12 resultados para Théologie de la reconstruction
em Universidad de Alicante
Aux origines de l'adoptianisme espagnol, selon l'A., il y a des doctrines islamiques «occultées» par des doctrines chrétiennes antérieures ou des erreurs judaïques parallèles. Il en souligne d'abord les éléments islamiques dus aux relations entre chrétiens et musulmans à Cordoue, à la doctrine islamisante de Migetius, à la culture profane d'Elipand de Tolède et aux efforts catéchétiques de Félix d'Urgel auprès des juifs et des musulmans: tout est réductible aux exigences de compromis de la polémique islamo--chrétienne où on incline à réduire l'importance de la divinité du Christ. Les erreurs musulmanes sont, par suite, condamnées comme étant judaïques et le recours à d'antiques doctrines chrétiennes légitime les thèses de l'adoptianisme, non sans subir des influences ariennes, sabelliennes et nestoriennes: le contexte socio-politique exigeait une telle «occultation» et favorisait de telles déviations.
During the fracture of nanocontacts gold spontaneously forms freely suspended chains of atoms, which is not observed for the isoelectronic noble metals Ag and Cu. Au also differs from Ag and Cu in forming reconstructions at its low-index surfaces. Using mechanically controllable break junctions we show that all the 5d metals that show similar reconstructions (Ir, Pt, and Au) also form chains of atoms, while both properties are absent in the 4d neighbor elements (Rh, Pd, and Ag), indicating a common origin for these two phenomena. A competition between s and d bonding is proposed as an explanation.
A decade before there was getting up the 'Atlantic Wall', there was executed a system of defenses along the Mediterranean coast in Spain (1936-39). The recovery of the same constructions (both of his graphical documents and of the constructed works that stay in foot) and his putting in value it can help to consolidate an own memory of the 20th century. This work considers to inventory, to measure and to draw the planes of these architectures to fix the memory that is diluted by the erosion of the time. The military pieces place in many borders: are these properly architecture? These are walking between two epochs: the one that perpetuates the epic acts in opposite to the one that shows the disasters in order that they do not forget. They are the most modern ruins of our history. In this process of reconstruction of the memory, there turns out to be crucial the graphical restitution. The drawing is a source of knowledge and demonstrates facts that were constructed.
Comunicación presentada en el XI Congreso Internacional de Expresión Gráfica Aplicada a la Edificación, APEGA 2012, Valencia, 29 noviemnre-1 diciembre 2012.
The location of the La Galite Archipelago on the Internal/External Zones of the Maghrebian Chain holds strong interest for the reconstruction of the geodynamic evolution of the Mesomediterranean Microplate-Africa Plate Boundary Zone. New stratigraphic and petrographic data on sedimentary successions intruded upon by plutonic rocks enabled a better definition of the palaeogeographic and palaeotectonic evolutionary model of the area during the early-middle Miocene. The lower Miocene sedimentary units (La Galite Flysch and Numidian-like Flysch) belong to the Mauritanian (internal) and Massylian (external) sub-Domains of the Maghrebian Chain, respectively. These deposits are related to a typical syn-orogenic deposition in the Maghrebian Flysch Basin Domain, successively backthrusted above the internal units. The backthrusting age is post-Burdigalian (probably Langhian-Serravallian) and the compressional phase represents the last stage in the building of the accretionary wedge of the Maghrebian orogen. These flysch units may be co-relatable to the similar well-known formations along the Maghrebian and Betic Chains. The emplacement of potassic peraluminous magmatism, caused local metamorphism in the Late Serravallian-Early Tortonian (14–10 Ma), after the last compressional phase (backthrusting), during an extensional tectonic event. This extensional phase is probably due to the opening of a slab break-off in the deep subduction system. La Galite Archipelago represents a portion of the Maghrebian Flysch Basin tectonically emplaced above the southern margin of the “Mesomediterranean Microplate” which separated the Piemontese-Ligurian Ocean from a southern oceanic branch of the Tethys (i.e. the Maghrebian Flysch Basin). The possible presence of an imbricate thrust system between La Galite Archipelago and northern Tunisia may be useful to exclude the petroleum exploration from the deformed sectors of the offshore area considered.
Several recent works deal with 3D data in mobile robotic problems, e.g., mapping. Data comes from any kind of sensor (time of flight, Kinect or 3D lasers) that provide a huge amount of unorganized 3D data. In this paper we detail an efficient approach to build complete 3D models using a soft computing method, the Growing Neural Gas (GNG). As neural models deal easily with noise, imprecision, uncertainty or partial data, GNG provides better results than other approaches. The GNG obtained is then applied to a sequence. We present a comprehensive study on GNG parameters to ensure the best result at the lowest time cost. From this GNG structure, we propose to calculate planar patches and thus obtaining a fast method to compute the movement performed by a mobile robot by means of a 3D models registration algorithm. Final results of 3D mapping are also shown.
Self-organising neural models have the ability to provide a good representation of the input space. In particular the Growing Neural Gas (GNG) is a suitable model because of its flexibility, rapid adaptation and excellent quality of representation. However, this type of learning is time-consuming, especially for high-dimensional input data. Since real applications often work under time constraints, it is necessary to adapt the learning process in order to complete it in a predefined time. This paper proposes a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) parallel implementation of the GNG with Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA). In contrast to existing algorithms, the proposed GPU implementation allows the acceleration of the learning process keeping a good quality of representation. Comparative experiments using iterative, parallel and hybrid implementations are carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of CUDA implementation. The results show that GNG learning with the proposed implementation achieves a speed-up of 6× compared with the single-threaded CPU implementation. GPU implementation has also been applied to a real application with time constraints: acceleration of 3D scene reconstruction for egomotion, in order to validate the proposal.
Customizing shoe manufacturing is one of the great challenges in the footwear industry. It is a production model change where design adopts not only the main role, but also the main bottleneck. It is therefore necessary to accelerate this process by improving the accuracy of current methods. Rapid prototyping techniques are based on the reuse of manufactured footwear lasts so that they can be modified with CAD systems leading rapidly to new shoe models. In this work, we present a shoe last fast reconstruction method that fits current design and manufacturing processes. The method is based on the scanning of shoe last obtaining sections and establishing a fixed number of landmarks onto those sections to reconstruct the shoe last 3D surface. Automated landmark extraction is accomplished through the use of the self-organizing network, the growing neural gas (GNG), which is able to topographically map the low dimensionality of the network to the high dimensionality of the contour manifold without requiring a priori knowledge of the input space structure. Moreover, our GNG landmark method is tolerant to noise and eliminates outliers. Our method accelerates up to 12 times the surface reconstruction and filtering processes used by the current shoe last design software. The proposed method offers higher accuracy compared with methods with similar efficiency as voxel grid.
La reconstrucción histórica de las prácticas de salud de las mujeres, tomando el caso español como campo de pruebas y modelo de análisis, constituye una de las líneas directrices de éste trabajo. Sobre la base de una importante cantidad de estudios empíricos, ajenos y propios, centrados muy en especial en el área de la enfermería, se puede delinear una imagen de conjunto sobre el trabajo sanitario de las mujeres, en el espacio geográfico y temporal objeto de nuestro estudio y contestar así a una serie de cuestiones en las que lo experto, la experiencia, la autoridad y los procesos de legitimación profesional están omnipresentes. La segunda de las vertientes abordadas es la de las mujeres como pacientes y usuarias de prácticas de salud. Las llamadas “patologías de mujeres” como la clorosis o la neurastenia y el significado histórico del protagonismo de las mujeres en las campañas y programas de educación sanitaria son otros tantos ejemplos que permiten desvelar discursos cargados de elementos ideológicos tradicionales pese a su aparente barniz de modernidad. Como principales conclusiones, hay que destacar la importancia que alcanzaron los discursos androcéntricos en temas concernientes a salud y mujer de forma global, o los más específicos como el del culto a la fecundidad para justificar unas tareas sociales diferentes y complementarias a las del hombre, además de señalar la conveniencia de explorar nuevos caminos a recorrer, tanto desde el punto de vista temático como en lo relativo a los recursos heurísticos.
La cerámica es uno de los testimonios arqueológicos más abundantes y reconocibles. Generalmente se le atribuye un importante valor histórico en tanto que informa sobre procesos socioeconómicos de gran importancia y constituye un significativo referente cronológico. No obstante, son varias las perspectivas de estudio ceramológico: sus formas de producción, las formas de distribución y comercialización y las pautas de consumo, etc. Todas ellas arrojan luz sobre aspectos que permiten estudiar las sociedades del pasado. En el caso que nos ocupa queremos discutir el valor de la cerámica en la comprensión del proceso de islamización social, es decir de integración en un nuevo sistema social y cultural. El siglo VII marca en el Mediterráneo occidental el final de un sistema económico de ámbito “mundial”, capaz de producir y distribuir cerámicas altamente estandarizadas y especializadas por todo el ámbito mediterráneo. El siglo X permite reconocer la reconstrucción de los mercados y la uniformización productiva y formal, que refleja la nueva sociedad representada en el Califato. Entre ambos extremos se abre un periodo interesante y complejo, plagado de luces y sombras, que permite reconocer tanto los procesos de reestructuración económica como la generalización de nuevos patrones culturales. En este trabajo se intentarán plantear los temas más importantes y novedosos sobre la cerámica de los siglos VII a X, a partir de varios trabajos recientes, leyendo a través de la cerámica el proceso de islamización.
In this work, we propose the use of the neural gas (NG), a neural network that uses an unsupervised Competitive Hebbian Learning (CHL) rule, to develop a reverse engineering process. This is a simple and accurate method to reconstruct objects from point clouds obtained from multiple overlapping views using low-cost sensors. In contrast to other methods that may need several stages that include downsampling, noise filtering and many other tasks, the NG automatically obtains the 3D model of the scanned objects. To demonstrate the validity of our proposal we tested our method with several models and performed a study of the neural network parameterization computing the quality of representation and also comparing results with other neural methods like growing neural gas and Kohonen maps or classical methods like Voxel Grid. We also reconstructed models acquired by low cost sensors that can be used in virtual and augmented reality environments for redesign or manipulation purposes. Since the NG algorithm has a strong computational cost we propose its acceleration. We have redesigned and implemented the NG learning algorithm to fit it onto Graphics Processing Units using CUDA. A speed-up of 180× faster is obtained compared to the sequential CPU version.
El proceso de aprendizaje de las Ciencias de la Tierra, en particular en las disciplinas de la sedimentología y petrología sedimentaria, requiere de la realización de actividades prácticas, tanto en el campo como en el laboratorio. En este contexto examinar mediante lupa binocular distintos tipos de arena supone, además de un placer estético, un buen punto de partida para introducir al alumnado en la interpretación de ambientes sedimentarios. En este trabajo se propone un taller de iniciación a la reconstrucción de ambientes sedimentarios mediante el análisis de sedimentos detríticos (principalmente arenas). Se presenta una guía de procedimientos en laboratorio que incluye el análisis de los siguientes parámetros: tamaño, composición y forma de los granos, selección y color. Para vertebrar la propuesta didáctica se examinan ejemplos “tipo” de sedimentos detríticos representativos de ambientes de depósito tanto fluviales como marinos y de transición (playa), todos ellos incluidos en diferentes puntos de la geografía de la provincia de Alicante (España).