because of the energy constraints imposed by the triad dynamics, the results show that the convective forcing in this case is responsible for a longer time scale modulation in the resonant interactions, generating a period doubling in the energy exchanges. The results suggest that the diurnal variation of tropical convection might play an important role in generating low-frequency fluctuations in the atmospheric circulation through resonant nonlinear interactions.
Weakly nonlinear interactions among equatorial waves have been explored in this paper using the adiabatic version of the equatorial beta-plane primitive equations in isobaric coordinates. Assuming rigid lid vertical boundary conditions, the conditions imposed at the surface and at the top of the troposphere were expanded in a Taylor series around two isobaric surfaces in an approach similar to that used in the theory of surface-gravity waves in deep water and capillary-gravity waves. By adopting the asymptotic method of multiple time scales, the equatorial Rossby, mixed Rossby-gravity, inertio-gravity, and Kelvin waves, as well as their vertical structures, were obtained as leading-order solutions. These waves were shown to interact resonantly in a triad configuration at the O(epsilon) approximation. The resonant triads whose wave components satisfy a resonance condition for their vertical structures were found to have the most significant interactions, although this condition is not excluding, unlike the resonant conditions for the zonal wavenumbers and meridional modes. Thus, the analysis has focused on such resonant triads. In general, it was found that for these resonant triads satisfying the resonance condition in the vertical direction, the wave with the highest absolute frequency always acts as an energy source (or sink) for the remaining triad components, as usually occurs in several other physical problems in fluid dynamics. In addition, the zonally symmetric geostrophic modes act as catalyst modes for the energy exchanges between two dispersive waves in a resonant triad. The integration of the reduced asymptotic equations for a single resonant triad shows that, for the initial mode amplitudes characterizing realistic magnitudes of atmospheric flow perturbations, the modes in general exchange energy on low-frequency (intraseasonal and/or even longer) time scales, with the interaction period being dependent upon the initial mode amplitudes. Potential future applications of the present theory to the real atmosphere with the inclusion of diabatic forcing, dissipation, and a more realistic background state are also discussed.
A new method to measure the epicycle frequency kappa in the Galactic disc is presented. We make use of the large data base on open clusters completed by our group to derive the observed velocity vector (amplitude and direction) of the clusters in the Galactic plane. In the epicycle approximation, this velocity is equal to the circular velocity given by the rotation curve, plus a residual or perturbation velocity, of which the direction rotates as a function of time with the frequency kappa. Due to the non-random direction of the perturbation velocity at the birth time of the clusters, a plot of the present-day direction angle of this velocity as a function of the age of the clusters reveals systematic trends from which the epicycle frequency can be obtained. Our analysis considers that the Galactic potential is mainly axis-symmetric, or in other words, that the effect of the spiral arms on the Galactic orbits is small; in this sense, our results do not depend on any specific model of the spiral structure. The values of kappa that we obtain provide constraints on the rotation velocity of the in particular, V(0) is found to be 230 +/- 15 km s(-1) even if the scale (R(0) = 7.5 kpc) of the Galaxy is adopted. The measured kappa at the solar radius is 43 +/- 5 km s(-1) kpc(-1). The distribution of initial velocities of open clusters is discussed.
Background. Periodontal diseases (PDs) are infectious diseases in which periodontopathogens trigger chronic inflammatory and immune responses that lead to tissue destruction. Recently, viruses have been implicated in the pathogenesis of PDs. Individuals infected with human T lymphotropic virus 1 (HTLV-1) present with abnormal oral health and a marked increased prevalence of periodontal disease. Methods. In this study, we investigated the patterns of periodontopathogen infection and local inflammatory immune markers in HTLV-1-seropositive individuals with chronic periodontitis (CP/HTLV-1 group) compared with HTLV-1 -seronegative individuals with chronic periodontitis (CP group) and periodontally healthy, HTLV-1 -seronegative individuals (control group). Results. Patients in the CP/HTLV-1 group had significantly higher values of bleeding on probing, mean probing depth, and attachment loss than patients in the CP group. The expression of tumor necrosis factor a and interleukin (IL) 4 was found to be similar in the CP and CP/HTLV-1 groups, whereas IL-12 and IL-17 levels trended toward a higher expression in the CP/HTLV-1 group. A significant increase was seen in the levels of IL-1 beta and interferon gamma in the CP/HTLV-1 group compared with the CP group, whereas expression of the regulatory T cell marker FOXp3 and IL-10 was significantly decreased in the lesions from the CP/HTLV-1 group. Interestingly, similar frequency and/or load of periodontopathogens (Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia, Treponema denticola, and Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans) and frequency of viruses (herpes simplex virus 1, human cytomegalovirus, and Epstein-Barr virus) characteristically associated with PDs were found in the CP/HTLV and CP groups. Conclusions. HTLV-1 may play a critical role in the pathogenesis of periodontal disease through the deregulation of the local cytokine network, resulting in an exacerbated response against a standard periodontopathogen infection.
Temporal changes in the prevalence of antigenic variants in Plasmodium falciparum populations have been interpreted as evidence of immune-mediated frequency-dependent selection, but evolutively neutral processes may generate similar patterns of serotype replacement. Over 4 years, we investigated the population dynamics of P. falciparum polymorphisms the community level by using 11 putatively neutral microsatellite markers. Plasmodium falciparum Populations were less diverse than sympatric P. vivax isolates, with less multiple-clone infections, lower number of alleles per locus and lower Virtual heterozygosity, but both species showed significant multilocus linkage disequilibrium. Evolutively neutral P. falciparum polymorphisms showed a high turnover rate, with few lineages persisting for several months in the population. Similar results had previously been obtained, in the same community, for sympatric P. vivax isolates. In contrast, the prevalence of the 2 dimorphic types of a major antigen, MSP-2, remained remarkably stable throughout the Study period. We Suggest that the relatively fast turnover of parasite lineages represents the typical population dynamics of neutral polymorphisms in small populations, with clear implications for the detection of frequency-dependent selection of polymorphisms.
Introduction Antigen-presenting cells, like dendritic cells (DCs) and macrophages, play a significant role in the induction of an immune response and an imbalance in the proportion of macrophages, immature and mature DCs within the tumor could affect significantly the immune response to cancer. DCs and macrophages can differentiate from monocytes, depending on the milieu, where cytokines, like interleukin (IL)-4 and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) induce DC differentiation and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha induce DC maturation. Thus, the aim of this work was to analyze by immunohistochemistry the presence of DCs (S100+ or CD1a+), macrophages (CD68+), IL-4 and TNF-alpha within the microenvironment of primary lung carcinomas. Results Higher frequencies of both immature DCs and macrophages were detected in the tumor-affected lung, when compared to the non-affected lung. Also, TNF-alpha-positive cells were more frequent, while IL-4-positive cells were less frequent in neoplastic tissues. This decreased frequency of mature DCs within the tumor was further confirmed by the lower frequency of CD14-CD80+ cells in cell suspensions obtained from the same lung tissues analyzed by flow cytometry. Conclusion These data are discussed and interpreted as the result of an environment that does not oppose monocyte differentiation into DCs, but that could impair DC maturation, thus affecting the induction of effective immune responses against the tumor.
We investigate the dielectric dispersion of water, specially in the low-frequency range, by using the impedance spectroscopy technique. The frequency dependencies of the real R and imaginary Z parts of the impedance Could not be explained by means of the Usual description of the dielectric properties of the water as all insulating liquid containing ions. This is due to the incomplete knowledge of the parameters entering in the fundamental equations describing the evolution of the system, and oil the mechanisms regulating the exchange of charge of the cell with the external circuit. We propose a simple description of our experimental data based on the model of Debye, by invoking a dc conductivity of the cell, related to the nonblocking character of the electrodes. A discussion on the electric Circuits able to simulate the cell under investigation, based oil bulk and Surface elements, is also reported. We find that the simple circuit formed by a series of two parallels of resistance and capacitance is able to reproduce the experimental data concerning the real and imaginary part of the electrical impedance of the cell for frequency larger than 1 Hz. According to this description, one of the parallels takes into account the electrical properties of interface between the electrode and water, and the other of the bulk. For frequency lower than 1 Hz, a good agreement with the experimental data is obtained by simulating the electrical properties of the interface by means of the constant phase element.
We report a pump-probe study of the two-photon induced reflectivity changes in bis (n-butylimido) perylene thin films. To enhance the two-photon excitation we deposited bis (n-butylimido) perylene films on top of gold nanoislands. The observed transient response in the reflectivity spectrum of bis (n-butylimido) perylene is due to a depletion of the molecule`s ground state and excited state absorption.