60 resultados para gallicismi,prestito linguistico,fraseologia,prestiti dal francese,fraseologia russa
NGC 1275, the central galaxy in the Perseus cluster, is the host of gigantic hot bipolar bubbles inflated by active galactic nucleus (AGN) jets observed in the radio as Perseus A. It presents a spectacular H alpha-emitting nebulosity surrounding NGC 1275, with loops and filaments of gas extending to over 50 kpc. The origin of the filaments is still unknown, but probably correlates with the mechanism responsible for the giant buoyant bubbles. We present 2.5 and three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamical (MHD) simulations of the central region of the cluster in which turbulent energy, possibly triggered by star formation and supernovae (SNe) explosions, is introduced. The simulations reveal that the turbulence injected by massive stars could be responsible for the nearly isotropic distribution of filaments and loops that drag magnetic fields upward as indicated by recent observations. Weak shell-like shock fronts propagating into the intracluster medium (ICM) with velocities of 100-500 km s(-1) are found, also resembling the observations. The isotropic outflow momentum of the turbulence slows the infall of the ICM, thus limiting further starburst activity in NGC 1275. As the turbulence is subsonic over most of the simulated volume, the turbulent kinetic energy is not efficiently converted into heat and additional heating is required to suppress the cooling flow at the core of the cluster. Simulations combining the MHD turbulence with the AGN outflow can reproduce the temperature radial profile observed around NGC 1275. While the AGN mechanism is the main heating source, the SNe are crucial to isotropize the energy distribution.
This study determined which peripheral variables would better predict the rating of perceived exertion (RPE) and time to exhaustion (TE) during exercise at different intensities. Ten men performed exercises at first lactate threshold (LT1), second lactate threshold (LT2), 50% of the distance from LT1 to LT2 (TT(50%)), and 25% of the distance from LT2 to maximal power output (TW(25%)). Lactate, catecholamines, potassium, pH, glucose, (V) over dotO(2), VE, HR, respiratory rate (RR) and RPE were measured and plotted against the exercise duration for the slope calculation. Glucose, dopamine, and noradrenaline predicted RPE in TT(50%) (88%), LT2 (64%), and TW(25%) (77%), but no variable predicted RPE in LT1. RPE (55%), RPE+HR (86%), and RPE+RR (92% and 55%) predicted TE in LT1, TT(50%), LT2, and TW(25%), respectively. At intensities from TT(50%) to TW(25%), variables associated with brain activity seem to explain most of the RPE slope, and RPE (+HR and+RR) seems to predict the TE.
Pires, FO, Hammond, J, Lima-Silva, AE, Bertuzzi, RCM, and Kiss, MAPDM. Ventilation behavior during upper-body incremental exercise. J Strength Cond Res 25(1): 225-230, 2011-This study tested the ventilation (V(E)) behavior during upper-body incremental exercise by mathematical models that calculate 1 or 2 thresholds and compared the thresholds identified by mathematical models with V-slope, ventilatory equivalent for oxygen uptake (V(E)/(V) over dotO(2)), and ventilatory equivalent for carbon dioxide uptake (V(E)/(V) over dotCO(2)). Fourteen rock climbers underwent an upper-body incremental test on a cycle ergometer with increases of approximately 20 W.min(-1) until exhaustion at a cranking frequency of approximately 90 rpm. The V(E) data were smoothed to 10-second averages for V(E) time plotting. The bisegmental and the 3-segmental linear regression models were calculated from 1 or 2 intercepts that best shared the V(E) curve in 2 or 3 linear segments. The ventilatory threshold(s) was determined mathematically by the intercept(s) obtained by bisegmental and 3-segmental models, by V-slope model, or visually by V(E)/(V) over dotO(2) and V(E)/(V) over dotCO(2). There was no difference between bisegmental (mean square error [MSE] = 35.3 +/- 32.7 l.min(-1)) and 3-segmental (MSE = 44.9 +/- 47.8 l.min(-1)) models in fitted data. There was no difference between ventilatory threshold identified by the bisegmental (28.2 +/- 6.8 ml.kg(-1).min(-1)) and second ventilatory threshold identified by the 3-segmental (30.0 +/- 5.1 ml.kg(-1).min(-1)), V(E)/(V) over dotO(2) (28.8 +/- 5.5 ml.kg(-1).min(-1)), or V-slope (28.5 +/- 5.6 ml.kg(-1).min(-1)). However, the first ventilatory threshold identified by 3-segmental (23.1 +/- 4.9 ml.kg(-1).min(-1)) or by VE/(V) over dotO(2) (24.9 +/- 4.4 ml.kg(-1).min(-1)) was different from these 4. The V(E) behavior during upper-body exercise tends to show only 1 ventilatory threshold. These findings have practical implications because this point is frequently used for aerobic training prescription in healthy subjects, athletes, and in elderly or diseased populations. The ventilatory threshold identified by V(E) curve should be used for aerobic training prescription in healthy subjects and athletes.
P>Background This study examined the effects of acute supramaximal exercise (similar to 115% VO(2max)) on the blood lipid profile for three different carbohydrate (CHO) storage levels (control, low and high). Methods Six male subjects were randomly divided into three different groups: control, low CHO and high CHO. These groups differed in the diet to which the subjects were submitted before each exercise session. The lipid profile [triglycerides (TG), very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), high-density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol, TG/HDL-C ratio and total cholesterol) was determined at rest, immediately after exercise and 1 h after exercise bouts. Results The time to exhaustion was lower in the low CHO condition compared with the control and high CHO condition (3 center dot 59 +/- 0 center dot 72; 2 center dot 91 +/- 0 center dot 56; and 4 center dot 26 +/- 0 center dot 69 min; P < 0 center dot 05). The energy expenditure (control: 251 center dot 1 +/- 56 center dot 0 kJ; low CHO: 215 center dot 2 +/- 28 center dot 6 kJ; and high CHO: 310 center dot 4 +/- 64 center dot 9 kJ) was significantly different between the low and high CHO conditions (P < 0 center dot 05). There were no significant changes in the lipid profile for any of the experimental conditions (control, low and high; P < 0 center dot 05). Glucose and insulin levels did not show time-dependent changes in any of the conditions (P > 0 center dot 05). Conclusions These results indicate that a supramaximal exercise session has no significant effects on lipid metabolism.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a short-term low-or high-carbohydrate (CHO) diet consumed after exercise on sympathetic nervous system activity. Twelve healthy males underwent a progressive incremental test; a control measurement of plasma catecholamines and heart rate variability (HRV); an exercise protocol to reduce endogenous CHO stores; a low-or high-CHO diet (counterbalanced order) consumed for 2 days, beginning immediately after the exercise protocol; and a second resting plasma catecholamine and HRV measurement. The exercise and diet protocols and the second round of measurements were performed again after a 1-week washout period. The mean (+/- SD) values of the standard deviation of R-R intervals were similar between conditions (control, 899.0 +/- 146.1 ms; low-CHO diet, 876.8 +/- 115.8 ms; and high-CHO diet, 878.7 +/- 127.7 ms). The absolute high-and low-frequency (HF and LF, respectively) densities of the HRV power spectrum were also not different between conditions. However, normalized HF and LF (i.e., relative to the total power spectrum) were lower and higher, respectively, in the low-CHO diet than in the control diet (mean +/- SD, 17 +/- 9 normalized units (NU) and 83 +/- 9 NU vs. 27 +/- 11 NU and 73 +/- 17 NU, respectively; p < 0.05). The LF/HF ratio was higher with the low-CHO diet than with the control diet (mean +/- SD, 7.2 +/- 6.2 and 4.2 +/- 3.2, respectively; p < 0.05). The mean values of plasma catecholamines were not different between diets. These results suggest that the autonomic control of the heart rate was modified after a short-term low-CHO diet, but plasma catecholamine levels were not altered.
The objective of this study was to propose an alternative method (MAOD(ALT)) to estimate the maximal accumulated oxygen deficit (MAOD) using only one supramaximal exhaustive test. Nine participants performed the following tests: (a) a maximal incremental exercise test, (b) six submaximal constant workload tests, and (c) a supramaximal constant workload test. Traditional MAOD was determined by calculating the difference between predicted O(2) demand and accumulated O(2) uptake during the supramaximal test. MAOD(ALT) was established by summing the fast component of excess post-exercise oxygen consumption and the O(2) equivalent for energy provided by blood lactate accumulation, both of which were measured during the supramaximal test. There was no significant difference between MAOD (2.82 +/- 0.45 L) and MAOD(ALT) (2.77 +/- 0.37 L) (p = 0.60). The correlation between MAOD and MAOD(ALT) was also high (r = 0.78; p = 0.014). These data indicate that the MAOD(ALT) can be used to estimate the MAOD.
The aim of this study was to determine if the carbohydrate (CHO) availability alters the rate of increase in the rating of perceived exertion (RPE) during high intensity exercise and whether this would be associated with physiological changes. Six males performed high intensity exercise after 48 h of controlled, high CHO (80%) and low CHO (10%) diets. Time to exhaustion was lower in the low compared to high CHO diet. The rate of increase in RPE was greater and the VO(2) slow component was lower in the low CHO diet than in the control. There was no significant condition effect for cortisol, insulin, pH, plasma glucose, potassium, or lactate concentrations. Multiple linear regression indicated that the total amplitude of VO(2) and perceived muscle strain accounted for the greatest variance in the rate of increase in RPE. These results suggest that cardiorespiratory variables and muscle strain are important afferent signals from the periphery for the RPE calculations.
The aim of this study was to examine the influence of the performance level of athletes on pacing strategy during a simulated 10-km running race, and the relationship between physiological variables and pacing strategy. Twenty-four male runners performed an incremental exercise test on a treadmill, three 6-min bouts of running at 9, 12 and 15 km h(-1), and a self-paced, 10-km running performance trial; at least 48 h separated each test. Based on 10-km running performance, subjects were divided into terziles, with the lower terzile designated the low-performing (LP) and the upper terzile designated the high-performing (HP) group. For the HP group, the velocity peaked at 18.8 +/- A 1.4 km h(-1) in the first 400 m and was higher than the average race velocity (P < 0.05). The velocity then decreased gradually until 2,000 m (P < 0.05), remaining constant until 9,600 m, when it increased again (P < 0.05). The LP group ran the first 400 m at a significantly lower velocity than the HP group (15.6 +/- A 1.6 km h(-1); P > 0.05) and this initial velocity was not different from LP average racing velocity (14.5 +/- A 0.7 km h(-1)). The velocity then decreased non-significantly until 9,600 m (P > 0.05), followed by an increase at the end (P < 0.05). The peak treadmill running velocity (PV), running economy (RE), lactate threshold (LT) and net blood lactate accumulation at 15 km h(-1) were significantly correlated with the start, middle, last and average velocities during the 10-km race. These results demonstrate that high and low performance runners adopt different pacing strategies during a 10-km race. Furthermore, it appears that important determinants of the chosen pacing strategy include PV, LT and RE.
The objective of the present study was to verify if active recovery (AR) applied after a judo match resulted in a better performance when compared to passive recovery (PR) in three tasks varying in specificity to the judo and in measurement of work performed: four upper-body Wingate tests (WT); special judo fitness test (SJFT); another match. For this purpose, three studies were conducted. Sixteen highly trained judo athletes took part in study 1, 9 in study 2, and 12 in study 3. During AR judokas ran (15 min) at the velocity corresponding to 70% of 4 mmol l(-1) blood lactate intensity (similar to 50% (V) over dotO(2) peak), while during PR they stayed seated at the competition area. The results indicated that the minimal recovery time reported in judo competitions (15 min) is long enough for sufficient recovery of WT performance and in a specific high-intensity test (SJFT). However, the odds ratio of winning a match increased ten times when a judoka performed AR and his opponent performed PR, but the cause of this phenomenon cannot be explained by changes in number of actions performed or by changes in match`s time structure.
Climatic variations influence formation and maturation of coffee grains by altering their intrinsic characteristics, which call allow for several types of coffee qualities, including the potential for production of special coffee. This study was carried out to verify the effect of environmental conditions and crop cultivation on chemical composition and their consequences in cup quality of coffees from region of Jesuitas, Parana State. During the same crop season this study was accomplished (2002-2003), cup quality was evaluated among the producers in several coffee-growing municipalities in Parana State. It was observed that 86% of samples were classified simply as ""soft"" (smooth flavor) or ""hard"" (bolder flavor), and 14% were classified as rioysh/rio (strong unpleasant taste). The results concluded that the practices adopted by producers, who have collaborated with the study, reflected positively oil the final cup quality, when compared to the overall quality results in the State. The climatic conditions and practices of crop management and harvest ill the Jesuitas region made for bolder coffee with low acidity, comparable to high quality coffees produced in Brazil and abroad.
Green tea (Camellia sinensis) and Ginkgo biloba extracts in cosmetic formulations have been suggested to protect the skin against UV-induced damage and skin ageing. Thus, it is very important to assess the human skin penetration of their major flavonoids to verify if they penetrate and remain in the skin to exert their proposed effects. The aim of this study was to evaluate the human skin penetration of epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) and quercetin from green tea and G. biloba extracts vehiculated in cosmetic formulations. This study was conducted with fresh dermatomed human Caucasian skin from abdominal surgery mounted on static Franz diffusion cells. Skin samples were mounted between two diffusion half-cells and 10 mg/cm(2) of formulations supplemented with 6% of green tea or G. biloba extract were applied on the skin surface. The receptor fluid was removed after 6 and 24 h and analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography for the quantification of the flavonoids. The stratum corneum was removed by tape stripping and immersed in methanol and the epidermis was mechanically separated from the dermis and triturated in methanol to extract EGCG and quercetin. The results showed that the flavonoids under study penetrated into the skin, without reaching the receptor fluid. The majority of EGCG was quantified in the stratum corneum (0.87 mu g/cm(2)), which was statistically higher than the EGCG concentrations found in viable epidermis (0.54 mu g/cm(2)) and in the dermis (0.38 mu g/cm(2)). The majority of quercetin was quantified in the viable epidermis (0.23 mu g/cm(2)), which was statistically higher than the EGCG concentration found in the stratum corneum layer (0.17 mu g/cm(2)). Finally, it can be concluded that EGCG and quercetin from green tea and G. biloba extracts vehiculated in cosmetic formulations presented good skin penetration and retention, which can favor their skin effects. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel
Ethanolic extract of leaves of Galactia glauscescens (GGE) at concentration of 100 and 500 mu g/ml prevented the neuromuscular paralysis induced by Crotalus durissus terrificus venom on mouse phrenic nerve-diaphragm preparation. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This work reports on the synthesis and characterization of the ligand 3-hexadecylpentane-2,4-drone (Hhdacac) and its Eu(3+) complexes Eu(hdacac)(6) center dot 2H(2)O, Eu(hdacac)(6) center dot phen and Eu(hdacac)(6) center dot tta, where phen and tta denote 1,10-phenanthroline and thenoyltrifluoroacetone, respectively. These new compounds present long carbon chains and their expected miscibility into non-polar ambients is confirmed by the emission spectra of Eu(hdacac)6 center dot tta in hexane. Moreover, the amphiphilic properties of Eu(hdacac)6 complexes allow the obtainment of thin luminescent films by the Langmuir-Blodgett technique. In both cases (solids and films), the typical antenna effect of beta-diketonates is observed. The alluring characteristics of these compounds raise great interest in many fields of Materials Science, like photo- and electro-luminescent materials (mainly thin ""organic"" films), metal catalysts or probes in non-polar solutions, and Langmuir-Blodgett films of several compositions. For the characterization of these products, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy ((1)H NMR), thermogravimetric analysis, elementary analyses (C, H), scanning electron microscopy (energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy), absorption (UV-vis/FT-IR) and photoluminescence spectroscopies were used. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background Asbestosis is associated with lung cellular and immunological abnormalities. Induced sputum cytology and local and systemic markers of inflammation may be helpful to characterize disease status and progression in these patients. Methods Thirty-nine ex-workers with asbestosis on high-resolution CT (HRCT) and 21 non-exposed controls were evaluated. Sputum cytology and IL-8 in serum and sputum were related to lung function impairment. Results Subjects with asbestosis had reduced sputum cellularity but higher macrophagel neutrophil ratio and % macrophage as compared with controls. Sputum and serum IL-8 were also higher in patients with asbestosis (P < 0.05). In addition, evidence of lung architectural distorption on HRCT was associated with increased levels of serum IL-8. Interestingly, absolute macrophage number was negatively correlated with total lung capacity (r = -0.40; P = 0.04) and serum IL-8 to lung diffiusing capacity (r = -0.45; P = 0.01). Conclusions Occupationally exposed subjects with asbestosis on HRCT have cytologic abnormalities in induced sputum and increased local and systemic pro-inflammatory status which are correlated to functional impairment.
Methods We pooled data from 17 case-control studies including 12 716 cases and the 17 438 controls. Odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were estimated for associations between body mass index (BMI) at different ages and HNC risk, adjusted for age, sex, centre, race, education, tobacco smoking and alcohol consumption. Results Adjusted ORs (95% CIs) were elevated for people with BMI at reference (date of diagnosis for cases and date of selection for controls) < 18.5 kg/m(2) (2.13, 1.75-2.58) and reduced for BMI > 25.0-30.0 kg/m(2) (0.52, 0.44-0.60) and BMI >= 30 kg/m(2) (0.43, 0.33-0.57), compared with BMI > 18.5-25.0 kg/m(2). These associations did not differ by age, sex, tumour site or control source. Although the increased risk among people with BMI < 18.5 kg/m(2) was not modified by tobacco smoking or alcohol drinking, the inverse association for people with BMI > 25 kg/m(2) was present only in smokers and drinkers. Conclusions In our large pooled analysis, leanness was associated with increased HNC risk regardless of smoking and drinking status, although reverse causality cannot be excluded. The reduced risk among overweight or obese people may indicate body size is a modifier of the risk associated with smoking and drinking. Further clarification may be provided by analyses of prospective cohort and mechanistic studies.