46 resultados para evening courses
In several treatment regimens, the recognition of chronobiology contributes to the therapeutic process through the effective use of temporization protocols. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the relationship between the tic treatment and the time of day when such treatment was performed, as well as the chronotype of orthopedic and rheumatologic patients in a clinical physiotherapy school. The population studied was treated in the morning and evening periods. The patients were divided into three groups of pathologies with similar treatments, which were as follows: syndrome of shoulder impact (n=33), knee artrosis (n=17), and lombalgia (n=23). At the end of ten treatment sessions, data concerning pain, percentage of subjective improvement, chronotype and age were compared. At the end of the study, it was observed that the time of day when treatment was performed influenced the results of individuals treated in the evenings but had no influence on the individuals treated in the morning. In addition, the evening schedule was the most well suited for intermediate individuals.
A ação da Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo na luta contra o tabagismo teve início em 1975, quando a instituição participou da III Conferência Mundial de Fumo e Saúde, realizada em New York (EUA). Depois de três décadas de trabalho ininterrupto, ela recebeu, em 2008, da Secretaria de Estado da Saúde de São Paulo, o selo prata de certificação de ambiente livre do tabaco. Nesse espaço de tempo, ao lado de um trabalho educativo, realizado corpo a corpo com docentes, funcionários e alunos, foram realizadas pesquisas, treinamentos e desenvolvido toda uma programação orientada pelo Ministério da Saúde / Instituto Nacional do Câncer. Foram também produzidas inúmeras monografias de mestrado, teses de doutorado e de livre docência, tendo como tema o tabagismo do ponto de vista educativo, social, médico e sanitário. Este artigo pretendeu fazer o relato dessa trajetória
The study describes the process of scientific institutionalization of Information Science in Brazil, from quantitative analysis of the development of undergraduate courses in the area. As body of research, it considers the following courses: Librarianship, Archival Science, Museology, Information Science and Management one, created between the years 1910 and 2008. It is noted that the growth trend of the quantity of courses reflects the importance given to information in the current context. However, the diversity of nomenclature and conceptual differences in the theoretical field illustrate the epistemological fragility of the area, as well as the search for greater professional visibility in society.
Based on a survey of summaries of courses on the Foundations of Mathematics, from Mathematics Teacher Education programs in the southern part of Brazil, and some remarks on the legislation related to the course syllabuses, we discuss the meaning of the word ""Foundations"" in order to reflect on the proposals of these issues in the courses, which will be undergoing reformulation. The opinions of students in one of these courses regarding the meaning of the term ""foundations"", as well as the data obtained from the survey and the remarks regarding legislation, may lead to considerations about the possibilities for a better qualification of the initial education of Mathematics teachers.
The purpose of this study was to assess the benefits of using e-learning resources in a dental training course on Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART). This e-course was given in a DVD format, which presented the ART technique and philosophy. The participants were twenty-four dentists from the Brazilian public health system. Prior to receiving the DVD, the dentists answered a questionnaire regarding their personal data, previous knowledge about ART, and general interest in training courses. The dentists also participated in an assessment process consisting of a test applied before and after the course. A single researcher corrected the tests, and intraexaminer reproducibility was calculated (kappa=0.89). Paired t-tests were carried out to compare the means between the assessments, showing a significant improvement in the performance of the subjects on the test taken after the course (p<0.05). A linear regression model was used with the difference between the means as the outcome. A greater improvement on the test results was observed among female dentists (p=0.034), dentists working for a shorter period of time in the public health system (p=0.042), and dentists who used the ART technique only for urgent and/or temporary treatment (p=0.010). In conclusion, e-learning has the potential of improving the knowledge that dentists working in the public health system have about ART, especially those with less clinical experience and less knowledge about the subject.
In 2002, the Brazilian Ministry of Education approved the official curricular guidelines for undergraduate courses in Brazil to be adopted by the nation's 188 dental schools. In 2005-06, the Brazilian Dental Education Association (BDEA) promoted workshops in forty-eight of the schools to verify the degree of transformation of the curriculum based on these guidelines. Among the areas analyzed were course philosophy (variables were v1: knowledge production based on the needs of the Brazilian Public Health System [BPHS]; v2: health determinants; and v3: postgraduate studies and permanent education); pedagogical skills (v4: curricular structure; v5: changes in pedagogic and didactic skills; and v6: course program orientation); and dental practice scenarios (v7: diversity of the scenarios for training/learning; v8: academic health care centers opened to the BPHS; and v9: participation of students in health care delivery for the population). The subjects consisted of faculty members (n=711), students (n=228), and employees (n=14). The results showed an incipient degree of curriculum transformation. The degree of innovation was statistically different depending on the type of university (public or private) for variables I, 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7. Private schools reported a higher level of innovation than public institutions. Resistance to transforming the dental curriculum according to the official guidelines may be linked to an ideological conception that supports the private practice model, continues to have faculty members direct all classroom activities, and prevents students from developing an understanding of professional practice as targeted towards the oral health needs of all segments of society.
Males of solitary bees usually spend the night in clusters on small branches of plants, cavities and flowers. The individuals usually return to the same location each evening during their life, exhibiting site fidelity to a particular plant. We report on the sleeping roosts of the males of some oil-collecting bees of the genera Centris, Paratetrapedia, Lanthanomelissa, Monoeca, and Tetrapedia, as well as the host plants. We discuss the role of the male clusters to the associated plants.
Traditionally, chronotype classification is based on the Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire (MEQ). It is implicit in the classification that intermediate individuals get intermediate scores to most of the MEQ questions. However, a small group of individuals has a different pattern of answers. In some questions, they answer as ""morning-types"" and in some others they answer as ""evening-types,"" resulting in an intermediate total score. ""Evening-type"" and ""Morning-type"" answers were set as A(1) and A(4), respectively. Intermediate answers were set as A(2) and A(3). The following algorithm was applied: Bimodality Index = (Sigma A(1) x Sigma A(4))(2) - (Sigma A(2) x Sigma A(3))(2). Neither-types that had positive bimodality scores were classified as bimodal. If our hypothesis is validated by objective data, an update of chronotype classification will be required. (Author correspondence: brunojm@ymail.com)
Background: Continuing education courses related to critical thinking and clinical reasoning are needed to improve the accuracy of diagnosis. Method: This study evaluated a 4-day, 16-hour continuing education course conducted in Brazil. Thirty-nine nurses completed a pretest and a posttest consisting of two written case studies designed to measure the accuracy of nurses` diagnoses. Results: There were significant differences in accuracy from pretest to posttest for case 1 (p = .008) and case 2 (p = .042) and overall (p = .001). Conclusion: Continuing education courses should be implemented to improve the accuracy of nurses` diagnoses. J Contin Educ Nurs 2009;40(3):121-127.
A geometrical approach of the finite-element analysis applied to electrostatic fields is presented. This approach is particularly well adapted to teaching Finite Elements in Electrical Engineering courses at undergraduate level. The procedure leads to the same system of algebraic equations as that derived by classical approaches, such as variational principle or weighted residuals for nodal elements with plane symmetry. It is shown that the extension of the original procedure to three dimensions is straightforward, provided the domain be meshed in first-order tetrahedral elements. The element matrices are derived by applying Maxwell`s equations in integral form to suitably chosen surfaces in the finite-element mesh.
P>Coconut water is an isotonic beverage naturally obtained from the green coconut. After extracted and exposed to air, it is rapidly degraded by enzymes peroxidase (POD) and polyphenoloxidase (PPO). To study the effect of thermal processing on coconut water enzymatic activity, batch process was conducted at three different temperatures, and at eight holding times. The residual activity values suggest the presence of two isoenzymes with different thermal resistances, at least, and a two-component first-order model was considered to model the enzymatic inactivation parameters. The decimal reduction time at 86.9 degrees C (D(86.9 degrees C)) determined were 6.0 s and 11.3 min for PPO heat labile and heat resistant fractions, respectively, with average z-value = 5.6 degrees C (temperature difference required for tenfold change in D). For POD, D(86.9 degrees C) = 8.6 s (z = 3.4 degrees C) for the heat labile fraction was obtained and D(86.9 degrees C) = 26.3 min (z = 6.7 degrees C) for the heat resistant one.
This paper is a study of various electric signals, which have been employed throughout the history of communication engineering in its two main landmarks: the telegraph and the telephone. The signals are presented in their time and frequency domain representations. The historical order has been followed in the presentation: wired systems, spark gap wireless, continuous wave (CW) and amplitude modulation (AM), detection by rectification, and frequency modulation (FM). The analysis of these signals is meant to lead into a better understanding of the evolution of communication technology. The material presented in this work could be used to illustrate ""Signals and Systems"" and ""Communication Systems"" courses by taking advantage of its technical as well as historical contents.
The understanding of complex physiological processes requires information from many different areas of knowledge. To meet this interdisciplinary scenario, the ability of integrating and articulating information is demanded. The difficulty of such approach arises because, more often than not, information is fragmented through under graduation education in Health Sciences. Shifting from a fragmentary and deep view of many topics to joining them horizontally in a global view is not a trivial task for teachers to implement. To attain that objective we proposed a course herein described Biochemistry of the envenomation response aimed at integrating previous contents of Health Sciences courses, following international recommendations of interdisciplinary model. The contents were organized by modules with increasing topic complexity. The full understanding of the envenoming pathophysiology of each module would be attained by the integration of knowledge from different disciplines. Active-learning strategy was employed focusing concept map drawing. Evaluation was obtained by a 30-item Likert-type survey answered by ninety students; 84% of the students considered that the number of relations that they were able to establish as seen by concept maps increased throughout the course. Similarly, 98% considered that both the theme and the strategy adopted in the course contributed to develop an interdisciplinary view.
The complex interactions among endangered ecosystems, landowners` interests, and different models of land tenure and use, constitute an important series of challenges for those seeking to maintain and restore biodiversity and augment the flow of ecosystem services. Over the past 10 years, we have developed a data-based approach to address these challenges and to achieve medium and large-scale ecological restoration of riparian areas on private lands in the state of Sao Paulo, southeastern Brazil. Given varying motivations for ecological restoration, the location of riparian areas within landholdings, environmental zoning of different riparian areas, and best-practice restoration methods were developed for each situation. A total of 32 ongoing projects, covering 527,982 ha, were evaluated in large sugarcane farms and small mixed farms, and six different restoration techniques have been developed to help upscale the effort. Small mixed farms had higher portions of land requiring protection as riparian areas (13.3%), and lower forest cover of riparian areas (18.3%), than large sugarcane farms (10.0% and 36.9%, respectively for riparian areas and forest cover values). In both types of farms, forest fragments required some degree of restoration. Historical anthropogenic degradation has compromised forest ecosystem structure and functioning, despite their high-diversity of native tree and shrub species. Notably, land use patterns in riparian areas differed markedly. Large sugarcane farms had higher portions of riparian areas occupied by highly mechanized agriculture, abandoned fields, and anthropogenic wet fields created by siltation in water courses. In contrast, in small mixed crop farms, low or non-mechanized agriculture and pasturelands were predominant. Despite these differences, plantations of native tree species covering the entire area was by far the main restoration method needed both by large sugarcane farms (76.0%) and small mixed farms (92.4%), in view of the low resilience of target sites, reduced forest cover, and high fragmentation, all of which limit the potential for autogenic restoration. We propose that plantations should be carried out with a high-diversity of native species in order to create biologically viable restored forests, and to assist long-term biodiversity persistence at the landscape scale. Finally, we propose strategies to integrate the political, socio-economic and methodological aspects needed to upscale restoration efforts in tropical forest regions throughout Latin America and elsewhere. (C) 2010 Elsevier BA/. All rights reserved.
The corporative portals, enabled by Information Technology and Communication tools, provide the integration of heterogeneous data proceeding from internal information systems, which are available for access and sharing of the interested community. They can be considered an important instrument of explicit knowledge evaluation in the. organization, once they allow faster and,safer, information exchanges, enabling a healthful collaborative environment. In the specific case of major Brazilian universities, the corporate portals assume a basic aspect; therefore they offer an enormous variety and amount of information and knowledge, due to the multiplicity of their activities This. study aims to point out important aspects of the explicit knowledge expressed by the searched universities; by the analysis, of the content offered in their corporative portals` This is an exploratory study made through, direct observation of the existing contents in the corporative portals of two public universities as. Well as three private ones. A. comparative analysis of the existing contents in these portals was carried through;. it can be useful to evaluate its use as factor of optimization of the generated explicit knowledge in the university. As results, the existence of important differences, could be verified in the composition and in the content of the corporative portals of the public universities compared to the private institutions. The main differences are about the kind of services and the destination-of the,information that have as focus different public-target. It-could also be concluded that the searched private universities, focus, on the processes related to the attendance of the students, the support for the courses as well as the spreading of information to the public interested in joining the institution; whereas the anal public universities prioritize more specific information, directed to,the dissemination-of the research, developed internally or with institutional objectives.