18 resultados para análisis de datos de aprendizaje
em Universidad de Alicante
Objetivo Identificar las diferencias y semejanzas en el proceso de aprendizaje clínico de los diferentes países desde la perspectiva de los alumnos de enfermería. Material y Método -La metodología empleada es la propia de la Educación Comparada desarrollada, entre otros, por diferentes autores. Este proceso metodológico se vertebra a través de 4 fases: a) Descripción B) La fase de interpretación en la que los alumnos se plantean la necesidad de explicar las diferencias mediante el proceso de reflexión y el pensamiento crítico c) La yuxtaposición tiene como finalidad organizar los factores y elementos que inciden en su proceso de prácticas clínicas d) Comparación en los diferentes sistemas educativos (el de origen y el de destino de las prácticas). Empleando el diario de prácticas clínicas para la recogida de datos Análisis de Datos, para el análisis de los diarios se realizará un análisis de contenido, utilizando el software atlas ti para soporte en ayuda y categorización.
El objetivo de estudio es conocer los tipos de saques utilizados, dependiendo el momento del set en el que se producen. Este estudio ha sido desarrollado durante el torneo Nestea Spanish Master de Vóley Playa disputado en Valencia en el año 2006. La muestra de estudio la componen 10 jugadoras que conforman 5 equipos con un total de 4 encuentros analizados que suman 331 saques analizados. El análisis de las videograbaciones se llevó a cabo con el software SportCode Pro v.8.5.2. Los saques se clasificaron dependiendo del momento en el que se produjeron, siendo la franja 1 (del punto 1 al 7), franja 2 (del punto 8 al 14) y franja 3 (del punto 15 al 21). El análisis de datos se llevo a cabo con el software SPSS v.19. La prueba Chi-cuadrado, estableció diferencias significativas entre los diferentes tipos de saques para la franja 1 y 3 (p<.05), pero no se establecieron diferencias significativas en la franja 2 para los tres tipos de saque utilizado (p>.05). Se experimenta una disminución en el uso del saque en potencia (SP) de la franja 1 (84.1%) con respecto al de la franja 3 (4.8%), mientras que el saque flotante (SF) aumenta de la franja 1 (13.5%) a la franja 3 (81%). Finalmente el saque flotante (SF) en salto aumentan de la franja 1 (2.4%) a la franja 2 (28%) y decrece de esta última a la franja 3 (14.3%).
En este trabajo se describe el proceso llevado a cabo para analizar numéricamente mediante el método de los elementos finitos (MEF) el comportamiento vibratorio del conjunto móvil de un altavoz dinámico de bobina con doble suspensión inferior y en ausencia de la superior. El estudio se centra en el rango de baja frecuencia. El calibrado del modelo se realiza en base a medidas experimentales de la frecuencia de resonancia y desplazamiento del diafragma. Se hace énfasis en la importancia de los factores de participación asociados a la fuerza de excitación y en los cambios que se producen en estos al introducir fuerzas no equilibradas. Así mismo, el análisis proporciona datos para decidir sobre la distancia entre suspensiones, su número óptimo de pliegues y la ubicación de las trencillas, siendo estos parámetros de gran interés en el diseño de este tipo de altavoces.
La finalidad del presente trabajo es analizar las relaciones existentes entre la competencia social y la inteligencia emocional en estudiantes de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. Así mismo, también nos proponemos analizar el papel de la empatía y sus relaciones con la competencia social y la inteligencia emocional, ya que en la mayoría de los estudios existentes aparece relacionada de un modo u otro con estos constructos. Los participantes en nuestro estudio fueron 110 estudiantes de primer ciclo de ESO. Los instrumentos empleados fueron: el test EQ-i:YV de BarOn (1997), el Cuestionario Matson de habilidades sociales para adolescentes (Matson, Rotatori, y Helsel, 1983) y el Interpersonal Reactivity Index, IRI (Davis, 1983). Las técnicas de análisis de datos incluyen: análisis de correlación, análisis de regresión múltiple paso a paso y análisis de regresión múltiple de tipo jerárquico. Los resultados obtenidos nos permiten identificar un conjunto de variables que están directamente implicadas en la Competencia social.
Different non-Fourier models of heat conduction have been considered in recent years, in a growing area of applications, to model microscale and ultrafast, transient, nonequilibrium responses in heat and mass transfer. In this work, using Fourier transforms, we obtain exact solutions for different lagging models of heat conduction in a semi-infinite domain, which allow the construction of analytic-numerical solutions with prescribed accuracy. Examples of numerical computations, comparing the properties of the models considered, are presented.
Stability of the first-order neutral delay equation x’ (t) + ax’ (t – τ) = bx(t) + cx(t – τ) with complex coefficients is studied, by analyzing the existence of stability switches.
Non-Fourier models of heat conduction are increasingly being considered in the modeling of microscale heat transfer in engineering and biomedical heat transfer problems. The dual-phase-lagging model, incorporating time lags in the heat flux and the temperature gradient, and some of its particular cases and approximations, result in heat conduction modeling equations in the form of delayed or hyperbolic partial differential equations. In this work, the application of difference schemes for the numerical solution of lagging models of heat conduction is considered. Numerical schemes for some DPL approximations are developed, characterizing their properties of convergence and stability. Examples of numerical computations are included.
Conceptual frameworks of dryland degradation commonly include ecohydrological feedbacks between landscape spatial organization and resource loss, so that decreasing cover and size of vegetation patches result in higher water and soil losses, which lead to further vegetation loss. However, the impacts of these feedbacks on dryland dynamics in response to external stress have barely been tested. Using a spatially-explicit model, we represented feedbacks between vegetation pattern and landscape resource loss by establishing a negative dependence of plant establishment on the connectivity of runoff-source areas (e.g., bare soils). We assessed the impact of various feedback strengths on the response of dryland ecosystems to changing external conditions. In general, for a given external pressure, these connectivity-mediated feedbacks decrease vegetation cover at equilibrium, which indicates a decrease in ecosystem resistance. Along a gradient of gradual increase of environmental pressure (e.g., aridity), the connectivity-mediated feedbacks decrease the amount of pressure required to cause a critical shift to a degraded state (ecosystem resilience). If environmental conditions improve, these feedbacks increase the pressure release needed to achieve the ecosystem recovery (restoration potential). The impact of these feedbacks on dryland response to external stress is markedly non-linear, which relies on the non-linear negative relationship between bare-soil connectivity and vegetation cover. Modelling studies on dryland vegetation dynamics not accounting for the connectivity-mediated feedbacks studied here may overestimate the resistance, resilience and restoration potential of drylands in response to environmental and human pressures. Our results also suggest that changes in vegetation pattern and associated hydrological connectivity may be more informative early-warning indicators of dryland degradation than changes in vegetation cover.
Este artículo ofrece un análisis de datos históricos sobre los intérpretes de embajadas en la corte del califa de Córdoba Al-Ḥakam II (961-976). El objetivo principal es caracterizar, en la medida de lo posible, las funciones de los intérpretes en esa época. Entre los temas tratados en este estudio se destacan la relación entre los intérpretes y el monarca, las lenguas traducidas en una sociedad plurilingüe y diglósica, las modalidades de interpretación utilizadas, el perfil de los intérpretes –no solo como mediadores orales sino también como traductores de documentos oficiales–, y, por fin, su procedencia social y cultural, lo que nos daría una idea de su competencia traductora.
Different non-Fourier models of heat conduction, that incorporate time lags in the heat flux and/or the temperature gradient, have been increasingly considered in the last years to model microscale heat transfer problems in engineering. Numerical schemes to obtain approximate solutions of constant coefficients lagging models of heat conduction have already been proposed. In this work, an explicit finite difference scheme for a model with coefficients variable in time is developed, and their properties of convergence and stability are studied. Numerical computations showing examples of applications of the scheme are presented.
To modulate the expression of genes involved in nitrogen assimilation, the cyanobacterial PII-interacting protein X (PipX) interacts with the global transcriptional regulator NtcA and the signal transduction protein PII, a protein found in all three domains of life as an integrator of signals of the nitrogen and carbon balance. PipX can form alternate complexes with NtcA and PII, and these interactions are stimulated and inhibited, respectively, by 2-oxoglutarate, providing a mechanistic link between PII signaling and NtcA-regulated gene expression. Here, we demonstrate that PipX is involved in a much wider interaction network. The effect of pipX alleles on transcript levels was studied by RNA sequencing of S. elongatus strains grown in the presence of either nitrate or ammonium, followed by multivariate analyses of relevant mutant/control comparisons. As a result of this process, 222 genes were classified into six coherent groups of differentially regulated genes, two of which, containing either NtcA-activated or NtcA-repressed genes, provided further insights into the function of NtcA–PipX complexes. The remaining four groups suggest the involvement of PipX in at least three NtcA-independent regulatory pathways. Our results pave the way to uncover new regulatory interactions and mechanisms in the control of gene expression in cyanobacteria.
Moderate resolution remote sensing data, as provided by MODIS, can be used to detect and map active or past wildfires from daily records of suitable combinations of reflectance bands. The objective of the present work was to develop and test simple algorithms and variations for automatic or semiautomatic detection of burnt areas from time series data of MODIS biweekly vegetation indices for a Mediterranean region. MODIS-derived NDVI 250m time series data for the Valencia region, East Spain, were subjected to a two-step process for the detection of candidate burnt areas, and the results compared with available fire event records from the Valencia Regional Government. For each pixel and date in the data series, a model was fitted to both the previous and posterior time series data. Combining drops between two consecutive points and 1-year average drops, we used discrepancies or jumps between the pre and post models to identify seed pixels, and then delimitated fire scars for each potential wildfire using an extension algorithm from the seed pixels. The resulting maps of the detected burnt areas showed a very good agreement with the perimeters registered in the database of fire records used as reference. Overall accuracies and indices of agreement were very high, and omission and commission errors were similar or lower than in previous studies that used automatic or semiautomatic fire scar detection based on remote sensing. This supports the effectiveness of the method for detecting and mapping burnt areas in the Mediterranean region.
Dual-phase-lagging (DPL) models constitute a family of non-Fourier models of heat conduction that allow for the presence of time lags in the heat flux and the temperature gradient. These lags may need to be considered when modeling microscale heat transfer, and thus DPL models have found application in the last years in a wide range of theoretical and technical heat transfer problems. Consequently, analytical solutions and methods for computing numerical approximations have been proposed for particular DPL models in different settings. In this work, a compact difference scheme for second order DPL models is developed, providing higher order precision than a previously proposed method. The scheme is shown to be unconditionally stable and convergent, and its accuracy is illustrated with numerical examples.