21 resultados para NONLINEAR SCIENCE
Process scheduling techniques consider the current load situation to allocate computing resources. Those techniques make approximations such as the average of communication, processing, and memory access to improve the process scheduling, although processes may present different behaviors during their whole execution. They may start with high communication requirements and later just processing. By discovering how processes behave over time, we believe it is possible to improve the resource allocation. This has motivated this paper which adopts chaos theory concepts and nonlinear prediction techniques in order to model and predict process behavior. Results confirm the radial basis function technique which presents good predictions and also low processing demands show what is essential in a real distributed environment.
This paper is concerned with the existence of a global attractor for the nonlinear beam equation, with nonlinear damping and source terms, u(tt) + Delta(2)u -M (integral(Omega)vertical bar del u vertical bar(2)dx) Delta u + f(u) + g(u(t)) = h in Omega x R(+), where Omega is a bounded domain of R(N), M is a nonnegative real function and h is an element of L(2)(Omega). The nonlinearities f(u) and g(u(t)) are essentially vertical bar u vertical bar(rho) u - vertical bar u vertical bar(sigma) u and vertical bar u(t)vertical bar(r) u(t) respectively, with rho, sigma, r > 0 and sigma < rho. This kind of problem models vibrations of extensible beams and plates. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Existence of positive solutions for a fourth order equation with nonlinear boundary conditions, which models deformations of beams on elastic supports, is considered using fixed points theorems in cones of ordered Banach spaces. Iterative and numerical solutions are also considered. (C) 2010 IMACS. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This work is concerned with the existence of monotone positive solutions for a class of beam equations with nonlinear boundary conditions. The results are obtained by using the monotone iteration method and they extend early works on beams with null boundary conditions. Numerical simulations are also presented. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Continuity of the dynamics in a localized large diffusion problem with nonlinear boundary conditions
This paper is concerned with singular perturbations in parabolic problems subjected to nonlinear Neumann boundary conditions. We consider the case for which the diffusion coefficient blows up in a subregion Omega(0) which is interior to the physical domain Omega subset of R(n). We prove, under natural assumptions, that the associated attractors behave continuously as the diffusion coefficient blows up locally uniformly in Omega(0) and converges uniformly to a continuous and positive function in Omega(1) = (Omega) over bar\Omega(0). (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The purpose of this paper is to develop a Bayesian analysis for nonlinear regression models under scale mixtures of skew-normal distributions. This novel class of models provides a useful generalization of the symmetrical nonlinear regression models since the error distributions cover both skewness and heavy-tailed distributions such as the skew-t, skew-slash and the skew-contaminated normal distributions. The main advantage of these class of distributions is that they have a nice hierarchical representation that allows the implementation of Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods to simulate samples from the joint posterior distribution. In order to examine the robust aspects of this flexible class, against outlying and influential observations, we present a Bayesian case deletion influence diagnostics based on the Kullback-Leibler divergence. Further, some discussions on the model selection criteria are given. The newly developed procedures are illustrated considering two simulations study, and a real data previously analyzed under normal and skew-normal nonlinear regression models. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this work we propose and analyze nonlinear elliptical models for longitudinal data, which represent an alternative to gaussian models in the cases of heavy tails, for instance. The elliptical distributions may help to control the influence of the observations in the parameter estimates by naturally attributing different weights for each case. We consider random effects to introduce the within-group correlation and work with the marginal model without requiring numerical integration. An iterative algorithm to obtain maximum likelihood estimates for the parameters is presented, as well as diagnostic results based on residual distances and local influence [Cook, D., 1986. Assessment of local influence. journal of the Royal Statistical Society - Series B 48 (2), 133-169; Cook D., 1987. Influence assessment. journal of Applied Statistics 14 (2),117-131; Escobar, L.A., Meeker, W.Q., 1992, Assessing influence in regression analysis with censored data, Biometrics 48, 507-528]. As numerical illustration, we apply the obtained results to a kinetics longitudinal data set presented in [Vonesh, E.F., Carter, R.L., 1992. Mixed-effects nonlinear regression for unbalanced repeated measures. Biometrics 48, 1-17], which was analyzed under the assumption of normality. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We introduce in this paper a new class of discrete generalized nonlinear models to extend the binomial, Poisson and negative binomial models to cope with count data. This class of models includes some important models such as log-nonlinear models, logit, probit and negative binomial nonlinear models, generalized Poisson and generalized negative binomial regression models, among other models, which enables the fitting of a wide range of models to count data. We derive an iterative process for fitting these models by maximum likelihood and discuss inference on the parameters. The usefulness of the new class of models is illustrated with an application to a real data set. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fractal structures appear in many situations related to the dynamics of conservative as well as dissipative dynamical systems, being a manifestation of chaotic behaviour. In open area-preserving discrete dynamical systems we can find fractal structures in the form of fractal boundaries, associated to escape basins, and even possessing the more general property of Wada. Such systems appear in certain applications in plasma physics, like the magnetic field line behaviour in tokamaks with ergodic limiters. The main purpose of this paper is to show how such fractal structures have observable consequences in terms of the transport properties in the plasma edge of tokamaks, some of which have been experimentally verified. We emphasize the role of the fractal structures in the understanding of mesoscale phenomena in plasmas, such as electromagnetic turbulence.
In this Letter we deal with a nonlinear Schrodinger equation with chaotic, random, and nonperiodic cubic nonlinearity. Our goal is to study the soliton evolution, with the strength of the nonlinearity perturbed in the space and time coordinates and to check its robustness under these conditions. Here we show that the chaotic perturbation is more effective in destroying the soliton behavior, when compared with random or nonperiodic perturbation. For a real system, the perturbation can be related to, e.g., impurities in crystalline structures, or coupling to a thermal reservoir which, on the average, enhances the nonlinearity. We also discuss the relevance of such random perturbations to the dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates and their collective excitations and transport. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This work demonstrates that the detuning of the fs-laser spectrum from the two-photon absorption band of organic materials can be used to reach further control of the two-photon absorption by pulse spectral phase manipulation. We investigate the coherent control of the two-photon absorption in imidazole-thiophene core compounds presenting distinct two-photon absorption spectra. The coherent control, performed using pulse phase shaping and genetic algorithm, exhibited different growth rates for each sample. Such distinct trends were explained by calculating the two-photon absorption probability considering the intrapulse interference mechanism, taking into account the two-photon absorption spectrum of the samples. Our results indicate that tuning the relative position between the nonlinear absorption and the pulse spectrum can be used as a novel strategy to optimize the two-photon absorption in broadband molecular systems. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The propagation of an optical beam through dielectric media induces changes in the refractive index, An, which causes self-focusing or self-defocusing. In the particular case of ion-doped solids, there are thermal and non-thermal lens effects, where the latter is due to the polarizability difference, Delta alpha, between the excited and ground states, the so-called population lens (PL) effect. PL is a pure electronic contribution to the nonlinearity, while the thermal lens (TL) effect is caused by the conversion of part of the absorbed energy into heat. In time-resolved measurements such as Z-scan and TL transient experiments, it is not easy to separate these two contributions to nonlinear refractive index because they usually have similar response times. In this work, we performed time-resolved measurements using both Z-scan and mode mismatched TL in order to discriminate thermal and electronic contributions to the laser-induced refractive index change of the Nd3+-doped Strontium Barium Niobate (SrxBa1-xNb2O6) laser crystal. Combining numerical simulations with experimental results we could successfully distinguish between the two contributions to An. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Several experiments (time-resolved Z-scan experiments based on pulsed and CW pump lasers, time-resolved divergence diagnostics) have been performed to examine and clarify the question of the converging or diverging population lensing effect occurring in a Cr(3+):Al(2)O(3) ruby laser. The dynamics of the laser far-field divergence of such a laser indeed indicated initially a diverging effect while Z-scan measurements conclude to a converging one. The origin of this discrepancy is thus analysed and elucidated here by introducing the general concept of correlation collapse between the centre and the wings of a laser beam having some clipping. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Exact penalties for variational inequalities with applications to nonlinear complementarity problems
In this paper, we present a new reformulation of the KKT system associated to a variational inequality as a semismooth equation. The reformulation is derived from the concept of differentiable exact penalties for nonlinear programming. The best theoretical results are presented for nonlinear complementarity problems, where simple, verifiable, conditions ensure that the penalty is exact. We close the paper with some preliminary computational tests on the use of a semismooth Newton method to solve the equation derived from the new reformulation. We also compare its performance with the Newton method applied to classical reformulations based on the Fischer-Burmeister function and on the minimum. The new reformulation combines the best features of the classical ones, being as easy to solve as the reformulation that uses the Fischer-Burmeister function while requiring as few Newton steps as the one that is based on the minimum.
This paper describes the first phase of a project attempting to construct an efficient general-purpose nonlinear optimizer using an augmented Lagrangian outer loop with a relative error criterion, and an inner loop employing a state-of-the art conjugate gradient solver. The outer loop can also employ double regularized proximal kernels, a fairly recent theoretical development that leads to fully smooth subproblems. We first enhance the existing theory to show that our approach is globally convergent in both the primal and dual spaces when applied to convex problems. We then present an extensive computational evaluation using the CUTE test set, showing that some aspects of our approach are promising, but some are not. These conclusions in turn lead to additional computational experiments suggesting where to next focus our theoretical and computational efforts.