36 resultados para cell differentiation


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The Blastocladiella emersonii life cycle presents a number of drastic biochemical and morphological changes, mainly during two cell differentiation stages: germination and sporulation. To investigate the transcriptional changes taking place during the sporulation phase, which culminates with the production of the zoospores, motile cells responsible for the dispersal of the fungus, microarray experiments were performed. Among the 3,773 distinct genes investigated, a total of 1,207 were classified as differentially expressed, relative to time zero of sporulation, at at least one of the time points analyzed. These results indicate that accurate transcriptional control takes place during sporulation, as well as indicating the necessity for distinct molecular functions throughout this differentiation process. The main functional categories overrepresented among upregulated genes were those involving the microtubule, the cytoskeleton, signal transduction involving Ca(2+), and chromosome organization. On the other hand, protein biosynthesis, central carbon metabolism, and protein degradation were the most represented functional categories among downregulated genes. Gene expression changes were also analyzed in cells sporulating in the presence of subinhibitory concentrations of glucose or tryptophan. Data obtained revealed overexpression of microtubule and cytoskeleton transcripts in the presence of glucose, probably causing the shape and motility problems observed in the zoospores produced under this condition. In contrast, the presence of tryptophan during sporulation led to upregulation of genes involved in oxidative stress, proteolysis, and protein folding. These results indicate that distinct physiological pathways are involved in the inhibition of sporulation due to these two classes of nutrient sources.


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Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) is the most common endocrine malignancy and RET/PTC rearrangements represent key genetic events frequently associated to this cancer, enhancing proliferation and dedifferentiation by activation of the RET/PTC-RAS-BRAF-mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway. Recently, let-7 microRNA was found to reduce RAS levels in lung cancer, acting as a tumor suppressor gene. Here, we report that RET/PTC3 oncogenic activation in PCCL3 rat thyroid cells markedly reduces let-7f expression. Moreover, stable transfection of let-7 microRNA in TPC-1 cells, which harbor RET/PTC1 rearrangement, inhibits MAPK activation. As a result, let-7f was capable of reducing TPC-1 cell growth, and this might be explained, at least in part, by decreased messenger RNA (mRNA) expression of cell cycle stimulators such as MYC and CCND1 (cyclin D1) and increased P21 cell cycle inhibitor mRNA. In addition, let-7 enhanced transcriptional expression of molecular markers of thyroid differentiation such as TITF1 and TG. Thus, reduced expression of let-7f might be an essential molecular event in RET/PTC malignant transformation. Moreover, let-7f effects on thyroid growth and differentiation might attenuate neoplastic process of RET/PTC papillary thyroid oncogenesis through impairment of MAPK signaling pathway activation. This is the first functional demonstration of an association of let-7 with thyroid cancer cell growth and differentiation.


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During the process of lateral organ development after plant decapitation, cell division and differentiation occur in a balanced manner initiated by specific signaling, which triggers the reentrance into the cell cycle. Here, we investigated short-term variations in the content of some endogenous signals, such as auxin, cytokinins (Cks), and other mitogenic stimuli (sucrose and glutamate), which are likely correlated with the cell cycle reactivation in the axillary bud primordium of pineapple nodal segments. Transcript levels of cell cycle-associated genes, CycD2;1, and histone H2A were analyzed. Nodal segments containing the quiescent axillary meristem cells were cultivated in vitro during 24 h after the apex removal and de-rooting. From the moment of stem apex and root removal, decapitated nodal segment (DNS) explants showed a lower indol-3-acetic acid (IAA) concentration than control explants, and soon after, an increase of endogenous sucrose and iP-type Cks were detected. The decrease of IAA may be the primary signal for cell cycle control early in G1 phase, leading to the upregulation of CycD2;1 gene in the first h. Later, the iP-type Cks and sucrose could have triggered the progression to S-phase since there was an increase in H2A expression at the eighth h. DNS explants revealed substantial increase in Z-type Cks and glutamate from the 12th h, suggesting that these mitogens could also operate in promoting pineapple cell cycle progression. We emphasize that the use of non-synchronized tissue rather than synchronous cell suspension culture makes it more difficult to interpret the results of a dynamic cell division process. However, pineapple nodal segments cultivated in vitro may serve as an interesting model to shed light on apical dominance release and the reentrance of quiescent axillary meristem cells into the cell cycle.


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In the developing cerebellum, proliferation of granular neuroprogenitor (GNP) cells lasts until the early postnatal stages when terminal maturation of the cerebellar cortex occurs. GNPs are considered cell targets for neoplastic transformation, and disturbances in cerebellar GNP cell proliferation may contribute to the development of pediatric medulloblastoma. At the molecular level, proliferation of GNPs is regulated through an orchestrated action of the SHH, NOTCH, and WNT pathways, but the underlying mechanisms still need to be dissected. Here, we report that expression of the E2F1 transcription factor in rat GNPs is inversely correlated with cell proliferation rate during postnatal development, as opposed to its traditional SHH-dependent induction of cell cycle. Proliferation of GNPs peaked at postnatal day 3 (P3), with a subsequent continuing decrease in proliferation rates occurring until P12. Such gradual decline in proliferating neuroprogenitors paralleled the extent of cerebellum maturation confirmed by histological analysis with cresyl violet staining and temporal expression profiling of SHH, NOTCH2, and WNT4 genes. A time course analysis of E2F1 expression in GNPs revealed significantly increased levels at P12, correlating with decreased cell proliferation. Expression of the cell cycle inhibitor p18 (Ink4c) , a target of E2F1, was also significantly higher at P12. Conversely, increased E2F1 expression did not correlate with either SMAC/DIABLO and BCL2 expression profiles or apoptosis of cerebellar cells. Altogether, these results suggest that E2F1 may also be involved in the inhibition of GNP proliferation during rat postnatal development despite its conventional mitogenic effects.


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Adipose tissue may represent a potential source of adult stem cells for tissue engineering applications in veterinary medicine. It can be obtained in large quantities, under local anesthesia, and with minimal discomfort. In this study, canine adipose tissue was obtained by biopsy from subcutaneous adipose tissue or by suction-assisted lipectomy (i.e., liposuction). Adipose tissue was processed to obtain a fibroblast-like population of cells similar to human adipose-derived stem cells (hASCs). These canine adipose-derived stem cells (cASCs) can be maintained in vitro for extended periods with stable population doubling and low levels of senescence. Immunofluorescence and flow cytometry show that the majority of cASCs are of mesodermal or mesenchymal origin. cASCs are able to differentiate in vitro into adipogenic, chondrogenic, myogenic, and osteogenic cells in the presence of lineage-specific induction factors. In conclusion, like human lipoaspirate, canine adipose tissue may also contain multipotent cells and represent an important stem cell source both for veterinary cell therapy as well as preclinical studies.


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Coordinated proliferation and differentiation of progenitor cells is the base for production of appropriate numbers of neurons and glia during neuronal development in order to establish normal brain functions. We have used murine embryonal carcinoma P19 cells as an in vitro model for early differentiation to study participation of nicotinic (nAChR) and muscarinic acetylcholine (mAChR) receptors in the proliferation of neural progenitor cells and their differentiation to neurons. We have previously shown that functional nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) already expressed in embryonic cells mediate elevations in cytosolic free calcium concentration ([Ca2+](i)) via calcium influx through nAChR channels whereas intracellular stores contribute to nAChR- and mAChR-mediated calcium fluxes in differentiated cells [Resende et al., Cell Calcium 43 (2008) 107-121]. In the present study, we have demonstrated that nicotine provoked inhibition of proliferation in embryonic cells as determined by BrdU labeling. However, in neural progenitor cells nicotine stimulated proliferation which was reversed in the presence of inhibitors of calcium mobilization from intracellular stores, indicating that liberation of intracellular calcium contributed to this proliferation induction. Muscarine induced proliferation stimulation in progenitor cells by activation of G alpha(q/11)-coupled M-1, M-3 and M-5 receptors and intracellular calcium stores, whereas G alpha(i/o)-protein coupled M-2 receptor activity mediated neuronal differentiation. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Muscarinic (mAChRs) and nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) are involved in various physiological processes, including neuronal development. We provide evidence for expression of functional nicotinic and muscarinic receptors during differentiation of P19 carcinoma embryonic cells, as an in vitro model of early neurogenesis. We have detected expression and activity alpha(2)-alpha(7), beta(2), beta(4) nAChR and M1-M5 mAChR subtypes during neuronal differentiation. Nicotinic alpha(3) and beta(2) mRNA transcription was induced by addition of retinoic acid to P19 cells. Gene expression Of alpha(2), alpha(4)-alpha(7), beta(4) nAChR subunits decreased during initial differentiation and increased again when P19 cells underwent final maturation. Receptor response in terms of nicotinic agonist-evoked Ca2+, flux was observed in embryonic and neuronal-differentiated cells. Muscarinic receptor response, merely present in undifferentiated P19 cells, increased during neuronal differentiation. The nAChR-induced elevation of intracellular calcium ([Ca2+](i)) response in undifferentiated cells was due to Ca2+ influx. In differentiated P19 neurons the nAChR-induced [Ca2+](i) response was reduced following pretreatment with ryanodine, while the mAChR-induced response was unaffected indicating the contribution of Ca2+ release from ryanodine-sensitive stores to nAChR- but not mAChR-mediated Ca2+ responses. The presence of functional nAChRs in embryonic cells suggests that these receptors are involved in triggering Ca2+ waves during initial neuronal differentiation. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Innumerous protocols, using the mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells as model for in vitro study of neurons functional properties and features, have been developed. Most of these protocols are short lasting, which, therefore, does not allow a careful analysis of the neurons maturation, aging, and death processes. We describe here a novel and efficient long-lasting protocol for in vitro ES cells differentiation into neuronal cells. It consists of obtaining embryoid bodies, followed by induction of neuronal differentiation with retinoic acid of nonadherent embryoid bodies (three-dimensional model), which further allows their adherence and formation of adherent neurospheres (AN, bi-dimensional model). The AN can be maintained for at least 12 weeks in culture under repetitive mechanical splitting, providing a constant microenvironment (in vitro niche) for the neuronal progenitor cells avoiding mechanical dissociation of AN. The expression of neuron-specific proteins, such as nestin, sox1, beta III-tubulin, microtubule-associated protein 2, neurofilament medium protein, Tau, neuronal nuclei marker, gamma-aminobutyric acid, and 5-hydroxytryptamine, were confirmed in these cells maintained during 3 months under several splitting. Additionally, expression pattern of microtubule-associated proteins, such as lissencephaly (Lis1) and nuclear distribution element-like (Ndel1), which were shown to be essential for differentiation and migration of neurons during embryogenesis, was also studied. As expected, both proteins were expressed in undifferentiated ES cells, AN, and nonrosette neurons, although presenting different spatial distribution in AN. In contrast to previous studies, using cultured neuronal cells derived from embryonic and adult tissues, only Ndel1 expression was observed in the centrosome region of early neuroblasts from AN. Mature neurons, obtained from ES cells in this work, display ionic channels and oscillations of membrane electrical potential typical of electrically excitable cells, which is a characteristic feature of the functional central nervous system (CNS) neurons. Taken together, our study demonstrated that AN are a long-term culture of neuronal cells that can be used to analyze the process of neuronal differentiation dynamics. Thus, the protocol described here provides a new experimental model for studying neurological diseases associated with neuronal differentiation during early development, as well as it represents a novel source of functional cells that can be used as tools for testing the effects of toxins and/or drugs on neuronal cells.


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Morphogenesis and cytodifferentiation are distinct processes in tooth development. Cell proliferation predominates in morphogenesis; differentiation involves changes in form and gene expression. The cytoskeleton is essential for both processes, being regulated by Rho GTPases. The aim of this study was to verify the expression, distribution, and role of Rho GTPases in ameloblasts and odontoblasts during tooth development in correlation with actin and tubulin arrangements and amelogenin and dentin sialophosphoprotein (DSPP) expression. RhoA, Rac1, and Cdc42 were strongly expressed during morphogenesis; during cytodifferentiation, RhoA was present in ameloblasts and odontoblasts, Rac1 and its effector Pak3 were observed in ameloblasts; and Cdc42 was present in all cells of the tooth germ and mesenchyme. The expression of RhoA mRNA and its effectors RockI and RockII, Rac1 and Pak3, as analyzed by real-time polymerase chain reaction, increased after ameloblast and odontoblast differentiation, according to the mRNA expression of amelogenin and DSPP. The inhibition of all Rho GTPases by Clostridium difficile toxin A completely abolished amelogenin and DSPP expression in tooth germs cultured in anterior eye chamber, whereas the specific inhibition of the Rocks showed only a partial effect. Thus, both GTPases are important during tooth morphogenesis. During cytodifferentiation, Rho proteins are essential for the complete differentiation of ameloblasts and odontoblasts by regulating the expression of amelogenin and DSPP. RhoA and its effector RockI contribute to this role. A specific function for Rac1 in ameloblasts remains to be elucidated; its punctate distribution indicates its possible role in exocytosis/endocytosis.


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3D (three-dimensional) cell culture permits a more integrated analysis of the relationship between cells, inserting them into a structure more closely resembling the cellular microenvironment in vivo. The development of in vitro parameters to approximate in vivo 3D cellular environments makes a less reductionist interpretation of cell biology possible. For breast cells, in vitro 3D culture has proven to be an important tool for the analysis of luminal morphogenesis. A greater understanding of this process is necessary because alterations in the lumen arrangement are associated with carcinogenesis. Following lumen formation in 3D cell culture using laser scanning confocal microscopy, we observed alterations in the arrangement of cytoskeletal components (F-actin and microtubules) and increasing levels of cell death associated with lumen formation. The formation of a polarized monolayer facing the lumen was characterized through 3D reconstructions and the use of TEM (transmission electron microscopy), and this process was found to occur through the gradual clearing of cells from the medullary region of the spheroids. This process was associated with different types of cell death, such as apoptosis, autophagy and entosis. The present study showed that changes in the extracellular matrix associated with long periods of time in 3D cell culture lead to the formation of a lumen in MCF-7 cell spheroids and that features of differentiation such as lumen and budding formation occur after long periods in 3D culture, even in the absence of exogenous extracellular compounds.


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The development of the gastric mucosa is controlled by hormones, growth factors and feeding behavior. Early weaning (EW), which means the abrupt interruption of suckling, increases proliferation and differentiation in the rat gastric epithelium. Transforming growth factor alpha(TGF alpha) is secreted in the stomach, binds to the epidermal growth factor receptor( EGFR) and may control cell proliferation, differentiation and migration. Here, we investigated the influence of suckling-weaning transition on the differentiation of mucous neck cells in the stomach and its association to the expression of TGF alpha and EGFR. Fifteen-day-old Wistar rats were divided into two groups: suckling( control), in which pups were kept with the dam, and early weaning( EW), in which rats were separated from their mother and fed with hydrated powdered chow. TGF alpha and EGFR levels were increased at 18 days in EW animals compared to control ones (p<0.05). Histochemical reactions with Periodic Acid-Schiff reagent+Alcian Blue or Bandeiraea simplicifolia II lectin were used to stain the mucous neck cells and showed an increase in this cell population throughout EW, which was more pronounced at 17 days when compared to suckling pups (p<0.05). These morphological results were confirmed by RT-PCR for mucin 6. The levels of mucin 6 mRNA were higher in EW animals from the 16th to the 18th day(1-3 days post-weaning) when compared to the respective control group. Inhibition of EGFR through AG1478 administration to EW animals prevented the expansion of mucous neck cell population induced by EW (p<0.05). Therefore, early weaning up regulated TGF alpha/EGFR expression and induced differentiation of mucous neck cells. Moreover, we showed that EGFR takes part in the maturation of this cell population. We conclude that regular suckling-weaning transition is crucial to guarantee the development of the gastric mucosa. (C) 2009 International Society of Differentiation. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The inhibitory effect of supraphysiological iodide concentrations on thyroid hormone synthesis (Wolff - Chaikoff effect) and on thyrocyte proliferation is largely known as iodine autoregulation. However, the molecular mechanisms by which iodide modulates thyroid function remain unclear. In this paper, we analyze the transcriptome profile of the rat follicular cell lineage PCCl3 under untreated and treated conditions with 10 (- 3) M sodium iodide (NaI). Serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) revealed 84 transcripts differentially expressed in response to iodide (p <= 0.001). We also showed that iodide excess inhibits the expression of essential genes for thyroid differentiation: Tshr, Nis, Tg, and Tpo. Relative expression of 14 of 20 transcripts selected by SAGE was confirmed by real-time PCR. Considering the key role of iodide organification in thyroid physiology, we also observed that both the oxidized form of iodide and iodide per se are responsible for gene expression modulation in response to iodide excess. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Therapy with stem cells has showed to be promising for acute kidney injury (AKI), although how it works is still controversial. Modulation of the inflammatory response is one possible mechanism. Most of published data relies on early time and whether the protection is still maintained after that is not known. Here, we analyzed whether immune modulation continues after 24 h of reperfusion. MSC were obtained from male Wistar rats. After 3-5 passages, cells were screened for CD73, CD90, CD44, CD45, CD29 and CD 31. In addition, MSC were submitted to differentiation in adipocyte and in osteocyte. AKI was induced by bilaterally clamping of renal pedicles for 60 min. Six hours after injury, MSC (2 x 105 cells) were administered intravenously. MSC-treated animals presented the lowest serum creatinine compared to non-treated animals (24 h: 1.3 +/- 0.21 vs. 3.23 +/- 0.89 mg/dl, p<0.05). The improvement in renal function was followed by a lower expression of IL-1b, IL-6 and TNF-alpha and higher expression of IL-4 and IL-10. However, 48 h after reperfusion, this cytokine profile has changed. The decrease in Th1 cytokines was less evident and IL-6 was markedly up regulated. PCNA analysis showed that regeneration occurs faster in kidney tissues of MSC-treated animals than in controls at 24 h. And also ratio of Bcl-2/Bad was higher at treated animals after 24 and 48 h. Our data demonstrated that the immunomodulatory effects of MSC occur at very early time point, changing the inflammation profile toward a Th2 profile. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study evaluated the effects of cohabitation with a B16F10 melanoma-bearer cage mate on behavior and immune functions in mice. Five different experiments were conducted. In each of them, the female mice were divided into two groups: control and experimental. One mouse of each control pair was kept undisturbed and called ""companion of health partner"" (CHP). One mouse of each experimental pair was inoculated with B16FI0 cells and the other, the subject of this study, was called ""companion sick partner"" (CSP). On Day 20 of cohabitation, behavior and immune parameters from CHP and CSP mice were analyzed. In comparison to the CHP, the CSP mice: (1) presented an increased general locomotion in the open field and a decreased exploration time and number of entries in the plus-maze open arms; (2) had an enhanced expression of the CD80 costimulatory molecule on Iab(+)CD11c(+) spleen cells, but no differences were found on lymph nodes cells; (3) presented an altered differentiation of bone marrow cells in the presence of GM-CSF, IL-4, and LPS in vitro, resulting in a lower percentage of Iab(+)CD80(+) cells; (4) had a deficit in the establishment of a Delayed Type of Hypersensitivity to ovalbumin, which was associated to an in vitro proliferation of an IL-10-producing lymphocyte subpopulation after ovalbumin stimulation. Corticosterone levels detected on Day 20 of cohabitation were similar in CHP and CSP mice. It is shown here that DCs phenotype in mice is affected by conditions associated with behavioral alterations indicative of an anxiety-like state induced by the cohabitation with a tumor-bearer conspecific. This phenomenon occurred probably through a nondependent corticosterone mechanism. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The process of host cell invasion by Trypanosoma cruzi depends on parasite energy. What source of energy is used for that event is not known. To address this and other questions related to T. cruzi energy requirements and cell invasion, we analyzed metacyclic trypomastigote forms of the phylogenetically distant CL and G strains. For both strains, the nutritional stress experienced by cells starved for 24, 36, or 48 h in phosphate-buffered saline reduced the ATP content and the ability of the parasite to invade HeLa cells proportionally to the starvation time. Inhibition of ATP production by treating parasites with rotenone plus antimycin A also diminished the infectivity. Nutrient depletion did not alter the expression of gp82, the surface molecule that mediates CL strain internalization, but increased the expression of gp90, the negative regulator of cell invasion, in the G strain. When L-proline was given to metacyclic forms starved for 36 h, the ATP levels were restored to those of nonstarved controls for both strains. Glucose had no such effect, although this carbohydrate and L-proline were transported in similar fashions. Recovery of infectivity promoted by L-proline treatment of starved parasites was restricted to the CL strain. The profile of restoration of ATP content and gp82-mediated invasion capacity by L-proline treatment of starved Y-strain parasites was similar to that of the CL strain, whereas the Dm28 and Dm30 strains, whose infectivity is downregulated by gp90, behaved like the G strain. L-Proline was also found to increase the ability of the CL strain to traverse a gastric mucin layer, a property important for the establishment of T. cruzi infection by the oral route. Efficient translocation of parasites through gastric mucin toward the target epithelial cells in the stomach mucosa is an essential requirement for subsequent cell invasion. By relying on these closely associated ATP-driven processes, the metacyclic trypomastigotes effectively accomplish their internalization.