46 resultados para Bouncing ball
This work presents results of preliminary studies concerning application of magnetic bearing in a ventricular assist device (VAD) being developed by Dante Pazzanese Institute of Cardiology-IDPC (Sao Paulo, Brazil). The VAD-IDPC has a novel architecture that distinguishes from other known VADs. In this, the rotor has a conical geometry with spiral impellers, showing characteristics that are intermediate between a centrifugal VAD and an axial VAD. The effectiveness of this new type of blood pumping principle was showed by tests and by using it in heart surgery for external blood circulation. However, the developed VAD uses a combination of ball bearings and mechanical seals, limiting the life for some 10 h, making impossible its long-term use or its use as an implantable VAD. As a part of development of an implantable VAD, this work aims at the replacement of ball bearings by a magnetic bearing. The most important magnetic bearing principles are studied and the magnetic bearing developed by Escola Politecnica of Sao Paulo University (EPUSP-MB) is elected because of its very simple architecture. Besides presenting the principle of the EPUSP-MB, this work presents one possible alternative for applying the EPUSP-MB in the IDPC-VAD.
In a recent thought-provoking paper, Ball and Sheridan [Ball, L., Sheridan, N., 2005. Does inflation targeting matter? In: Bernanke, B.S., Woodford, M. (Eds.), The Inflation-Targeting Debate, University of Chicago Press] show that the available evidence for a group of developed economies does not lend credence to the belief that adopting an inflation targeting regime (IT) was instrumental in bringing inflation and inflation volatility down. Here, we extend Ball and Sheridan`s analysis for a subset of 36 emerging market economies and find that, for them, the story is quite different. Compared to non-targeters, developing countries adopting the IT regime not only experienced greater drops in inflation, but also in growth volatility, thus corroborating the view that the regime`s ""constrained flexibility"" to deal with adverse shocks delivered concrete welfare gains. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This study aimed to elucidate electrophysiological and cortical mechanisms involved in anticipatory actions when 23 healthy right-handed subjects had to catch a free falling object by qEEG gamma-band (30-100 Hz). It is involved in cognitive processes, memory, spatial/temporal and proprioceptive factors. Our hypothesis is that an increase in gamma coherence in frontal areas will be observed during moment preceding ball drop, due to their involvement in attention, planning, selection of movements, preparation and voluntary control of action and in central areas during moment after ball drop, due to their involvement in motor preparation, perception and execution of movement. However, through a paired t-test, we found an increase in gamma coherence for F3-F4 electrode pair during moment preceding ball drop and confirmed our hypothesis for C3-C4 electrode pair. We conclude that gamma plays an important role in reflecting binding of several brain areas in a complex motor task as observed in our results. Moreover, for selection of movements, preparation and voluntary control of action, motor preparation, perception and execution of movement, the integration of somatosensory and visual information is mandatory. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Introduction. A fundamental aspect of planning future actions is the performance and control of motor tasks. This behaviour is done through sensory-motor integration. Aim. To explain the electrophysiological mechanisms in the cortex (modifications to the alpha band) that are involved in anticipatory actions when individuals have to catch a free-falling object. Subjects and methods. The sample was made up of 20 healthy subjects of both sexes (11 males and 9 females) with ages ranging between 25 and 40 years (32.5 +/- 7.5) who were free of mental or physical diseases (previous medical history); the subjects were right-handed (Edinburgh Inventory) and were not taking any psychoactive or psychotropic substances at the time of the study. The experiment consisted in a task in which subjects had to catch freely falling objects. The experiment was made up of six blocks of 15 tests, each of which lasted 2 minutes and 30 seconds before and two seconds after each ball was dropped. Results. An interaction of the factors moment and position was only observed for the right parietooccipital cortex, in the combination of electrodes P4-O2. Conclusion. These findings suggest that the right parietooccipital cortex plays an important role in increasing expectation and swiftness in the process of preparing for a motor task.
The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the intra and interday reliability of surface electromyographic amplitude values of the scapular girdle muscles and upper limbs during 3 isometric closed kinetic chain exercises, involving upper limbs with the fixed distal segment extremity on stable base of support and on a Swiss ball (relatively unstable). Twenty healthy adults performed the exercises push-up, bench-press and wall-press with different effort levels (80% and 100% maximal load). Subjects performed three maximal voluntary contractions (MVC) in muscular testing position of each muscle to obtain a reference value for root mean square (RMS) normalization. Individuals were instructed to randomly perform three isometric contraction series, in which each exercise lasted 6 s with a 2-min resting-period between series and exercises. Intra and interday reliabilities were calculated through the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC 2.1), standard error of the measurement (SEM). Results indicated an excellent intraday reliability of electromyographic amplitude values (ICC >= 0.75). The interday reliability of normalized RMS values ranged between good and excellent (ICC 0.52-0.98). Finally, it is suggested that the reliability of normalized electromyographic amplitude values of the analyzed muscles present better values during exercises on a stable surface. However, load levels used during the exercises do not seem to have any influence on variability levels, possibly because the loads were quite similar. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Imbalance and weakness of the serratus anterior and upper trapezius force couple have been described in patients with shoulder dysfunction. There is interest in identifying exercises that selectively activate these muscles and including it in rehabilitation protocols. This study aims to verify the UT/SA electromyographic (EMG) amplitude ratio, performed in different upper limb exercises and on two bases of support. Twelve healthy men were tested (average age = 22.8 +/- 3.1 years), and surface EMG was recorded from the upper trapezius and serratus anterior using single differential surface electrodes. Volunteers performed isometric contractions over a stable base of support and on a Swiss ball during the wall push-up (WP), bench press (BP), and push-up (PU) exercises. All SEMG data are reported as a percentage of root mean square or integral of linear envelope from the maximal value obtained in one of three maximal voluntary contractions for each muscle studied. A linear mixed-effect model was performed to compare UT/SA ratio values. The WP, BP, and PU exercises showed UT/SA ratio mean +/- SD values of 0.69 +/- 0.72, 0.14 +/- 0.12, and 0.39 +/- 0.37 for stable surfaces, respectively, whereas for unstable surfaces, the values were 0.73 +/- 0.67, 0.43 +/- 0.39, and 0.32 +/- 0.30. The results demonstrate that UT/SA ratio was influenced by the exercises and by the upper limb base of support. The practical application is to show that BP on a stable surface is the exercise preferred over WP and PU on either surfaces for serratus anterior muscle training in patients with imbalance between the UT/SA force couple or serratus anterior weakness.
Autologous or allogeneic SCT with conventional conditioning (chemotherapy with or without irradiation) has emergedas an effective and potentially curative therapy in patients with hematologic malignancies and in other selected solid tumors; however, several patients experience significant early and delayed side effects, including long-term endocrine imbalance and infertility. In spite of several reproductive recovery and pregnancy reports published in the oncology literature, review of medical literature reveals a paucity of comparable information in the SCT field. We report here four cases of ovarian recovery in patients who received hormonal replacement therapy after diagnosis of primary ovarian failure due to high-dose chemotherapy and SCT.
Background. Severely resorbed mandibles often present a short band of keratinized tissue associated with a shallow vestibule. As a result, prominent muscle insertions are present, especially in the mental region of the mandible. This case report describes the deepening of the vestibular sulcus in an atrophic mandible by combining free gingival grafts harvested from the palate and a postoperative acrylic resin stent screwed on osseointegrated implants placed at the anterior region of the mandible. Study design. During the second-stage surgery, a split-thickness labial flap was reflected and apically sutured onto the periosteum. Two free gingival grafts were obtained and then sutured at this recipient site. A previously custom-made acrylic stent was then screwed onto the most distally positioned implants. To document the procedure`s stability over time, a metal ball was placed in the most apical part of the vestibule and standardized cephalometric radiographs were taken before and 6 months after the procedure. Linear measurements of vestibular depths over the observation time were realized using specific software for radiographic analysis. Results. The proposed technique augmented the band of attached masticatory mucosa, deepened the vestibule and prevented the muscle reinsertion. The difference between the 2 measurements of vestibular depths was 9.39 mm (initial 20.88 mm, final 11.49 mm) after a 6-month postoperative period. Conclusion. The technique, in combination with palatal mucosal graft and use of a postoperative stent, decreased the pull of mentalis muscle and provided a peri-implantally stable soft tissue around implants. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2008; 106: e7-e14)
This study evaluated the effect of core-design modification on the characteristic strength and failure modes of glass-infiltrated alumina (In-Ceram) (ICA) compared with porcelain fused to metal (PFM). Premolar crowns of a standard design (PFMs and ICAs) or with a modified framework design (PFMm and ICAm) were fabricated, cemented on dies, and loaded until failure. The crowns were loaded at 0.5 mm min(-1) using a 6.25 mm tungsten-carbide ball at the central fossa. Fracture load values were recorded and fracture analysis of representative samples were evaluated using scanning electron microscopy. Probability Weibull curves with two-sided 90% confidence limits were calculated for each group and a contour plot of the characteristic strength was obtained. Design modification showed an increase in the characteristic strength of the PFMm and ICAm groups, with PFM groups showing higher characteristic strength than ICA groups. The PFMm group showed the highest characteristic strength among all groups. Fracture modes of PFMs and of PFMm frequently reached the core interface at the lingual cusp, whereas ICA exhibited bulk fracture through the alumina core. Core-design modification significantly improved the characteristic strength for PFM and for ICA. The PFM groups demonstrated higher characteristic strength than both ICA groups combined.
Purpose: To verify the influence of cavity access diameter on demineralized dentin removal in the ART approach. Methods: 40 non-carious human premolars were randomly divided into four groups. The occlusal surface was ground flat and the teeth were sectioned mesio-distally. The hemi-sections were reassembled and occlusal access preparations were carried out using ball-shaped diamonds. The resulting size of the occlusal opening was 1.0 mm, 1.4 mm, 1.6 mm and 1.8 mm for Groups A, B, C, and D, respectively. Standardized artificial carious lesions were created and demineralized dentin was excavated. After excavation, the cavities were analyzed using: (a) the tactile method, (b) caries-detection dye to stain demineralized dentin, as proposed by Smales & Fang, and (c) Demineralized Tissue Removal index, as proposed in this study. Statistical analysis was performed using Fisher, Spearman correlation coefficient, kappa, Kruskal-Wallis and Miller tests (P < 0.05). Results: The three methods of evaluation showed no significant difference between Groups A vs. B, and C vs. D, while statistically significant differences were observed between Groups A vs. C, A vs. D, B vs. C and B vs. D. Based on the results of this study, the size of occlusal access significantly affected the efficacy of demineralized tissue removal.
P>This study assessed the effect of simulated mastication on the retention of two stud attachment systems for 2-implants overdentures. Sixteen specimens, each simulating an edentulous ridge with implants and an overdenture were divided into two groups, according to the attachment system: Group I (Nobel Biocare ball-socket attachments) and Group II (Locator attachments). Retention forces were measured before and after 400 000 simulated masticatory loads in a customised device. Data were compared by two-way anova followed by Bonferroni test (alpha = 0 center dot 05). Group I presented significantly lower retention forces (Newtons) than Group II at baseline (10 center dot 6 +/- 3 center dot 6 and 66 center dot 4 +/- 16 center dot 0, respectively). However, differences were not significant after 400 000 loads (7 center dot 9 +/- 4 center dot 3 and 21 center dot 6 +/- 17 center dot 0). The number of cycles did not influence the measurements in Group I, whereas a non-linear descending curve was found for Group II. It was concluded that simulated mastication resulted in minor changes for the ball attachment tested. Nevertheless, it reduced the retention of Locator attachments to 40% of the baseline values, what suggests that mastication is a major factor associated with maintenance needs for this system.
P>The aim of this study was to validate an original portable device to measure attachment retention of implant overdentures both in the lab and in clinical settings. The device was built with a digital force measurement gauge (Imada) secured to a vertical wheel stand associated with a customized support to hold and position the denture in adjustable angulations. Sixteen matrix and patrix cylindrical stud attachments (Locator (R)) were randomly assigned as in vitro test specimens. Attachment abutments were secured in an implant analogue hung to the digital force gauge or to the load cell of a traction machine used as the gold standard (Instron Universal Testing Machine). Matrices were secured in a denture duplicate attached to the customized support, permitting reproducibility of their position on both pulling devices. Attachment retention in the axial direction was evaluated by measuring maximum dislodging force or peak load during five consecutive linear dislodgments of each attachment on both devices. After a wear simulation, retention was measured again at several time periods. The peak load measurements with the customized Imada device were similar to those obtained with the gold standard Instron machine. These findings suggest that the proposed portable device can provide accurate information on the retentive properties of attachment systems for removable dental prostheses.
Objective The purpose of this study was to evaluate the retention force of an O-ring attachment system in different inclinations to the ideal path of insertion, using devices to compensate angulations. Material and methods Two implants were inserted into an aluminum base, and ball attachments were screwed to implants. Cylinders with O-rings were placed on ball attachments and connected to the test device using positioners to compensate implant angulations (0 degrees, 7 degrees, and 14 degrees). Plexiglass bases were used to simulate implant angulations. The base and the test device were positioned in a testing apparatus, which simulated insertion/removal of an overdenture. A total of 2900 cycles, simulating 2 years of overdenture use, were performed and 36 O-rings were tested. The force required for each cycle was recorded with computer software. Longitudinal sections of ball attachment-positioner-cylinder with O-rings of each angulation were obtained to analyze the relationship among them, and O-ring sections tested in each angulation were compared with an unused counterpart. A mixed linear model was used to analyze the data, and the comparison was performed by orthogonal contrasts (alpha=0.05). Results At 0 degrees, the retention force decreased significantly over time, and the retention force was significantly different in all comparisons, except from 12 to 18 months. When the implants were positioned at 7 degrees, the retention force was statistically different at 0 and 24 months. At 14 degrees, significant differences were found from 6 and 12 to 24 months. Conclusions Within the limitations of this study, it was concluded that O-rings for implant/attachments perpendicular to the occlusal plane were adequately retentive over the first year and that the retentive capacity of O-ring was affected by implant inclinations despite the proposed positioners. To cite this article:Rodrigues RCS, Faria ACL, Macedo AP, Sartori IAM, de Mattos MGC, Ribeiro RF. An in vitro study of non-axial forces upon the retention of an O-ring attachment.Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 20, 2009; 1314-1319.doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2009.01742.x.
We provide bounds on the upper box-counting dimension of negatively invariant subsets of Banach spaces, a problem that is easily reduced to covering the image of the unit ball under a linear map by a collection of balls of smaller radius. As an application of the abstract theory we show that the global attractors of a very broad class of parabolic partial differential equations (semilinear equations in Banach spaces) are finite-dimensional. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
In this work we report results on the influence of heavy rare earth ions substitution on microstructure and magnetism of nanocrystalline magnetite. A series of Fe(2.85)RE(0.15)O(4) (RE = Gd, Dy, Ho, Tm and Yb) samples have been prepared by high energy ball milling. Structure/microstructure investigations of two selected samples Fe(2.85)Gd(0.15)O(4) and Fe(2.85)Tm(0.15)O(4), represent an extension of the previously published results on Fe(3)O(4)/gamma-Fe(2)O(3), Fe(2.85)Y(0.15)O(4) and Fe(2.55)In(0.45)O(4) [Z. Cvejic, S. Rakic, A. Kremenovic, B. Antic, C. Jovalekic. Ph. Colomban, Sol. State Sciences 8 (2006) 908], while magnetic characterization has been done for all the samples. Crystallite/particle size and strain determined by X-ray diffractometry and Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) confirmed the nanostructured nature of the mechanosynthesized materials. X-ray powder diffraction was used to analyze anisotropic line broadening effects through the Rietveld method. The size anisotropy was found to be small while strain anisotropy was large, indicating nonuniform distribution of deffects in the presence of Gd and Tm in the crystal structure. Superparamagnetic(SPM) behavior at room temperature was observed for all samples studied. The Y-substituted Fe(3)O(4) had the largest He and the lowest M(S). We discuss the changes in magnetic properties in relation to their magnetic anisotropy and microstructure. High field irreversibility (H>20kOe) in ZFC/FC magnetization versus temperature indicates the existence of high magnetocrystalline and/or strain induced anisotropy. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.