31 resultados para Costs, Industrial
In this paper a computational implementation of an evolutionary algorithm (EA) is shown in order to tackle the problem of reconfiguring radial distribution systems. The developed module considers power quality indices such as long duration interruptions and customer process disruptions due to voltage sags, by using the Monte Carlo simulation method. Power quality costs are modeled into the mathematical problem formulation, which are added to the cost of network losses. As for the EA codification proposed, a decimal representation is used. The EA operators, namely selection, recombination and mutation, which are considered for the reconfiguration algorithm, are herein analyzed. A number of selection procedures are analyzed, namely tournament, elitism and a mixed technique using both elitism and tournament. The recombination operator was developed by considering a chromosome structure representation that maps the network branches and system radiality, and another structure that takes into account the network topology and feasibility of network operation to exchange genetic material. The topologies regarding the initial population are randomly produced so as radial configurations are produced through the Prim and Kruskal algorithms that rapidly build minimum spanning trees. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) are designed to prevent and / or mitigate accidents, avoiding undesirable high potential risk scenarios, assuring protection of people`s health, protecting the environment and saving costs of industrial equipment. The design of these systems require formal methods for ensuring the safety requirements, but according material published in this area, has not identified a consolidated procedure to match the task. This sense, this article introduces a formal method for diagnosis and treatment of critical faults based on Bayesian network (BN) and Petri net (PN). This approach considers diagnosis and treatment for each safety instrumented function (SIF) including hazard and operability (HAZOP) study in the equipment or system under control. It also uses BN and Behavioral Petri net (BPN) for diagnoses and decision-making and the PN for the synthesis, modeling and control to be implemented by Safety Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). An application example considering the diagnosis and treatment of critical faults is presented and illustrates the methodology proposed.
Petri net (PN) modeling is one of the most used formal methods in the automation applications field, together with programmable logic controllers (PLCs). Therefore, the creation of a modeling methodology for PNs compatible with the IEC61131 standard is a necessity of automation specialists. Different works dealing with this subject have been carried out; they are presented in the first part of this paper [Frey (2000a, 2000b); Peng and Zhou (IEEE Trans Syst Man Cybern, Part C Appl Rev 34(4):523-531, 2004); Uzam and Jones (Int J Adv Manuf Technol 14(10):716-728, 1998)], but they do not present a completely compatible methodology with this standard. At the same time, they do not maintain the simplicity required for such applications, nor the use of all-graphical and all-mathematical ordinary Petri net (OPN) tools to facilitate model verification and validation. The proposal presented here completes these requirements. Educational applications at the USP and UEA (Brazil) and the UO (Cuba), as well as industrial applications in Brazil and Cuba, have already been carried out with good results.
The kinetics of the ethoxylation of fatty alcohols catalyzed by potassium hydroxide was studied to obtain the rate constants for modeling of the industrial process. Experimental data obtained in a lab-scale semibatch autoclave reactor were used to evaluate kinetic and equilibrium parameters. The kinetic model was employed to model the performance of an industrial-scale spray tower reactor for fatty alcohol ethoxylation. The reactor model considers that mass transfer and reaction occur independently in two distinct zones of the reactor. Good agreement between the model predictions and real data was found. These findings confirm the reliability of the kinetic and reactor model for simulating fatty alcohol ethoxylation processes under industrial conditions.
The main scope of this work is the implementation of an MPC that integrates the control and the economic optimization of the system. The two problems are solved simultaneously through the modification of the control cost function that includes an additional term related to the economic objective. The optimizing MPC is based on a quadratic program (QP) as the conventional MPC and can be solved with the available QP solvers. The method was implemented in an industrial distillation system, and the results show that the approach is efficient and can be used, in several practical cases. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The thermal performance of a cooling tower and its cooling water system is critical for industrial plants, and small deviations from the design conditions may cause severe instability in the operation and economics of the process. External disturbances such as variation in the thermal demand of the process or oscillations in atmospheric conditions may be suppressed in multiple ways. Nevertheless, such alternatives are hardly ever implemented in the industrial operation due to the poor coordination between the utility and process sectors. The complexity of the operation increases because of the strong interaction among the process variables. In the present work, an integrated model for the minimization of the operating costs of a cooling water system is developed. The system is composed of a cooling tower as well as a network of heat exchangers. After the model is verified, several cases are studied with the objective of determining the optimal operation. It is observed that the most important operational resources to mitigate disturbances in the thermal demand of the process are, in this order: the increase in recycle water flow rate, the increase in air flow rate and finally the forced removal of a portion of the water flow rate that enters the cooling tower with the corresponding make-up flow rate. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Hub-and-spoke networks are widely studied in the area of location theory. They arise in several contexts, including passenger airlines, postal and parcel delivery, and computer and telecommunication networks. Hub location problems usually involve three simultaneous decisions to be made: the optimal number of hub nodes, their locations and the allocation of the non-hub nodes to the hubs. In the uncapacitated single allocation hub location problem (USAHLP) hub nodes have no capacity constraints and non-hub nodes must be assigned to only one hub. In this paper, we propose three variants of a simple and efficient multi-start tabu search heuristic as well as a two-stage integrated tabu search heuristic to solve this problem. With multi-start heuristics, several different initial solutions are constructed and then improved by tabu search, while in the two-stage integrated heuristic tabu search is applied to improve both the locational and allocational part of the problem. Computational experiments using typical benchmark problems (Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) and Australian Post (AP) data sets) as well as new and modified instances show that our approaches consistently return the optimal or best-known results in very short CPU times, thus allowing the possibility of efficiently solving larger instances of the USAHLP than those found in the literature. We also report the integer optimal solutions for all 80 CAB data set instances and the 12 AP instances up to 100 nodes, as well as for the corresponding new generated AP instances with reduced fixed costs. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Model for facilities or vendors location in a global scale considering several echelons in the Chain
The facilities location problem for companies with global operations is very complex and not well explored in the literature. This work proposes a MILP model that solves the problem through minimization of the total logistic cost. Main contributions of the model are the pioneer carrying cost calculation, the treatment given to the take-or-pay costs and to the international tax benefits such as drawback and added value taxes in Brazil. The model was successfully applied to a real case of a chemical industry with industrial plants and sales all over the world. The model application recommended a totally new sourcing model for the company.
This paper focuses on the characterization of carbide lime (CL) - a by-product of acetylene production, composed mainly of calcium hydroxide with minor parts of carbonate - and compares its features to those of ""dry"" hydrated lime (HL) commonly used as a building material. Chemical, thermogravimetric and X-ray diffraction analyses indicated that the limes are similar in chemical and mineralogical compositions. except for the presence of carbon in the waste. Morphological and elemental chemical analyses by SEM and EDS revealed that CL particles differ from HL ones in their morphology and by the presence of carbon formations, Physical characterization included density and BET surface area of the materials. as well as, their particle size distributions in deionized water at diverse time periods. CL underwent agglomeration after approximately 60 min in water, whereas HL progressively became finer with time as determined by laser diffraction. In addition, water retention and squeeze flow tests were used to assess the pastes` fresh properties. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Mating is an energy demanding process, imposing risks to physical injuries, pathogen infection and predation. Nevertheless, repeated and multiple mating are widespread even in insect species where nuptial gifts are not involved. The effects of repeated mating, by the same male, are examined on the reproductive performance of female Southern green stink bug Nezara viridula (L.). Fecundity is reduced in females mated three or four times, although there is increased longevity. Females mated once or twice produce more egg clusters and concentrate egg-laying activity in the early part of adult life, whereas those mating more often lay eggs throughout the life span, with fewer egg clusters. Although fecundity is negatively affected by the number of matings, egg fertility remains unaffected.
Blends of canola oil (CO) and fully hydrogenated cottonseed oil (FHCSO), with 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40% FHCSO (w/w) were interesterified under the following conditions: 0.4% sodium methoxide, 500 rpm stirring, 100C, 20 min. The original and interesterified blends were examined for triacylglycerol composition, melting point, solid fat content (SFC) and consistency. Interesterification caused considerable rearrangement of triacylglycerol species, reduction of trisaturated triacylglycerol content and increase in disaturated-monounsaturated and monosaturated-diunsaturated triacylglycerols in all blends, resulting in lowering of respective melting points. The interesterified blends showed reduced SFC at all temperatures and more linear melting profiles if compared with the original blends. Consistency, expressed as yield value, significantly decreased after the reaction. Iso-solid curves indicated eutectic interactions for the original blends, which were eliminated after randomization. The 80:20, 75:25, 70:30 and 65:35 (w/w) CO: FHCSO interesterified blends showed characteristics which are appropriate for their application as soft margarines, spreads, fat for bakery/all-purpose shortenings, and icing shortenings, respectively. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS Recently, a number of studies have suggested a direct relationship between trans isomers and increased risk of vascular disease. In response, many health organizations have recommended reducing consumption of foods containing trans fatty acids. In this connection, chemical interesterification has proven the main alternative for obtaining plastic fats that have low trans isomer content or are even trans isomer free. This work proposes to evaluate the chemical interesterification of binary blends of canola oil and fully hydrogenated cottonseed oil and the specific potential application of these interesterified blends in food products.
Solid-state fermentation obtained from different and low-cost carbon sources was evaluated to endocellulases and endoxylanases production by Aspergillus japonicus C03. Regarding the enzymatic production the highest levels were observed at 30 degrees C, using soy bran added to crushed corncob or wheat bran added to sugarcane bagasse, humidified with salt solutions, and incubated for 3 days (xylanase) or 6 days (cellulase) with 70% relative humidity. Peptone improved the xylanase and cellulase activities in 12 and 29%, respectively. The optimum temperature corresponded to 60 degrees C and 50-55 degrees C for xylanase and cellulase, respectively, both having 4.0 as optimum pH. Xylanase was fully stable up to 40 degrees C, which is close to the rumen temperature. The enzymes were stable in pH 4.0-7.0. Cu(++) and Mn(++) increased xylanase and cellulase activities by 10 and 64%, respectively. A. japonicus C03 xylanase was greatly stable in goat rumen fluid for 4 h during in vivo and in vitro experiments.