55 resultados para genetic heteroscedasticity of residuals
Maize (Zea mays L.) is a very important cereal to world-wide economy which is also true for Brazil, particularly in the South region. Grain yield and plant height have been chosen as important criteria by breeders and farmers from Santa Catarina State (SC), Brazil. The objective of this work was to estimate genetic-statistic parameters associated with genetic gain for grain yield and plant height, in the first cycle of convergent-divergent half-sib selection in a maize population (MPA1) cultivated by farmers within the municipality of Anchieta (SC). Three experiments were carried out in different small farms at Anchieta using low external agronomic inputs; each experiment represented independent samples of half-sib families, which were evaluated in randomized complete blocks with three replications per location. Significant differences among half-sib families were observed for both variables in all experiments. The expected responses to truncated selection of the 25% better families in each experiment were 5.1, 5.8 and 5.2% for reducing plant height and 3.9, 5.7 and 5.0% for increasing grain yield, respectively. The magnitudes of genetic-statistic parameters estimated evidenced that the composite population MPA1 exhibits enough genetic variability to be used in cyclical process of recurrent selection. There were evidences that the genetic structure of the base population MPA1, as indicated by its genetic variability, may lead to expressive changes in the traits under selection, even under low selection pressure.
Despite its importance to agriculture, the genetic basis of heterosis is still not well understood. The main competing hypotheses include dominance, overdominance, and epistasis. NC design III is an experimental design that. has been used for estimating the average degree of dominance of quantitative trait 106 (QTL) and also for studying heterosis. In this study, we first develop a multiple-interval mapping (MIM) model for design III that provides a platform to estimate the number, genomic positions, augmented additive and dominance effects, and epistatic interactions of QTL. The model can be used for parents with any generation of selling. We apply the method to two data sets, one for maize and one for rice. Our results show that heterosis in maize is mainly due to dominant gene action, although overdominance of individual QTL could not completely be ruled out due to the mapping resolution and limitations of NC design III. For rice, the estimated QTL dominant effects could not explain the observed heterosis. There is evidence that additive X additive epistatic effects of QTL could be the main cause for the heterosis in rice. The difference in the genetic basis of heterosis seems to be related to open or self pollination of the two species. The MIM model for NC design III is implemented in Windows QTL Cartographer, a freely distributed software.
Transgenic Citrus sinensis (L.) Osb. cv. Hamlin plants expressing the hrpN gene were obtained by Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Smith and Towns) Conn-mediated transformation. hrpN encodes a harpin protein, which elicits the hypersensitive response and systemic acquired resistance in plants. The gene construct consisted of gst1, a pathogen-inducible promoter, a signal peptide for protein secretion to the apoplast, the selection genes nptI1 or aacC1 and the Nos terminator. The function of gst1 in citrus was evaluated in transgenic C. sinensis cv. Valencia harboring the reporter gene uidA (gus) driven by this promoter. Histochemical analysis for gus revealed that gst1 is activated in citrus leaves by both wounding and inoculation with Xanthomonas axonopodis Starr and Garces pv. citri (Hasse) Vauterin et al. Genetic transformation was confirmed by Southern blot hybridization in eight cv. Hamlin acclimatized plants. RT-PCR confirmed hrpN gene expression in seven cv. Hamlin transgenic lines before pathogen inoculation. Some hrpN transgenic lines showed severe leaf curling and abnormal growth. Six hrpN transgenic lines were propagated and evaluated for susceptibility to X axonopodis pv. citri. RT-PCR confirmed gene expression in all six hrpN transgenic lines after pathogen inoculation. Several of the hrpN transgenic lines showed reduction in susceptibility to citrus canker as compared with non-transgenic plants. One hrpN transgenic line exhibited normal vegetative development and displayed very high resistance to the pathogen, estimated as up to 79% reduction in disease severity. This is the first report of genetic transformation of citrus using a pathogen-inducible promoter and the hrpN gene. Further evaluations of the transgenic plants under field conditions are planned. Nevertheless, the evidence to date suggests that the hrpN gene reduces the susceptibility of citrus plants to the canker disease. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The application of tannery sludge to soils is a form of recycling; however, few studies have examined the impacts of this practice on soil microbial properties. We studied effects of two applications (2006 and 2007) of tannery sludge (with a low chromium content) on the structure of the bacterial community and on the microbial activity of soils. We fertilized an agricultural area in Rolandia, Parana state, Brazil with different doses of sludge based on total N content, which ranged from 0 to 1200 kg N ha(-1). Sludge remained on the soil surface for three months before being plowed. Soils were sampled seven times during the experiment. Bacterial community structure, assessed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), was modified by the application of tannery sludge. Soon after the first application, there was clear separation between the bacterial communities in different treatments, such that each dose of sludge was associated with a specific community. These differences remained until 300 days after application and also after the second sludge application, but 666 days after the beginning of the experiment no differences were found in the bacterial communities of the lowest doses and the control. The principal response curve (PRC) analysis showed that the first sludge application strongly stimulated biological activity even 300 days after application. The second application also stimulated activity, but at a lower magnitude and for a shorter time, given that 260 days after the second application there was no difference in biological activity among treatments. PRC also showed that the properties most influenced by the application of tannery sludge were enzymatic activities related to N cycling (asparaginase and urease). The redundancy analysis (RDA) showed that tannery sludge`s influence on microbial activity is mainly related to increases in inorganic N and soil pH. Results showed that changes in the structure of the bacterial community in the studied soils were directly related to changes of their biological activity. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Ceratocystis fimbriata is a fungal pathogen which attacks several economically important plants, but occurs in host-associated, morphologically indistinguishable forms. In Brazil, this fungus seriously attacks mango trees (Mangifera indica), causing severe loss of yield. This work aimed to develop and characterize a novel set of microsatellite markers for this important pathogen, providing researchers with new molecular tools for the characterization of isolates. Twenty polymorphic primer pairs were designed from a microsatellite-enriched library. We tested the usefulness of these markers through genotyping thirteen isolates of the fungus. On average, 6.65 alleles per locus were detected, revealing the ability of this set of markers to characterize C. fimbriata isolates associated to mango and to other plant species.
We report on the production and evaluation of passionflower transgenic lines for resistance to Cowpea aphid borne mosaic virus (CABMV). Genetic transformation was done using Agrobacterium tumefaciens and transgene integration was confirmed by Southern blot analyses, resulting in nine transgenic lines for `IAC 275` and three for `IAC 277`. Transgenic lines were clonally propagated and evaluated for resistance to CABMV After the third inoculation, under higher inoculum pressure, only propagated plants of the transgenic line T16 remained asymptomatic, indicating a high resistance to infection with CABMV. This transgenic line was self-pollinated and the RI generation was evaluated together with the RI generation of another resistant transgenic line (T2) identified previously. Plants were inoculated with CABMV by means of viruliferous Myzus nicotianae. All 524 T2R(1) plants became infected, whereas 13 of 279 T16R(1) remained asymptomatic after four successive inoculations. A TI6R(2) generation was obtained and plants were inoculated with CABMV mechanically or by aphids. After successive inoculations, 118 of 258 plants were symptomless, suggesting that the resistance to CABMV was maintained in the plant genome as the homozygous condition was achieved. Five selected resistant TI6R(2) plants which contained the capsid protein gene are being crossed for further analyses.
The variability of a fragment of the nucleocapsid gene of orchid fleck virus (OFV) was investigated by single-strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP) analysis and nucleotide sequencing. Forty-eight samples of 18 genera of orchids were collected from Brazil, Costa Rica and Australia. The SSCP analysis yielded six different band patterns, and phylogenetic analysis based on the nucleotide fragment sequence obtained in this work and six available in GenBank showed two different groups, one with isolates 023Germany and So-Japan, and other with the rest of the isolates. None of the analyses showed geographic correlation among the Brazilian strains. The data obtained in this study showed a low genetic variation in this region of the genome; the d(N)/d(S) ratio of 0.251-0.405 demonstrated a negative selective pressure that maintains the stability of the analyzed fragments.
In Brazil. the incidence of Bacillus cereus outbreaks is unknown, and there is little information about B. cereus occurrence in food. In addition, data on toxin production and genetic characterization of the B. cereus isolates cannot be found. This pathogen causes two distinct types of toxin-mediated foodborne illnesses known as diarrheal and emetic syndromes. Diarrheal syndrome has been linked to three different enterotoxins: two protein complexes, hemolysin BL (HBL) and nonhemolytic enterotoxin (NHE); and an enterotoxic protein, cytotoxin K (cytK). Emetic syndrome is related to cereulide, a toxin encoded by the ces gene. In this study, NHE and HBL production capacities of 155 strains of B. cereus isolated from Brazilian food products were evaluated with an immunoassay. Strains were also tested for the presence of the genes of the HBL and NHE complexes, cytK, cytK-1, cytK-2, and ces, using PCR. HBL was detected in 105 (67.7%) strains and NHE in 154 (99.4%) strains. All the strains harbored at least one gene of the NHE complex, while 96.1% of them were positive for at least one of those of the HBL complex. Genes cytK1 and ces were not detected. All strains showed toxigenic capacity and could represent a risk for consumers if good practices are not followed. This is the first report on toxigenic and genetic profiles of B. cereus strains isolated in Brazil.
Background: Cobalamin (Cbl) and folate deficiencies and gene polymorphism of key enzymes or carriers can impair homocysteine metabolism and may change the serum values of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) and S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH). We investigated the nutritional and genetic determinants for total homocysteine (tHcy), methylmalonic acid (MMA) and SAM/SAH in healthy Brazilian childbearing-age women. Methods: Serum concentrations of Cbl, folate, red blood cell folate, ferritin, tHcy, MMA, SAM, SAH and other metabolites were measured in 102 healthy unrelated women. The genotypes for MTHFR C677T, MTHFR A1298C, MTR A2756G, MTRR A66G, TC2 C776G, TC2 A67G and RFCI A80G gene polymorphisms were identified by PCR-RFLP. Results: Serum folate and Cbl were inversely correlated with tHcy and serum MMA, respectively. Cbl deficiency was associated with increased MMA and reduced alpha-aminobutyrate, serine and N-methylglycine concentrations. No variable was associated with SAM/SAH ratio. In addition, gene polymorphisms were not selected as determinants for tHcy, MMA and SAM/SAH ratio. Iron, Cbl and folate deficiencies were found respectively in 30.4%, 22.5% and 2.0% of individuals studied. Conclusions: There was a high frequency of Cbl and iron deficiency in this group of childbearing-age women. Serum folate and Cbl were the determinants of serum tHcy and MMA concentration, respectively. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Deficiencies of complement proteins of the classical pathway are strongly associated with the development of autoimmune diseases. Deficiency of Clr has been observed to occur concomitantly with deficiency in Cls and 9 out of 15 reported cases presented systemic lupus erythernatosus (SLE). Here, we describe a family in which all four children are deficient in Cls but only two of them developed SLE. Hemolytic activity mediated by the alternative and the lectin pathways were normal, but classical pathway activation was absent in all children`s sera. Cls was undetectable, while in the parents` sera it was lower than in the normal controls. The levels of Clr observed in the siblings and parents sera were lower than in the control, while the concentrations of other complement proteins (C3, C4, MBL and MASP-2) were normal in all family members. Impairment of Cls synthesis was observed in the patients` fibroblasts when analyzed by confocal microscopy. We show that all four siblings are homozygous for a mutation at position 938 in exon 6 of the Cls cDNA that creates a premature stop codon. Our investigations led us to reveal the presence of previously uncharacterized splice variants of Cls mRNA transcripts in normal human cells. These variants are derived from the skipping of exon 3 and from the use of an alternative 3` splice site within intron I which increases the size of exon 2 by 87 nucleotides. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) is a phosphatidyl-3-kinase-related protein kinase that functions as a central regulator of the DNA damage response in eukaryotic cells. In humans, mutations in ATM cause the devastating neurodegenerative disease ataxia telangiectasia. Previously, we characterized the homolog of ATM (AtmA) in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans. In addition to its expected role in the DNA damage response, we found that AtmA is also required for polarized hyphal growth. Here, we extended these studies by investigating which components of the DNA damage response pathway are interacting with AtmA. The AtmA(ATM) loss of function caused synthetic lethality when combined with mutation in UvsB(ATR). Our results suggest that AtmA and UvsB are interacting and they are probably partially redundant in terms of DNA damage sensing and/or repairing and polar growth. We identified and inactivated A. nidulans chkA(CHK1) and chkB(CHK2) genes. These genes are also redundantly involved in A. nidulans DNA damage response. We constructed several combinations of double mutants for Delta atmA, Delta uvsB, Delta chkA, and Delta chkB. We observed a complex genetic relationship with these mutations during the DNA replication checkpoint and DNA damage response. Finally, we observed epistatic and synergistic interactions between AtmA, and bimE(APCI), ankA(WEE1) and the cdc2-related kinase npkA, at S-phase checkpoint and in response to DNA-damaging agents.
Ficus arpazusa Casaretto is a fig tree native to the Atlantic Rain Forest sensu lato. High levels of genetic diversity and no inbreeding were observed in Ficus arpazusa. This genetic pattern is due to the action of its pollinator, Pegoscapus sp., which disperses pollen an estimated distance of 5.6 km, and of Ficus arpazusa`s mating system which, in the study area, is allogamous. This study highlights the importance of adding both ecological and genetic data into population studies, allowing a better understanding of evolutionary processes and in turn increasing the efficacy of forest management and revegetation projects, as well as species conservation.
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is a significant public health concern with 350 million chronic carriers worldwide. Eight HBV genotypes (A-H) have been described so far. Genotype E (HBV/E) is widely distributed in West Africa and has rarely been found in other continents, except for a few cases in individuals with an African background. In this study, we characterized HBV genotypes in Quibdo, Colombia, by partial S/P gene sequencing, and found, for the first time, HBV/E circulating in nine Afro-Colombian patients who had no recent contact with Africa. The presence of HBV/E in this community as a monophyletic group suggests that it was a result of a recent introduction by some Afro-descendent contact or, alternatively, that the virus came with slaves brought to Colombia. By using sequences with sampling dates, we estimated the substitution rate to be about 3.2x10(-4) substitutions per site per year, which resulted in a time to the most recent common ancestor (TMRCA) of 29 years. In parallel, we also estimated the TMRCA for HBV/E by using two previously estimated substitution rates (7.7x10(-4) and 1.5x10(-5) substitutions per site per year). The TMRCA was around 35 years under the higher rate and 1500 years under the slower rate. In sum, this work reports for the first time the presence of an exclusively African HBV genotype circulating in South America. We also discuss the time of the entry of this virus into America based on different substitution rates estimated for HBV.
Medulloblastoma (MB) is the most common malignant brain tumor of children. To identify the genetic alterations in this tumor type, we searched for copy number alterations using high-density microarrays and sequenced all known protein-coding genes and microRNA genes using Sanger sequencing in a set of 22 MBs. We found that, on average, each tumor had 11 gene alterations, fewer by a factor of 5 to 10 than in the adult solid tumors that have been sequenced to date. In addition to alterations in the Hedgehog and Wnt pathways, our analysis led to the discovery of genes not previously known to be altered in MBs. Most notably, inactivating mutations of the histone-lysine N-methyltransferase genes MLL2 or MLL3 were identified in 16% of MB patients. These results demonstrate key differences between the genetic landscapes of adult and childhood cancers, highlight dysregulation of developmental pathways as an important mechanism underlying MBs, and identify a role for a specific type of histone methylation in human tumorigenesis.
Purpose: Prostate cancer is the most common tumor in males in Brazil. Single nucleotide polymorphisms have been demonstrated to exist in the promoter regions of matrix metalloproteinase genes and they are associated with the development and progression of some cancers. We investigated the correlation between MMP1, 2, 7 and 9 polymorphisms with susceptibility to prostate cancer, and classic prognostic parameters of prostate cancer. Materials and Methods: Genomic DNA was extracted using conventional protocols. The DNA sequence containing the polymorphic site was amplified by realtime polymerase chain reaction using TaqMan (R) fluorescent probes. Results: For the MMP1 gene the polymorphic allele was more common in the control group than in the prostate cancer group (p <0.001). For the MMP9 gene the incidence of the polymorphic homozygote genotype was higher in the prostate cancer group (p <0.001). For higher stage tumors (pT3) a polymorphic allele in the MMP2 gene was more common (p = 0.026). When considering Gleason score, the polymorphic homozygote genotype of MMP9 was more common in Gleason 6 or less tumors (p = 0.003), while a polymorphic allele in the MMP2 gene was more common in Gleason 7 or greater tumors (p = 0.042). Conclusions: MMP1 and MMP2 may protect against prostate cancer development and MMP9 may be related to higher risk. In contrast, MMP9 polymorphism was associated with a lower Gleason score and MMP2 polymorphism was associated with nonorgan confined disease.