115 resultados para identification with the message sender.


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Coccidiosis are the major parasitic diseases in poultry and other domestic animals including the domestic rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Eleven distinct Eimeria species have been identified in this host, but no PCR-based method has been developed so far for unequivocal species differentiation. In this work, we describe the development of molecular diagnostic assays that allow for the detection and discrimination of the 11 Eimeria species that infect rabbits. We determined the nucleotide sequences of the ITS1 ribosomal DNAs and designed species-specific primers for each species. We performed specificity tests of the assays using heterologous sets of primers and DNA samples, and no cross-specific bands were observed. We obtained a detection limit varying from 500 fg to 1 pg, which corresponds approximately to 0.8-1.7 sporulated oocysts, respectively. The test reported here showed good reproducibility and presented a consistent sensitivity with three different brands of amplification enzymes. These novel diagnostic assays will permit population surveys to be performed with high sensitivity and specificity, thus contributing to a better understanding of the epidemiology of this important group of coccidian parasites. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The protective role of specific antibodies against Paracoccidioides brasiliensis is controversial. In the present study, we analyzed the effects of monoclonal antibodies on the major diagnostic antigen (gp43) using in vitro and in vivo P. brasiliensis infection models. The passive administration of some monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) before and after intratracheal or intravenous infections led to a reduced fungal burden and decreased pulmonary inflammation. The protection mediated by MAb 3E, the most efficient MAb in the reduction of fungal burden, was associated with the enhanced phagocytosis of P. brasiliensis yeast cells by J774.16, MH-S, or primary macrophages. The ingestion of opsonized yeast cells led to an increase in NO production by macrophages. Passive immunization with MAb 3E induced enhanced levels of gamma interferon in the lungs of infected mice. The reactivity of MAb 3E against a panel of gp43-derived peptides suggested that the sequence NHVRIPIGWAV contains the binding epitope. The present work shows that some but not all MAbs against gp43 can reduce the fungal burden and identifies a new peptide candidate for vaccine development.


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Data collected by the Pierre Auger Observatory provide evidence for anisotropy in the arrival directions of the cosmic rays with the highest-energies, which are correlated with the positions of relatively nearby active galactic nuclei (AGN) [Pierre Auger Collaboration, Science 318 (2007) 938]. The correlation has maximum significance for cosmic rays with energy greater than similar to 6 x 10(19) eV and AGN at a distance less than similar to 75 Mpc. We have confirmed the anisotropy at a confidence level of more than 99% through a test with parameters specified a priori, using an independent data set. The observed correlation is compatible with the hypothesis that cosmic rays with the highest-energies originate from extra-galactic sources close enough so that their flux is not significantly attenuated by interaction with the cosmic background radiation (the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuz`min effect). The angular scale of the correlation observed is a few degrees, which suggests a predominantly light composition unless the magnetic fields are very weak outside the thin disk of our galaxy. Our present data do not identify AGN as the sources of cosmic rays unambiguously, and other candidate sources which are distributed as nearby AGN are not ruled out. We discuss the prospect of unequivocal identification of individual sources of the highest-energy cosmic rays within a few years of continued operation of the Pierre Auger Observatory. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The present work had as objective the isolation of the five compounds by thin-layer Chromatography (TLC) from the essential oil of the Aloysia gratissima. For this, a number of systems of eluents were used for its separation, indicating that through the system acetone/hexane in proportions (v/v) 1:30 it was possible to isolate guaiol, elemol, pinocanphone (trans-3-pinanone), cis-pinocarvyl, and acorenone. The isolation of the compound acorenone from the other compounds was possible with the mixture of solvents hexane/dichloromethane in proportions (v/v) (1:1,3).


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Bonded maxillary expansion appliances have been suggested to control increases in the vertical dimension of the face after rapid maxillary expansion (RME). However, there is still no consensus in the literature about its real skeletal effects. The purpose of this prospective study was to evaluate, longitudinally, the vertical and sagittal cephalometric alterations after RME performed with bonded maxillary expansion appliance. The sample consisted of 26 children, with a mean age of 8.7 years (range: 6.9-10.9 years), with posterior skeletal crossbite and indication for RME. After maxillary expansion, the bonded appliance was used as a fixed retention for 3.4 months, being replaced by a removable retention subsequently. The cephalometric study was performed onto lateral radiographs, taken before treatment was started, and again 6.3 months after removing the bonded appliance. Intra-group comparison was made using paired t test. The results showed that there were no significant sagittal skeletal changes at the end of treatment. There was a small vertical skeletal increase in five of the eleven evaluated cephalometric measures. The maxilla displaced downward, but it did not modify the facial growth patterns or the direction of the mandible growth. Under the specific conditions of this research, it may be concluded that RME with acrylic bonded maxillary expansion appliance did promote signifciant vertical or sagittal cephalometric alterations. The vertical changes found with the use of the bonded appliance were small and probably transitory, similar to those occurred with the use of banded expansion appliances.


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This study describes vancomycin prescribing patterns in an average complexity hospital and compare the guidelines proposed by the Hospital Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC). The study was conducted in a 256-bed secondary-care hospital. Data were collected of all patients given vancomycin from March 2003 to February 2004, using a standardized chart-extraction form designed. Appropriate and inappropriate use was reviewed according to the Hospital Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC) guidelines on prudent vancomycin use. Out of 118 prescriptions, 95 (80.5%) were considered appropriate. Out of these 95 orders, 77 (81.1%) were administered for empiric treatment of suspected Gram-positive infections, 17 (17.9%) were administered for treatment of proven Gram-positive infections (76.5% identified as Staphyloccocus aureus-like agents) and 1 (1.0%) for beta-lactam allergy. The majority of the patients (96.6%) had recently used an antimicrobial medication (3 months). The mean pre-treatment hospitalization period was 11±10 days. Out of the 118 treatments, 67 (56.8%) were for nosocomial infections. The more frequent indications for vancomycin use were pneumonia (48.3%) and primary sepsis (18.6%), accounting for more than 66% of all treatments. No restriction policy was suggested because vancomycin use was considered adequate in the majority of the treatment cases. The broad empiric use of this antimicrobial was greater than expected in the institution and its use should be revised.


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The taxonomic revision of the genus Lamontichthys Miranda-Ribeiro, based on the examination of 164 specimens of different river drainages throughout the Amazon basin, revealed the presence of six species of which two are new. Lamontichthys filamentosus occurs in the upper and middle portions of the rio Amazonas basin; L. llanero in the río Orinoco basin; L. maracaibero in the lago Maracaibo basin; and L. stibaros in the upper río Amazonas basin. Lamontichthys avacanoeiro, new species, occurs in the upper rio Tocantins basin; and L. parakana, new species, in the lower rio Tocantins basin. The new species represent a considerable extension in the so far known distribution of the genus. A parsimony analysis, including 87 osteological and external morphological characters from Lamontichthys and related taxa (total of 16), resulted in three most parsimonious trees with 194 steps (CI = 0.73 and RI = 0.78). The hypothesis of monophyly of Lamontichthys is corroborated and supported by six derived characters. Within Lamontichthys two monophyletic assemblages are recognized, one includes L. avacanoeiro and L. stibaros, the other includes L. maracaibero and the clade formed by L. filamentosus and L. llanero. The relationships of Lamontichthys parakana, a species that was not included in the phylogenetic analysis is discussed. The monophyly and relationships of the monotypic genus Pterosturisoma microps are also discussed.


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The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effects of adding cassava scrapings on gas and effluent losses, dry matter recovery, pH, contents of N-NH3, organic acids and volatile fatty acids and the bromatological composition of elephant grass silages. It was used a randomized complete design, with four levels of cassava scrapings (0, 7, 15 or 30% natural matter) each one with four replications per level. The grass was cut at 50 days of regrowth and ensiled in 15-L silos, equipped with a Bunsen valve to allow gas outflow. The gas losses decreased quadratically with the addition of cassava scrapings, whereas effluent losses decreased linearly. Dry matter recovery increased quadratically with the addition of cassava scrapings. Dry matter (DM) concentration increased but crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and hemicellulose (HEM) decreased linearly with the addition of cassava scrapings. The pH value and lactic acid concentration increased quadratically with the addition of cassava scrapings. Contents of N-NH3 and butyric acid decreased quadratically with the addition of cassava scrapings, whereas acetic acid content decreased linearly. Addition of cassava scrapings reduced gas and effluent losses and improved the fermentation profile of elephant grass silages and the level of 7% already ensures this improvement.


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We study how the crossover exponent, phi, between the directed percolation (DP) and compact directed percolation (CDP) behaves as a function of the diffusion rate in a model that generalizes the contact process. Our conclusions are based in results pointed by perturbative series expansions and numerical simulations, and are consistent with a value phi = 2 for finite diffusion rates and phi = 1 in the limit of infinite diffusion rate.


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The present work describes a new species of Baurusuchidae from Upper Cretaceous sediments of the Bauru Basin, and provides the first complete postcranial description for the family. Many postcranial features observed in the new species are also present in other notosuchian taxa, and are thus considered plesiomorphic for the genus. These are: long cervical neural spines; robust deltopectoral crest of the humerus; large proximal portion in the radiale that contacts the ulna; ulnare anterior distal projection; supra-acetabular crest well developed laterally; post-acetabular process posterodorsally deflected; presence of an anteromedial crest in the femur; fourth trocanter of femur posteriorly positioned; tibia with a laterally curved shaft; calcaneum tuber posteroventrally oriented; osteoderms ornamented with grooves and imbricated in the tail. On the other hand, we found the following sacral and carpal features to be unique among all mesoeucrocodylians analyzed: transverse processes of sacral vertebrae dorsolaterally deflected; presence of a longitudinal crest in the lateral surface of sacral vertebrae; pisiform carpal with a condyle-like surface. The majority of these cited features corroborates a cursorial locomotion for the new species described in the present study, suggesting that members of the family Baurusuchidae were also cursorial species.


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The weevil subfamily Scolytinae includes beetles which may feed on the bark, trunk or roots of both live and dead trees and are sometimes considered forest and silvicultural pests. Less frequently, some species feed on seeds and may be cause economic losses when associated to plant cultivars. Spermophthorus apuleiae Costa-Lima is a Neotropical Scolytinae formerly recorded to be "associated" with seeds of Caesalpinia ferrea var. leiostachya Benth, a Brazilian tree popularly known in Portuguese as "pau-ferro". Hitherto, it was not clear whether these beetles actually feed on the seeds of that plant. In order to investigate the ability of S. apuleiae to feed on seeds of "pau-ferro", observations were done and colonies of these beetles were established. Both in the field and in captivity the beetles were not observed feeding on the seeds. Even when beetles were exposed to seeds as the only source of food they were incapable of boring or eating the seeds and died. Our data therefore suggest that S. apuleiae is a frugivorous species which peculiarly does not eat seeds of "pau-ferro".


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The Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) albitarsis complex includes six species: An. albitarsis, Anopheles oryzalymnetes Wilkerson and Motoki, n. sp., Anopheles marajoara, Anopheles dencorum, Anopheles janconnae Wilkerson and Sallum, n. sp., and An. albitarsis F. Except for An. deancorum, species of the complex are indistinguishable when only using morphology. The problematic distinction among species of the complex has made study of malaria transmission and ecology of An. albitarsis s.l. difficult. Consequently, involvement of species of the An. albitarsis complex in human Plasmodium transmission is not clear throughout its distribution range. With the aim of clarifying the taxonomy of the above species, with the exception of An. albitarsis F, we present comparative morphological and morphometric analyses, morphological redescriptions of three species and descriptions of two new species using individuals from populations in Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina and Venezuela. The study included characters from adult females, males, fourth-instar larvae, pupae and male genitalia of An. albitarsis, An. deaneorum and An. oryzalimnetes n. sp. For An. janconnae n. sp. only characters of the female, male and male genitalia were analysed. Fourth-instar larvae and pupae and male genitalia characteristics of all five species are illustrated. Bionomics and distribution data are given based on published literature records


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Background: The Atlantic rainforest ecosystem, where bromeliads are abundant, provides an excellent environment for Kerteszia species, because these anophelines use the axils of those plants as larval habitat. Anopheles (K.) cruzii and Anopheles (K.) bellator are considered the primary vectors of malaria in the Atlantic forest. Although the incidence of malaria has declined in some areas of the Atlantic forest, autochthonous cases are still registered every year, with Anopheles cruzii being considered to be a primary vector of both human and simian Plasmodium. Methods: Recent publications that addressed ecological aspects that are important for understanding the involvement of Kerteszia species in the epidemiology of malaria in the Atlantic rainforest in the Neotropical Region were analysed. Conclusion: The current state of knowledge about Kerteszia species in relation to the Atlantic rainforest ecosystem was discussed. Emphasis was placed on ecological characteristics related to epidemiological aspects of this group of mosquitoes. The main objective was to investigate biological aspects of the species that should be given priority in future studies


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Background: Lignin and hemicelluloses are the major components limiting enzyme infiltration into cell walls. Determination of the topochemical distribution of lignin and aromatics in sugar cane might provide important data on the recalcitrance of specific cells. We used cellular ultraviolet (UV) microspectrophotometry (UMSP) to topochemically detect lignin and hydroxycinnamic acids in individual fiber, vessel and parenchyma cell walls of untreated and chlorite-treated sugar cane. Internodes, presenting typical vascular bundles and sucrose-storing parenchyma cells, were divided into rind and pith fractions. Results: Vascular bundles were more abundant in the rind, whereas parenchyma cells predominated in the pith region. UV measurements of untreated fiber cell walls gave absorbance spectra typical of grass lignin, with a band at 278 nm and a pronounced shoulder at 315 nm, assigned to the presence of hydroxycinnamic acids linked to lignin and/or to arabino-methylglucurono-xylans. The cell walls of vessels had the highest level of lignification, followed by those of fibers and parenchyma. Pith parenchyma cell walls were characterized by very low absorbance values at 278 nm; however, a distinct peak at 315 nm indicated that pith parenchyma cells are not extensively lignified, but contain significant amounts of hydroxycinnamic acids. Cellular UV image profiles scanned with an absorbance intensity maximum of 278 nm identified the pattern of lignin distribution in the individual cell walls, with the highest concentration occurring in the middle lamella and cell corners. Chlorite treatment caused a rapid removal of hydroxycinnamic acids from parenchyma cell walls, whereas the thicker fiber cell walls were delignified only after a long treatment duration (4 hours). Untreated pith samples were promptly hydrolyzed by cellulases, reaching 63% of cellulose conversion after 72 hours of hydrolysis, whereas untreated rind samples achieved only 20% hydrolyzation. Conclusion: The low recalcitrance of pith cells correlated with the low UV-absorbance values seen in parenchyma cells. Chlorite treatment of pith cells did not enhance cellulose conversion. By contrast, application of the same treatment to rind cells led to significant removal of hydroxycinnamic acids and lignin, resulting in marked enhancement of cellulose conversion by cellulases.


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Solitary bees of the genus Tetrapedia have a specific association with mites of the genus Roubikia (Chaetodactylidae). These mites are frequently found attached to active Tetrapedia bees. We quantified the number of mites on individuals of Tetrapedia diversipes Klug and examined the interaction between these species. Nests of T. diversipes were obtained from trap-nests placed in four localities in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The study lasted from March 2007 to February 2009. Out of a total of 650 nests with emergences, 118 were infested with mites (Roubikia sp.). From these nests, 176 individuals of T. diversipes emerged with mites on their bodies. Additionally, six individuals of Coelioxoides waltheriae, the specific kleptoparasitic bee to T. diversipes, emerged. Mites were attached mainly to the mesosoma. All nests infected with mites did not presented mortality of the immature. The mortality rate of nests was inversely related to the level of mite infestation, suggesting a mutualistic interaction in which mites may remove fungi from the nests, while the bees would provide the mites with transport, dispersal, and shelter.