7 resultados para visual pattern recognition network

em Universidad de Alicante


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Comunicación presentada en el 2nd International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information Systems, Alicante, April, 2002.


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The research described in this thesis was motivated by the need of a robust model capable of representing 3D data obtained with 3D sensors, which are inherently noisy. In addition, time constraints have to be considered as these sensors are capable of providing a 3D data stream in real time. This thesis proposed the use of Self-Organizing Maps (SOMs) as a 3D representation model. In particular, we proposed the use of the Growing Neural Gas (GNG) network, which has been successfully used for clustering, pattern recognition and topology representation of multi-dimensional data. Until now, Self-Organizing Maps have been primarily computed offline and their application in 3D data has mainly focused on free noise models, without considering time constraints. It is proposed a hardware implementation leveraging the computing power of modern GPUs, which takes advantage of a new paradigm coined as General-Purpose Computing on Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU). The proposed methods were applied to different problem and applications in the area of computer vision such as the recognition and localization of objects, visual surveillance or 3D reconstruction.


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In this paper, we propose a novel method for the unsupervised clustering of graphs in the context of the constellation approach to object recognition. Such method is an EM central clustering algorithm which builds prototypical graphs on the basis of fast matching with graph transformations. Our experiments, both with random graphs and in realistic situations (visual localization), show that our prototypes improve the set median graphs and also the prototypes derived from our previous incremental method. We also discuss how the method scales with a growing number of images.


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We have studied the effect of inactivated microbial stimuli (Candida albicans, Candida glabrata, Saccharomyces boulardii, and Staphylococcus aureus) on the in vitro differentiation of lineage negative (Lin−) hematopoietic progenitor mouse cells. Purified Lin− progenitors were co-cultured for 7 days with the stimuli, and cell differentiation was determined by flow cytometry analysis. All the stimuli assayed caused differentiation toward the myeloid lineage. S. boulardii and particularly C. glabrata were the stimuli that induced in a minor extent differentiation of Lin− cells, as the major population of differentiated cells corresponded to monocytes, whereas C. albicans and S. aureus induced differentiation beyond monocytes: to monocyte-derived dendritic cells and macrophages, respectively. Interestingly, signaling through TLR2 by its pure ligand Pam3CSK4 directed differentiation of Lin− cells almost exclusively to macrophages. These data support the notion that hematopoiesis can be modulated in response to microbial stimuli in a pathogen-dependent manner, being determined by the pathogen-associated molecular patterns and the pattern-recognition receptors involved, in order to generate the populations of mature cells required to deal with the pathogen.


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Human behaviour recognition has been, and still remains, a challenging problem that involves different areas of computational intelligence. The automated understanding of people activities from video sequences is an open research topic in which the computer vision and pattern recognition areas have made big efforts. In this paper, the problem is studied from a prediction point of view. We propose a novel method able to early detect behaviour using a small portion of the input, in addition to the capabilities of it to predict behaviour from new inputs. Specifically, we propose a predictive method based on a simple representation of trajectories of a person in the scene which allows a high level understanding of the global human behaviour. The representation of the trajectory is used as a descriptor of the activity of the individual. The descriptors are used as a cue of a classification stage for pattern recognition purposes. Classifiers are trained using the trajectory representation of the complete sequence. However, partial sequences are processed to evaluate the early prediction capabilities having a specific observation time of the scene. The experiments have been carried out using the three different dataset of the CAVIAR database taken into account the behaviour of an individual. Additionally, different classic classifiers have been used for experimentation in order to evaluate the robustness of the proposal. Results confirm the high accuracy of the proposal on the early recognition of people behaviours.


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In this work, a modified version of the elastic bunch graph matching (EBGM) algorithm for face recognition is introduced. First, faces are detected by using a fuzzy skin detector based on the RGB color space. Then, the fiducial points for the facial graph are extracted automatically by adjusting a grid of points to the result of an edge detector. After that, the position of the nodes, their relation with their neighbors and their Gabor jets are calculated in order to obtain the feature vector defining each face. A self-organizing map (SOM) framework is shown afterwards. Thus, the calculation of the winning neuron and the recognition process are performed by using a similarity function that takes into account both the geometric and texture information of the facial graph. The set of experiments carried out for our SOM-EBGM method shows the accuracy of our proposal when compared with other state-of the-art methods.


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Nowadays, new computers generation provides a high performance that enables to build computationally expensive computer vision applications applied to mobile robotics. Building a map of the environment is a common task of a robot and is an essential part to allow the robots to move through these environments. Traditionally, mobile robots used a combination of several sensors from different technologies. Lasers, sonars and contact sensors have been typically used in any mobile robotic architecture, however color cameras are an important sensor due to we want the robots to use the same information that humans to sense and move through the different environments. Color cameras are cheap and flexible but a lot of work need to be done to give robots enough visual understanding of the scenes. Computer vision algorithms are computational complex problems but nowadays robots have access to different and powerful architectures that can be used for mobile robotics purposes. The advent of low-cost RGB-D sensors like Microsoft Kinect which provide 3D colored point clouds at high frame rates made the computer vision even more relevant in the mobile robotics field. The combination of visual and 3D data allows the systems to use both computer vision and 3D processing and therefore to be aware of more details of the surrounding environment. The research described in this thesis was motivated by the need of scene mapping. Being aware of the surrounding environment is a key feature in many mobile robotics applications from simple robotic navigation to complex surveillance applications. In addition, the acquisition of a 3D model of the scenes is useful in many areas as video games scene modeling where well-known places are reconstructed and added to game systems or advertising where once you get the 3D model of one room the system can add furniture pieces using augmented reality techniques. In this thesis we perform an experimental study of the state-of-the-art registration methods to find which one fits better to our scene mapping purposes. Different methods are tested and analyzed on different scene distributions of visual and geometry appearance. In addition, this thesis proposes two methods for 3d data compression and representation of 3D maps. Our 3D representation proposal is based on the use of Growing Neural Gas (GNG) method. This Self-Organizing Maps (SOMs) has been successfully used for clustering, pattern recognition and topology representation of various kind of data. Until now, Self-Organizing Maps have been primarily computed offline and their application in 3D data has mainly focused on free noise models without considering time constraints. Self-organising neural models have the ability to provide a good representation of the input space. In particular, the Growing Neural Gas (GNG) is a suitable model because of its flexibility, rapid adaptation and excellent quality of representation. However, this type of learning is time consuming, specially for high-dimensional input data. Since real applications often work under time constraints, it is necessary to adapt the learning process in order to complete it in a predefined time. This thesis proposes a hardware implementation leveraging the computing power of modern GPUs which takes advantage of a new paradigm coined as General-Purpose Computing on Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU). Our proposed geometrical 3D compression method seeks to reduce the 3D information using plane detection as basic structure to compress the data. This is due to our target environments are man-made and therefore there are a lot of points that belong to a plane surface. Our proposed method is able to get good compression results in those man-made scenarios. The detected and compressed planes can be also used in other applications as surface reconstruction or plane-based registration algorithms. Finally, we have also demonstrated the goodness of the GPU technologies getting a high performance implementation of a CAD/CAM common technique called Virtual Digitizing.